From: (Brook Schoenfield) Newsgroups: alt.pagan Subject: Re: spirit guide Date: 14 Jul 1994 10:15:46 -0700 > petra wrote: > would someone be kind enough to explain to me how i can find a > spirit guide. i'm not aware if this is a direct part of paganism, > but any suggestions? (R. Michael Litchfield) writes: >the consensus is that one must undertake a harrowing rite of some sort Yikes! while 'harrowing rites' may be quite effective, please do not believe that this is the only way! Like anything else, patience and practice are useful, though some connect with their guide(s) almost immediately and without any trouble whatsoever. For a shamanistic/animal approach, try Michael Harner's excellent "Way of the Shaman". I have also done it like this: (the same guides came to me, and now I have many ways to reach them...) You do chakra cleaning/balancing by running energy through yourself for a while until cleaned (a month, week, ???). Then do a meditation like the following: Ground and center. Run energy through your body from the earth. Run energy down from the sky until it fills you. Go to the crown of your head (that is, your attention). See if anything/anyone is there. If not, call your guide to you. See it/he/she coming from a long way off. As it/he/she get's closer, identify it. Thank it for coming. Ask it for anything thing that you want. Ask it if it has anything to tell you. When finished, thank it and bid it goodbye. See it go away. It can be that simple. Good Luck, Brook Schoenfield: "..desire cracks open the gates. If you're ready it will take you through. But nothing lasts forever, time is the destroyer, the wheel turns again and again, watch out it will take you through." - Starhawk