From: casspa@CSOS.ORST.EDU (Paul Cass) Date: 7 Aug 93 17:32:40 GMT Thomas Eriksson <> wrote: > I had been up allnight, working on my book.. I felt tired and wary > about something.. couldnt really figure out what, but there where > this gnawing feeling inside me. I decided to `journey` down to ask > my animal for help. I went out in the woods (it was a rather warm > night so I didnt make a fire) with my drum and rattles, found a > `spot` and started the journey by dancing my animal, as usuall. As I > `fell` I noticed something in the corner of my eye. > As it was gone when I reached my animal I didnt think much of it but > I was still somewhat confused. > I started the journey home after consulting my friend and was soon > on my way, `up`... > BUT > As I had danced and was about to start a fire and have a little > tobacco.. I felt that I had brought that `corner-of-the-eye` being > (or spirit or whatever it is) up with me.. it was bothering me.. it > didnt feel good at all. as it use to. I felt weak, small and > dizzy.. and some of these feelings still `haunts` me. > I think, but I am not sure, that this `corner-of-the-eye` fella isnt > any good. Its not that I feel like Im being possesed or anything, > its just that I cant have anyone extracting it, as I am about the > only (I am the only one) one among my friends who practice > shamanism, and I feel like there is nothing I could do myself.. well > IS there anything I could do by myself. Any ideas will be > welcome.. shamanistic, wicca or otherwise, no matter, I just need > help/ideas. > Off course I did a journey down to see if I could `extract` it > myself.. but no luck.. I didnt find, and couldnt do, anything. > Please help me in this matter.. thanks. Our knowledge and use of shamanism is probably less than your own, and we are therefore somewhat hesitant to offer advice. However, what you are going through sounds particularly unpleasant and we'd like to help. Our best Shaman book suggests that most physical symptoms such as you mention come from some blockage or attachment to one of your seven tunnels. The book suggests concentrating on each tunnel, clearing out any slime or strings, renewing the vibrancy of each tunnel's color. To protect each tunnel, the book suggests asking your guardian animal to assign a separate power animal to each tunnel, one that will represent the tunnel and is in affinity with your spirit body. These tunnel guardians should be asked to report any unbalances and to restore power to a tunnel and be thanked for sticking around and protecting you. It would seem like the Sixth Tunnel, relating to the eyes and vision might be the one you have difficulty in. The book suggests that if you find something or someone has entered a tunnel, you intensify the color, clean it out and then print your name on the walls of that tunnel - to re-own your tunnel. We find it interesting that you should be working on a book and having difficulty at the time this happened. The sense of sight being so tied up with clarity etc. Let us know what happens. Definitly sounds like something to take care of. BB casspa and casspe