Letters Letter From the Editor Letter From the Editor Welcome to the August issue of Morning Star. This is our eleventh edition and all of us on the staff as well as our readers offer our praise to God for His faithfulness in enabling people from all over the world to receive this magazine. So far, Morning Star has been read in the U.S., Canada, England, Ireland, France, Norway, Finland, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Chad, China, Japan, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand. Not all these doors are still open however. We have lost some contacts, so please continue in prayer for continued success in distribution. If you know of believers in other countries and would like to help in distribution, please contact us via our Post Office box or one of our electronic mailing addresses. This month we have "Bible Study" as a theme to our Feature area as well as several of our regular columns. If you wish to make a literary contribution, you can submit an article for one of our regular columns or "tailor" one for one of our future Feature area themes. Here is the lineup of themes for the five issues beginning with Volume 2.1, our October edition. Vol 2.1 (Oct) - 1990's EVANGELISM (Computers, faxes, film, radio etc.) Vol 2.2 (Nov) - PASTORS AND MINISTERS (Testimonies and stories) Vol 2.3 (Dec) - MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES Vol 2.4 (Jan) - MEN'S ISSUES Vol 2.5 (Feb) - MESSIANIC STUDIES I would add that if you support any missionaries, especially those in other countries, you might want to contact them right away and ask them to put together a story on their personal experiences and mail it back to you as soon as possible. Feature stories should be between 1000 to 2500 words long. Though we prefer material to be sent in on computer disks, neatly typed documents are acceptable. Don't forget, we are always looking to hear from our readers and publish your comments in our Letters section. Please write to us! In service to Jesus the Messiah, Toby Trudel MORNING STAR accepts literary contributions from believers wherever they may live. It is our policy to publish testimonies as they are originally submitted with minimal alteration of the text. Opinions stated in these testimonies do not necessarily reflect those of the MORNING STAR staff. The content of MORNING STAR does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any computer network. Your Letters Your Letters "I am half done with the June Morning Star magazine. It is excellent! I have given it to two friends already who likewise enjoy the excellent articles included in it! May God richly bless you as you strive to influence men and women, boys and girls for Jesus Christ!!" George E. Gray Pasadena, Texas "Thanks, I enjoyed it. There is a lot of interesting stuff in there." David Messersmith Houston, Texas "We're now carrying Morning Star magazine on our BBS, and have the MSDOOR installed and running. Please ad us to your supporting BBS list" Ben Waggoner Pinellas Park, Florida The SALT SHAKER BBS (813) 544-3793 "I've just downloaded Morning Star on Compuserve. I am located in the United Kingdom, a born-again Christian with journalism, design and computer skills. Can I help with spreading MS over here?" David Johnston United Kingdom "Yes, we do have Morning Star Magazine online. It is excellent!" Anton Hein Denver, Colorado Electronic Library (303) 935-6232 Commentary Commentary In this month's column we present a guest editorial from one of our readers, Mr. K. David Kragen of Bainbridge Island, Washington. I am writing in reference to the article entitled "GABLERS DISCOVER AMAZING FACTUAL ERRORS IN SECULAR TEXTBOOKS," which appeared in the Education column of the June 1992 Issue. Although I heard this information about textbook errors on National Public Radio some months ago, it is good you included it in Morning Star. Thank you. On the whole the article was good, including the writer's analysis of the problems with public school textbooks. (Keep in mind, though, that the burden of guilt rests as much or more with the text book publishing industry, which has been ripping off schools as well as the public for years!) The last line of the article, however, was especially unfortunate both in its sweeping over generalization and in its tendency to mislead. It reads: "When I contemplate all of this I thank God for Christian schools where students are exposed to a complete picture of truth - not a censored version of reality." My concern is twofold. First, while some Christian schools may be more academic, scholarly, and truth teaching than their public school counterparts, by no means do all Christian schools achieve the ideal of teaching "a complete picture of truth" or "an uncensored version of reality." Many Christian schools present a sadly skewed version of history, often countering the liberal bias found in public schools with an equally biased right wing, conservative view. Where public schools tend to purposefully ignore all aspects of religious reality, specifically Christian or Jewish history, Christian schools too often do the same with other aspects of history, e.g., on Central America, or the U.S. and Native Americans, or the Vietnam War. My second concern is that the article's concluding lines ignore, neglect, and fail to acknowledge the too often thankless dedication and perennial efforts of those Christian teachers who choose to work and witness in public schools. And there are many of them out there! (Of course, there are some good and scholarly non Christian teachers bucking the secular biased system as well.) We must never forget that there are Christian teachers in the public schools who have learned how to work within the system, who can skillfully weave into their often state mandated curriculum the whole truth and picture of human experience: historical, scientific, political, educational, AND religious. I would suggest Morning Star include an article on Christian teachers in public schools, both the difficulties and the successes of their work. But keep in mind that teachers can only submit articles in the summer, because they are killing themselves at their jobs throughout the school year! May God continue to bless the work of Morning Star as it ministers to people in the public marketplace of the electronic world! Great work! K. David Kragen Staff List Morning Star Staff List MORNING STAR STAFF LIST EDITOR IN CHIEF Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH SENIOR EDITOR - Biblical Department Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA SENIOR EDITOR - Christian Life Department Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, PA SENIOR LITERARY EDITOR Al Murillo III - El Paso, TX ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jerry Johnson - Modesto, CA Clark Stephens - Huntington Beach, CA Dale Strand - Dublin, CA J.C. Trudel - Naples Park, FL Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA SENIOR PUBLISHER - DOS and WINDOWS Editions Steve Paulovich - Derry, NH NETWORK DISTRIBUTION AMERICA ONLINE Network: Jerry White - Germantown, MD COMPUSERVE Network: Jorge Lopez - Lubbock, TX GENIE Network: Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA DELPHI Network: Derrick Shipman - Greenville, SC DIRECTOR OF BBS DISTRIBUTION - USA Walter H. Bauer Jr. - Sugar Land, TX MSDOOR PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION Alan Graff - Wheelersburg, Ohio INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION Sharon Sanders - Jerusalem, Israel Lars Storstrand - Minde, Norway Peter Cunliffe - Noisiel, France Roger J. Obe - Iloilo City, Philippines Scott Walters - Punchbowl, NSW, Australia David Faris - Yaounde, Cameroun OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Patrick Auriemma - Nashua, N.H. Features Studying God's Word Studying God's Word by Ralph Rechnitz Editors Note: The Morning Star staff endorses and recommends thorough and complete studies of the ENTIRE scriptures, both old and new testaments, since it is only as we apply God's whole message to our lives, that we can live in accordance with His perfect will. The following recommendations for study are not meant to be substitutes for your COMPLETE study program. Rather, they are suggested enhancements that may be used as extra, over-and-above adventures in the Word, as we "study to show ourselves approved unto God". STUDYING GOD'S WORD By Ralph Rechnitz Danville, California BIBLE STUDY ... how often we as Christians look at it as something we HAVE to do, instead of something we WANT to do (such as a child brushing his teeth). As a result, it becomes a dry, listless regimen we try to go through in order to "please" God or live up to the church's standards for our devotional life. The fact is that studying the Word of God can be one of the most exciting things that happens in the course of your day. The whole world wants God to speak to them and yet we have His perfect will revealed to us in this book we call" the Bible". The mystery of the ages revealed! What's even more powerful than that is the fact that God actually will and does speak to us individually through His word. It's one thing to read the written word ("logos" in Greek). But it's quite another thing to hear the spoken word ("rhema") from God! This is the phenomenon that happens when God takes His word, breathes life into it, and makes it come alive on the inside of us concerning a specific area of our life. God desires for us to receive this type of experience with Him, but it can only happen through a consistent life spent seeking Him through His Word. This should be our goal in reading the scripture - hearing from God Himself, not just satisfying some religious regimen. Now that we have established our goal, how do we enter into a consistent, daily time in the Word? I've used something that was passed on to me which has helped tremendously. Two very important books of the Bible are Psalms and Proverbs. The Psalms reveal to us the HEART of God and put us in the posture of WORSHIP. The Proverbs reveal the MIND of God and provide us with His WISDOM for practical application in our daily living. As we line up with these two aspects of God's character on a daily basis, it's very hard to step out of His will for our lives. Now, to have a daily goal of reading, we first need a monthly goal. There are 150 chapters in Psalms and 31 chapters in Proverbs. Therefore, if we read five chapters of Psalms and one chapter of Proverbs each day, we can read both books through on a monthly basis. This means we will be getting a constant feeding of the heart and mind of God on a daily and monthly basis. Add to that one chapter each day from the Epistles (God's love letters to the Church) and we have a very well-rounded, consistent spiritual meal. This program has helped me tremendously and I believe it will do wonders for you as well. It is amazing how God can emphasize different portions of the scripture every month and every day and speak directly into the specific situations and areas of our lives. The Word of God is one of the most important weapons of our warfare. It is the sword of the spirit (See Ephesians 6:17). It is the only weapon which is not defensive, but OFFENSIVE against the devices of the enemy. We need to read it, hear it, speak it and LIVE it for a daily victorious life in Christ! It Is Good It Is Good by Dale Strand IT IS GOOD By Dale Strand Dublin, California Advertising bombards us daily with products that claim they are "good for us". And we've probably purchased some of those products, based on our believing their claims. Whether it's cars, medicine, vacation spots, savings institution deals or many other products that even require labels warning that their use can kill you, many people continue to believe that they are indeed, "good for them". The Bible is filled with directions from the heart of God that tell us the truth about what is "good for us". Following are just a few of them: 1. IT IS A GOOD THING to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto Thy Name, O most High. Psalm 92:1 2. IT IS A GOOD THING that the heart be established with grace. Hebrews 13:9 3. IT IS GOOD FOR ME to draw near to God. Psalm 73:28 4. IT IS GOOD (to) hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:26 5. IT IS GOOD (to) bear the yoke in (your) youth. Lamentations 3:27 6. IT IS GOOD (to do nothing) whereby your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak. Romans 14:21 7. IT IS GOOD to be zealously affected always in a good thing. Galatians 4:18 True Colors True Colors by Allan Jump TRUE COLORS By Allan Jump Oakland, California When the Apostle John went through the door that opened in heaven, he saw sights and heard sounds that were so fantastic and meaningful, human words could hardly be found to give adequate description. The first sight John saw in Revelation 4:1-3, was God sitting on the throne of heaven. As John began to describe what he saw, he did not begin with details of form or dimension, but with colors. Both in the Old and New Testaments, numbers and colors are not just arbitrary or one dimensional, but have deep spiritual significance and teach about God's nature and attributes. Seeing this awe-inspiring sight must have left an indelible impression on John and inspired him in the rest of his words in the Revelation. The great composer, George Handel was once asked what inspired him to write his famous oratorio, "The Messiah". To the inquirer's amazement, Handel responded, "I saw the heavens opened and God sitting on His Great White Throne." No wonder his work increases in popularity every year. The first thing John saw was someone sitting on the throne who had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. "Jasper", in Biblical times, was the word for what we know as "Diamond" today. The beauty of a diamond is not only its purity and clarity, but its ability to refract light into many colors that make up the essence of pure white light. Diamonds dazzle us with a symphony of blazing colors. Inside of the Person of God, all beauty and color resides. The brilliance of all of these colors at their point of origin gives off radiance of pure, original light. No wonder the Psalmist said, "God covers Himself with light as a garment." (Ps 1104:2). John also underscores the truth of light when he proclaimed, "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:15). The second color John saw on the throne was the carnelian or the red hue of the sarden stone. The color red symbolizes the atoning blood of Jesus Christ which takes away sin. God's provision for mankind to approach the Father of light is the holy blood of Christ, which is upon each believer giving him the benefits of sonship. In relating to our Father in heaven, He has made us holy, not by our own efforts, but by the life-gift of Christ. Paul said, "Since we have not been justified through His blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through Him." (Romans 5:9). The third color John saw was emerald green, represented in a rainbow encircling the throne. While the one sitting on the throne looked like jasper (diamond) and carnelian (blood red), the color green circled around the throne. Green is always symbolic of mercy in the Bible, and so is the rainbow. Green is also the easiest of colors to look at. No wonder we love to be out in God's creation. He made green His primary color. The emerald rainbow surrounding the throne suggests that God's presence is surrounded by mercy. In Lamentations 3:22, Jeremiah said, "It is because of the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed; His compassion never fails." Paul wrote to Titus and said, "Not because of righteous things we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us." It is wonderful to know that just a simple but sincere cry for mercy from the Lord is answered. The tax collector who cried out, "Have mercy on me" went away justified from his prayer time in contrast to the pharisee who boasted in his own religious works. (Luke 18:9-14). God desires to have mercy on all. The emerald rainbow is not hard to find. All we need to do is cry, "God have mercy." When we see the green rainbow of God's mercy, we then can appropriate the provisions of the red blood of Christ and enter in to the pure essence of fellowship with our God, the Father of Lights. John indeed described the nature of God with three colors. Victory Victory by Rev. Sandy Mabee VICTORY By Rev. Sandy Mabee, Trinity Church, Oakland, CA "Victory" is a very common word in the Christian's vocabulary. We all desire and even struggle to possess it; but the truth is, many Christians are lacking in both their understanding and possession of "the victory". To have a victory without a battle is incomprehensible to the natural mind. Society's sense of victory is something that follows or is a result of a challenge. In the sports world, the victory comes after an intense competition. In the world of education, victory comes after one masters a subject. In the military, victory comes after a battle. But we, as God's people, must understand that the spiritual principles of victory are opposite to natural principles. In the natural realm, victory comes after a battle, but in the spirit, victory comes without a battle, because the Lord has already battled and triumphed over every power of darkness. Therefore, this is why the scriptures say, "for My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord". (Isaiah 55:8) The word "victory" in the Bible, means salvation or deliverance. Both salvation and deliverance are gifts that are received through grace and not through works. Victory then is a "gift of grace", or a "gift of deliverance". Look at Exodus, chapter 33, where God is instructing Moses to take the people and go to the land that He promised to give Abraham. In verse 12, Moses reveals his distress. He is facing the challenge of taking a rebellious group of people into a land filled with "...ites", those enemies that would surely surround and slaughter the people of God. But God did not respond to Moses' fear with a strategic battle plan, nor with a promise to send an army to fight on behalf of Moses. Instead, He said, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest". The first key then, to having the victory and receiving deliverance, is in acknowledging that God wants to fight your battles. Scripture tells us in Ist Samuel 17:47, that "the battle is the Lords". Psalm 24:8 says that, "He is mighty in battle". So, we must be willing to submit the battle to Him and resist the human tendency of temptation to take the matter into our own hands and fight the battle ourselves. For if we should fight and win, then we would also be tempted to take the glory for ourselves. But, if we allow Him to fight and win our battles, then we will give all the glory to Him. For the scripture says, "to Him be all the glory". The second key to having the victory, is being in His presence. We enter His presence when we begin to praise Him. The scripture teaches us in Psalm 22:3, that "He inhabits the praises of His people". This means that His presence will be with us as we focus our attention on His greatness, His love and mercy and His power to deliver. Consider 2nd Chronicles chapter 20, where Jehoshaphat and the Israelites were being threatened by three enemy nations. Surely a "battle" was at hand. But what did God say? He told them through the prophet that "the battle is not yours, but God's ... take your position, stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you" (verses 15-17). So Jehoshaphat, being of a spiritual mind, did the one thing that made any spiritual sense: He positioned the praisers on the front line of their army and commissioned them to praise God for the splendor of His holiness and to proclaim to the forces of evil, that God's mercy endures forever. God Himself inhabited their praises. His presence was with them and no foe could stand in His presence. God won the victory and the people experienced a divine deliverance. Today, we, as Christians, are still surrounded by enemies. We are being attacked by the powers of darkness from every possible angle and in every part of our lives. But the spiritual principles of victory are the same today as they were for Moses and Jehoshaphat. Submit the battle to the Lord and praise Him for the victory. Our hope, rest, joy, and strength, come only by being in His presence. Therefore, the wise Christian will choose to have his mouth continually filled with the praises of God. God will inhabit those praises, and there, in His presence, will be fullness of joy. That joy will become your strength. For this reason, praise and victory go hand in hand. Praise is ours for the giving and victory is ours for the receiving. So, let us take the scriptures seriously. Let us begin to develop our praise-life. It is a vital step toward walking in victory every day. What the Bible Says About People Skills What the Bible Says About People Skills by Dale E. Strand WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT PEOPLE SKILLS By Dale E. Strand Dublin, California Dozens of "How To" books fill the counters of the business sections of book stores throughout America. And people scrambling to "get ahead" flock to the stores, searching for the right formula, the special "magic" to give them a jump on their competitors, to keep them on the cutting edge as they claw their way up the ladder of "success". Most of these books will touch on, if not spend a great deal of time on relationships and people skills, for without them it is unlikely that anyone can find the coveted favor they seek with the "higher ups" in their organization. What they don't mention, however, is that the Holy Bible has more to say about keys to successful relationships than any other book ever written. And, whether the authors know it or not, their "insight" concerning relationships was covered a long time ago by the One who knows more about human relationships than anybody - the Master of relationships and life - The Lord God Almighty. Here's what He says: 1. Give a soft answer (Pro. 15:1) 2. Be peaceable with everyone (Rom. 12:18) 3. Avoid wrath (anger) (Jam. 1:20) 4. Agree with your adversaries quickly (Mat. 5:25) 5. Be kind, show love, put others first (Rom. 12:10) 6. Be tenderhearted, forgiving (Eph. 4:32, Col. 3:13) 7. Don't lie to anyone (Col. 3:9) 8. Give instruction in righteousness (Heb. 3:13) 9. Motivate toward excellence (Heb. 10:24) 10. Be honest with everyone (Rom. 12:17) 11. Don't be judgmental (Rom. 14:13) 12. Minister to others at their point of need (I Pet. 4:10) 13. Be subject to others and clothed with humility (I Pet. 5:5) 14. Be hospitable and without grudging (I Pet. 4:9) 15. Share others burdens (Gal. 6:2) 16. Walk in love (Eph. 5:2) 17. Admit your faults and pray one for another (Jas. 5:16) 18. Be patient and not proud (Ecc. 7:8, I Thes. 5:14) 19. Esteem others better than yourself (Phil. 2:3) Reading the Bible Devotionally Reading the Bible Devotionally by Larry Ballew READING THE BIBLE DEVOTIONALLY By Larry Ballew Adapted from an article in PIONEER PASSAGES, a monthly publication of First Baptist Church, San Francisco, California. Reprinted from the JEWS FOR JESUS NEWSLETTER. Many Christians like to use a devotional guide for their regular quiet time. before the Lord. While such books can be helpful and uplifting, they can result in a somewhat superficial devotional time. Really reading the Bible devotionally involves more than the perfunctory reading of a given "verse of the day" and its accompanying explanatory notes. Devotional Bible reading ought to be an in-depth experience that will not only bring us into closer fellowship with God, but draw us into His mind and His purpose for our lives. In analytical Bible study, we note the content and the context of a particular passage and what it meant to the people of that day. In devotional reading we must ask ourselves what the passage means to us. Certain questions can help us apply a passage of Scripture to our personal situation. The following are some good questions to ask: 1. What does the passage say to me? 2. What stands out in my mind as I read it? 3. What does it teach me about God? 4. What does it teach me about myself? 5. How can I apply this to my life? Perhaps an even more important concern is whether or not we meet God as we read. To hear God's Word and feel His touch on our hearts brings personal meaning and value to devotional Bible reading. In order to experience this personal impact we need to affirm that God's Word is contemporaneous. In other words, we must know that what the Bible authors wrote two, three or four thousand years ago, is still true and is applicable to our lives today. When Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, He might just as well have been speaking to some Wall Street stockbrokers on their lunch break, or a Grange meeting of midwestern wheat farmers, or a group of university students sipping Cokes at the student union. When He fed the 5,000, it might have been hamburgers and fries instead of bread and fish. All of Scripture is just as relevant today as it was when the events first happened and were first recorded. The words given by the Holy Spirit are alive and meaningful for each of us today. The devotional style of reading God's Word is more difficult than analytical Bible study because it requires us to be silent and allow God to speak to us through the text. This does not come easily or naturally. It requires working on a particular text until God uses it to strike an inner chord that will resonate throughout our being, bringing a changed character along with an increased understanding of who God is and what He desires from us. This style of devotional reading is difficult because it can be learned only through patient perseverance. Patience is the most difficult part of all. God does not always speak loudly or according to our schedule. In our fast-paced culture we expect instant everything. We are seldom willing to wait for anything, including the touch of God. To benefit from devotional Bible reading, we must be willing to read one passage of text again and again and wait for God to speak to us. To benefit from this style of reading means laying aside all of our pride, all our preconceived notions about a text, and all our resistance to change our view of God and of life. This is a difficult way to read the Bible because it takes so much time. It requires more practice and diligence than any other. But the rewards are incalculable. because to feel the touch of God is to be changed forever. Gehenna Gehenna by Mark Robinson GEHENNA By Mark Robinson Overland Park, Kansas The topic of Hell is one that modern day Christians have come to discuss less frequently, through no fault of their own. Teachings from the pulpit have reacted with timidity to accusations of "hell fire and brimstone" messages. As a result the shepherd is down playing the reality of Gehenna to his sheep. The Worldwide Church of God is one such organization which completely dismisses the reality of hell, calling it a misinterpretation of scriptures. Present day theologians typically down play the area and teachings of Gehenna, more commonly and vernacularly known as, "Hell." Recently there was an exception to this trend which resulted in an enlightening and interesting exposition. The topic of discussion went something like, "Why did God even create Hell in the first place?" The premise is one that appears to be rather solidly based and went along the following lines; "Hell was initially created for the punishment of Satan and his band of rebel angels. Hell is intended to be the place of torment and punishment for Lucifer. People have heard of the 'Lake of Fire'. As people willingly follow the temptation and leadership of the Prince of Darkness rather than the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they choose to bring upon themselves the same penalty for sin and the same punishment as that which Satan will suffer." Understand the logic behind God's creation of Hell by asking, "For whom has hell or Gehenna been created?" Satan, fallen angels - servants of Lucifer, and all souls who have denied the atoning work of Christ on the cross. To be sure, this area of God's love doesn't sound all that kind or comfortable! It's not sugar coated and "peaches and cream" nice. Then again, when a person freely chooses to follow Satan; that is, lie, cheat, steal, murder, slander, covet, et cetera, why should one rightly expect any better reward? Our standard is the complete righteousness of God. Only through Christ are we clean before Him. Simply put, isn't the denial and rejection of Christ equally wrong and worthy of punishment? Remember that to deny Christ is to belittle His sacrificial death. To deny God's plan for salvation is to defiantly place ourselves in the position of a "god" who can provide for the salvation of ones own soul. When Satan strove to become "like the Most High" he committed the act of high treason which erupted in a spiritual war which still rages! When someone implies that Christ died in vain, he immediately plays into the schemes of the evil one. Think for a moment. When the Biblical teachings on Gehenna present such a graphic idea of what awaits the unrepentant heart, why under heavens' name would anyone deny the Lordship of Jesus Christ? Why would anyone hesitate to accept the Good News of Jesus Christ when a believer offers the plan of salvation? Fear of God is the beginning of righteousness, yet He does not wish to intimidate us into submission. On the contrary He does want our hearts to grow such that we call Him, "Abba, Father" - our "daddy". The contemporary church does need to maintain its message of Christ's love, His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, the power which He instills into each believer. At the same time, the contemporary church is guilty of negligence if it doesn't also teach that there are consequences of sin and denial of Christ. God did not create Hell exclusively as a means of negative reward. Far from it! Christianity is an abundant life-style, full of so many positive blessings that we couldn't begin to list them even if we tried. Growing into the joy of Christ - the love of God is enough of a positive motivator in and of itself! If a statistical analyst were to survey those who genuinely accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, one will find that few babes in Christ are buying the divine "Fire Insurance" policy. Salvation simply doesn't work that way. The Holy Spirit doesn't call individuals unto Him through intimidation, horror or abuse. People receiving the Gospel message of Jesus Christ choose to be regenerated, cleansed, washed "white as snow" and redeemed from the guilt of their sins. However, let's not excuse the lack of instruction on the tenet of 'Gehenna' and ignore it's actuality. Numerous preachers try to smooth over the terror of hell by excusing it as a "separation from God". This is a classically exaggerated euphemism! This is also only half the truth! Gehenna - eternal hell - as the Bible describes it is not only a separation from God, but bondage to the punishment Satan has wrought for himself. People who have studied the Word have seen the vivid portrayal that has become generally known as "Fire and Brimstone". There are other clues from passages that would seem to indicate that only a Nuclear war would give us a "hint" of what is involved with the pure, unadulterated, untamed fires of hell - where the worm never dies. Why else would He create the eternal place of torment? Christ used the term "Gehenna", a reference to the Valley of Hinnom. This area was a border area of the city of Jerusalem used as the public refuse pile. The citizenry would take their garbage there and set it ablaze to sanitize the filth and control disease. The population of the Jewish community regularly took their garbage to the refuse pile - so often that these sanitizing fires were constantly burning, always ablaze. Christ was using terminology which gave the hearer the concept that those who found themselves in Gehenna would be like that refuse which was dumped among the garbage and set afire. He also gave precise qualifications for avoiding such a fate - "No man comes to the Father but by me." If the person doesn't go to the Father, to whom does he go? Understand that an attribute of God is that He is a "Just" God; meaning that people are given a divinely fair chance to receive the loving grace of God. People are not free from the responsibility for their actions and "free will" decisions. Every individual is fully accountable for the condition of his or her soul. This means that when a persons soul is required of him, he needs to be prepared to face the fruition of his ways. He will either be covered by the blood of Christ or he won't be. God has given His creation a completely free and independent will - a free choice to either accept or reject the atoning work of the Messiah. Suppose the omnipotent Creator made the decision for people to arbitrarily save us from the eternal torment. Suppose that in His infinite wisdom He created preprogrammed intelligent robots which would be eternally submissive. Would this allow Him to receive a greater degree of Glory and honor? If heaven were filled with souls who had no choice except to follow Him, where is the victory? Does God not bring to Himself greater glory and honor by receiving the free will adoration and praise of those who believe? Nobody can honestly offer Christ only as the one true "fire insurance" policy. The fact is that the Lord is constantly and always at ones side; helping, consoling, comforting, encouraging, guiding and loving His children. This is the fact of life from day one of becoming a Christian. It isn't always easy, but one can be eternally secure in the firm knowledge of salvation and life with God! God has given us the ability and freedom to accept or deny. The denial results in death and suffering. The reward is even now being prepared for those who believe - a mansion in heaven, a dwelling place in His presence! Heaven is easily accessible through Christ Jesus. It's readily accessible and can be attained today by calling upon Christ as your personal savior. Biblical Department New In Christ New In Christ "New in Christ" is a regular MORNING STAR column written primarily for people who wish to learn more about the basic teachings of Biblical Christianity. The editorial staff at MORNING STAR encourages all readers to freely use this information to help new Christians grow in their walk with the Lord. GONE TO SEED By Rick Booye Eagle Point, Oregon Seeds are interesting. They're pretty much everywhere, too. I got one stuck in my tooth the other day. And several more in my shoe. They congregate under the wiper blades of my car, of all places. Our cats and dog need to be de-seeded regularly in the spring and summer, as do my socks when I am foolish enough not to wear boots into the field outside our house. Some seeds fall from the trees around our place and cover the ground so thoroughly that walking is like roller skating. Others flutter down like tiny, quiet helicopters invading the yard. Big trees can sometimes produce big seeds, or at least big packages for their small seeds. When I was a boy we used to throw pine cone grenades into each other's bunkers. I never knew they were part of the plan of regeneration for the world of trees. We used to sit, barefoot on the curb at our uncle's ranch and spit little black ones out into the vineyard as far as we could. A gaggle of skinny little brown kids having summer fun and spreading watermelon life into the grape kingdom. Every living thing springs from and produces a seed of some sort. All plants and animals were once seeds (animal seeds are often called sperm or eggs, but they do the same thing). And even though the process of fertilization and reproduction may vary from species to species, the created order lives by the perpetual passing along of life inherited from previous generations. Nothing creates itself. If a thing has life, it must have gotten it somewhere else, from parents. It must have begun as a lowly seed. This all started in a beautiful garden, long, long ago, a garden with all the first seeds, a place where there was life on loan from the only One who needed no seed because He always was alive - and always will be. It should come as no surprise, then, that His Book uses the metaphor of seed in a rich variety of ways. "Abraham's seed" refers variously to the Jews (John 8:37); to the Messiah (Gal. 3:16); and to those who, like Abraham of old, would put real faith in the Lord of the universe, giving their lives to His Son and inheriting the new covenant (Gal. 3:26-29). The passing along of spiritual life and faith is like the planting of seeds. The resulting harvest of souls brings joy to the heart of the Gardener. The gospel is said to be like seed (Matt. 13:18-23). It gets sown into the soil of humanity's fallenness and begets eternal life. That life in turn bears fruit which, if you think about it, is just another word for more seed. We who have been born of the Spirit are described as being "begotten" by the imperishable seed of the word of God - the preaching of Christ (I Pet. 1:23). Jesus called Himself a seed. Did you know that? It's in John's gospel, the twelfth chapter, verses 23-27. "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be. My Father will honor the one who serves me." He uttered these famous words the day after the "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem, just a few days before he was crucified. The falling and dying He refers to is, of course, His own death and burial, followed by the springing forth of resurrection life, poured out richly upon anyone who puts vital faith in Him (Titus 3:4-7). By giving His life, He becomes the Life Giver. He seems also to be making the point that we are in some small way seeds ourselves. I think that's what He's getting at when he refers to hating (ignoring) this life in favor of the next one. He wants us to see that the value in being a seed is found in it's sowing and resultant multiplication, rather than in preserving its "seedness". The real glory of human life is discovered in losing it to Him, being sown for His kingdom. An unsown seed is really a useless item when you consider it. I mean, what does it do? Nothing, except sit around with other unsown seeds in some bag or packet. True, it would have lots of company, but where's the purpose? What if a bunch of kernels decided it was really much better to be seeds than to grow into fruit-bearing plants. What if they developed a well articulated kernel-philosophy that stated the glories of seediness, and then taught it to all the other seeds they could find. It might sell real well. Gradually the idea would develop that just being a seed was a special sort of calling after all, and that seeds in their unsprouted beauty should be left to glory in their original form. This would appeal to seeds of all shapes and sizes. Away with the agony of brokenness and cultivation and loss of the seed's identity! Up with seeds! In their neat, sterile little homes, seeds would have pictures of - seeds! See how handsome that one is and how famous this other is. The ultimate goal would be to achieve bigger and better seedhood. "Golden Kernel" awards could be given to the most outstanding nuts. In such a world the sight of a sprouted seed would be revolting. "Well, just look at her." they would say, "She's all broken and split and really half the seed she used to be. And the soil all around her! Why, it's just disgusting. And look at him. He had such seed-potential, too. What a shame he had to get planted. He could have been the master of his fate, the captain of his ship. What a wonderful kernel he would have made. Now he'll have to settle for obscurity being a tree. Too bad." But don't try telling the young tree that. Seeds and trees think differently about a lot of things. Trees like growing stronger in ways seeds will never understand. Seeds tend to wonder what they're here for. Trees know. Seeds cling to the little, short, dry life they have. Trees lose themselves in the rooted fruitfulness of a greater life than they could have imagined. Seeds try desperately to squeeze a tiny drop of the water of life out of this existence. Trees evaporate enough water to cultivate the earth. Seeds are forever fearful of losing their seediness. Trees have left the husk behind in favor of the life for which they were created. Yeah, too bad about those sprouted seeds ... Other references are: Phil. 3:7-8; 13-15; 20-21; John. 15:8. Blessings to you! Pastor Rick Booye Trail Christian Fellowship 18881 Highway 62 Eagle Point, OR 97524 Bible Study Bible Study This issue features a study of 2nd Thessalonians, Chapter 3. This is the third part of a three-part series. Future studies will include Psalms, and books from both the Old and New Covenants. GET A JOB 2nd Thessalonians, Chapter 3 About fifteen plus years ago, my wife and I were involved with a church in San Francisco, California. This church was one of the first to become involved in the small group movement. We participated in what were called growth groups, modeled after the pattern developed by "Churches Alive," a ministry dedicated to starting small groups in local churches. We had already been involved in an eighteen-month pilot program, meeting every week, and using Navigator materials. This program included the Topical Memory Course as well as training in evangelistic outreach. That first group had been very easy to lead. It included people who would be leading other groups, as well as the pastor. The second time we went through the program, it was with a new group. These people were a lot more interesting, but also more of a challenge. I remember one woman in her late thirties. She decided that it was time for her to get married. One week she asked if we would pray for a husband for her. The next week she panicked, feeling that she was too set in her ways. But it was already too late, for the Lord sent a man into her life during that one week, and later that year they were married. There is another individual who came to mind as I was looking over the passage for this article. He was a young single who lived by receiving "crazy" money from the state. Knowing him, the group assumed that when the money had been authorized, he probably deserved it. Although he was strange, there was no question that he was capable of taking care of himself. For several weeks, the group prayed for him. The members kept reminding him of his responsibility as a believer. He needed to become a reputable member of society. Without pulling any punches we told him: "Get a Job." And interestingly enough, he listened too well; for he went out and got two jobs. Pretty soon he barely had enough time for the Lord. Anyway, our big concern for him was that he would understand the following: as Christians, we are to be responsible members of our community. This is part of the concern Paul expressed to the Thessalonians in the last part of this letter. The details of the first two chapters of 2 Thessalonians are found in Morning Star, Issues 9 & 10. In chapter 3, Paul encourages the Thessalonians to get back on track. The important issue wasn't prophetic, though prophecy is important. The true focus must be on spreading the message of salvation. And so, Paul requests them to pray that the work wouldn't be hindered. He desires the rapid expansion of the ministry of the word and that it will be well received. Thus Paul completes his main argument. Next, he moves on to a secondary concern. This had arisen out of the Thessalonians' fears regarding the Day of the Lord. Paul teaches that the walk of faith can't be grounded in the latest theological fad. Finally, the passage demonstrates that being a responsible member of society is a major part of effective Christian witness. Beyond these concerns, Paul also desires prayer for protection from those wicked men who interfere with his work. It is generally accepted that Paul is referring here to those Jews back in Corinth who had tried to stop him. "While Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews made a united attack on Paul and brought him into court" (Acts 18:12ff). But, although men are unfaithful, God isn't. Paul may have not only been encouraging the believers, but himself as well. It wouldn't be surprising if he, as we have too, said one time or another, "This would be a great world if it weren't for people." As Paul asks for prayer, he once again is reminded just how much the Lord had been doing among the Thessalonians. While his confidence couldn't be grounded on people, it certainly could be in God. Paul had no doubt that the Lord would continue to work with these believers helping them grow and be obedient to God's Word. So he prayed that they would be led by the Lord, and that they would continue to have the necessary perseverance. On the other hand, Paul has to bring up one more concern about something going on in the church. Now you might ask, "What does this warning against idleness have to do with what has been already stated?" Paul had previously expressed concern because the Thessalonians thought the Day of the Lord had arrived. Apparently, there was another result of this misunderstanding. Some Thessalonians, believing the Day of the Lord had already arrived, felt they didn't have time or possibly need to earn a living. Other believers, although on the right track, were excessively focused on the urgency of getting out the gospel. As a result, they believed they must be about the Lord's business constantly, even neglecting their responsibility to earn money. Paul implies there was a lack of sincerity beyond this behavior. The real problem is laziness not spirituality. As the saying goes, "So heavenly bound that they're no earthly good." The appearance of spirituality may have been simply a cover-up for excusing irresponsible behavior. This view is reinforced by Paul telling the responsible Thessalonians to stay away from the idle ones. The primary reason for this was because of their direct disobedience of Paul's teachings. This meant that discipline had to be exercised and the miscreants cut off. Paul uses himself as the example of how they should choose to live. As a minister of the gospel, he was entitled to be supported by the believers. But he had chosen not to exercise this right. Instead, he had paid his own way. He wanted to emphasize the principle that believers were not to be a burden on either the church or society at large. Paul worked as a tent maker in addition to his ministry. He did this so he wouldn't burden the believers. (Acts 18:3; 1 Thessalonians 2:9) Remember that these people were suffering persecution, and so probably struggling to even be able to support themselves. The other problem with this highly spiritual group, busy with the Lord's work instead of their own, was that they were also busy with everybody else's business. They were the troublemakers in the body. And if Paul was your grandmother he'd have told them, "Idle hands are the Devil's tools. Hey guys, settle down and get a job." In conclusion, Paul reinforces the point that his call to discipline this type of behavior isn't just because of some irritating members of the body. This was a problem of sin resulting in the need for discipline and cutting off the individual from the body. (Remember that discipline has a two- fold purpose: restoration of the sinner, and protection of the body.) Paul reiterates this so there would be no question as to how serious he considers this kind of behavior. It reflects negatively on the individual, the body, and ultimately the Lord Himself. And so Paul closes the letter with a reminder that the Lord is the one who is the source of their peace, and reminding them that He would always be with them. Finally, a correct understanding of Scripture doesn't always translate into proper behavior. The Thessalonians understood quite correctly that the Lord could return at any time. This led to a misunderstanding of the tribulation in which they found themselves, causing them a great deal of emotional stress. Paul corrected this with his letter. But there was a second group that apparently chose to take the teaching of the return of Christ and its valid corollary of the urgent need for giving out the gospel as an excuse for being parasites on society. They said, in effect, that because the Lord will return at any moment, we must give our time to spiritual matters and not be concerned with day-to-day life. This is nothing new, and the problem hasn't gone away. Yes, the Lord can return at any moment. This is our hope and comfort. But, we are to continue living until He comes. Yes, the giving of the gospel is urgent. This is not just because the Lord can return momentarily and remove His church, so the world can enter the Tribulation. It is also urgent because we have no idea how much time we have as individuals to serve Him. Giving out the message is urgent because we also have no idea how long the recipient has to receive and act on it. We must be balanced in handling Scripture, stressing those truths vital to Salvation, and to the gospel, and then apply the teachings for walk and work in a balanced manner. We know this is true. Look at the churches around us. Some focus on only teaching and are like the ivory tower, proud in knowledge and dead in life. Some focus on experience only and have become like the lab rat living for the drug rewarded for proper behavior. They constantly strive to recapture the "warm fuzzies" and are unequipped to live in the real world. There are those that find the Devil in every engine block. And there are those that are so concerned with prophecy and the big picture, they take no notice of the desperate lives of those right next to them. THE CHRISTIAN WALK IS A WALK OF BALANCE. And this brings up Paul's last point. Christians must be a benefit to the society around them. Now this doesn't mean you will always be perceived that way, but nevertheless, you must strive to be responsible. And that does mean paying your own way and not living off your community. But there are other ways that you can be active, to live as good citizens and therefore bring honor to the name of the Lord. You can be good employees when those around you are shirkers. You are working for the Lord, not for your employer. You can be industrious students out of a desire to please your Father in heaven. Couples must strive to strengthen marriages, so the unbelievers can see what it means to have the Lord as the focus of the marriage relationship. The Christian marriage is not perfect, but it can survive adversity and be a positive witness. And believing parents can strive to be godly parents. As a result, they can show that responsibility to the children isn't to satisfy society, but to honor God. Scripture teaches that the world will grow worse, and in fact it is doing so. But this doesn't excuse believers from trying to improve the lives of others. Jesus healed, fed and cast out demons in the midst of a society that would soon kill Him. Believers must care for those in need, the homeless, the excluded, the victims of society. The purpose for this is not only to make their lives less painful, but also so they can discover that the final answer to life isn't better circumstances, but a better relationship with God. Christians must be willing to take a stand for the pre-born, the handicapped, the elderly, all those that are unable to stand for themselves. Throughout Scripture, God expresses concern for the oppressed and promises to judge the oppressor. Believers must be responsible citizens and vote for those that hold moral positions. There is no excuse for a Christian not voting. You must be willing to speak out for those in need. You must be willing to stand for that which is Biblical truth. The most important trait we can do is to demonstrate the love of the Lord. We do this by first loving Him, and next, by being willing to love those around us. This means accepting people for who they are. After all, we are saved because God loved us while we were yet sinners. This means we can love the homosexual, while hating homosexuality. We can care for the AIDS victim, while hating their lifestyle, which is their sin. We can try to stop the murder of the pre-born, while loving the murderer. After all, God loves the sinner and hates the sin. Jesus died for the sinner. Jesus died for them as much as He died for us. Let us be willing to love them. Let us be willing to risk telling the lost of their need for full payment for their sins. Warn sinners that they face an eternity of punishment, if they are unwilling to accept the payment for that sin. Let us stand up for the wrongs in society, because we want to see God's will done here, as it is in Heaven. But let us do so in the spirit of the loving God. God was wiling to lay down His life, so the lost could be freed from their misery. Let's offer the greatest gift ever given to anyone: forgiven sins, and an eternity of peace and joy with our Lord. Let us never forget to comfort one another with the hope of that eternity and the imminent return of our Lord and Savior. "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Special Studies Special Studies SYMBOLS AND TYPES, Part II By Dr. Charles A. Wootten Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. Matoaca, Virginia The Bible is an account of God's relationship to man, a covenant relationship. We find this from the day of creation to the eternal relationship we can have with the Messiah. This is the seventh in a series of articles detailing the individual covenants found within Scripture. This issue's article is the second dealing with the subject of symbols and types. There are many symbols and types within Scripture. Some can be interrupted dogmatically and others can't. We can interpret types dogmatically when they are explained in Scripture. For example, the serpent in the wilderness is a picture of Christ. We are told this in the New Testament. On the other hand, Joseph can be taken as a picture of Christ because much of his life fulfill the pattern of Christ's life. But we can't be dogmatic in our understanding because nowhere in Scripture are we told that Joseph is a type of Christ. Keeping this distinction in mind we present the following. ------------------------ Now we shall look at types. As previously noted, a type is a prophetic representation, i.e., one thing foreshadowing another. We shall glance at the same categories as the symbols. However, this listing will be alphabetical thus crossing some categories. Abel is a type of shepherd-martyr. "Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man." Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him. " (Genesis 4:1-8). See also Hebrews 12:24. Abraham is a type of Everlasting Father with his name change from "Exalted Father" to "Father of a Multitude." (Genesis 17:1-5). Also see Isaiah 9:6-9. Abraham and Sarah together typify God and Israel. "Return, faithless people, declares the LORD, for I am your husband. I will choose you--one from a town and two from a clan--and bring you to Zion." (Jeremiah 3:14). "Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine." (Ezekiel 16:8). In the same way, Adam and Eve typify Christ and the Church. "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God." (Revelation 21:3). Also see Eph 5:23-31. In this context the guidelines that God gave are for the family IN THE LORD, and are not necessarily expected to work outside the believing home. The Angel of the Lord is the second Person of the Trinity in the capacity of God's messenger (Judges 13:15-22). At times this messenger is described as the Lord Himself (Judges 6:11-18; Exodus 3:2- 6), whereas at other times as one sent from God. The blood on door posts and lintels typify the faith application of redemption. "By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel." (Hebrews 11:28). Also see Exodus 12:12-13. The developed significance of the role of the blood points toward the blood of Christ and its application for our redemption, justification, and sanctification. "How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!" (Hebrews 9:14 ). The bruising of the head is Satan's head crushed. "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you." (Romans 16:20). The type of the bruising of the heel is Christ crucified. "Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand." (Isaiah 53:10). Our victory is a continuation of Christ's victory when He bruised the head of the serpent at Calvary. In the Greek, crush (verse 20) "suntribo" points to present victories over the powers of darkness as well as to the ultimate destruction of Satan's kingdom at the Second Coming of Christ. The consecration of priests with water, blood, and oil is a type of consecration of believers by water, blood, and Spirit. "...the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement." (I John 5:8). This is in keeping with the Law that demanded the testimony of two or three witnesses (Deuteronomy 19:15; John 8:17,18). The Exodus from Egypt typifies the departure from sin's bondage. "For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered over the desert. Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did." (I Corinthians 10:1-6). Christian liberty has its limits. History illustrates the danger of self-indulgence. Israel had redemptive experiences that parallel water baptism and eating and drinking the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 10:5-10). These same lessons apply today (vv. 11-13). This and related texts give full and strong warrant for the New Testament's believer's study of Old Testament passages, to draw lessons from assertions and analogies. Jacob typifies the anointed of Bethel (Genesis 28:17-22; II Corinthians 1:21-22) while Joseph typifies the rejected beloved Son (Genesis 37; Acts 7:8-13). Judah is the sceptered one, the ruler, the king who conquers through his praises. "The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his." (Genesis 49:10) "Then some Levites from the Kohathites and Korahites stood up and praised the LORD, the God of Israel, with very loud voice. Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, "Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful." After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: "Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever." As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated." (II Chronicles 20:19-22). II Chronicles 5:13 demonstrates the power of unity in praise, thanksgiving, and music when the sole attention is on God Himself. Here (vv. 19-22) is an excellent example of overcoming the enemy using the weapons of our warfare. The leper typifies the sinner See Leviticus 13:14. When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. "When he came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy." Then Jesus said to him, "See that you don't tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony to them." " (Matthew 8:1-4). Jesus touched the leper, exhibiting authority over both disease and the Law, which prohibited such physical contact with a leper. He then instructed the leper to show himself to the priest, balancing His authority over the Law with His commitment to it. Levi typifies the believer priest. See Deuteronomy 33:8-11 and Revelation 1:6. "And they sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth." " (Revelation 5:9-10). See the Pentateuch to understand how one should behave as a priest unto God. The gathering of manna is a type of feeding on the bread of life (Exodus 16; John 6). Melchisidek is a type of Priest-King (Genesis 14:18-20; Hebrews 7:1-7). Moses is the type of lawgiver/prophet "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him." (Deuteronomy 18:18). And, "For Moses said, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you must listen to everything he tells you." (Acts 3:22). The Red Sea crossing, (Exodus 13:14), is separation from the world by water baptism. "For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea." (1 Corinthians 10:1-2). The waters of separation typify the washing of water by the Word. This list of symbols and types are by no means complete. Many symbols and types that were omitted reveal the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. This issue will be addressed further on in this study. Not only is God revealed through shadows and types, but, as we have already seen, through His Names. During the Mosaic period there were at least two other Names of God revealed in various situations. One was JEHOVAH-NISSI and the other JEHOVAH-ROPHEKA. JEHOVHAH-NISSI means The Lord Is Our Banner. This Name reveals personal leadership by God. This Name Moses gave to the God who led them through a tremendous battle with the Amalekites by Israel under Joshua at Rephidim (Exodus 17:15; Joshua 5:13,14; Psalm 20:7). God is show here as the Lord who leads us against the enemy and in whose Name we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). This is also the alternate meaning of the Name in that "the Lord is my sign of conquest." This Name is used to declare that God will always fight to conquer the enemies of His people. God has taught us that when personal problems arise that, instead of being overwhelmed by them, we can call upon Him who will raise His standard. The odds will be defeated. JEHOVAH-ROPHEKA is the Lord that heals, or the Lord our healer. This Name reveals personal preservation. The word means to mend as a garment is mended, to repair as a building is constructed, and to cure as a diseased person is restored to health. All healing, both direct and indirect, is from God. He is our saving health. God revealed His Name to His people in the promise of health in exchange for obedience to His commandments (Exodus 15:26). God has declared the conditions for His blessings. All that is necessary to receive them is complete obedience to Him. In our next discussion we shall look at the Palestinian Covenant. The first generation of the Israelites failed to see the Promised Land and died without entering covenant rest. This series on Old Testament revelations of God will be complete in a few issues. We shall then focus on the Revelation of God in the New Testament. Much of this two-part study of symbols and types came from the book, "Interpreting the Symbols and Types," by Kevin J. Conner, Bible Temple Publications, 7545 N.E. Glisan Street, Portland, Oregon, 97213-6395. Messianic Studies Messianic Studies The Messianic Studies column explores the world of the Messianic Believer. Like the church at large, Messianic Judaism contains much diversity. It is made up of numerous views as to what it means to be a Messianic Jew, who we are, what we call ourselves and what we believe. This column will be used to explore this variety, giving the reader a broader perspective of Messianic Judaism than found elsewhere, exposing those of us who are Messianic Believers to the wide spectrum of practice found within the movement. Hopefully we will succeed in helping our Jewish brothers and sisters to understand why we follow Yeshua as our savior. We also hope that what is provided here will give our gentile readers both a better understanding of their Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as the Jewish roots of their own faith. In this month's column, we conclude our 3-part series, "Jesus the Rabbi - Was He Orthodox?". This is a transcript of an address by David Bivin given at the Christian Friends of Israel Teaching Seminar held at Christ Church, Jerusalem on May 26th 1987. JESUS, THE RABBI - WAS HE ORTHODOX? (Part 3 of a 3-part series) The sole Scriptural basis for the many blessings that an observant Jew still says daily is found in Deuteronomy 1:10. "When you have eaten your fill, thank the Lord your God for the good land He has given you". Literally the text says: "And you shall eat, and you shall be full, and you shall bless". The rabbis found in this verse justification for saying a blessing before the meal as well as after, and on many other occasions. Indeed on almost every occasion. We only have this one verse, which is the only Scriptural basis for the blessings that Orthodox Jews say even until this day, and that is simply that after you eat you are supposed to bless. And yet the Orthodox says a blessing for anything and everything. The general rule was that anything which a man enjoys requires a blessing. If a man built a house or bought something new he has to say "Blessed is He who has brought us to this moment". If one saw a place where great miracles had occurred in Israel's history, one was to say, "Blessed is He who in this place performed miracles for our ancestors". In response to a shooting star, lightning, a storm or an earthquake, one was to say "Blessed is He whose strength fills the universe". And a mountain, hill, lake, river or desert was to prompt, "Blessed is He who fashions the works of creation". There was a blessing to be said before publicly reading from the Torah, and another at the completion of the reading. A blessing after immersing oneself in a mikveh (a ritual immersion bath), a blessing upon seeing a great scholar. There was even a blessing to be said when one urinated. In fact, maybe we should read that particular blessing. Those of you who have had problems with prostate or bladder infections will appreciate how important this blessing is! At the commencement of the blessing, which starts as do all blessings with the words, "Blessed art Thou O Lord our God", you have to mention that God is the King of the Universe, because a blessing which does not mention the Kingdom of God is not a valid blessing. And this one goes: "Blessed art Thou O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who hath formed man in wisdom, and has created in him manifold orifices and manifold cavities. It is revealed and known before the Throne of Thy Glory that should one of them be opened or should one of them become obstructed, it would be impossible to exist in this land before Thee. Blessed art Thou O Lord, healer of all flesh, and wondrous of works". One was obligated to bless God for calamity and misfortune, as well as for prosperity and good fortune. For rain and for good news one says: "Blessed is He who is good and who gives good". For bad news one says: "Blessed is He who is the true judge". There is evidence that Jesus adhered to the ruling of the oral law in His use of various blessings. In conformity with the rabbis' interpretation, Jesus not only recited a blessing after meals but also said the blessing before meals. This blessing is: Baruch atah Adonai elohcynu, melcch haolam, ha-motzi lechem meen ha-aratz. (Blessed art Thou O Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth). That's a good one to learn, only a few words, and you can bless the Lord for each meal the way Jesus did. It is recorded that at the last Passover meal which Jesus and His disciples ate in Jerusalem, Jesus, "took bread and blessed and broke and gave to His disciples". Since in the Greek text there is no direct object following the verbs, "blessed", "broke" and "gave", English translators have felt it necessary to supply the word "it" after each of these verbs. The English reader therefore receives the impression that Jesus not only divided and distributed the bread, but blessed it as well. Many scholars also have understood that Jesus blessed the bread, and it is amazing how many translators of the New Testament have added "it" after the verb "blessed". This is simply a misunderstanding of the Hebraic and Jewish connotations of the word "bless". When Jesus fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fish He also "blessed, broke and gave", as He did when dining with the two disciples from Emmaus. Because of this recurring "blessed, broke and gave the bread" in the gospels, it is a common Christian misunderstanding that Jesus blessed the bread. Consequently we Christians customarily "bless the food" before we eat a meal, but no observant Jew would ever make such a mistake! One does not bless anything or anyone except God. The blessing that was said in Jesus' time before one ate was praise and thanksgiving to God who so wondrously provides food for His children. Even in His supernatural, resurrected body, Jesus, in Emmaus, did not neglect the required rabbinic blessing before the meal. One does not bless the food, nor does one ask God to bless the food, one blesses God who provided the food. We might just note here that it is a similar mistake to assume that Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fish by blessing them. What Jesus did was simply to bless God before the beginning of the meal. The miracle was not a result of the blessing, for food did not multiply on other occasions when Jesus said the blessing. This I think is a good example of how Christians' lack of knowledge of Jewish custom has led to misunderstanding an act of Jesus. In this case it has led to the development of a Christian practice which has no foundation whatsoever in Jesus' own practice or teaching. It is also an example of how a Jewish book, written for Jews can create confusion for later non-Jewish readers. Luke made it clearer for his Greek-speaking readers when he referred to Paul's practice in Acts 27:35: "He took the bread and after giving thanks to God in front of them all, He broke it and began to eat". The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus, like all observant Jews, of the first century, wore tzitziyot. (Tzitiyot are the tassels or the fringes that hung from the four corners of the outer garment or robe of a Jew of the first century). This is commanded in Numbers 15:37-41 and Deuteronomy 22:12. That Jesus wore these tzitziyot is illustrated by the story in Matthew 9:20 of the woman who had suffered from a haemorrhage for 12 years and was healed when she came up to Jesus and touched "the fringe of His garment". This Greek word is the word for the tzitziyot of the outer garment (the fringe or tassel). There is no explicit evidence offered in the gospels that Jesus also wore the phylacteries, the teffillin of the head and the arm. These are the two leather boxes which each contain four passages of Scripture inscribed on tiny parchment scrolls. These boxes are bound by leather straps, one on the forehead and one on the arm. The "arm box" contains one parchment on which all four passages were written, while the "head box" is divided into four compartments each of which contains a parchment with one of the Scripture passages written on it. Wearing these phylacteries was an observance of the commandment to bind the words of the Lord as a sign on your hand, (this should be translated arm), and let them serve as frontlets between your eyes. It might be argued that this is metaphorical language, that one is not meant to literally bind all or part of God's word to one's arm or forehead. Nevertheless, the Jews living in the time of Jesus viewed the wearing of tefillin, phylacteries, as a Biblical commandment and they were part of ordinary Jewish dress. Putting on the tefillin or phylacteries only at the time of prayer as practiced today is a later custom. In Jesus' time they were worn throughout the day. (Note the tefillin, phylacteries, of arm and of fore entering a place which was ritually unclean. Actually, efillin dating from the first century have been found in the caves near Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea, and they are almost identical to those worn by Jews today. There are suggestions in the New Testament that Jesus also followed this custom. In Matthew 23:5 He criticized some of the Pharisees because: "They make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long". Rather than criticizing the wearing of tefillin and tzitziyot, Jesus was condemning religious hypocrisy that led to enlarging the tefillin and the tzitziyot. He was not criticizing the wearing of the phylacteries or the wearing of the fringes but just the exaggerated use of them in order to be seen of men, or in a hypocritical way. While Jesus condemned the ostentatious wearing of fringes we saw that He Himself also wore them. Probably He also wore the phylacteries, while at the same time criticizing those who wore them hypocritically. Had Jesus not worn the phylacteries, as well as having the fringes on His garment, He surely would have been attacked by the religious leaders of the day. In general, one gains the impression from the gospels that Jesus dutifully adhered to the practices of observant Jews of His day and that His attitude towards these practices was guided by the interpretations of the rabbis as expressed in the oral law. To conclude, let me just say that in all my research I can see that Jesus was a Jewish rabbi, or if we don't want to use the word rabbi, since it was not a title in those days, we can say that He was a Jewish teacher. This is so difficult for large sections of the Christian church to see, and only illustrates how dim is our recollection of our Jewish origins, and to what extent we have assimilated into the pagan culture that surrounds us. One wonders what kind of dynamic organism the church might have been throughout the ages had she clung more closely to her Hebraic roots, rather than embracing and becoming amalgamated with the pagan Hellenistic philosophy that persists in the church even to this day to a great extent. The church's only hope of course is to see Jesus, but this time to see Him and know Him personally as He really is, an observant Jew, a Jewish rabbi, the Jewish Messiah of God, and one might add, God Himself, Emmanuel. The Gentile church must become Jewish and purge itself of the pagan influences of nineteen centuries. May we members of Christ's Body who are not of Jewish parentage rid ourselves of the arrogance of which Paul warned the Roman Christians: "Do no boast over the branches. If you do boast remember it is not you that support the roots, but the root that supports you. So do not become proud but stand in awe". (Romans 11:18-20) David Bivin has lived in Israel since 1963, when he came to do graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. From 1970 to 1931 he was director of the modern Language Division of the American Ulpan, and also director of the Modern Hebrew Department of the Institute of Holy Land Studies on Mount Zion. He is co-author of two books: "Fluent Biblical and Modern Hebrew", and "Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus". He is currently director of the Jerusalem School for the Study of the Synoptic Gospels, which is sponsored by the Centre for Judaic-Christian Studies. David Bivin also serves as an elder of the Narkis Street Baptist congregation in Jerusalem. Produced by: Christian Friends of Israel U.K. BM Box 2188, London Anee M'Amin Anee M'Amin ANEE M'AMIN is Hebrew for "I believe". Every month this column features the testimony of a Jewish believer in Messiah. HOW A RABBI FOUND PEACE The personal testimony of Dr. Max Wertheimer Former Rabbi of Temple Israel in Dayton, Ohio From SHOFAR PUBLICATIONS - Ronks Pa.17572 Born in Germany, of orthodox Jewish parents, my first fifteen years were saturated with training in orthodox Judaism. Then I began my studies toward a career, and was apprenticed to a manufacturer, doing office work. Although I continued to read the prayers and attend synagogue, my worldly associates led me into sinful pleasures and I drifted from the faith of my fathers. My parents sent me to America to study in the Hebrew Union College in Ohio. There were major adjustments to be made, but I finished my training in all phases of Hebrew learning, completed my undergraduate work and received eventually, my Master's degree. Having become proficient in translation of Hebrew into the vernacular, and with a complete knowledge of Jewish history, I was ordained and inducted into the rabbinical office. In my first charge I served ten years, receiving many tokens of affection from my flock. I contributed much to their knowledge of the social, industrial and economic problems of the day. I spoke on monotheism, ethical culture, and the moral systems of the Jews. On Sabbath mornings I gave addresses on the Pentateuch and on Sundays I taught from eight in the morning to five in the evening with only an hour's break for dinner. I became popular as a public speaker and was often asked to speak in Christian churches. Well do I recall the day when I proudly stood before an audience of professing Christians and told them why I was a Jew and would not believe in their Christ as my Messiah Saviour. I gloried in the Reform Judaism that acknowledged no need of an atoning sacrifice for sin, a religion of ethics which quieted qualms of conscience through a smug self-righteousness. In that audience sat a humble, elderly woman who prayed, "O God, bring Dr. Wertheimer to realize his utter need of that Saviour he so boastingly rejects! Bring him, if necessary, to the very depths in order that he may know his need of my Lord Jesus Christ." What did I need of Jesus? I was perfectly satisfied with life. My wife was young, attractive and accomplished. I was rabbi of the B'nai Yeshorum Synagogue, lived in a beautiful home, enjoyed a place of prominence in the community where I spoke in every denominational church, was honorary member of the Ministerial Association, served as Chaplain in the Masonic Lodge, and faired sumptuously every day. Suddenly there came a change. My wife became seriously ill, and was soon dead, leaving me a distraught widower with two small children. I could not sleep. I walked the streets striving to find something that would make me forget the void in my life. My dreams were shattered. Where was comfort to be found? I called on the God of my fathers, but the heavens seemed as brass. How could I speak words of comfort to others when my own sorrow had brought me to despair? I delved into Spiritism, Theosophy and Christian Science only to find them futile and hopeless. I decided that I must resign and take time to think things through. I was perplexed about one thing in particular: Where was the spirit and soul of my loved one who had made my existence so sweet? What had become of all her faculties, the intents and purposes of that active, keen mind? I turned to the Bible for an answer. Again I studied Judaism, but it answered no questions, it satisfied no craving in my heart. Then I began to read the New Testament, comparing it with the Old. In the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah I was perplexed by the expression "... my righteous servant?" I found he was going to bear the iniquity of Israel. I decided it could not mean Israel, for the prophet spoke of them as a sinful nation, laden with iniquity. Who was it? I began to study the context and in Isaiah 50:6 I found, "I gave My back to the smiters." Then I read how the chapter began: "Thus saith Jehovah ..." I asked, does God have a back? Did He give it to the smiters? Then I read he "gave his cheeks to them that pluck off the hair." and how he hid not His face "from shame and spitting." I asked myself, when did Jehovah have these human characteristics? When and why did He suffer these indignities? I was further perplexed by Psalm 110:1. In my confusion I began to read Isaiah from the beginning. I was stopped at the sixth verse of chapter nine: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders: His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Here was a most incomprehensible thing! I suddenly faced with the doctrine of the Trinity. What now about our popular monotheistic slogan, "Sh'ma Isroel, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai, Echod." Upon that word "Echod" (one) the entire philosophy of Judaism is based. I had been taught by the rabbis that echod means absolute unity. I began to study that word and found to my amazement it was used of Adam and Eve, who became one. It was used again when the spies returned from Canaan with a cluster of grapes (Eshol Echod). It was used again when the "men of Judah stood up as one man" (Ish Echod). Suddenly I was struck with the error I had believed and proclaimed all through my ministry. Echod cannot mean absolute unity, but a composite unity. Next I began to search for the name of Jesus in the Old Testament. In my study I found that 275 years before Christ, King Ptolemy Philadelphus summoned men from Palestine and commanded them to translate the Hebrew Scriptures into the Greek vernacular. They took the Pentateuch first, and when they came to "Joshua" they translated it the book of "Jesous," written with a circumflex over it, to show that there had been a suppression of the Hebrew that could not be expressed in Greek. When Joshua went into Canaan with the other eleven spies, he was called "Yehoshuah" (Jehovah is Savior). That is exactly what the word "Jesus" means. I could hold out in unbelief no longer. I was convinced of the truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus. I cried, "Lord, I believe that Thou as Jehovah Yesous has made atonement for me. I believe that Jehovah Yesous died for me. I believe that thou has made provision for me. From henceforth I will publicly confess Yeshua as my Saviour and Lord." Thus, after months of searching, I was convinced that Jesus was the righteous servant of Jehovah, (Jehovah-tsidkenu), "The Lord our righteousness." While I had served as a rabbi I had yearned to give the bereaved some hope and comfort, but I could not give what I did not possess. Now I could approach those in heartbreaking grief and tragedy and give them the satisfying words of the Lord Jesus, "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." And again, "Verily, verily I say unto you: He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath (possesses now) everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but IS passed from death unto life." There is but one eternal life, and one source of eternal life; that is God's Son. What a great and glorious message we, His redeemed ones, are commissioned to deliver today! The WORD for Today The WORD for Today Before this last Easter (1992), many churches across the country were involved in The Chapel of the Air's "Fifty-Day Spiritual Adventure." This program was designed to help local churches become "The Family God Wants Us To Be." The material provided focused on dysfunctional behavior found in families and brought into the church. The article presented here is the third of seven messages given by Pastor Geoff Kragen. They were presented at Foothill Bible Church in Lincoln California as part of that church's involvement with the program. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES 1 Corinthians 12:14-26 Most consumer-oriented marketing is based on making the purchaser feel inadequate. It compares us to someone else. And we always come up short. Why are we inadequate? Because we don't use the sponsor's product. To keep up with the Joneses, we have to buy what they buy, or buy even more and better. If you don't want to be considered a failure, buy the right car. If you want to stand up to the competition in the battle of the sexes, wear the right perfume or after-shave. Make sure you never have a dandruff problem, or baaaaad breath. Young people: you have to wear the right name brand clothes! And for goodness' sake, don't forget to buy the proper brand of kitty litter for Fluffy! We see these comparisons carrying over to everyday relationships. You're in the store with your two kids. A stranger comments, "What a beautiful little girl." Meanwhile, your other daughter stands there, completely ignored. This same approach to life is frequently seen over in the schools. I remember that when I was young, grading wasn't based on a standard, but on the curve. I was graded based on where I fit in comparison to others. If class performance was below average, than I might be an A or B student. On the other hand, if the majority were Rhodes Scholars, I would pull grades that would make my parents think they had raised a Neanderthal. Unfortunately, the problem of comparison as a basis for value carries over into the church. We frequently evaluate people based on what they do, how much they give, their talents, or personalities. We forget that worth comes from being a child of God, and that He gives each of us a place within His body. I remember the time in our former church when the new pastor first stepped into the pulpit. He was small of stature, apparently fussy in personality, single, and very British. But that wasn't what gave the older members heart attacks. On the first Sunday, he came into the pulpit wearing a robe. "Our old pastor would never wear a robe. Only papist types wear robes. How awful." And poor pastor never recovered from this first evaluation. He wasn't with us very long. But you can't judge a book by its cover. Sometime later he married a very attractive young lady. We know him best as the author of the lyrics of the song "Hiding Place." Worth comes from being created in God's image, not from being of utilitarian value. Paul demonstrates that each Christian has value and purpose. God is the one Who assigns that purpose. This is the message of 1 Corinthians 12:14-26. Paul identifies one characteristic of a healthy church family. When the church is functioning properly, each member of the body is accepted for their unique qualities. Comparison and competition is not the focus. Each person is valued, from the youngest member to the oldest. As adults, we should recognize the uniqueness of each of our children. We must remember that they too are as much a part of the body as each adult. Paul illustrates his concern by drawing an analogy between the human body and the church body. By the way, I think that this passage shows that Paul, as with Jesus, had a true sense of humor. He makes his points using the absurd. Apparently the problem in the church was disagreement over the relative importance of different service opportunities. The custodian wanted to be the organist. The secretary wanted to be the youth director. The foot resented the fact it wasn't a hand. On the other hand, the ear was bent out of shape because it couldn't see why it wasn't an eye. God created the body with a multitude of different parts, and each is equally important to the smooth running of the body. Also, notice Paul says that God assigns each role as it pleases Him. The Lord, in His wisdom, knows just what the perfect slot is for each person. He doesn't compare us with each other. He only holds us to the standard that He sets for us individually. As with the human body, the church cannot function unless God fills many different roles. The individual parts of the body can't say, "I don't need you." And, if this is true for the human body, Paul says it is even more true for the church body. Finally, Paul makes a point which most churches choose to ignore rather than recognize. He understands that some of the roles God assigns appear to be more glamorous than others. He realizes people have a tendency to give the honor and recognition to the high-profile positions. I saw an example of this attitude the first time I held the office of elder. Some people mentioned to my wife, Janette, what an honor it was that I had been given the position. The implication was that it was better to be an elder than a deacon, a teacher, singing in the choir, or any other position within the body. Janette's response was, "What honor? Being an elder just means a larger burden of responsibility." Paul was concerned about this tendency of misapplying value based on position. As a result, he instructed the Corinthians to give special attention and honor to those in the low-profile positions. This also points out that it is appropriate to let people know they are appreciated. If we say that serving God should be enough honor in and of itself, that doesn't take into consideration the reality of human needs. One church I know would have an annual banquet put on by the body for the Sunday School teachers, youth and nursery workers. It was a great way of telling them, "Thank you." Paul directs us to honor those in the less than honorable roles. Again, the point here is that God assigns all the roles and every one is important. How is the problem of unhealthy comparisons and competition modeled in the dysfunctional family? We see this frequently in parents making comparisons between their children. One isn't as bright, or pretty, or for that matter, as well-behaved. We forget that each is unique and devalue that uniqueness. Little Tommie isn't Joey and never will be. We see a couple of examples of how this problem occurred in one of the most important families in the Bible. Clearly, this was a dysfunctional family, but one which God used in spite of its problems. One generation was made up of Isaac and his wife Rebekah. He loved Esau and she babied Jacob. "Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob" (Genesis 25:28). As a result, there was nothing but trouble between all the members of the family. Because of Rebecca's favoring Jacob, he had to flee home and never saw his mother again. Apparently Jacob hadn't learned much from this because he favored Joseph and later Benjamin. They were the sons of his favorite wife, Rachel. You all know the results of his favoritism. Joseph's brothers resented him. As a result they decided to sell him into slavery. The dysfunctional family stresses the importance of a healthy appearance before reality. As a result, they often compare one another with the intent of bringing the disfavored one "up to snuff." And of course, the one being unfavorably compared is hurt, and frequently shamed. This person becomes an adult, he or she always compares their performance with that of other people. The woman who struggles to keep the house spotless, even when ill, explains the behavior by saying, "Well, other people can keep their house clean." Then there is the employee who works long hours, to the detriment of his/her family. "Everybody else works 70 hour weeks. What would they think of me if I said my family was more important than my job?" This same behavior carries over into the church. Frequently, the individual giving large sums of money is perceived to be more important than someone who can't give much. Here's Jesus' view on the subject: "Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything--all she had to live on'" (Mark 12:41-44). Another example of problem behavior is the belief that those who are dedicated to visitation, (or other types of works), have a higher commitment than others. As one church member asked, "Why isn't the pastor's wife as active in church functions as Pastor's Jones' wife at the neighboring church?" A similar comment also heard is, "Should so-and-so really be doing that job? After all, you never see their spouse in church!" Of course, we all know one sign of spiritual maturity is being in the church every time the doors are open. Another truth is that volunteers are more spiritual that those that are paid, or is that the other way around? I forget! Again, what does Paul say about each member of the body? "But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be" (1 Corinthians 12:18). It is God who assigns the positions. It is God who sets the standards. It is God who will convict us of where we need to make changes in our lives. His desire is for us to be obedient to Him, in whatever role He has assigned to us. So, what do we do about the problem of unhealthy comparisons and competition within the body? First, we have to bring our mind set in line with the truths shown by this passage. We must reject the world's standards, which believe that if you win a silver metal at the Olympics you have lost. It is just as valuable to be a construction worker as it is to be an executive director. We must realize our society's way of defining value is unacceptable. After all, society says Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan and Lee Iacoca are more important than your local school teacher, or the neighborhood postman. And personally, when my sink is stopped up, I appreciate the plumber more than Joe Montana. Are you are a victim of unhealthy comparisons or competition? Then you must ask the Lord to help you recognize when you are practicing this same behavior yourself. Remember how hurt your were when someone treated you this way? As you remember your own pain, hopefully you won't want to perpetuate this same behavior towards others. Finally, we can break this pattern if we are more concerned with helping the body function effectively for the Lord than we are about getting personal recognition. We must strive to do the best job we can with the position the Lord has assigned to us. Then we will be able to reach out to others in love. We will be able to affirm one another, striving to help each other to be the best we can for the Lord. Instead of comparing ourselves one to another, let us praise the Lord that He loves each one of us. He is willing to let each of us serve Him. And He has opportunities for us that He chose before eternity. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10). Let us all affirm one another as children of the Lord. Then we will no longer practice unhealthy competition and focus on unhealthy comparisons. Prayer Guidelines Prayer and Asking by Michael Wilkinson PRAYER AND ASKING By Michael Wilkinson Article 6 of the "Prayer and ..." series "And He said to them, 'Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves for a friend of mine has come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him;' and he will answer from within and say, 'Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you?' I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs. So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!'" (Luke 11:5-13). I can't tell you how many times I have contemplated how nice life would be without needs. There would be no more worry, no more impatience, no anxiety, no stress, and no effort required. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. (Pardon me for snoozing on the job. I must have been overcome by all the peace and tranquility.) Seriously, many times a day I find myself in need. Mostly just little concerns like: needing a little more cooperation from my children, a little more time to relax, a friend to talk to, etc. I pray well under pressure, and nothing will bring me to prayers like a miserable crisis or tragedy. Yet the little frustrations in life often are not considered prayer-worthy. They can cause worry, anger, sorrow, confusion, fear or dismay, but too often do not motivate prayer. Yet, if you look at the above verses, you can see that the people in them are not asking as a result of any life threatening crisis. They have common everyday needs. Each is seeking help from the one person best able to help them with the situation of the moment. But these are the examples Jesus uses to illustrate the principle of asking our heavenly Father to meet our needs. And to Him all of our needs are small, but important. The point is that we should ask His help when we have needs, whether great or small. In James 4:2 it says "You do not have because you do not ask God." A familiar old hymn tells of forfeited peace and needless pain when we do not bring everything to God in prayer. And as Christians often say, "Christianity is not a set of rules to keep, but a personal relationship with our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. It is not a Sunday religion; Christianity is the life we live every day." As noted, the Lord sends the gift of His Holy Spirit to dwell with us. This is because "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." (Romans 8:26-27) I refer to this passage because it points out how easy it is to bring prayer requests to the Lord. We don't have to stop and plan our prayers. We don't need to take a course on how to pray or ponder the best wording. All we need do is present our requests to God and the Spirit will intercede for us. Finally, consider the meaning of the terms "anything" and "everything" in the following verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6) And also consider these verses: "Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord." (James 5:13- 14) SCUD Warnings SCUD Warnings by Jerry Johnson SCUD WARNINGS S piritual C ounterfeits U ndermining D octrine * * * W A R N I N G S * * * By Jerry Johnson Excerpts from the church newsletter from the First Church of The Contemporary Christian, dated October 21, 2021: ************************* Greetings! We are excited about all the great things going on here at First Church! We have lots of opportunities at our church to meet all your needs. Here's a brief listing and description of a few of the classes we offer: Co-habitants for Christ, Tuesdays 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. This class is for all our members that are living together and are struggling to keep that relationship alive and vital. This class is taught by our singles Pastor and his girlfriend/roommate of 3 years. Bended Reeds/Divorce in Progress Class, Monday 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. This class is offered for members of our church who are process of divorce ...to help give support along the way. This class has helped over 30 couples start new lives apart. Taught by an associate minister currently going through a divorce. Talk about a sympathetic teacher! Smoldering Wicks/Extra-marital Affairs Support Group, Monday 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. (for convenience, it runs concurrent to Bended Reeds) Support class designed to aid those involved with extra-marital affairs in the church. Premarital counseling is also available upon announcement of separation. Taught by the former mistress of our seniors' pastor, Marilyn Smits. Bombed Believers, Saturdays 6:00 P.M. until the stash runs out Why get loaded with a bunch of non-Christians who might rip you off? Keep it in the family! Bring enough drugs to share. Lead by our Youth Pastor, "Stoney" Masterson. PRAYER REQUESTS: Join us in prayer that the sixth grade class Crips and Bloods will stop having gang rumbles after the second service. PRAISES: Good news! All the students in the Wednesday's youth group that were injured when precocious Stephen Stiller, a 7th grader, took over the class with an assault rifle, will be released from the hospital by next Tuesday. Also Pastor Newburg's divorce has become final and he and his ex want to thank everyone who came to the yard sale. It really sped up the divorce to have the property converted to cash so easily. *********************** Sounds ludicrous... But frankly, what kind of response would you have gotten from an evangelical minister in the late 50's if you told him that within 35 years: - Over 30% of his congregation would have been divorced. - Pre and non marital sex would be a common problem. - The majority of the teens would not be virgins. - It would be common to have Christian versions of secular drug and alcohol programs in the church. - There would be a growing number of single parent households in the church. - Major denominations would reevaluate whether or not to perform marriages for homosexual couples or have homosexuals ordained. - Child abuse and molestation rates would be about the same in church as in society at large. He would have looked at you like you were crazy! Sadly, maybe my weird church bulletin is not that far off. But WHY? The draining and training of the Christian mind. "Meaning what?" My wife and I have an 11 foot Burmese python (did I hear, "somehow that doesn't surprise me"?) that she acquired as a baby when she was teaching school. In the years we've had her ... the snake, not my wife ... we've met many people who are terrified of snakes. The best way to get them over the fear, IF they are willing to cooperate, is to desensitize them to the snake. Classically, this is done by first talking to the person about snakes until that doesn't really bother them, then show them drawings, then pictures, then videos, then expose them to a snake in a cage, etc. etc. By shear, repetitive exposure, the snake loses its shock value. Is the analogy resounding clearly enough yet? By repeated exposure to the sin and dysfunction of the world, sin is losing its shock value for the modern Christian. We're getting used to it. You see, when something happens often enough and becomes common enough, people begin to think of it as being normal. But normal doesn't mean right. After all, a recent study indicates that 54% of the people in the U.S. have been molested or abused as a child. That means that most people have been abused. Statistically it is "normal", but it isn't right. But the stuff loses its shock value. After all, when's the last time you registered even the slightest surprise at finding out that someone is divorced or not a virgin when married or that they had tried drugs in college? When we are watching "Transsexual, gay vegetarian mass murderers and the cross dressing libertarian Nazis that love them" on Oprah, Phil and Geraldo, aren't we likely to get a bit desensitized to the "normal" sins? This stuff's getting so common that we are coming to expect it ... even in the church. "Oh wonderful, here's another 'let's burn all TVs, throw away the radios, form a Christian commune and get away from those bad people' speech." Not even close. The first point I am espousing is that we have to be careful to not set our moral and ethical standards (there's a phrase rarely heard any more) by just being better than the world. At that rate we'll be just as messed up as the world, just twenty years later. Think about it, do you want your family just to run a little bit better than the Connor family on the TV show "Roseanne"? I doubt it. We MUST base our standards on the Word of God, in response to a personal, holy God; not just get a list of do's and don'ts that throw us into legalism. And we have to be willing to be moral and ethical, even when it is not popular. Second point: Romans 14:23 states that everything that does not come from faith is sin. Therefore I could be walking into major trouble if I told everyone to watch the shows regardless. If you cannot watch TV in good conscience, don't. However, if you DO watch TV I have something for you to consider: Who is stronger, God or the world? Who is more powerful? Does God fear the world or the world fear God? God wins ... and so do we. We are not to wallow in sin nor are we to tolerantly meditate on the messed up standards of the world nor are we to fear the world. Greater is He ... So consider this concept: quit watching like a potato (spelled correctly) and start to use it as a tool for discussion and analysis in your home. Example: next time you watch "Roseanne" see if you can define what makes their family dynamic, weird and uncomfortable even as you may laugh. You can laugh ... but think as well. Also, there was a new show on last night called "Grapevine". I'm not sure of the premise, but it was mainly comprised of multiple characters talking about multiple sexual contacts with multiple people, with incest inferred in a positive manner. Garbage? Definitely! Will I watch it again? Doubtful. Not because the morality was lower than a centipede's toenails ... I wasn't tempted to follow the same AIDS-magnet lifestyle they exemplified. It was a boring show. These shows tell us what's happening to our world and its moral structure, pitiful as that is. As long as we don't start to believe the piffle they are selling, we can use it to train ourselves and our children about what and why we believe: It is fulfilling for people to engage in serial, temporary, sexual relationships based on physical attraction while repeatedly running the risk of catching AIDS; Accumulating stuff that will eventually break and fall apart is the true path to happiness; The O'Connor family on "Roseanne" is a warm, wonderful family; It makes sense to use a drug to feel good for no real reason at the expense of killing brain cells and causing Chromosonal damage; Every father in the U.S. is a bumbling idiot whose kids are smarter than he is; You cannot be happy unless you have the right deodorant, toothpaste and shampoo. If you do get the right mix, the most attractive people in the world will find you irresistible. Bible Quiz Bible Quiz BIBLE QUIZ Test your Biblical knowledge! Identify the following words from the Bible as being a city, island, mountain or river. 1. Abana (2 Kings 5:12) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 2. Arba (Joshua 15:13) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 3. Arimathaea (Luke 23:51) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 4. Clauda (Acts 27:16) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 5. Ebal (Deuteronomy 27:13) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 6. Gilead (Hosea 6:8) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 7. Hor (Numbers 20:22) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 8. Horeb (1st Kings 19:8) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 9. Melita (Acts 28:1) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 10. Ramah (1st Samuel 28:3) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 11. Shushan (Esther 3:15) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER 12. Tyrus (Ezekiel 27:32) CITY, ISLAND, MOUNTAIN, RIVER Christian Life Department People Profile People Profile - Ray Reed Morning Star Senior Editor, Teresa Giordanengo, conducted this interview with Evangelist Ray Reed. Ray is affiliated with David's Mighty Men Inc., a Bible study group in Beaumont, Texas. David's Mighty Men is featured in the Ministry Profile column of this issue of Morning Star. Teresa: Ray, you always attended Church and Sunday School, but when did you accept Jesus as your personal Savior? Ray: I first knew the Lord Jesus as my Savior about twelve years ago, when I was twenty years of age. I was raised in the Methodist church; my dad, all of my uncles and my grandfather are Methodist ministers. The sad news is the fact that I never really heard the gospel message until I was age twenty. I was certainly in church every Sunday, and was never late for Sunday School, but in all those years I was never told that I needed to be "born-again". Teresa: What prompted you to get serious with the Lord? Ray: My teen years were quite rebellious, and I came to the conclusion at that time that God did not exist except in people's minds. I went further and began to say many blasphemous things against God and His Holy Word, until one day I decided that in order to be truly open-minded, and to make sure that I did not believe, I had better read at least some of the Bible - objectively. Had I opened the Book to an obscure passage somewhere in the prophets or kings at that time, I shudder to think what may have been the outcome. I surely would not have understood what I was reading. However, my Lord being a merciful Lord, and an all-present Lord, caused me to open to the Gospel of John, where I read for the first time in my life about the many signs and wonders that our Lord Jesus performed. I was transfixed. I never thought that the account of these miracles and mighty deeds that Jesus had worked could sound so real - I had always assumed that the Bible was rather "fairy-tale-like". I read and read and read. At this time I also read for the first time that I - me - needed to be "born again of the spirit"! I realized then what a miserable heel I had been, and at this time called out to God to make me "born of the Spirit". He heard my cry, according to Romans 10:9-13. Teresa: How did your life change after being 'born-again'? Ray: From this point I spent the next twelve years in intensive personal Bible study. I taught a number of study groups and Sunday School classes in the process, and helped form a non-profit ministry by the name of "David's Mighty Men". I am currently an evangelist with that ministry, and a member of "Fletcher Emanuel Church Alive" in Lumberton, Texas. Also, I co-teach a Sunday School class at another church - Calvary Baptist in Beaumont, Texas. I teach this class alternately with a very dear minister friend, Brad Salyer. We teach a boys' class, a very special class, ranging in age from ten to eighteen. We generally have between fifteen to thirty-five attending, with several adults present also. We have had about fifteen conversions, and ten baptisms (some were previously baptized). I do love the Lord Jesus and I do have a heart for the ministry. Teresa: How do you lead a young person to Christ? Ray: I am glad that you asked this question. I feel very strongly about this subject. I think that anyone who is fortunate enough to come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior should be extra diligent to be an example to the up-and-coming generation. The Lord continually places young people in my path through this life, and I feel a necessity to take every opportunity to be a real Christian example to them. At the very first opportunity at my meeting a young person, I let them know that I am a Christian. Then with my life I do my utmost to show them that life "as a Christian" is not so bad after all. From that point I look for that "open door" to explain the message of the gospel that I personally never understood as a youth. I am very careful not to be "pushy", and am also very careful to be sincere. Teresa: How do you feel about extra curricular activities in the church? Ray: I think extra-curricular activities are important and are a vital necessity in the church. Just plain Christian fellowship and leadership are important in any christian's life - especially young people - with the many worldly influences nipping at the doorsteps of our hearts. Here again, through youth camps, youth meetings, games and trips, we can show our younger peers that being "godly" is not necessarily being "bored". Teresa: What portion of the Bible seems to be more effective with the young people? Ray: I have found in teaching youth, that the "parables" are wonderful teaching tools. They are pretty good for adults too. Many a good question and answer session has come from reading a parable from the "Gospels". I have found that many young minds are quite capable of understanding such "deep" things as the One God Creation concept - especially when viewed from the perspective of a parable. Teresa: What would be your suggestion if an individual wanted to study the Bible for himself at home? Ray: Bible study is so very important in the life of every believer. Developing some kind of daily or weekly discipline of studying the Scriptures is imperative. Starting in the New Testament is also very important - not that the Old Testament is unimportant - but in order to fully understand the whole Bible one must have a solid grounding in the "Gospels". Reading two chapters from the Bible before going to bed seems to work out to be a pretty good regimen. At that pace one can absorb the Scriptures without taking on too much, and at the same time, finish the New Testament from beginning to end in a reasonable amount of time. I like to be careful about setting too many narrow goals, such as reading the whole Bible in one year, but rather try to keep my goals simple and broad to allow for flexibility. Many times I have set out to explore a certain topic, which has led me to another topic, which in turn has led me to even another topic. Setting time goals or quantity goals have never been fruitful for me because of this. A daily or weekly discipline of personal (apart from church or study groups) Bible study is good in any form, I have found, so long as it is consistent. Teresa: What are your plans for the future in your ministry? Ray: The ministry that I am associated with is geared toward strengthening the local church. We believe that God has ordained the local assembly and the authorities therein. We have observed what is apparently an overall assault on the local bodies of believers in our area. Our goal is to "invigorate" our local churches in such a way as to both bring in new believers, and to encourage the old. Our future as a team, and my future as a minister, depends pretty much on just where my Lord happens to place that future - but the goals will remain the same - being an encourager and an example for the Lord Jesus Christ wherever I go. Any Christian with this in their heart will someday no doubt see their fruit. Teresa: Do you have any final thoughts you would like to leave with our readers? Ray: Yes I do. That thought is this: everyone has a purpose for being put here on this earth. That purpose may take many different forms, but the root of that purpose is the same for everybody; we are here to please our Father in Heaven. Let's not lose sight of that! Ministry Profile Ministry Profile - David's Mighty Men Inc. DAVID'S MIGHTY MEN INC. A Bible Study Group By Ray Reed Beaumont, Texas In January of 1992, a friend named Sam Saleme and I were led by the Lord to form a ministry by the name of David's Mighty Men. Sam and I had been ministry "partners" for several years by this time, and had been involved in many different forms and facets of ministry. Until this time, however, neither of us had any desire to have a "formal" ministry. After having sought the Lord for some time on this matter, David's Mighty Men was born. For years Sam and I had been having Bible studies in the house which we shared. On the average of twice a month, we would contact as many friends and acquaintances as we could find, to invite them for a Bible study "meeting". Some nights we had as many as twenty; some as few as ten. However many that the Lord brought to be with us, we were always blessed by the word of the Lord and by His presence. That's the wonderful part about ministering - the one doing the ministering usually gets the most blessed. In the search for the Lord's will on starting this ministry, the reference from Psalm 127:1 kept coming to my mind; "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it ..." I certainly did not want to labor in vain; and yet at the same time, if the Lord wanted me to be about His work, I didn't want to be the servant who buried his talent either. (Matt. 25:24-30) When the answer came, it came as clear as a bell - there were no doubts, I had finally received the "go-ahead" from the Lord to begin a full-fledged ministry. Up until this time, both myself and Sam had been doing a lot of writing on various subjects, and the two of us had compiled a broad selection of Bible study material. Our plan as a team, is to reach as many local pastors as possible with this material, and to offer the presentation of this material to their churches. Our approach to these presentations is actually no different than the simple Bible studies that we have always had in our home. Both of us have always strived to choose our lesson topics by being open to the Lord for His leading. Without fail, a particular subject is impressed upon us. Each meeting we always try to have some form of praise and worship, and are certainly always open to the gifts of the Spirit. We try to keep the study lessons short and interesting, but above all, "anointed" by the Lord. About the time that David's Mighty Men Inc. was approved and legal through the State of Texas, the Lord brought several very precious friends to join with us in this effort. Brad Salyer, Mark and Leann Wallace, Monique Kelly, Bruce Derouen, and others, joined together with us to form this team. Each of these men and women of God have differing talents, both in the area of God's word and in music; each already had a strong desire to be about the Lord's work, and each already had their own ministries. My, how the Lord does provide - to have brought these wonderful people together. I have always felt quiteunworthy of them. Next on the agenda for forming the team was getting our postal permit - which we finally obtained with much difficulty. Then we went to the printers: letterheads, envelopes, leaflets and brochures - and above all, study material had to be produced in mass quantities. All of this began to cost quite a sum, but the Lord provided every need. The name of our ministry, David's Mighty Men Inc., comes from the time of King David. His life and exploits for God are chronicled in the books of 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. David and his "mighty men" were valiant warriors against the then, "fleshy" enemies of God. Now, of course, we as "warriors for Jesus" fight on a different "plane," so to speak, since the enemies with which we war are "spiritual". Despite the difference in the "planes" in which we war, many parallels can be seen between the strategies and courage that were exhibited in those times, and those which should be shown today. Thus, the exploits of David and his "mighty men" are a constant inspiration to our team. "Now these were the heads of the mighty men whom David had, who strengthened themselves with him in his kingdom, with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the Lord concerning Israel. And this is the number of the mighty men whom David had: Jashobeam the son of a Hachmonite, chief of the captains; he had lifted up his spear against three hundred, killed by him at one time. After him was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite, who was one of the three mighty men. He was with David at Pasdammim. Now there the Philistines were gathered for battle, and there was a piece of ground full of barley. And the people fled from the Philistines. But they stationed themselves in the middle of that field, defended it, and killed the Philistines. So the Lord brought about a great victory." (1 Chronicles 11:10-14 NKJ) Then the time came for our final brochure - the "leaflet" that describes our team. The printers did a very nice job in putting our photos in color on this brochure, sort of to "introduce" ourselves. In this brochure we described the following: Our doctrines: We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord of all that exists, that He is the only begotten Son of God, and that He is God. We believe that Jesus Christ was pre-existent, was literally born of a virgin, lived a sinless life without offense, died on a cross, was buried in a tomb, rose up from the dead three days later, and now sits on the Throne of Glory. We believe that man can be saved only through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that the Holy Bible is the unadulterated word of God and cannot be broken, according to John 10:35. Our objectives: To preach the "Message of the Cross" wherever the Lord Jesus sends; to encourage people everywhere to serve the Lord and to love their neighbor; to support and strengthen the local church - "to do the work of an evangelist". Our strategies: Under the direction of the church pastor, to present prepared material for Young Adult Seminars, Adult Bible Conferences, Corporate Sunday School and Praise and Worship Services. Our affiliations: We are an inter-denominational organization with various church affiliations. Each one of us is a born-again Christian who loves the Lord God with all his heart. Our materials: Material costs, television, radio and newspaper advertising costs, and all other ministry costs are provided by David's Mighty Men, Inc. at no cost to the local church. David's Mighty Men, Inc. does not solicit donations, nor do any of it's members. We at David's Mighty Men, Inc. would like very much to leave something with you, the reader. One of our goals as a team, as mentioned above, is to teach everyone, everywhere, to serve the Lord. This includes both bringing new believers into the body of Christ, and encouraging the "old" believers. Our second stated purpose is like the first, which is to teach our brothers and sisters everywhere to love each other. This is very much on our hearts, and we believe on God's heart too. After all, isn't this the purpose of God's commandments - to teach us to love one another? This being the case, let's stop judging each other so readily. Let's bear one another's faults - not by condoning sin by any means - but by acceptance of each other's imperfections. Until that day comes when we will all become perfected, let's love one another. "And now I plead with you, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment to you, but that which we have had from the beginning: that we love one another. This is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment, that as you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it." (2 John 1:5-6) David's Mighty Men Inc. P.O. Box 5093 Beaumont, Texas 77726 (409)755-3015 Education Education's Fourth "R" by Maury Walker EDUCATION'S FOURTH "R" By Maury Walker President Released Time Bible Classes Inc. In a public school, Somewhere, U.S.A., a bell sounds, a teacher dismisses several children from class. They file out of the school building and into waiting cars, vans, and station wagons. They are whisked away from campus for about an hour to a most unlikely location, a nearby church - where they will study the Bible! In another area, at the bell, children simply walk across the street to a church. Elsewhere, a parked trailer waits for the eager rush of children to climb inside for their Bible study. At still another school, a youth packs up his books and heads off campus to another location. He has chosen Released Time Bible Instruction as an elective, where he studies issues relating to Christian living. "Released Time is a formal Bible study program authorized through local public schools that allow enrolled students to be 'released' from campus for religious instruction." Scripture Union Ministries is celebrating its 125th year. Their U.S.A. president, Dr. David Jones said recently, "We teach Bible in public schools all around the world. In America, it's Released Time." At the time our founding fathers were developing and designing our form of government, public schools were held in churches. It wasn't considered unreasonable for a fourteen year old to be so well educated that he could be sent to a foreign country as our ambassador! Since 1914, every school day, children all over America have been attending some form of released time religious instruction. Whether in cities or rural communities, these programs have given millions of children an opportunity they might not have otherwise had to become acquainted with God's Word. Parents, grandparents, certified teachers and laymen participate with thousands of their counterparts across the nation in assuring our American Christian heritage is maintained in the hearts and minds of the next generation. Countless hours are spent each week in paid and volunteer positions from directing to teaching, helping and driving. With over 40 million children in public schools, this fourth "R" has become the largest missionary field in America! It is estimated that only 12 percent of school-age children attend private, parochial or Christian schools. Records show that 50 to 75 percent of those in released time programs have no Bible or religious backgrounds. Curiously, many parents feel the need for their children to know God, or at least have some knowledge of the Bible. Forty years ago, America was at the top scholastically. Discipline consisted of cautioning children about chewing gum in class. In the past three decades, as scholastic achievement has plummeted, immorality, rape, unwed mothers, and crime have climbed off the charts. Yet, wherever released time programs flourish, the statistics on immorality and violent crimes decrease. Mayors and heads of police departments readily credit the released time concept for helping to decrease juvenile crime and drug abuse. The reason for their success is simple. Released time programs instruct students in wholesome values and good morals. They highlight respect for the religious nature of America. In this day of working mothers, parental work schedules often prevent parents from taking their children to after-school religious activities and, in some cases, to Saturday or Sunday schools and even church. Laws generally require a child to spend more waking hours in school than at home during the week. Released time is unquestionably Constitutional; all state laws allow for some religious activity during school time. The Supreme Court ruled that a program allowing students to leave school grounds for religious instruction was the same as allowing them to miss school in order to attend a family baptism or observe religious holidays. It's important for adults to understand our history and constitution. Their decisions will have an impact not only on today's children but children and the nation for years to come. In the book of Proverbs there is much wisdom. Proverbs 20:11 says "The character of even a child can be known by the way he acts ... Whether what he does is pure and right." Children attending Released time programs not only affect their immediate families, but can affect communities far away from their childhood. We continually meet attorneys, doctors, engineers ministers, teachers, policemen, politicians, and professors who credit their success to the knowledge of God and the Bible received in Released Time getting them through childhood, the university, to adulthood. It's encouraging to hear that some parents are waking up. From Pennsylvania to California parents are objecting to the kind of "religion" being taught in public schools. They are asking for a return to basics that are only taught by scriptural principles. Planned Parenthood, American Civil Liberties Union, and teacher's unions are fighting to increase "New Age" religions. One tool many parents have, in most states is, Released Time the true fourth "R" in education. Acknowledgements for assistance in preparation of this article: Betty Arras, publisher, National Monitor of Education, Alamo, CA. David Barton, President, WallBuilders, Aledo, TX. Roger Blankenship, Executive Director, National Association of Released Time Christian Education. Frank Connaughton, President, California Released Time Christian Education Association Inc. Dr. Lewis Hodges, Administrator, Christian Educators Association International, Pasadena, CA. Dr. Robert Simonds, President, National Association of Christian Educators/Citizens for Excellence in Education plus some people on his staff. For Information of Release Time Programs contact: Maury Walker Released Time Bible Classes Inc. 7436 Midiron Drive Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 967-3972 California Released Time Christian Education Association, Inc. 6139 MacArthur Blvd. Oakland, CA 94605-1637 (510) 635-1986 National Association for Release Time Christian Education P. O. Box K Ellijay, GA 30540 (404) 276-7900 Testimony Testimony - On Wings of an Eagle by Jack Lavallet III ON WINGS OF AN EAGLE By Jack Lavallet III Los Angeles, California On June twenty-second of 1990, I was an Auburn University freshman just three weeks out of Sylacauga High in Sylacauga, Alabama. I was glad to get out of my hometown and ready for the freedom of life on my own. I had decided to go to Auburn during the summer quarter to take some easy courses and party it up, but before I tell my story maybe I should give some background on myself. During a particularly hot summer in 1979, I gave my life to Jesus. It was the last day of First Baptist Bible School. I remember it well because of the tug I felt on my heart. For a chubby little, shy seven year old, it must have been the Lord because I know it was not my habit of making a very public appearance. That day my heart changed and I was born again. Anyway, the years went by and I gradually got more into sports and the social scene. My interests drifted from church and God to the rebellion of being a teenager. My family moved from the bible belt of the south to a small town on the edge of Lake Superior in Canada. Maybe ten percent of the people I met went to church. In a town of two-thousand, that's not many people. I didn't know how to skate so I couldn't play hockey. I turned to the drinking crowd to find acceptance. I learned to tolerate beer and I thought I was happy. Waking up on a cold north Lake Superior beach once or twice, sick and alone, didn't phase me. I was part of the crowd and had been promoted to a mill manager of a pulp and paper mill in Childersburg. We moved into a big house in the nice neighborhood and bought a BMW. I knew my social problems were solved. I went back to the same church where I got saved, but I wasn't very interested in acting like a Christian. I was more interested in the right people that went to the right church. I tried out for football and within a few weeks I was placed in the first string offensive tackle position. I felt great. I thought, "What could be better than this?" I soon found out that most of the 'right' people didn't care much for anybody else. Backstabbing was common. My group of friends formed a gang. We called it the 'Roc-crew' because one night we were out drinking in my Chevy IROC Camaro. We got detained in jail for fighting and almost drinking and driving a couple of times. A friend committed suicide and we just drank more. My football team lost the state 5A semi-finals my senior year and hopes of playing college football faded away. I decided after the senior class cruise I would go to Auburn for the summer quarter. That puts us at the point where my life was drastically changed. During my first week at Auburn I met a neighbor in my trailer park (very in vogue in Auburn). He invited me to a keg party he was having that night, and since I had just had a graduation keg party I offered to bring a couple of empty kegs to trade for a new one. I showed up with my monogrammed beer mug and proceeded to get very drunk. Soon I was very relaxed and when a couple of girls I met suggested we head down to the pool I was more than happy to. That night I found out how evil Satan is. Being on a swim team in my early teens, I knew how to dive in shallow water. I was just a bit too relaxed. When I opened my eyes I was under water. I tried to swim to the surface but I couldn't move. I didn't panic, by the grace of God, and soon I was pulled to surface by one of the guys with us. I told them I could not move. I was scared but I told them just to pull me up on the side of the pool and go call an ambulance. One of the girls was a lifeguard so she knew better. She supported my head and back until the paramedics came. I was soon at the hospital and then Medivac-ed to Crawford-Long hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. There I began my rehabilitation. If the picture I have painted for you is too bleak then understand that I write my testimony this way so that I can tell you of the peace and strength that God has given me since that time in life. I know now that Jesus is alive and that he can crush the power of the enemy. Romans 8:37 tells us that we are more than conquerors through Christ. Christians don't have to put up with Satan if we know the strength and power of God. I write this especially to teenagers. You do not have to feel weak. Ephesians 1:19 talks about the great power for us who believe. That night as I held my breath underwater, I came to know God's grace. If you don't believe in miracles then don't read ahead. As I looked up at the surface I felt a calming peace. Ask yourself; if you were under water and could not move would you not be just a bit frightened? As a college freshman you would expect to be hassled by an upperclassman who was drunk, but I was pulled up ever so carefully. They could have left me there, which would have caused further damage to my spinal cord. They did not. One of the girls had lifeguard training; could have been a coincidence. I don't think so. I was rushed to a small town hospital in Opelika, Alabama that just happened to have a new anti-swelling steroid that stops excessive damage to the spinal cord. I was flown to Crawford-Long hospital where my mother met a woman who was friends with the founder of the Shephard Spinal Center, the premier spinal injury treatment center in the United States. God's love and grace was with me the whole time. The first few days I wanted to die. I had metal tongs screwed to my head so that my neck would be in traction. I had a pump to keep the acid from building up in my stomach. My body simply did not work. One night I realized that I could not take this by myself. I could feel sorry for myself or I could trust in God to strengthen me. Deep down I remembered that man called Jesus who died for me. I asked Him to forgive me, to help me and to come into my heart. I felt a warmth and I felt like I was floating. I came to know a peace I've never known. My attitude changed that night and since then I have regained almost every muscle in my body. I am still very weak and can not walk but the message is getting through. The physical therapists I go to are amazed, and one of them has become a Christian. I know that I will walk again. Since the writing of the first part of my testimony, many things have happened. I have moved to Los Angeles, California, to continue my rehabilitation and I have gotten much stronger. I am now able to push my wheel chair on many surfaces and grades. I am able to get myself on a mat or bed without help. Best of all though, I am beginning to take some steps with the aid of long leg braces and parallel bars. God has provided for my every need, be it financial, physical, or spiritual. What a God we serve! I know that what Satan has meant for evil, God has meant for good. Isaiah 40:31 says, "Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They will mount up on wings as eagles: they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom 8:31) Think about that. Praise and Prayer Praise and Prayer PRAISE AND PRAYER is our international prayer link column. Send your praise report or prayer request to MORNING STAR for publication in the next issue. Call on your brothers and sisters worldwide and together we will call on God! PRAISE REPORTS: Michael in California praises the Lord for a job. Helen in Tennessee is improving after brain surgery last January. Praise the Lord for this miracle. Thank the Lord for a healthy son born to Alan and Kim in Virginia. Jon from Pennsylvania wants to thank the Lord for speedy recovery of his eye surgery. Harry from Indiana thanks the Lord for a job. William from Virginia praises the Lord for meeting his tuition needs. A Christian Brother from South Dakota thanks the Lord for taking away all his anxieties through prayer. We thank the Lord for Jack's progress in therapy in California but continue to pray for continued strength and guidance of the Lord. PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for the creation of a cassette edition of MORNING STAR, which will be made available to many organizations for the sight impaired as well as anyone else desiring it. Pray for Kelly in Pennsylvania who has a heart condition. Joe and Andrea are in Mexico City on a mission trip. Pray for many to receive the Lord and for traveling mercies. Pray for wisdom and strength for Geoff in California for the increased activity in his Sepher Ministries due to involvement with Charity Ranch. Pray for Jessica, age 19, who is very homesick in England and needs to depend on the Lord. Pray for Nancy in Ohio concerning her divorce. Pray for "Y" from South Dakota who has accepted a position as evangelist in a five state radius while associate pastor of another church, where both are paid on faith. Barbara from Pennsylvania has just recommited her life to Christ. "R" from Ohio feels like something is missing in her life. Pray that Rick finds an editor, with a servant's heart, for his Christian magazine. Pray for Ron's Jewish Evangelism being conducted in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Brad from California asks for prayer for the salvation of many people attending the gospel tent meetings in Orange County. E.V. from Connecticut wants the Lord to have His way in her life. Bill from Virginia will be taking college tests. Robert from Texas needs salvation and a healing touch from the Lord for loss of speech due to injuries when the brakes locked on the ambulance he was driving. Pray for David's wife Diane in Pennsylvania who is expecting their sixth child. Pray for Tim's eight year old daughter Holly in Tennessee who has epilepsy and needs a healing touch from the Lord. Billy from Maryland needs healing of a quadruple bypass surgery. "W" from Texas asks for quick and full recovery of a VA police officer's gunshot wound in South Carolina. Also, that the Secretary of the Dept. of Veteran Affairs would change the long standing policy of the police having no guns. Pray for Jackie in New Hampshire who is going to a surgeon to have a lump examined in her breast. Kathy and husband need immediate housing at an AFB in New Mexico. Helen in Pennsylvania is having a hysterectomy at the end of July. Nathan is doing mission work in Texas for the underprivileged and asks for strength for himself and open hearts for the people to accept the Lord. Pray also for traveling mercies. Monty in Virginia wants the Lord to have His way in his life. Pray also for his father Bill, who has cancer and needs healing and salvation. Betty in Illinois has cancer and needs a touch from the Lord. "L" from Connecticut needs strength as well as a closer walk with the Lord. Alan from Virginia needs direction from the Lord in reference to a move where he can better serve the Lord. Pray for Mary in Nebraska, that the Lord will grant her the desires of her heart. Pray for Wanda's brother in Maryland, who needs salvation and deliverance from alcohol. Pray for Deryl Jr. 28 years of age from North Carolina, who had brain cancer. Pray for a young lady in Alabama who had a baby but lost her husband and a 14 month old daughter in an auto crash. Bill from Virginia requests prayer for his nephew who is an atheist. Pray for "T" in Maryland who suffers from anxiety attacks. Pray for Tim and his friend in California who have a personal decision to make. Pray for MC's father in Virginia who has cancer and needs to know the Lord as Savior. His mom needs strength through this ordeal. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. (Psalms 122:6) CFI Reports CFI Reports CFI REPORTS is our monthly column dedicated to the ministries of CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL in Jerusalem. Our October issue of MORNING STAR (Volume 1.1) presented a summary of the various CFI ministries and explained the foundational principles and objectives of CFI. In this issue, we provide information on CFI's ministry, PROJECT LETTERS OF LOVE ... a network of love reaching from around the world to the Jewish people through comfort and hope. This month's column also features the July "Watchman's Prayer Letter" from CFI in Jerusalem. ------------------------------ PROJECT LETTERS OF LOVE ...establish thou the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17 Sharon Sanders of Christian Friends of Israel, Jerusalem Coordinating Office has had a love and concern for the Jewish people since 1975 when she and her husband made their first trip to Israel. She has spoken in churches, to groups and on radio and television on behalf of Israel. Sharon has helped to coordinate "Bless Israel Events" for homes and on a Christian campus. She has also written a children's booklet entitled "Tell the Children", a teaching on the Jewish people. Dear Friends, Through letter writing many Christians have established strong and good relations with many Israeli families. They know that our hearts are sincere and our stand with them is strong. Over the past few years they have expressed sincere thanks to us and to those like us who genuinely love Israel. They have shared their readiness to build a relationship. Israelis have been encouraged by our love. They have been touched, often to tears, and when letters arrive, they read them to their friends and rejoice because of having friends who care. One such Israeli, who came to see us in America a few years ago, said he would take our letters to groups of his friends, sometimes as many as a hundred at a time. After hearing the letters the group would stand and applaud. We were, of course, deeply touched. Many Israelis consider us family, consider us righteous Gentiles and invite us to their homes. Many relationships have been established and now we can openly talk with these precious people of God. It is our hope that Christians all over the world will continue to build relationships and visit Israel while traveling abroad, reciprocating hospitality and coming closer together in bonds of love. I believe that PROJECT LETTERS OF LOVE can continue to be a channel of blessing to the land of Israel and to the Jewish people around the world. During this critical period through which they are passing, the first thing needed is Love. The second is Comfort and thirdly Encouragement. They need to know that there ARE Christians all over the world that love them, and pray for them. Love can be coming across many, many miles and across oceans to the hearts of this hurting nation. The image of Christianity has been so distorted by well-meaning but mistaken Christians in the past. It is time that we begin to give our unconditional love as a healing balm for Israel at this crucial time. Letters can be very effective. The responses from many Jewish people have been heartwarming. One becomes a courier of Messiah's love for His people. THE REWARDS OF WRITTEN WORDS The Lord chose to use the written word (the Bible) to communicate His love to the world. This method of communication is still effective today. Meeting in person is the most effective means of bringing people together. However, when you cannot meet personally, then letter writing becomes an effective tool that can be used to build relationships. Letter writing can be a healing balm ointment saying to the Jewish people "We are with you". In todays world there is such an urgent need to communicate, especially with those who may feel isolated because they have experienced hatred so often. When you send letters of love, you are sending a part of your heart. The urgent message we need to communicate is Love and Hope. If you never tell anyone that you love them then silence on your part indicates that you may not. Our Lord said, "Even so send I you" and if you cannot go from your own home, then sending a message is essential. PURPOSE Letters are means by which we can reaffirm that the God of Israel loves His Chosen People, that His Covenant promises are forever with His People. This is good news to the Jewish man or woman in today's world. It is time to let them know that someone cares for them, that you have a concern for their nation and that you pray for them. LETTER WRITING AS A TOOL It has many advantages: It is inexpensive. - It can be read many times. - There is no pressure in letter writing. - It is never out-of-date. - It fosters personal relationships and builds foundations of trust. - Barriers can be brought down. GUIDELINES PROJECT LETTERS OF LOVE is long-term relationship building. Through this channel we desire to show love to them. Love works as a healing balm and can heal wounds. There is a tremendous responsibility in writing. One must make a commitment if one wants to be involved and stick to the labor. We are commanded in the Bible that whatsoever we do, to do it whole-heartedly. This is the first principle in making an impact for God. Only those who can be counted on to carry on the task according to guidelines established will see positive responses. THINGS TO WRITE ABOUT The Land of Israel as the eternal, undivided possession and homeland of the Jewish people, as proclaimed by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Show them your solidarity with this cause. Proclaim to them that our lot is cast with them and that they are not alone. Promise not to be silent on behalf of the "apple of God's Eye." (Zechariah 2:8). The time has come to favor Zion now. (Psalms 102:13). Declare your love and your position with Israel, to bless, comfort and honor them and to stand in covenant commitment with them. Even if your governments turn against them, you will stand as individuals with them. Tell them we repent for our years of silence during times of persecution and for indifference to them during the Diaspora in our lands. Share about your family interests and how God has put a love for Israel in your hearts Show gratefulness to them for their continued commitment to keep and safeguard, even at the cost of their lives, the oracles entrusted to them by God. (Romans 9:4). If you would like to become a partner in PROJECT LETTERS OF LOVE, please write to the following address. You will be sent an application, commitment form and guidelines which you are asked to follow. A background sheet will be needed from you in order to match you with Jewish families of similar backgrounds. Send your request to be a part of this special project to: Project Letters of Love P.O. Box 1813 Jerusalem 91015 ISRAEL TEL: 02-384406 ------------------------- WATCHMAN'S PRAYER LETTER Prayer in the Bible has always been a form of Divine worship. Through prayer, Gods Kingship over the world and the universe is publicly proclaimed, and His name is honored. Rabbis have even summed up the commandment of prayer as "service of the heart". (Deuteronomy 11:13). The Scriptures contain various expressions of prayer From the Hebrew we derive the following: supplication, outpouring of the heart, calling out, outcry, entreaty, beseeching, imploring, requesting, asking, proclaiming importuning, praising and meditating. Now is the time to strengthen prayer on the wall of Jerusalem, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen and prepare the defenses. For Watchmen on the Wall of prayer, the battle for Israel will continue to escalate. PREVAILING PRAYER When our God beholds us there Wrestling in the place of prayer Then the tide of battle turns Then the flame of conquest burn Then the faltering wail of fear Turns to victory's ringing cheer Then the flag of truth prevails Foes sink back and satan quails Bring me, Lord, Oh bring me there Where we learn prevailing prayer! As we watch the "coming home" of the Jewish people from the earth's four corners, we see a return that was prophesied two thousand years ago by the Prophets of Israel taking place before our eyes. Our eyes are indeed blessed to see what they longed to see. We also notice another "return" taking place in the Body of Messiah around the world. A return to their "first love" as God is preparing her for the Bridegroom. This double return is a blessing to the world as it heralds the coming of Messiah. Along with the returns, there is a restoration of Jerusalem taking place in the form of beautification programs, strangers within her walls and the Word of the Lord going forth from Jerusalem . THANK THE LORD for a major clean-up campaign around the Land in conjunction with the Authority for Holy Places in Israel. The Jerusalem authorities are now cleaning the Mt. of Olives cemetery and other holy places. The Lord is indeed building up Jerusalem and beautifying the City by putting on her "garments of glory". (Isaiah 52:1). "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city ...". PRAISE GOD for a record month of tourism in Israel with 130,000 tourists (strangers) entering into the country, almost double last year. These strangers (or travelers) are indeed walking through the cities and byways of Israel in full force. "... and the travelers walked through the byways." (Judges 5: 6). GIVE THANKSGIVING to the Lord for granting us a blessed portion of His Presence during the CFI Shavuot Conference (June 1-4). Many came from different nations thirsty to drink deeply from the Word of God. The conference hall was overflowing with people and His Presence. To GOD be the glory! Russians are telling Israel they want cooperation, not confrontation, according to a recent Jerusalem Post article. They seemingly want to cooperate not only in the civilian field but also in the military. Moscow is striving for maximum dialogue with Washington and knows that one road leading to Washington passes through Jerusalem. PRAY that any mask of deception worn by Russian officials will be uncovered and revealed to Israel before devious plans are devised. Pray that Israel will be discerning. "Then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serveth God and him that serveth him not". (Malachi 3:18). STAND ON THE PROMISES that God will defend Israel in the latter days when great company from the land of the north comes against His People. "And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the later days ...". (Ezekiel 38:16). Major General Uri Saguy recently stated that by the end of the decade Iran will acquire nuclear capability that will pose a grave threat to Israel. Syria is also continuing massive buildup of its missile arsenal, highlighted by North Korean-made Scud C missile with added throw weight and accuracy. SEEK THE LORD for the Hand of God to disrupt intensive efforts of nuclear activity. Also pray that He will close the mouths of those who roar and boast of nuclear superiority. May Israel be like Gedeon, Samson and Samuel who stopped the mouths of lions. "... for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon ... Samson ... Samuel... who stopped the mouths of lions". (Hebrews 11:32, 33). FERVENTLY INTERCEDE against the threats of terror and nuclear ambitions from Arab countries with which Israel has to cope. Pray that God will arrest any coordinated effort of those breathing out threatenings toward her for they are actually breathing out threatenings against God Himself. "... for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye." (Zechariah 2:8). EARNESTLY PRAY that Egyptian President Hosni Mubaraks accusations against Israel of reneging on commitments and undermining the peace talks will not persuade the nations to turn against her. "Now therefore let not Hezekiah deceive you, nor persuade you on this manner ...". (II Chronicles 32:15). PRAY that the international community will not join hands with Arab nations who want to liberate the Holy City from the "yoke of occupation" which Mubarak is purporting. "For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish, yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." (Isaiah 60:12). PREVAIL WITH GOD that the lie of "trading land for peace" will not be believed as truth. "For they speak not peace: but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land". (Psalm 35:20). Citizens in Israel are being encouraged to convert one room of their home into permanent improved version of the Gulf War's "sealed room", complete with a gasproof, blastproof door and window. Along with a massive NIS 520 million operation of distribution of new gas masks to the entire population over the next two years, Israel is preparing for the event of future war. PRAY that Israel will find her true security in God. However, for existing buildings, they need to have secure areas reachable within the two-to-five minute advance warning received here for ground-to-ground missiles. "And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope ...". (Job 11:18) . All 24,000 immigrants from Ethiopia currently living in temporary quarters will receive permanent housing within one year, according to an agreement reached recently between representatives of the government, the Jewish Agency and the immigrants. PRAISE GOD for the 1,500 families who will move into their own homes by September 1st, 1992. Thank Him for their own Ethiopian areas in Israel which will be built an named especially for them. "... they call their lands after their own names." ( Psalm 49:11) In His Love, Sharon Sanders Jerusalem Music Column Music Column "CALL COMIN' THROUGH" Words & Music by Tommy Greer & Gary Driskell Your heart is still hurting, Time hasn't seemed to heal the pain. And you're blindly groping through the emptiness. Your soul is awaiting, Some soothing answer to explain, The reason for this state of uselessness, Well, don't you shut your eyes and ears just yet. Somewhere in the darkness there's a candle for you. Somewhere in the silence there's a call comin' through. Sometimes it's so lonely, Feels like your prayers aren't even heard. And the cold and quiet make you wonder, You're open - you're listenin', Even the whisper of one word, Could lift the weight you're walkin' under, Well, don't give in to givin' up just yet. Somewhere in the darkness there's a candle for you, Somewhere in the cold wind there's a warmth comin' soon, Somewhere in the heartbreak there's a healin' place you're comin' to, Somewhere in the silence there's a call comin' through. (Call Comin' Through) Ever stumbled up to a fork in the road, and didn't have a clue? I've been there a few times. A friend of mine was there when I wrote this lyric (Tommy's music). God may allow us to sit in the darkness for a while and regroup. Instead of complaining so much, we should take the opportunity to offer praises to Him and renew our commitment. Following Christ involves a certain amount of taking up our cross and just waiting for the Master to call. Sooner or later the phone will ring, or just ahead a light will come on. Then and only then is it time to move ahead. Patience is perhaps the most difficult of all virtues. (Editor's note: Anyone who is interested in the published rendition of this song may contact Word Inc. 3319 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37215) "FACE TO FAITH" Words & Music: Gary Driskell David was small But no giant could take him Daniel was doomed But there was not a wound When they raised him from the lion's den Simon Peter, in chains Brought an angel to the rescue Paul & Silas, in jail Were guarded to no avail For their shackles were loosed and the doors just flew open "Now what is the catch?", I asked; one day I was readin' It must be an age-old mystery Then takin' a second look I discovered a strikingly clear consistency (chorus) (It's) Meetin' disaster face to faith Puttin' God's promises in to place Tendin' to trouble with a little taste Of what God will do when His people start callin' on His name For He anxiously awaits To give the word to release the power that prayer creates So we've gotta learn to meet every problem that we face Face to faith Now people, I've learned That God's word can be tested Trust Him, you'll see For those who believe He still is a God of mighty miracles So when troubles hit hard Turn to God and be patient Stand strong, don't run For there isn't anyone That He's ever let down when their lives have been faithful It's easy to go half-way, and not really do it But that makes the consequences rough And the more the catastrophe, the sooner you see That you're so much better off (Face to Faith) It was during some time of difficulty that I wrote these words, and my faith was renewed. The book of James says that we should count it all joy when we go through these trials and tribulation. It is a time to test our faith. I saw that in these situations we are not to become discouraged or to lie down and do nothing. We are to be strong and wait upon the Lord and be joyful in tough circumstances. He will see us through. (Editor's note: Anyone who is interested in the published rendition of this song may contact Starsong Publishers, 2325 Crestmoor Road, Nashville, Tennessee 37215) Chef's Corner Chef's Corner REUNITE THE FAMILY, IT'S PICNIC TIME!! MARINATED POTATO SALAD can be prepared the night before. Cook and dice six large potatoes. Place potatoes, two diced hard-boiled eggs, and 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper in a mixing bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. In a small bowl, mix 3 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons salad oil, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 2 teaspoons prepared mustard, and 1 tablespoon grated onion. Pour over potato mixture. Chill for two or three hours or overnight. Just before serving, add enough mayonnaise to moisten. This salad is especially eye-pleasing served in cups of crisp lettuce leaves. No picnic would be complete without a scrumptious 24-HOUR FRUIT SALAD. Mix 3 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons sugar, a dash of salt, 2 tablespoons butter or margarine in a double boiler or heavy saucepan. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Cool. In a bowl, combine 2 cups drained pineapple tidbits, 5 peeled and diced oranges, 3/4 pound white seedless grapes, 1 bottle of maraschino cherries (chopped), and 2 cups quartered marshmallows. Mix well and chill for 24 hours. If desired, before serving decorate with orange sections, pineapple slices, and long-stemmed maraschino cherries. FRIED CHICKEN is a favorite. To prepare, cut one 2 1/2 to 3-pound frying chicken into serving pieces. Coat pieces with 1/2 cup flour. In a bowl, combine one beaten egg with 3 teaspoons water. Dip chicken pieces into this mixture. Combine 3/4 cup cracker meal with 1 tablespoon onion salt, 2 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons paprika, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 1/4 teaspoon thyme. Roll the chicken pieces in this mixture and let dry on a rack for 30 to 45 minutes. For crispy crust, remove cover for the last ten minutes of cooking time. Another delicious meat dish is MUSHROOMS AND BEEF. This casserole is sure to be a favorite with the beef-and-gravy loving men at the picnic. Cut two pounds round steak or chuck roast into cubes. Fry cubes lightly in 4 tablespoons butter. Place browned cubes in a small roaster. To the skillet drippings, add 4 tablespoons flour. Brown lightly. Add 1 small can mushrooms, 1 can cream of mushroom soup, 1 tablespoon horseradish, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir mixture into beef cubes. Mix well; Add milk just to cover. Bake in 350-degree oven for two or three hours or until beef is tender. Don't forget the vegetables. In addition to their well-known nutritional value, vegetables can bring a welcome note of color and texture to your picnic table. Surprise BAKED BEANS combine some new flavor notes with an old favorite. Mix two 1-pound cans baked beans and tomato sauce, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 10 dried apricot halves (quartered), 6 sliced weiners, 2 tablespoons brown sugar and 1 teaspoon dry mustard. Turn into a greased 1 1/2-quart casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. TOTE-ALONG MACARONI is just perfect for a picnic. To prepare, add 1 tablespoon salt to 3 quarts rapidly boiling water. Gradually add 2 cups or 8 ounces elbow macaroni as water continues to boil. Cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally until tender. Drain in colander. Saute 1/2 pound sliced mushrooms and 2 tablespoons chopped onion in 2 tablespoons salad oil until tender-crisp. Add one pound lean ground beef, and brown lightly. Stir in 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 1/4 teaspoon tarragon leaves, 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder, and two 8-ounce cans tomato sauce. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Combine with macaroni. Turn into a 1 1/2 quart casserole dish. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese. Bake in 400-degree oven for 15 minutes or until bubbling hot and cheese is lightly browned. DEVILED PEAS are delicious. Combine 1 can peas (drained), 1 cup chopped celery, 1 chopped bell pepper, 1 cup grated cheese and 1 can tomato soup. Arrange alternate layers of this vegetable mixture, 6 sliced hard-boiled eggs, and 1 1/2 cups white sauce in a casserole dish. Bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees. FESTIVE GREEN BEANS are everyone's favorite. Cook 2 packages frozen green beans in a small amount of water until tender. Drain and place beans in a buttered casserole dish. Top with 1 can water chestnuts (sliced), and slivered almonds. In a saucepan, melt 4 tablespoons butter. Add one minced onion. Cook until onion is transparent. Remove from heat. Stir in 2 tablespoons flour and mix to a smooth paste. Add 2 cups milk gradually and return to heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is thickened. Add 1/2 pound shredded sharp Cheddar cheese. Stir until cheese is melted. Add one pound sliced fresh mushrooms. Pour sauce over beans. Top with contents of one can French-fried onions. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. GARLIC FRENCH BREAD - To prepare, preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a loaf of French bread, make diagonal cuts at one-inch intervals, leaving base intact. Combine 1/2 cup soft butter or margarine, one crushed garlic clove, 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon dried marjoram leaves, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and a dash of cayenne. Mix until well blended. Spread mixture between bread slices. Place bread on an ungreased cookie sheet. Sprinkle top with a few drops of water. Bake for 10 minutes or until butter is melted and bread is hot. Serve immediately. If desired, this could be prepared at home and baked over a grill at the picnic area. FRESH PEACH PIE - Everyone - young and old - looks forward to dessert time. Fresh peaches are in season now, and this pie is both delicious and economical to prepare. Fill a nine-inch baked pastry shell with 2 cups sliced fresh peaches. In a saucepan, boil 1 cup mashed peaches, 1/2 cup orange juice, 1 cup sugar, and 2 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch until mixture is clear and slightly thickened. Pour heated mixture over peaches in pie shell. Cool thoroughly before serving. GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE is lovely to look at and richly delicious to eat. To prepare, dissolve 1 package sweet cooking chocolate in 1/2 cup boiling water. In a mixing bowl, cream 2 cups sugar and 1 cup shortening. Add four egg yolks, one at a time. Sift 2 1/2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, and 1/2 teaspoon salt together. Add to creamed mixture alternately with 1 cup buttermilk. Add chocolate and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Fold in four stiffly beaten egg whites. Place in a 12 x 8-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until cake tests done. For the rich icing which is so much a part of this favorite dessert, combine 1 stick butter, 1/2 cup evaporated milk, 3 beaten egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a pan. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Add 1 cup coconut, 1 cup pecans, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cool and spread on cake. Potpourri Potpourri NINE KINDS OF CHURCH MEMBERS 1. WHEELBARROW: No good unless pushed. 2. CANOE: Needs to be paddled. 3. KITE: Keep a string on them or they'll fly away. 4. KITTEN: Contented only when petted. 5. FOOTBALL: Hard to tell which way they will bounce. 6. TRAILER: Have to be pulled. 7. BALLOON: Full of gas and ready to blow up. 8. WATCH: Full of good works. 9. CHRIST-LIKE: Ready to let the Spirit guide. Classify yourself according to God's standard! HOW DO I STAND WITH GOD? I guess I pass inspection - When I go by, the neighbors nod - But still (upon reflection) How do I stand with God? I live in a noble country, Far from the tyrant's rod, But that doesn't answer the question: Just how do I stand with God? I go to church on Sunday, Say, why do I feel so odd? Is it because man's righteousness Doesn't make him right with God? If I must give it all away - Go hungry - walk unshod - I'll not let pass another day, Till I get right with God! -Author Unknown IF BUT ONE YEAR "If I had but one year to live; One year to help; one year to give; One year to love; one year to bless; One year of better things to stress; One year to sing; one year to smile; To brighten earth a little while; One year to sing my Master's praise; One year to fill with work my days; One year to strive for a reward When I should stand before my Lord, I think that I would spend each day, In just the very self-same way That I do now. For from afar The call may come to cross the bar Or raptured be to meet my Lord At any time, and I must be Prepared to meet eternity. So if I have a year to live, Or just one day in which to give A pleasant smile, a helping hand, A mind that tries to understand A fellow-creature when in need, 'Tis one wit me - I take no heed; Buy try to live each day He sends To serve my gracious Master's ends." A SPECIAL FRIEND By Marge Molinaro Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Jesus is a friend of mine. A special friend, you see. I wish I could express to you, How much He means to me. When you are sad and lonely, And need a friend to share, Your many, many burdens, Jesus is always there. He will never leave you lonely, Downhearted, sad or blue. He'll be your friend forever, All it takes is faith from you. He's a friend that never fails you, No matter what you do. He'll reach out His hand and help you, All you do, is ask Him to. As you journey down life's pathway, With Jesus as your friend, Your burdens will be lighter, And to your joys, There'll be no end. QUIPS AND QUOTES Some people are like blisters ... They show up after the work is done. Someone has said: Be sure you are right and then hold on though the heavens fall. I know of no greater tragedy than to lose the sense of the immediate presence of God. When you turn green with envy, You are ripe for trouble. For the Christian, testing cannot be separated from trusting. We lose interest in worship when we have nothing invested. What happens TO us is not nearly so important as what happens IN us. Resource Department Book Review Book Review One of the latest topics of debate within the evangelical community is the subject of "Lordship Salvation." This theme is the subject of many books. While the topic is not a new one, the latest round of discussion was generated by a book that came out back in 1988. It may be time to go back and once again look at this book ... THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS John MacArthur, Jr. Zondervan Publishing House, 1988 Grand Rapids, Michigan Much of what the Church today presents as the Gospel, isn't! This is the contention of John MacArthur's THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS. What he presents is "Lordship Salvation" - or at least that is what his theme is referred to by some of his critics. "THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS teaches that there is no eternal life without surrender to the lordship of Christ." (Taken from the back of the jacket.) There is a major problem within the church. It is the spreading of the message of "easy" salvation. This message lacks a clear warning of the cost of following Christ. It downplays the importance of obedience to Christ's commands. As a result of this watered-down message, many who call themselves Christians do not have any testimony about the reality of their salvation. MacArthur's concern for the spiritual flabbiness of the Church is well-taken. Unfortunately, the book suffers from a lack of clarity in the call to accept Christ as Lord and Savior. (Some have even expressed that MacArthur's position is heretical.) John MacArthur clearly notes that he is not teaching "works salvation." His writing however, can leave the reader with the impression that this is exactly what he is saying! There are at least two problems with the handling of the material. First, the Old Testament is used as a primary source of the argument tying works to salvation. While the Old Testament is an integral part of the foundation of Christianity, it is not the primary source material for understanding the Christian life. Second, MacArthur uses "The Sermon on the Mount" as major source material for his view. But when using it, he overlooks the fact that the message was not the Gospel of Salvation, but the Gospel of the Kingdom. These two Gospels are dealing with two separate subjects. Nevertheless, to accuse this book of being heretical is a gross overstatement. In fact, the book has much to recommend it. MacArthur's concern over the lack of stress on true repentance is certainly valid. The Christian life demands a commitment to the truths of Scripture and obedience to God's commands. Obviously, there is too much inaccurate teaching focusing on the ease of coming to Christ for salvation. Salvation is presented as a way of solving life's problems and sometimes even as a basis of finding material prosperity. Accept Christ and have a friend for life, one who is there for you and makes no demands. This approach ignores that the Christian life is primarily one of the struggle of obedience, out of which comes spiritual maturity, and a deeper eternal relationship with God. Churches with an emphasis on downplaying this message never want to be guilty of judging anyone. As a result they often welcome with open arms those who are living in direct disobedience of God. In a desire to speak to these issues, MacArthur has produced a frequently confusing work. The distinctions between work as a product of salvation, and a basis for salvation are often muddled. Believers must be clear on the distinctions. Believers must encourage those claiming the name of Christ to live constantly with that claim. Where the life doesn't match up, the individual must reexamine the claim to salvation. James makes it clear that the life of the true believer manifests itself in fruit. "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." (James 2:18) Read this book with care. It may be confusing at times, nevertheless, do read it! Christians must return to a message that clearly states who Christ is, the need for repentance from sin and the call to obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Where there is no changed life, and no desire for change, is there really any salvation? NewsDesk Morning Star NewsDesk MORNING STAR NEWSDESK - AUGUST 1992 PEACE IN A CITY OF TURMOIL When Los Angeles erupted into riots after the Rodney King trial, hope was hard to find. But thanks to the International Bible Society (IBS), the hope found in God's Word was soon available to people in the hardest-hit areas of the city. In partnership with World-Vision and its network of African-American and Hispanic churches, IBS placed 30,000 Scripture booklets directly into the devastated south central area of Los Angeles on the Saturday following the riots. "The churches wanted to provide more than temporary help," said IBS representative Cory Trenda, who personally led the distribution effort. "They were thrilled to provide spiritual food through God's Word." IBS Scriptures also helped one of the city's most historic rescue missions as it continued to minister during the unrest. Workers at Union Rescue Mission could see the flames within two blocks on all sides of their building as they ministered to the city's homeless men, women and children. Because of an annual grant of Scriptures from IBS, they were able to share God's Word as well as food and shelter. This year, IBS is providing special "street" New Testaments worth more than $30,000 for city missions affiliated with the International Union of Gospel Missions. Union Rescue Mission is among those using the New Testaments to share the Gospel with the homeless. (IBS TODAY newsletter - July 92) TOP NOTCH EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAM When Mike Wright, vice president of the Southern Baptist Radio & Television Commission, gave a Russian New Testament to the manager of a company in the city of Ufa, Russia, 900 miles southeast of Moscow, the Russian became so excited he said he wanted one for every employee in his organization. "How many would that take?" Wright asked. "I have 20,000 employees," came the reply. For a moment Wright was stunned. Then he remembered that the International Bible Society had provided 4 million Russian New Testaments to Soviet churches and missions in 1991 and hoped that some of those "Moscow Project" New Testaments were still available. He was elated to discover he could receive the 20,000 Scriptures he needed, but they were in the Protestant Publishing House warehouse, 900 miles from Ufa. The Russian executive immediately sent a truck to make the 1,800 mile, six-day round trip over bad roads through the forbidding Russian winter to pick up the precious scriptures. (IBS TODAY newsletter - July 92) AMNESTY REPORT FOUND LACKING The chapter on Israel in Amnesty International's annual report lacks credibility by not adequately dealing with violence within the Palestinian community, says President Chaim Herzog of Israel. More than 80 percent of the killings in the territories are perpetuated by Palestinians against other Palestinians, Herzog told a delegation of Israeli representatives of Amnesty International. In addition, there are numerous incidents of attacks and torture within the Palestinian population not addressed in the report, Herzog noted. The president was presented with the Amnesty report by the five-member delegation. He met afterwards with the delegates in his office. The delegates promised to pass on his comments to the organization heads. Herzog said Amnesty's effort to fight human rights violations throughout the world was greatly appreciated. The group's work, he said, was especially appreciated in the Middle East, where human rights violations run rampant in the many totalitarian nations lacking the democratic parliament and free press found in Israel. Amnesty's report said "Palestinians under interrogation were systematically tortured or ill-treated. About 90 Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli forces, often in circumstances which seemed unjustifiable. (JERUSALEM POST INTERNATIONAL 7/18/92) GLOBAL ANTI-SEMITISM ON THE RISE An unprecedentedly large First International Conference on Anti-semitism, sponsored by the World Jewish Congress, was held in Brussels Belgium, and heard Jewish Agency Chairman Simha Dinitz report a 35 percent rise in anti-semitic incidents around the world in 1991 compared to the previous year. Figures indicated almost 1,900 such incidents in 1991. Some 12,000 delegates from 72 countries attended the gathering, including political, intellectual, and religious leaders. They concentrated on how nationalist passions now sweeping much of Europe - in the post-Soviet and German reunification era - are posing a threat to the Jews. (JERUSALEM POST INTERNATIONAL 7/18/92) FRANCE STOPS EFFORT TO END ARAB BOYCOTT France thwarted a US-led effort for the Group of Seven (G-7) industrialized nations to call for immediate suspension of the secondary Arab boycott of Israel, Bush administration officials have told American Jewish leaders. The call was to have been a response to Prime Minister-designate Yitzhak Rabin's declared plans to halt new "political" settlement activity. Instead, France wanted the G-7 leaders meeting in Munich to reiterate the statement from last year's London meeting, which for the first time linked an end to the boycott to a total settlement freeze. U.S. officials refused France's offer, saying it would be seen in Israel and elsewhere as a setback in light of the Rabin victory and his determination to scale back settlement activity. With concensus not reached, it was decided not to make any statement on the subject. (JERUSALEM POST INTERNATIONAL 7/18/92) BUSH ADMINISTRATION INDIRECTLY SUPPORTS BOYCOTT Representative Sam Gejdenson accused the Bush administration of sabotaging a law that bans some U.S. government purchases from foreign firms that join the Arab boycott. The congressman said the U.S. is giving lucrative contracts to companies that are abiding by the boycott. "By sabotaging the contracting ban, the Bush administration has thrown away a key piece of American leverage to end the Arab boycott," he stated. Gejdenson produced a printed statement from Samsung Construction Co. Ltd. of Seoul, South Korea, which stated that it "will never violate the Arab regulations" along with reports of U.S. government contracts with Samsung companies. (JERUSALEM POST INTERNATIONAL 7/18/92) TED TURNER'S SAVIOR Ted Turner, owner of CNN, told a recent conference on World Affairs in Boulder: "The religious right has taken control of government ... The problem with Christianity is its underlying view that the world is a rotten place and we're born into sin. It's a real burden to go through life with the notion that this life is only spring training for the real major leagues of heaven ... But what if this 70 years or so is the only heaven we're going to have? And what if, instead of waiting for a savior, we look in the mirror and find that the only savior we have is us?" (The McALVANY INTELLIGENCE ADVISOR 4/92 as reported in THE CHRISTIAN WORLD REPORT 7/92) FILES SHOW SOVIET-SPONSORED TERRORISM Secret files found in the former Communist Party's headquarters confirm that for years Soviet leaders funded and armed international terrorist organizations. President Boris Yeltsin's top legal aide Segei Shakhrai presented a document issued in 1975 by the Politburo, which allocated arms for the radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine specifically for terrorist activities. Shakhrai called a news conference to reveal what he called a "special file" of a million secret documents found in the party's central committee archives on the eve of a Constitutional Court hearing on the legality of a Yeltsin decree banning the Communist Party. He said the secret files contained evidence of criminal activity and atrocities by the party. Over an unspecified 10-year period, $200 million was sent to leaders of 109 political parties in over 70 countries, the prosecutor said. (UPI-MOSCOW) EUROPE LOOKS TO EXPAND TRADE AREA The European Community (EC) is considering setting up a free trade zone with the Maghreb states of North Africa. "The hour has come to pass from the logic of cooperation and development to one of political, economic and social partnership," reads a recent EC document. "No area of cooperation and dialogue would be excluded from consideration." The EC's proposal tacitly excludes Libya, because of UN sanctions, and Mauritania, because of the links it already has with the EC through the Lome Convention, which gives some former European colonies trade benefits with the EC. The five nations - Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania - do a paltry amount of their trading with each other. But the spectre of a unified Europe put necessity ahead of conviction and brought them together into their own common market in 1989 (the Arab Maghreb Union). While the Maghreb states are publicly committed to trying to create a better future by cooperating with each other, they in fact have little choice but to opt for greater integration with Europe - on Europe's terms. (TORONTO STAR 5/4/92) CLOSER AND CLOSER TO REVELATION 13 The Inter-Industry Support Group on Integrated Circuit Cards is launching a move to standardize "smart cards" due to their intense production and use. The group said that the smart card, which is capable of storing and processing volumes of information, has many more potential uses and users. "One card could serve the multitude of functions for its user; storage of medical information, admission to security areas, payment of parking meters and bus fares, financial transactions and numerous other functions that have not yet been explored or conceived," states the Standards Council, the crown agency that promotes standardization. In Europe, about 220 million smart cards are estimated to already be in use, mainly as telephone and credit cards. Smart cards are coming into increasing play in pilot studies in North America and are about to burst onto the scene reports the council. (CHRISTIAN WORLD REPORT 7/92) Information and Product Guide Information and Product Guide The MINISTRY INFORMATION area is for the benefit of all believers. MORNING STAR does not charge for these advertisements. AMMI MINISTRY P.O. Box 27576 Philadelphia PA. 19118 (215) 843-7964 BILL RUDGE MINISTRIES (An international outreach challenging believers to reach their maximum potential in Christ.) 220 North Buhl Farm Drive Hermitage, Pennsylvania 16148-1718 (412) 983-1223 CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL 30012 Ivy Glenn Dr., Suite 200 Laguna Niguel CA 92677 Tel. (714) 495-7383, Fax (714) 495-0760 CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES Inc. 1300 Cross Beam Drive - Charlotte, NC 28217-2834 (704) 357-9000 CANADA: Box 4400, Sta. D - Hamilton, Ont. L8V4L8 (416) 545-9066 CHRISTIAN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK (Electronic bulletin board systems) Ray Waldo, Project Manager Route 1, Box 175W Loranger, LA 70446-9720 voice: (504) 878-2956 CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL P.O. Box 1813 Jerusalem 91015 Israel tel: 972-2-894-172 / 894-187 fax: 972-2-894-955 NOTE: The Editor in Chief of MORNING STAR is a U.S. distributor of material for CFI. 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