Staff List & Mailing Address Staff List & Mailing Address Staff List & Mailing Address MORNING STAR STAFF: EDITOR IN CHIEF Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH SENIOR EDITOR - Biblical Department Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA SENIOR EDITOR - Christian Life Department Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, PA SENIOR LITERARY EDITOR Al Murillo III - El Paso, TX WRITING STAFF Jerry Johnson - Modesto, CA J.C. Trudel - Naples Park, FL Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA SENIOR PUBLISHER - DOS Version Steve Paulovich - Derry, NH DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (AMERICA ONLINE and COMPUSERVE Networks) Jerry White - Germantown, MD DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (GENIE Network) Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (DELPHI Network) Derrick Shipman - Greenville, SC DIRECTOR OF BBS DISTRIBUTION - USA Walter H. Bauer Jr. - Sugar Land, TX BBS DISTRIBUTION - USA Bruce Derouen - Beaumont TX Danny O. Dennis - Opelika, AL Jack Lavallet III - Alpharetta, GA INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION Sharon Sanders - Jerusalem, Israel Lars Storstrand - Minde, Norway Peter Cunliffe - Noisiel, France Roger J. Obe - Iloilo City, Philippines Scott Walters - Punchbowl, NSW, Australia. OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Patrick Auriemma - Nashua, N.H. MORNING STAR is produced and published monthly, by a staff of born again believers in Jesus, located across the United States of America. Correspondence to MORNING STAR may be sent via the U.S. Postal Service or one of several computer networks. POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 7755 Nashua, NH 03060-7755 ELECTRONIC MAIL LINKS: America Online E-Mail (DOS Files): MStarDOS America Online E-Mail (MAC Files): MStarMAC GENIE Network E-Mail: M.Wilkinson1 COMPUSERVE Network E-Mail: 74270;1265 DELPHI Network E-Mail: Derr1ck (Note on Delphi name: It is a number "1" between the "r" and "c") Letters Letter From the Editor Letter From the Editor Welcome to the February issue of MORNING STAR. In each of the first four issues I had the pleasure of announcing that this magazine had reached another part of the world. Well, the miracle continues. A letter came to us from a friend in Australia, who downloaded the computer version of MORNING STAR from an local network. This was truly exciting news from "down under". Praise the Lord! INSIDE THIS ISSUE This month's issue contains articles on a wide range of Christian ministries. Our Feature area and most of our Christian Life Department are dedicated to this theme. HELP WANTED! A lot of folks have inquired as to how they can help with this magazine ministry. Our greatest need is articles, specifically those for our regular monthly columns so that we can continue offering a quality publication every month. If you have something to contribute that doesn't seem to fit into any of these areas, send it in anyhow! The following is a list of the regular columns which we accept material for, along with a brief explanation as to the purpose of each. Please copy this list and send it to some friends. NEW IN CHRIST: Articles on the basics of Biblical Christianity, geared to help new believers grow in their faith. Also, stories of the experiences of new believers. BIBLE STUDY: Verse by verse studies of books or chapters from books in scripture. SPECIAL STUDIES: Studies of particular doctrines, concepts and themes in scripture. Each study may draw from several scripture books in one article. MESSIANIC STUDIES: Studies related to the Jewishness of scripture and the relationship of the Tanakh to Yeshua (Jesus) and to the New Covenant books (New Testament). ANEE M'AMIN: (I believe) Testimonies from Jewish believers in Jesus. WITNESSING COLUMN: Articles and stories related to teaching others about God's love and forgiveness through a relationship with Jesus. THE WORD FOR TODAY: Articles/studies related to the application of the Word of God to the world we live in today. PRAYER GUIDELINES: Articles/studies on the many aspects of prayer, an often neglected part of our lives as believers. BIBLE QUIZ: Questions & answers, trivia, etc. PEOPLE PROFILES: Stories about and interviews with our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord who have something unique to share with us all. YOUNG ADULTS: Articles/stories from believers in their teens and twenties. (Note: articles from authors under 18 must be accompanied with a written note of permission to publish from their parent or legal guardian.) TESTIMONY: Testimonies from gentile believers in Jesus. MINISTRY PROFILE: "Close up" looks at particular ministries. Small local ministries as well as large international ones are featured. L'CHAIM: (To life) Articles/stories concerned with our physical well being. MUSIC COLUMN: Song lyrics, articles and stories concerning the realm of Christian music. CHEF'S CORNER: Our recipe column. POTPOURRI: An assortment of poems, wisdom, quips and quotes. BOOK REVIEWS: Reviews of books/periodicals that can benefit the Christian community. We can also use this column to review computer software and other products. NEWS DESK: News stories from both the Christian and secular world that are of interest to believers. Send in those clippings! FUTURE ISSUES: If you are interested in submitting an original article, story or poem for Morning Star, here is a list of upcoming themes to help inspire thought. Don't feel limited to these topics however! March - RELATIONSHIPS (Marriages, family members, friends, occupational) Deadline : January 18 April - CHANGED LIVES #2 (Prison inmates) Deadline : February 15 May - ISRAEL (44th anniversary issue) Deadline : March 21 June - BIBLICAL COUNSELLING Deadline : April 18 July - WOMEN'S ISSUES Deadline : May 16 Remember, we cannot use copyrighted material without prior written consent from the writer or publisher. SEND IN YOUR LETTERS! We love hearing from our brothers and sisters across the USA and around the world! Please send in a post card or contact us via one of the E-mail links. Your comments, questions and suggestions are wanted and welcome. MORNING STAR accepts literary contributions from believers wherever they may live. It is our policy to publish testimonies as they are originally submitted with minimal alteration of the text. Opinions stated in these testimonies do not necessarily reflect those of the MORNING STAR staff. The content of MORNING STAR does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any computer network. In service to Jesus the Messiah, Toby Trudel Editor in Chief MORNING STAR Your Letters Letters From Our Readers Just a quick note to say that your mag (do you call an electronic publication a magazine?) has made its way down under! It got here via FIDONET from a BBS called the FileBank which sends several meg of files to us poor Aussies every month. Anyhow, I'd very much like to get some back issues + subscribe and help you distribute around Australia (Well, I'll throw them on the major Christian BBS's around Sydney and hopefully they'll spread from there.) Scott Walters Punchbowl, NSW, Australia. A few months ago I asked for prayer for a friend named Jim. Here is an update: A while back I asked for prayer for Jim an IV leader here at NIU. Jim's family was victim to a terrible tragedy a couple of months ago when his mother was shot and killed by his uncle. Well, his uncle is now in prison and recently committed his life to Christ! Jim is very grateful to God for turning this tragedy into something good and has developed a very close relationship with his uncle and has forgiven him. Thanks all for your prayers and please continue to pray for Jim and his uncle. In Christ, Daryl Kinton DeKalb, Illinois Grace and Peace! Well, Morning Star has been simply outstanding! My favorite articles was the one in issue #1 about hospital visitation, and the testimony of Janette Kragen in issue #4. These win my best-articles-of-1991 awards! Mark Cole Lawrence, Kansas Thanks for a wonderful online magazine. Is there a normal issue date that I can expect to look for a new issue of Morning Star? When I get the new issue I will begin to distribute it throughout the Chicago area on local Christian BBS's. Kenneth R. Schar Chicago, Illinois I am IMPRESSED with the Morning Star on line magazine. I know the time and work it takes to put everything together for a magazine like this. Keep up the good work! Rick Bruchner Washington, Pennsylvania Hello, I've really enjoyed Morning Star. Keep up the good work. The reason that I'm writing is that I work at a Christian TV station in Kansas City. (TV-50) I gave a copy of Morning Star to the production manager and he liked it to. He wanted to know if anyone representing the magazine is in KC or will be in KC anytime soon. If so he would like to have you on one of our shows to tell about Morning Star. Let me know if anyone will be in town ... Let me know if I can help with anything from a video aspect. Jeff Farmer Kansas City, Missouri Commentary Ministry : Who's Responsibility Anyway ? "...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20) Throughout the Church's history, many battles have been waged over the differences between clergy and laity, the professional and the amateur. A third player has been added in contemporary times: the para-church ministry. One major question arising from the presence of these three groups is, who does Ministry? The laity often believes the responsibility to minister is the clergy's. This view is grounded on financial support of the clergy by the laity. A view also held by many in the laity is that ministry should be left to the professional. Church leadership understands that their responsibility is to care for their flock. Therefore, the para-church ministry should be the one to reach outward into the world. Other leaders believe that since their commitment is to disciple the laity, the laity is to carry out ministry. Often the thrust of these views, even when correct, is that the work of ministry belongs to someone else. This issue of Morning Star focuses on ministry. Several articles review para-church and church-based ministries. There are many of these around today, and the Lord greatly blesses them. But, if our focus is only on the professional ministry, the clergy and the missionary, the real issue is missed. Who is to minister? According to God's Word, every believer is to go and make disciples. Christians are to model the love of Christ to their neighbor. "'...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'" (Matthew 22:37-40). Jesus modeled this love when He put the needs of others ahead of His own. He died on the cross, not because He wanted to, but because it was necessary for our salvation. He demonstrated that Biblical ministry is giving first priority to advance the kingdom into the world. This requires that we put the needs of others ahead of our own. This is in direct contrast to the view of the world, a view which states that self always comes first. The responsibility to advance the kingdom belongs to each and every believer. We are Christ's ministers to the world. The question isn't, are we clergy, laity, church or para- church? The only question is, if we are believers, are we ministering? God gives every believer the responsibility to serve Him. "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" (Ephesians 2:10). This opportunity exists within the framework of daily life. True ministry requires getting past the idea that it is something unique, or outside of our normal lives. We must reject the tendency to compartmentalize our Christianity from our secular lives. This distinction is unknown in Scripture. Our faith must permeate all aspects of our life. There are no areas exempt from our relationship with the Lord. If we are walking faithfully with God, then we will find that ministry is a normal part of our lives. We will see that we can care for others during the regular flow of our day. Consider this: One of the most important ministries is that of the mother. As a mother, you have the opportunity to model God's love to your children. You can teach them the truths of Scripture. You are given their early years in which to model for them the Lord's ways. Fathers should demonstrate the reality of integrating their relationship with the Lord in their lives. They should model integrity. They should show what Christ's love was all about, by placing the needs of their wives and children ahead of their own. It is in the context of family that children are taught the ways of the Lord. "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up" (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). Children are trained to withstand the attacks of a sinful world, depending on God, as their parents do. They can also be taught that they are fallible and in need of forgiveness. Children can learn this as they see their parents admit their own failures and ask the children's forgiveness. The Christian family ministers by being an illustration of God's love, mercy and forgiveness. The Christian marriage is to be a picture of Christ's relationship to His church. As society's families disintegrate, what greater ministry than demonstrating what the family should be? Christians in the workplace minister by their willingness to be servants to employers, their employees and co-workers. Many of the people you work with are hurting. What are you doing to reach out to them with the love and comfort of God? Many of us have skills and gifts from God that we can share with others. Are you literate? (I suspect so or you wouldn't be reading Morning Star.) Then you can help children or adults learn to read. If people are to be saved, they must hear about Christ. If they are to grow, they must be able to read His world. Do you know your neighbors? Have you considered that they need someone to care about them? You can minister by loving people. This shouldn't be done with the ulterior motive of getting another star on a spiritual report card. Jesus cared for the needs of people because they were valuable as people. He healed and fed all who came to Him. He did this even if they didn't choose to follow Him. John tells us, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Jesus died for all, even those that reject Him. We are to show God's love to all, for only He knows who will be saved. God calls all believers to minister. You need to be willing to go to the Lord and ask Him to open your eyes. Ask to have the sensitivity to see the need of those around you. Ask to be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, seeing the lost as God sees them. Touch the hurting. Love the unlovable. Choose to be God's light in a world of darkness. "...'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me'" (Matthew 25:37-40). We are to be the answer to the prayer of the disciples. "Then he (Jesus) said to his disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field'" (Matthew 9:37-38). Let us rejoice as we go into the harvest field. Features Teen Challenge Training Center, Inc. Teen Challenge Training Center, Inc. - The Quiet Miracle The Teen Challenge Training Center is America's largest and most successful drug and alcohol program. Many years have passed since the story of the "Cross and the Switchblade" thrilled and excited the nation. The feature film told the story of David Wilkerson, who left his small town Pennsylvania pastorate to pioneer a work on the streets of New York City among street gangs and drug addicts. The book and film challenged the hearts and captured the imagination of millions. Out of David Wilkerson's vision for the street people, grew the need for a training center. Though Wilkerson eventually moved on from Teen Challenge ... THE SAGA CONTINUES! Frank Reynolds, the original director, began the Training Center with 8 men in a farmhouse on a small dairy farm in Rehrersburg, Pennsylvania, 35 miles east of Harrisburg. Construction of the first housing unit began in July of 1962. From the humble beginnings in that small farmhouse, the Center has grown to a thriving complex of buildings on 500 acres that now houses and cares for 250 students. Facilities grew to include an educational wing, dormitory areas, and shops which house 22 different vocational fields in which the men are trained. Housed on the premises, along with a library, classrooms, and offices, are a print shop, auto body and mechanic shops, building and construction shops, industrial shops, and greenhouses. In addition to these, there is a dairy farm with 125 head of Holstein cows and 120 young stock. There is also an IBM Main Frame Computer, communication technology, and a fully operational recording studio. The Center works with men who have had life-controlling problems with drugs, alcohol or crime. It initiates them in a rehabilitative process to the point where the students can learn to function as productive members of society. Applying Christian principles and moral standards as well as responsibility towards family, society and a good start toward legitimate vocation, the program is widely recognized as a total cure for the whole man. The men come to the Training Center, commonly called "God's Mountain," from inner city programs all across the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, and the Bahamas. The ages of the men range from 16 and older. The Program combines Bible instruction to build Christian character, academic subjects to upgrade their schooling, and vocational skills to help to prepare them to compete in today's job market. There are also classes where the men can prepare to earn their G.E.D. The Remedial Reading Department teaches men who have no reading skills or are in some way learning disabled. Classes are taught in both English and Spanish to accommodate the specific needs of each student. Teen Challenge receives no government funding. "God's Mountain" is a faith venture supported by churches of all denominations, civic groups, and interested individuals. Your support is needed and truly appreciated. A secular facility of equal size would cost in excess of $40,000.00 per day to operate. Because of the faithfulness of God and our stewardship of the finances He has given us, we are able to operate for just in excess of $15,000.00 per day. Your investment in these lives is an integral part of our continued success. Students pay nothing for the training in order that the program can be made available to those who need it the most. Through Christ, we are succeeding in our goal to turn these former "rejects" of society into useful Christians who make solid contributions to home, church, and community. With an over 70% cure rate, the Training Center in Pennsylvania stands alone, able to stand the scrutiny of unbelieving psychologists, government investigators and take its place as the standard of drug and alcohol rehabilitation in the world today. For information call or write: Teen Challenge Training Center Inc. P.O. Box 98 Rehrersburg, PA 19550 (717) 933-4181 Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers, USA In October 1971, a group of Christian officers from the Los Angeles, California, Police Department had a burden to share Christ with their fellow officers. They began to pray about how they could effectively present the Good News of Jesus Christ with others in their departments. As a result of their prayers, a year later the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers (FCPO) was born. The group was incorporated in 1974 and in May 1988, with chapters from coast to coast and hundreds of members and friends, a major move was made to relocate FCPO's National office from Los Angeles to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Simply put, the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers has been established to show "our people" the way to a life that has real purpose and meaning - found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ. FCPO USA is made up of believers throughout the criminal justice system, represented individually and by chapters, across America. They are "banded together" for one principle purpose: to share the GOOD NEWS about Jesus Christ with their colleagues and then to help them integrate this GOOD NEWS with their own daily living. Membership in the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers is unlike any other organization. When you join FCPO, you actually become part of a "ministry team" of men and women who come from all divisions of the criminal justice system - a ministry that reaches beyond your own local community and into the lives of others like you across America. You will find that FCPO can become a very effective tool to help you share your Christian faith with your co-workers. Those in FCPO are well aware of the strong common bond that is shared by those in the criminal justice system, a "camaraderie" which cannot be imitated by anyone outside our own unique profession. But because of this special relationship, we are often provided with "opportunities" to share our faith with our otherwise "hard to reach" colleagues. FCPO'ers are actively involved in this "sharing" through a combined ministry concept of evangelism, discipleship and fellowship which is all based upon prayer. We in FCPO are firmly committed to the goals of effective evangelism and discipleship to every member of this "great community." We also believe in training our members for this opportunity and equipping them for this mission. Presently, we have more than 1500 members nationwide as well as the Canadian FCPO and a host of friends overseas. Prayer is the central focus of all chapter activities. Outreach meetings are also a priority. Some chapters have monthly meetings while others have quarterly meetings. These are usually centered around a meal to which the unsaved can be invited. If there is no chapter in your immediate area, we would like to show you how to get one started, should you feel led to do so. There are no fees or dues collected to become a member of FCPO. This is a faith ministry, in which we depend entirely upon the contributions of faithful supporters who share this great vision with us. For more information contact: FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN PEACE OFFICERS USA P.O. Box 11547 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401-2547 (615) 622-1234 Bill Rudge Ministries Bill Rudge Ministries An International Outreach Challenging Believers To Reach Their MAXIMUM POTENTIAL IN CHRIST In his teenage years, Bill Rudge participated in many rebellious activities--even illegal ones. Through his dedication to weight lifting, he became the instructor at a health spa, and eventually gained notoriety in the karate dojo as "Godzilla." Bill tried almost everything imaginable, but his restless spirit would not be tamed. His search for meaning and purpose was not fulfilled through any of his youthful involvements, not even when he hitchhiked across the country to find himself. But on May 23rd, 1971, at the age of 18, "Godzilla" was tamed. His life was dramatically changed through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ! Three months after accepting Christ, Bill and his young wife, Karen, enrolled in Bible college where he served as youth leader for an area church. He also taught classes in physical fitness and self-defense at the college and the YMCA. After graduating from Mt. Vernon Bible College (now L.I.F.E. Bible college East) in 1975 with a B.A. in Bible, Bill served as youth minister of a church in North Carolina and trained with Youth for Christ. In August, 1977, Bill and Karen started Bill Rudge Ministries of Living Truth, Inc., with absolutely no money, no staff and no facilities--just a lot of God-given desire and determination. While most thought the goals of these two young people could never be achieved, Bill and Karen believed that God would be faithful to fulfill what He led them to do -- and He has! Bill has literally built his life and ministry on Phil. 4:13 -- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." As a result, he has faced the challenges of overwhelming obstacles and has seen the Lord do "the impossible" through his life and ministry. Bill now realizes that even before accepting Christ, God had His hand on his life and was protecting and preparing him for his future ministry. For the first ten years, Bill directed a multi-faceted ministry. He developed one of the most effective outreaches to youth his area has ever seen; he researched and confronted the cults, occult, and other spiritual counterfeits; and he ran innovative total health and fitness, and self-defense clinics for various groups and schools. Then the Lord thrust him forth into an international outreach ministry which is impacting tens of thousands of lives locally, nationally, and internationally (Acts 1:8) through his speaking engagements, radio broadcasts, TV programs, cassettes, books, and pamphlets. God has taken Bill's youthful experiences and his past abilities and talents and miraculously redirected and increased them to be used for His glory. God changed him in many ways: From total commitment to weight lifting and karate - to total commitment to Christ; From victim of peer pressure - to standing alone and conqueror through Christ; From totally out of control - to living under Christ's Lordship; From hitchhiking across the country running from God - to traveling throughout the world proclaiming Him; From having no potential - to leading a ministry whose theme is "reaching your maximum potential through Christ!" Bill, an ordained minister, is a dedicated and determined man with an exciting background, a dynamic ministry, and tremendous goals and vision for the future. He daily seeks to live under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to glorify the Lord with every aspect of his life! Bill Rudge is founder and president of a growing international outreach ministry that challenges believers to reach their maximum potential in Christ. Truly, Bill's life and ministry present a tremendous witness of God's mercy, faithfulness, protection and power! The following is a brief overview of just some of the many ways Bill Rudge Ministries is impacting the lives of thousands for Christ locally, nationally and abroad (Acts 1:8)! Radio broadcasts on stations in our local area, throughout the United states and around the world. Referral ministry - providing vital assistance and resource information to hundreds of people every year. Research Division materials (pamphlets, books, cassettes and videos) and personnel available to hundreds of people for reference and research. Ellis Stewart (Research Division director) and Jim Weikal (Research Division assistant) and other staff speaking for area churches and groups. Bill's speaking engagements in churches, schools, conventions, crusades and rallies throughout the United States and abroad. Bill & Karen's (and the many others who go with them) Missionary Outreach Tours to countries around the world. Use of the facilities, property and Conference Center by numerous youth and adult groups. Distributing thousands of Bill's cassettes, books, and pamphlets and Bibles to spiritually hungry people around the world. Hundreds and hundreds of letters are received every month from those in the local area, throughout the United States, and around the world who are being helped, encouraged, and motivated to totally live for the Lord! All that is done and accomplished is made possible by the faithfulness of our Lord and the prayer and generous love offerings and mission dollars of the many individuals, groups and churches who stand with us! For more information contact: Bill Rudge Ministries 220 North Buhl Farm Drive Hermitage, Pennsylvania 16148-1718 (412) 983-1223 International Ministry International Ministry One of the most exciting things going on in American College Campuses is the vast numbers of internationals coming to them. One of the biggest needs these students have is to make American friends. Imagine being college age and going to a different culture and basically having to wing it. If someone who knew the ropes became your friend, he would be your friend for life. It would totally change your entire outlook of that country! That's why my wife and I see befriending internationals to be so key, not only in meeting a very practical need in people's lives, but also in reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the book of Acts, there are basically two cross-cultural missionary strategies going on. First, there is Paul, going to other countries to reach those other cultures for Christ. Second, there are internationals coming to Jerusalem, and Christians reaching them in their home city. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) and with the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). If you have a burden to reach people with the gospel, I would strongly recommend you check out your local campus! It is also much less expensive than going to another land to evangelize, and you don't have to learn a new language (although this can be helpful). The University of Kansas, like most campuses, has an International Students Association that is hungry for volunteers to become host families and help with activities with international students. Every year we host a new student. The first year we hosted a family from Taiwan. Lee is a business man, his wife is a lawyer. They have a daughter in grade school who has really enjoyed joining our family field trips. They were very eager to know how Americans operate, and practically invited themselves to our Church! That year, we were also involved with a couple from Beijing University. She was studying religion, so no doubt she was studying us. He was studying American families. They were devastated by the massacre at Tiananmen Square. It was an opportunity to mourn with those who mourn. She wrote her thesis on Chinese students who become Christians in the United States. She also taught our daughter Gretchen a little bit of Chinese, by translating children's books into Chinese. We also became close friends with Mucund, a medical student from India. He invited us to a Hindu wedding, which was quite fun. We have learned a lot from him about the upper class in Bombay, India. He is very interested in the Bible, but presently is in medical school, which is a total immersion type of experience. Last year we hosted another student from Beijing, China, who learned English listening to his shortwave radio! The first semester he was by himself, so we saw him a lot. During the second semester, his wife joined him here. One of the highlights of last year was Thanksgiving. We invited a group of Internationals over, including a family of Pentecostal Christians from the Soviet Union! They came here to flee religious persecution, just like the pilgrims. It was interesting talking to Christians who had suffered for their faith. They kind of took up the ball, and shared the gospel with everyone else who was there. Last Easter we invited another group of international families. The children had an Easter Egg hunt, and I psyched myself up to say a few things about how I had discovered the true meaning of Easter. We also showed a Christian movie. This year, we are hosting Stella from Cyprus. Cyprus is an island that is located between Greece and Turkey. She is an Orthodox Christian. One part of my strategy is to see how I can plug into other people's ministry (so as not to re-invent the wheel). For instance, my wife has been involved in teaching English in Small World; an organization set up to meet the needs of wives of international students (often times these women's visas do not have work permission, and they do not even know English- you can imagine how lonely they could feel). We also volunteered to do nursery for a Chinese Bible Study. We will also have a picnic for an organization called Operation Friendship. Some people think that it is wrong to 'proselytize' people from other cultures. I believe they have a point if your attitude is selfish and the only reason you are involved in international ministry is to "lay your trip on them". But if you genuinely care about people, and share your lives with them, as well as meet needs in their lives, then I believe you will genuinely reach them with the true meaning of the gospel. For more information write to: Mark Cole 1544 Delaware Lawrence, Kansas 66044 America Online Network contact: MarkC88 Sepher Ministries Sepher Ministries "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..." 2 Timothy 3:16 Sepher Ministries is a church-based counseling/discipleship ministry. Services include counseling, teaching, and outreach. Sepher is under the umbrella of Foothill Bible Church in Lincoln, California. Lincoln is just north of Sacramento, California's capital. Sepher, founded in 1990 by Pastor Geoff Kragen, is a unique Christian counseling ministry in three ways. First, while it is serving a geographical area, it is not a para-church ministry. One position the ministry takes is that counseling should go on in the context of the local church. The exception to this position is the recognition of the special needs of clients who suffer from physiologically-based disorders. The ministry works with clients who are under the care of psychiatrists, when they require drug therapy. Clients dealing with drug or substance abuse problems are also required to be in related support groups in order to receive counseling through Sepher Ministries. Second, the ministry is carried out from a pastoral as opposed to a clinical perspective. While taking input from secular research and diagnostic technics, the foundation of care is the sufficiency of Scripture. Recovery comes through the client's recognition of the need for growth in their relationship with God, not changes in circumstances. Clients, Christians and non-Christians alike, come because the approach is Biblical versus secular. Referrals come from local pastors who are concerned with the lack of biblical emphasis among those who represent themselves as Christian Clinical Psychologists. These pastors, who may not have the time, inclination or gifts to counsel, feel it is more appropriate to refer to a pastor rather than a psychologist. Third, biblical counseling, as practiced at Sepher, is an intensive form of discipleship working with individuals, families and groups. The purpose is to help people become what the Lord intends them to be as individuals, as parents, as spouses. Because of this position, Sepher Ministries is a church, not a para-church-based program. Individuals need more that just the time of a counselor. They need to be part of a local body where they can be cared for. Christian clients are required to attend a local church of their choice. This philosophical position required the ministry be affiliated with a church within the community. This not only demonstrates to the client that Sepher practices what it preaches, but that the ministry is accountable to local church leadership. Sepher is committed to the truth that God, through His Scripture, is adequate to meet the needs of people. He has given Sepher the opportunity to minister in these areas. Sepher by being identified as a Counseling/Discipleship ministry has become involved in three areas, counseling, teaching and outreach. The services provided are delineated as follows: COUNSELING Individual - The core of any counseling ministry is the care of individuals on a one-on-one basis. An orientation session is provided and then, on the judgment of the counselor and client, sessions with individuals will continue as needed. Marriage - The foundation of the local church is the family. The surrounding community acts as if committed to bringing down both the family and the institution of marriage. Society's values are often a direct attack on the marriage and therefore even the Christian marriage is sometimes in trouble. The counselor works with couples together and individually in a format similar to that used with the individual client. Family - The stress of life, blended families, and the dramas of family break-up affect all members of the family. The Christian family is not exempt from these difficulties. Counseling is provided for the family as a unit and also for the individual members, including the children. Pastoral - There are times when those involved in ministry also need the availability of counseling. Frequently, they are not able to get these services due to concerns over privacy and confidentiality. To meet these needs, Sepher provides counseling services to those involved in ministry and also to their families. Planned future services - Marriage Groups - While marriage counseling is provided for those needing more intensive work, sometimes the marriage simply needs a tune-up. The marriage group is a setting in which couples can work together. They will deal with the functional problems of married life. TEACHING Counselor Training - Since the church is to be the base for care of the believer, Sepher will work with local laity, equipping them for counseling within the body. The ministry retains the right to chose who will be accepted for training in this individual setting. Planned future services - Agape Groups - The local church is to be the family environment in which believers care for one another. Agape groups will have fourteen weekly training sessions. The sessions are will aid the participants in becoming more effective care givers within the community of believers. As believers learn to care for one another, some of difficulties of dealing with circumstances may be avoided. This care may help individuals escape the necessity of more intensive counseling. OUTREACH Support to Sepher ministries and it's commitment to discipleship has allowed Pastor Kragen to serve in the world of online ministries. He has become involved on the American Online System in the following areas: Modem Ministry - Using modern technology, the ministry of discipling, counseling and teaching has expanded nation-wide. It is made available to individuals who may never have exposure to either the church or to Christians. This is carried out through articles, group opportunities and here in MORNING STAR magazine. Chat Rooms - This is the computer version of the telephone party- line: here believers are encouraged to grow in the word. They are given the opportunity to have their Biblical questions answered. Prayer requests are taken. Time is provided for believers to pray for one another. The non-believer is exposed to the gospel, and a nation- wide prayer chain is provided. MORNING STAR - this is an online Christian Magazine emphasizing Biblical teaching, witnessing and discipleship. The editors are striving for a balanced content including both doctrine and application. A focus on the entire Bible is also stressed by featuring several writers who are Messianic Believers. The magazine is distributed world-wide on online systems, in a disk version and by subscription to those without computer resources. As an extension of Sepher Ministries, Pastor Kragen provides Senior Editor functions to the Biblical Department of the magazine. If you would like to reach Pastor Kragen, you can contact him at, Sepher Ministries C/O Foothill Bible Church P. O. Box 236 Lincoln, CA 95648 He can also be reached on American OnLine Email address: Pastor1 Loving Your Neighbor Loving Your Neighbor Every Christian should be involved in the ministry of being a responsible member of their community. Jesus told us that we are to love one another. This is the proof of our relationship with Him. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, He also told us we have a responsibility to care for our neighbor. We need to be concerned not only with the spiritual but also the physical condition of our neighbors. Too often we are so involved in our church, our ministry and our work, that we forget we are part of a larger society. There are many ways Christians can reach out to their communities, from providing child care for a neighbor, to helping an adult learn to read, or being a Big Brother or Sister. One way of giving to our community is by donating blood. Blood donation can benefit both the community and the local church. Many local blood banks do not have an adequate supply of donors. This is especially true during holiday periods when the demand for blood rises as more accidents occur. There are several ways to get involved with your local blood bank. You can be a regular blood donor. This usually takes no more than a half hour. You can usually donate every eight weeks. You can encourage your church to set up a blood club. As members of the church donate, they can designate their contribution to go into the church's account. When anyone in the church uses blood, they can get credits from the church account. These credits are applied against the blood charges on their hospital bill. Large churches can often arrange for the local blood bank to come to the church to take contributions. The church could advertise a donation day for the community. This might get people from the neighborhood to participate. It would also be a way of letting the community know that the church is concerned about being a good neighbor. There are other opportunities at you local blood bank beyond whole blood donations. Individuals can get involved with the Pheresis Donation. The Pheresis process removes platelets and other material from whole blood. This material can be used for leukemia patients. These patients are no longer capable of producing them for their own needs. This type of donation can be done every eight weeks. If matched with a specific patient, donations can be made as frequently as three times a week. The choice to donate to a specific patient is up to the donor, and is not required to participate in the Pheresis program. Finally, individuals can become bone marrow donors. The potential donor is tested to identify specific physical attributes. If the donor is matched to a patient, then he is given the opportunity to donate bone marrow to save a life. If he is matched, then a hospital stay and surgery are required. Individuals who have participated in this program have found it extremely rewarding. All three areas of donation give the donor the chance to provide something needed to save the life of a fellow human being. This is a very real way to demonstrate our appreciation for what the Lord has done for us. If you or your church are interested in involvement in any of these programs, contact the Red Cross, your local blood center or community hospital to receive specific information and requirements for your area. Biblical Department Witnessing Column Sharing JESUS With People by Danny O. Dennis We as Christians must first and foremost remember while sharing JESUS with others that the word Christian means CHRIST like. Many times we rely on our own emotions and feelings about certain matters and show little of what Christ is. This is not meant to be a sermon or to sound "preachy" but I am at times very disturbed by the image we as on-line Christians portray. We too often (without even realizing it) sound like the same Pharisees we like to put down. Yes, the Bible does tell us to rebuke our brothers and sisters but it also tells us to examine the plank in our own eye before we try to remove the speck in our brother's eye. Above all, we must do and say everything in love just as our precious Jesus does. If we will follow these few guidelines (and they are only guidelines) we will be more grounded in God's word and think before we speak or judge prematurely. For me, having these guidelines in clear view while on-line has been a tremendous help to me and helps me to remember it is not important what I think but it is important what God's Word tells me. 1. We plant (WORD) and water (TESTIMONY) but "God giveth the increase... (1 Corinthians 3:1-11) "So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase." (1 Cor. 3:7) 2. We're all in the same boat. (Romans 3:23) "for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) 3. We're not perfect, just forgiven. (Ephesians 2:8-9) "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." (Eph. 2:8,9) 4. Jesus created the heavens and the earth, laid down his powers as God and came to the earth to bleed, suffer, and die so you and I would not have to taste death and hell (Luke 19:10, Philippians 2:6.7, John 10:18) "No one takes it from Me. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father. (John 10:18) 5. "We must be born again". (John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17) "Jesus answered and said to him "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3) 6. "Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord." (Philippians 2:10,11) "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10,11) 7. "Today is the day of salvation," We are not promised tomorrow. (2 Corinthians 6:2) "For He says: In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation." (2 Cor. 6:2) 8. What is the gospel? (1 Corinthians 15:1,3,4) "Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that He was buried and that He arose the third day according to the scriptures." (1 Cor. 15:1,3,4) 9. What must I do to be saved? (Romans 10:9,10, Acts 2:38,47) "that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) 10. JESUS is the only way to salvation. (John 14:6) "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:16) 11. They need the power of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8, 2:38,39) "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8) 12. The love of JESUS is what draws people. (1 John 4:12,16) "No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:12,16) 13. Don't be discouraged. Jesus was rejected and so will we be. Philippians 3:10,14 - John 16:33) "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) 14. What is our driving force? (Philippians 3:7-10, 20,21) "For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself." (Philippians 3:20,21) 15. Trust God to do his work through You. (Philippians 1:6, Ephesians 3:20) "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6) "PROVE ME herewith says the Lord"..... New In Christ New In Christ "New in Christ" is a regular MORNING STAR column written primarily for people who wish to learn more about the basic teachings of Biblical Christianity. The editorial staff of MORNING STAR encourages all readers to freely use this information to help new Christians grow in their walk with the Lord. THE HIDDEN HELPER Over the past ten to fifteen years there have been a lot of movies concerning spirits, ghosts, psychic phenomena and demon possession. This trend began back in the seventies with the movie, "The Exorcist." Since then, there have been hundreds of films and books dealing with supernatural forces. I can confidently say many people accept the possibility that some type of forces such as these exists. In fact, you might be accused of being "narrow minded" if you said it was totally out of the question. What's amusing, and also sad, is that when you try to explain how a person can be literally possessed by the Holy Spirit, many would say the idea is utterly ridiculous and it's all phony. This shouldn't come as a surprise. The world has always been ready to believe in anything seductive and evil. Mankind has also been ready to reject that which it really needs. The Bible states clearly that all true Christians are in fact possessed by the Holy Spirit. (John 14:17, Romans 8:9, 1st Corinthians 6:19, 2nd Timothy 1:14, 1st John 2:27, 3:24) The Holy Spirit is a person, not just an influence or something similarly vague. Many attributes of His personality are mentioned in the New Testament. He has a mind (Romans 8:27), a will (1st Corinthians 12:11), and feelings (Ephesians 4:30). He also engages in personal activity, as He reveals (2nd Peter 1:21), teaches (John 14:16), witnesses (Galatians 4:6), intercedes (Romans 8:26), commands (Acts 16:6,7), and testifies (John 15:26). Since He has feelings, He can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30) and lied to (Acts 5:3). As He is God, He can be blasphemed (Matthew 14:31,32). One of the most incredible things the Bible tells us, is that when we become born again believers we actually are changed into an entirely new creature. (Romans 6:6, 2nd Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:22-24, Colossians 3:10) Scripture does not say, however, that our lives undergo a complete transformation which occurs in a split second. Although we receive the Holy Spirit as soon as we turn from sin and accept Christ, (Acts 15:8, Galatians 3:2-5), the change in personality, thoughts, behaviors and desires is more gradual. We are born again, not into spiritual maturity, but rather as spiritually newborn babes. (1st Peter 2:2) This means that we have some growing up to do. God's word calls the growth process from the point of your new birth a renewing. (Titus 3:4) The transition from being a baby Christian to a more spiritually adult one takes time. It occurs only as fast as we allow the Holy Spirit to work within us. It's not the same rate of growth in everybody either. To put it another way; you aren't the one making the changes. You can stop or slow them down though. You control the brake pedal, which is your will. It's your choice whether or not to take your foot off of it. Just because you possess the Holy Spirit, doesn't mean you lose your free will. Also it possible to commit sin in your life, though you're a lot less likely to. In fact, the rest of your life is going to be a constant struggle between your new self under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and your old self, (old nature), which wants to do as it pleases. They are completely opposed to each other. (Galatians 5:17) Of course if you've made a sincere commitment to the Lord, you should steer your free will in the direction of His word. It is up to you to enforce some self discipline and control what you do with your body (1st Corinthians 9:27). The good news is that all Christians can rely on the Holy Spirit when they pray, to give them strength in their battles against their human (sinful) nature. That's one reason He's been given to those who believe; to be a powerful source of strength and guidance, who can be called on at any time (John 16:13, Ephesians 3:16). By reading God's word and praying, the Holy Spirit within you will let you know how to deal with the everyday complex affairs in life. (Galatians 5:16) Christians should pattern their lives after the teachings of Jesus. Continually pray to the Lord for guidance in the difficult areas of life. God's word refers to this behavior as walking after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1, Galatians 5:25) It is called this because it's the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, that gives the power to resist evil It is also the Holy Spirit that will resurrect our bodies one day just like He did Christ's. (Romans 8:9-16) The Holy Spirit is a busy person. You might not hear Him, but when you pray, He prays with you. He asks for those things you don't know how to ask for, or for those things you don't even realize you need! (Romans 8:26,27) He becomes your best friend on this planet. (As Christ is in heaven at the moment) The more you allow Him to do with your life, the more He will, and the more you will grow as a Christian. The Holy Spirit is the one who bonds all true Christians together in one spirit on this planet. (Ephesians 2:18, 2:22, 4:3) That's the biggest reason for the smile you see on the faces of so many Christians. It's the comfort, joy and hope they have in their hearts, given them by the Holy Spirit. (John 14:16-18, Romans 15:13, Acts 9:31) Born again believers have the wonderful reassurance that their lives are approved of by God, and that He is with them. They know this by the presence of the Holy Spirit within them. (1st John 3:24 & 4:13) Of course it's not always peaches and cream for Christians. Once you become born again you've signed a declaration of spiritual warfare against you know who. There is a real Satan that exists. He hates all human beings, because we are God's creation. He especially despises Christians. Keep in mind he doesn't have to waste his time hassling non-Christians. He's already got every one of them chalked up in his column. (Do you remember who Jesus says goes to heaven in the third chapter of John? If not, you might want to take a look!) The world laughs at the idea of there being a real devil. Many religious people who aren't born again don't even realize that they are "in his back pocket." This demonstrates how adept he is at deception. (More on Satan in a later issue.) Christians must always be prepared to defend themselves from spiritual attacks by this hater of God. He is more powerful than any human being, but he can only do what God allows him to do and no more. He'll always look for your weak points. He will often tempt you in those areas that you have the hardest time giving up to the Lord. These include the physical, emotional or mental aspects of our makeup. The Bible tells us how we are to defend ourselves from his attacks. Here's the key: If our complete selves, (body, soul and spirit), are under the control of the Holy Spirit, we have only to turn to Him for help in fighting these battles. What kind of weapons do we have in our struggle with the devil? The Bible gives us a list of all the spiritual armor we have to take into battle with us. (Ephesians 6:10-17) Remember, there's no choice. Once you declare yourself a Christian, you're at war. But it's a war we are guaranteed victory in, as we have the firm promise of Jesus Himself to protect us. Bible Study Jonah - A Story of God's Love : The Second Call of Jonah The Bible Study column examines specific sections of Scripture. This is the third of a four-part series on the book of Jonah. Future columns will include individual Psalms and books from both the Old and New Testaments. ------------------------- Poor Jonah! He had been called by God to bring a message of impending judgment on Nineveh. He did not want the Ninevites to repent and be saved. After all, these fierce Assyrians were sworn enemies of Jonah's people, the Israelites. So what did he do? He ran away. But God didn't allow him to escape. Jonah was caught up in a supernatural storm. He was thrown overboard into the raging waters. A special fish was created by the Lord. It swam up and swallowing Jonah, sheltered him within its belly for three days and nights. Now he was on his way to Nineveh. (See Morning Star Issues 3 & 4 for the analysis of Jonah Chapters 1 and 2). Sometimes God, who knows what is best for His children, may act in ways that appear to be unmerciful. Jonah certainly must have felt God was being unmerciful when God forced him to go to Nineveh. Jonah had been called to a very difficult mission for an Old Testament Prophet. God's specific intent was for Jonah to bring the Ninevites a warning of God's impending judgment. Jonah's reluctance is understandable. He knew that God was merciful to those who turn to Him. Jonah feared that the people would repent. Then God would spare them. Jonah did not want to be the instrument of salvation for Israel's enemy. When Jonah fled from God, he hoped God would choose somebody else to carry the message to Nineveh. Through a series of supernatural interventions, God told Jonah he was going to Nineveh willing or not. Chapter 2 concludes with Jonah lying on the shore, having been thrown up by the "sea-monster." Between the time Jonah refused God's call, and his realization that he wouldn't be able to get away with it, he demonstrated his faith and trust in God. Jonah's behavior demonstrates that it is possible to be aware of attributes of God, be obedient to His call, and yet not have an obedient spirit. Jonah succeeds in caring the warning to Nineveh. But his desire for the destruction of the city doesn't change. This chapter is more than a passage dealing with Jonah's further adventures. It shows God's infinite mercy toward His creations. The analysis of Chapter 3 will examine the mercy of God toward all men. The lesson drawn from the chapter will be one of God's mercy towards believers. Mercy toward all men Jonah 3:1-2 Jonah found himself unable to flee God's will. He realized he still had faith and trust in the Lord, even though unhappy with the assignment. So, once more, God called him to travel to Nineveh and give the message of God's judgment. God cared about both Jonah and the Ninevites, both Hebrew and Gentile. God gave Jonah another opportunity to serve. He was given a second chance to be used by the Lord. Sometimes, when a believer refuses to obey, the opportunity to serve is lost. If God calls you to speak to that stranger, and you don't, you may never get another chance. Praise the Lord though, for He is a patient and loving Father. He constantly works with His children giving them numerous chances to serve Him, bringing Him glory. "The Lord, The Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger (patient), and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives the iniquity, transgression and sin" (Exodus 34:6-7). 3:3-4 So, Jonah brought his eternal message: God judges sin. It is amazing how difficult this is for people today to understand. GOD JUDGES SIN. Some believe that God is so loving that He cannot bring Himself to judge sinners. Others claim there is no such thing as sin. In contrast, there are those who believe they will get another chance to come back and do it right. But God says, " is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment..." (Hebrews 9:27). Judgment for the Ninevites was first to be temporal. Since the wickedness of the people was so great, God promised to destroy the city in forty days. Implicit in the promise was the withholding of judgment if repentance occurred. The pre-delluvian world had 120 years (the time it took to build the Ark) to repent to be saved from world-wide flooding. The wicked of Noah's day did not repent, and so their world was destroyed. "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years" (Genesis 6:3). It took Jonah only three days to walk through Nineveh. The city measured about sixty miles in circumference. He conveyed God's message of judgment to its citizens. In article #1 the following quote was drawn from "The Paranoid Prophet" by William Backus. This is the fictional response of Jonah's psychologist on first seeing him. "My first impression (of Jonah) was of more white blotches. They covered his face, arms and hands. What had caused them? I had never seen the like. Behind the blotches was sunburn, from the bald patch on top of his head down to the massive calves showing beneath his long tunic." * Jonah's condition was a product of being in the fish for several days and nights. Imagine the effect this strange individual would have had on the Ninevites. This possible disfigurement may have been why Christ called Jonah a sign to the city. "For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation" (Luke 11:30). If this is a valid assumption it simply means that people would be even more aware of his presence. 3:5 Much to Jonah's chagrin he experienced the greatest success of any evangelist in the entire history of the world. Billy Graham would be thrilled to see such spectacular results. Here is an entire city which came to know the Lord. Through Jonah's proclamation and the working of the Holy Spirit, everyone in the city repented of their wickedness. This was exactly what Jonah had feared. First, the people manifested faith in God. They believed that God meant it when He said He would destroy the city for its wickedness. Solomon expressed it well when he said: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Proverbs 9:10 With the citizens realized of the truth of the divine message, they responded by calling for a fast and putting on sackcloth. Note that all the city repented, for this was the response from the "greatest to the least of them." 3:6 Even the King, when hearing Jonah's message and of the subsequent response, put on sackcloth and ashes. He too repented of the city's sinfulness. It is very possible the king, more than any other individual, was responsible for the city's evil condition. 3:7 Nineveh's ruler proclaimed the fast, making it official. He carried this action even to the extreme of dressing the animals in sackcloth. He exhorted his subjects to turn to God and repent of their sins and violent behavior. The King hoped that if God saw true repentance in Nineveh, He would save them. As Jonah was aware, this was a legitimate hope. Nineveh's widespread repentance was another supernatural act. Only through God's intervention, combined with the power of the Holy Spirit, was an entire people able to turn to Him. It is only through the direct intercession of God that any are saved. And only the Holy Spirit working in the heart of the sinner, can more that heart to repent. "For He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will" (Ephesians 1:4-5). As expected, with the repentance of Nineveh, God relented. He did not judge the nation. God did not bring down destruction. This greatly upset Jonah, as the next article will show. This is the appropriate point to make a parenthetical comment on the repentance of God. Does God change His mind? God says, "I the Lord do not change" (Malachi 3:6). This is true. What is referred to as God's repentance is an anthropromorphism, a word that means describing God's actions in language people can understand. When Scripture speaks of God changing His mind, it refers to the fact that God can change His actions in response to man's repentance, or lack thereof. Mercy toward Believers The lesson in this passage is as follows: Even if you have missed previous opportunities to serve God, He will open other doors so you can be used by Him. But you must be willing to carry out His work.. As with Jonah, you are not called to save the world, but to carry the Good News to people. The sinner's decision to repent, turning from wickedness and violence, is between him or her and the Lord. When the child of God puts aside the stubbornness that causes her from joyful service, then the loving Father will provide numerous additional opportunities. Jonah's basic problem was attitudinal. He believed that when it came to the Ninevites, his views out weighted God's Every believer is sometimes angry at God. He knows he needs to pray. But his attitude when praying is poor. "I'm praying because I know I'm supposed to. I don't really want to. I'm not really sorry, but I know I'm supposed to be so it's Your problem to make me." Obedience coupled with reluctance is not necessarily wrong. Obedience in action often brings about a spirit of willingness. However, in these situations it is better to confess a negative attitude to the Lord. For even if you serve out of obedience, you will not experience the joy that comes with the desire to serve. Wouldn't it be better to say with the prophet "yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour. The Sovereign Lord is my strength..." (Habakkuk 3:18-19)? Believers can experience abundant blessings because of the Lord's willingness to use them as His instruments. You can build for eternity. All you have to do is to be open to God's leading. What a joy to be able to lead a meaningful life. So many today are looking for a chance to do something that will last and be of significance. However, only Christians are given this opportunity. Can you think of anything more joyous than being a creature of a loving Creator Who is not only willing but desires to use you as His instrument? He doesn't need to use people at all. He simply wants to. Paul recognized this when he said "To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God, who created all things; in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He cared out in Christ Jesus our Lord..." (Ephesians 3:8-11). Your Christlike walk and words can convey a divine message to the unbeliever. Through your obedience to the Lord's calling, sinners' lives can be changed for all eternity. Someday you will be able to stand before the Lord and meet the souls who were saved through your willingness to serve. While salvation can only come about by God at work in the sinner's heart, you can take an active part in this process by being His chosen instrument. Can anything be more exciting than building for eternity? Believers secure in the Lord's will are enhancing the ministry of constructing an eternal building. This is God's church. You have so much to be grateful for. Pray that you will stand before the Father and be so blessed to hear "...Well done, good and faithful slave; you were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master" (Matthew 25:21). * THE PARANOID PROPHET, William Backus, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1986, p. 15. Special Studies God is Revealed in His Third Covenant The Bible is an account of God's relationship to man, a covenant relationship. We find this from the day of creation to the eternal relationship we can have with the Messiah. In the previous article of this series we saw that man had broken the Adamic covenant. As a result, God was to bring world-wide flooding as His judgment. This is the third in an ongoing series on God's covenants. ------------------------- Even before judgment was executed, JEHOVAH-ELOHIM began to move in covenant grace to preserve His next covenant man. Out of the Godly line He chose Noah, a man who was keeping the Adamic Covenant. But Noah found favor with the Lord. This is the line of Noah. Noah was a righteous man; he was blameless in his age; Noah walked with God. Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Then the Lord said to Noah, 'Go into the ark, with all your household, for you alone have I found righteous before Me in this generation.' (Genesis 6:8,9; 7:1, JPSA [Jewish Publication Society of America]). God ordered Noah to build an ark. This ark of safety preserved Noah's family and selected segments of the animal kingdom. "For My part, I am about to bring the Flood--waters upon the earth--to destroy all flesh under the sky in which there is breath of life; everything on earth shall perish. But I will establish My covenant with you, and you shall enter the ark, with your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives. And all of that lives, of all flesh, you shall take two of each into the ark to keep alive with you; they shall be male and female. From birds of every kind, cattle of every kind, every kind of creeping thing on earth, two of each shall come to you to stay alive. For your part, take of everything that is eaten and store it away, to serve as food for you and for them" (Genesis 6:17-22 JPSA). Noah did so; just as God commanded him, so he did. This ark is a picture of the body of Christ, a type of our salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is also a representation of the symbol of the fullness of the Godhead because of the three stories, or levels, and their function within the ark. The text repeats that the earth was corrupt. "The Lord saw how great was man's wickedness on earth, and how every plan devised by his mind was nothing but evil all the time... The earth became corrupt before God; the earth was filled with lawlessness. When God saw how corrupt the earth was, for all flesh had corrupted its ways on earth..." (Genesis 6:5,11,12 JPSA). It was as if God was looking at the earth in pity and with much longsuffering. Even so, "the long-suffering of God waited" for 120 years while the ark was being prepared. During this time Noah must have acted as a "preacher of righteousness." He warned of the judgment to come receiving much scoffing and similar persecution. This was possibly similar to the discriminatory persecution of the Christian community in the 1980s and 1990s in the United States. It probably didn't rival that of the early Christians. God used the 120 years to show how He provided Noah with the necessary strength to serve Him. This strength was given to show that "where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness" (Romans 5: 20,21 NKJV). Noah learned, as Paul says, God's "grace is sufficient for you, for (His) strength is made perfect in weakness" (II Corinthians 12:9). As a father gives strength to his son, so God gave strength to Noah. The promises of the Noahic Covenant restated God's purpose for mankind as outlined in the Edenic Covenant. The Noahic Covenant added responsibilities and restrictions which revealed God as JEHOVAH- ELOHIM. He is God in covenant relationship with His people. He is ruler and overruler in the affairs of men. "Crosses and obstacles in an evil course are great blessings, and are so to be counted. They are God's hedges to keep us from transgressing, to restrain us from wandering out of the green pastures so that 'by disciplining them leaves His signature to turn man away from spare him from the pit' (Job 33:16,17,18, JPSA) to make the way of sin difficult, that we may not go on in it, and to keep us from it whether we will or not. We have reason to bless God for both restraining grace and for restraining providences." Matthew Henry on Hosea 2. The promises of the Noahic Covenant included God's blessing upon Noah and his sons, productivity and a whole multitude of descendants. It included the responsibility to govern all living creatures. Also allowed, for the first time, was the eating of meat. God's blessings continued with the earth safeguarded from further curse. Fulfilling the Solaric Covenant (Genesis 1:14-18), the four seasons were established. God also promised that there would never again be planet-wide destructive flooding. (See Genesis 8,9; Leviticus 11; Isaiah 54:9,10; Hebrews 11:7.) Not only were there promises of blessing, but there were promises of cursing as well. The curse given in relation to this covenant is a part of the gradual, ongoing, unfurling of the curses in Scripture. Thus far we have seen the curse upon the serpent, upon the woman, the man, the ground, Cain, and now, Canaan. (See Genesis 3:14-19, 4:11, 5:29, 8:21, 9:25; Romans 8:19-23.) Noah, after being mocked by Ham for being drunk, pronounced the prophecy of blessing and cursing. (Ham was the father of Canaan). The prophecy consisted of three parts. God promised, as the God of power, Japheth geographical expansion. This is the characteristic of his descendants, the European nations. As history has shown, the European nations led the way in opening international trade and settlement. In the 1990s the prophecy continues, leading to a one- world government. This can be seen in the rising of a United States of Europe. The promise adds that Japheth shall dwell in the tents of Shem. As St. Augustine said, " the churches which the apostles, the sons of the prophets, reared..." thus referring to the blessing that was to flow through all nations through the Hebrew race. Canaan was to be the servant of Japheth. This was fulfilled in the subjection of the children of Israel to Greece and Rome. The Israelites were economically conquered by Tyre and Carthage, the ancient centers of wealth and merchandise. And later by Egypt, the empire of might and the oldest of civilizations. "What are we all but descendants of Japheth, who dwell in the tents of Shem; and what is the language of the New Testament, but that of Javan spoken in the dwellings of Shem?" (Alfred Edersheim, Old Testament Bible History, I:56-57). (Javan is modern Greece.) The national and temporal blessings and cursings are set in motion. As a point of interest, it was to be through the seed of Shem that the Messianic blessing would come on all the families of the earth. The modern international relationships stemming from these three, while complex, are quite simple when seen in context. But that's beyond the scope of this lesson! The terms of the Noahic Covenant were faith and obedience (Genesis 6:22,7:5;Hebrews 11:7;I Peter 3:20; II Peter 2:5). The cautions; not to eat flesh with blood (Genesis 9:4), and the forbidding of murder (Genesis 9:6), were backed with capital punishment. "But for your own life-blood I will require a reckoning: I will require it of every beast; of man, too, will I require a reckoning for human life, of every man for that of his fellow man! Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; For in His image did God make man" (Genesis 9:5-6). God reiterates the oath found in the Genesis passage in Isaiah 54:9, which says, "For this to Me is like the waters of Noah, as I swore that the waters of Noah nevermore would flood the earth..." The blood sacrifice of this covenant was fulfilled with the offering up of the clean animals, a soothing aroma to the Lord. This occurred after the Deluge had abated (Genesis 6:19,20; 7:2,3,8,9; 8:20). The rainbow became the seal of the covenant. "God further said, 'This is the sign that I set for the covenant between Me and you, and every living creature with you, for all ages to come. I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall serve as a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, I will remember My covenant between Me and you and every living creature among all flesh, so that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures, all flesh that is on earth. That,' God said to Noah, 'shall be the sign of the covenant that I have established between Me and all flesh that is on earth'" (Genesis 9:12-17, JPSA). This seal of the covenant was placed in the sky between heaven and earth, and between God and man. This was so that both could look upon it and remember His covenant mercy. In the poetic language of an unidentified German writer quoted by Edersheim, "The rainbow, caused by the influence of the sun upon the dark clouds, would show to man, that what was from heaven would penetrate that which rose from the earth; and as it spanned the gulf between heaven and earth, it would seem to proclaim peace between God and man; while even the circumstance that it bounded the horizon would symbolize how the covenant of mercy extended to earth's utmost bounds." God herein is revealed in that all administrations of His authority in relation to earth and to Man pass through the remembrance of His covenant mercy (Ezekiel 1:28; Revelation 4:3,10:1). God has reasserted His authority to Man and that only by His mercy are we alive today. During the next covenant era, covering the period from Abraham to Moses, God was known as "EL SHADDAI," the Almighty. Next month's article will entail a discussion reflecting on that Name and how it relates to the Abrahamic Covenant. Bible Quiz Bible Quiz GETTING THINGS ORGANIZED Any ministry hoping to be successful needs to be organized. The Bible has many examples of people who had good organizational skills. Match the people in the first section to what they organized in the second section. The answers may be found by looking up the scripture verses listed after their names. (No peeking!) 1. APOSTLES (Acts 6:17) 2. DAVID (2 Samuel 24:1-2) 3. GIDEON (Judges 7:4-7) 4. JACOB (Genesis 33:1-4) 5. JESUS (Luke 10:1) 6. JETHRO (Exodus 18:9-24) 7. JOSHUA (Joshua 6:1-7) 8. MOSES (Exodus 13:17-20) 9. NEHEMIAH (Nehemiah 2:17-18) 10. PAUL (Acts 15:40) a) He suggested Moses organize judges to help him. b) He organized his family when he went to meet his brother. c) He organized a census of the children of Israel. d) He organized seventy followers in pairs. e) He organized deacons to assist them. f) He organized for the defeat of Jericho. g) He organized soldiers for battle by using water. h) He organized a mission trip. i) He organized the Israelites for a trip into the wilderness. j) He organized the rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall. Messianic Studies Was Paul the Founder of Christianity? by Avi Snyder The Messianic Studies column explores the world of the Messianic Believer. Like the church at large, Messianic Judaism contains much diversity. It is made up of numerous views as to what it means to be a Messianic Jew, who we are, what we call ourselves and what we believe. This column will be used to explore this variety, giving the reader a broader perspective of Messianic Judaism than found elsewhere, exposing those of us who are Messianic Believers to the wide spectrum of practice found within the movement. Hopefully we will succeed in helping our Jewish brothers and sisters to understand why we follow Yeshua as our savior. We also hope that what is provided here will give our gentile readers both a better understanding of their Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as the Jewish roots of their own faith. ------------------------- In the past several decades, a particular program of reclamation has been undertaken by the Jewish people. It does not involve the rejuvenation of the land, nor the replanting of trees. Instead, it is the reclamation of one whom many regard as Israel's greatest native son: the reclamation of Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth as, if nothing else, a Jew who deserves a rightful place in the history of our people. However, while we are willing to reclaim Jesus to some degree, there is another first-century Jew whom we adamantly reject: Saul of Tarsus, the Apostle Paul. Why the acceptance of the one and rejection of the other? "Because," some reason, "Jesus was born a Jew, and he died a Jew. He had no intention of starting a new religion. His teachings were Jewish, and his life was an example of fidelity to the faith of our fathers. But Paul, on the other hand, not only veered away from Judaism, but his teachings laid the foundation for twenty centuries of misunderstanding and abuse from the Gentiles." Or so the argument goes. But is the argument accurate and justified? or is it possible that Paul himself has been the victim of misunderstanding and abuse? Is it even possible, after nearly two thousand years, to know with any certainty precisely how Paul regarded us, and what significance he placed upon his own identity as a Jew? Yes, it *is* possible to know. We have at our disposal not only the biographical account provided by his traveling companion, the physician Luke, but we also have Paul's words. These words were preserved in the letters he wrote to various congregations of believers in Jesus throughout Europe and Asia, as well as his personal correspondence to close friends. From these primary source materials, an accurate portrait of the man's attitudes and character emerges. "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city (Jerusalem). Under Gamaliel I was thoroughly trained in the law of our fathers..." Acts 22:3 Commenting upon his early passion for observing the practices in which he had been trained, he described himself as: ...a Hebrew of Hebrews: in regard to the law, a Pharisee; for legalistic righteousness, faultless. Philippians 3:5,6 But while en route to the city of Damascus, Saul records that he encountered one who had claimed to be the promised Messiah of Israel; one whom the young man Saul had known to have been crucified by a Roman guard; one whose followers in Jerusalem insisted had been raised from the dead in fulfillment of prophecies contained in the Holy Scriptures. Saul insisted that he encountered the resurrected Jesus of Nazareth. The meeting irrevocably altered his life: About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, "Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" I asked. " I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting" he replied. Acts 22:6-8 Then in Damascus, a fellow Jew named Ananias informed Saul of the work God had in store for him: "You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard" (Acts 22:15). And so, Saul, also known by his Greek name, Paul, spent the greater part of the remaining three decades of his life in foreign nations where he taught the Greek-speaking Gentiles about the "Christ" - the "Messiah". Did his life among the Gentiles eradicate or even lessen his sense of being a Jew? His words would indicate that they did not. "I am an Israelite myself," he wrote to the congregation in Rome, "a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin" (Romans 11:1). That he continued to identify himself as a Jew can be seen in the fact that, upon entering each new city, the place he visited first was the local synagogue, provided a minyan warranted a synagogue, of course. In speaking to his countrymen first, Paul followed the precedent set by Jesus himself who had proclaimed his message initially and predominantly to the household of Israel, and who had told his early disciples, "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Or, as Paul later put it, "first for the Jew, then for the Gentile" (Romans 1:16). But this principle of "first for the Jew" was more than an act of obedience, it was the outworking of Paul's continued love and concern for the Jewish people. "My heart's desire and prayer to God for the Israelites," he wrote, "is that they may be saved" (Romans 10:1). But many, though not all, of his countrymen rejected his pronouncement, and this caused him no little distress. So deep was his sadness, that he was constrained to write, "I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Messiah for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, the people of Israel" (Romans 9:2-4). His sentiments nearly echo the cry of another communicator of God's revelation to our people and to the world: the prophet Moses, "Oh, what a great sin these people have committed, " Moses admitted before the Lord after we had worshiped the golden calf. "They have made themselves gods of gold. But now, please forgive their sin - but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written" (Exodus 32:31-32). Two men, separated by several centuries, but united in a love for their people that prompted each to offer his life in exchange for the well-being of the nation. But unlike his predecessor Moses, Paul was commissioned to carry his message primarily to the world at large - to the Gentiles. In light of Paul's extensive Jewish education, one might wonder, "Why would God choose a mind like Paul's - a mind so thoroughly imbued with Jewish law, custom, and thinking - to be the chief herald of the Messiah among the Gentiles? Why not pick a Gentile convert to the Messianic movement, one who could communicate to his own?" At first glance, the selection of Paul might seem to be a baffling choice, to say the least. But on closer examination, it needn't seem baffling at all. Needed was someone who could speak to the Gentiles in a manner that they could understand, while assuring the faithful translation of a Jewish message into a Gentile setting. And Paul was the perfect candidate for the position. He spent his boyhood in Tarsus, a city in Asia Minor noted as a center of Gentile culture. Though Paul's father, a Pharisee, would have kept him from indulging in any of the common pagan practices, Paul had the opportunity to observe the Gentile culture and modes of thought. Who, then, could be better equipped to guarantee the proper transmission of a Jewish message to a Gentile world than an expert on Jewish law and theology who also possessed an understanding of the world beyond the boundaries of ancient Israel? Who, indeed, but Paul. And a threat existed that only Paul was qualified to check. As the number of Gentile converts surpassed the number of Jewish believers in the Messiah, there was the danger that the Gentile Christians might lose sight of the Jewish origins of their faith and look upon the majority of disbelieving Jews with disdain. They might even conclude in ignorance that God was finished with His ancient chosen people. But Paul, the ardent Jew, by whose labor these Gentiles had heard of the Messiah, carried the authority to meet the danger head-on. Only Paul could admonish them so bluntly: "Do not be arrogant," he warned, "but be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches (the Jewish people), he will not spare you either...And if they do not persist in unbelief, they will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again" (Romans 11:20-21,23). And yet, Paul is often accused of refashioning the Jewish teachings of Jesus into a pagan religion completely cut off from its middle eastern origins. Were it not for Paul, some speculate, Christianity would have either continued to flourish as a sect within Judaism, or it would have met a natural death within the embrace of the culture that had first given it life. There are two problems with this line of reasoning. On the one hand, it presumes a discrepancy between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Paul. The former is regarded as authentically Jewish; the latter is regarded as thoroughly pagan. But an honest investigation of the documents indicates that no discrepancies are to be found. Instead, we discover a development of thought, beginning with the teachings of Jesus and faithfully disseminated by the rabbi from Tarsus to the Gentile world at large. Concerning the purpose of the Law, Jesus taught, "These are the Scriptures that testify about me..." (John 5:39). Paul reaffirmed this position in his letter to the Galatians where he wrote, "So the law was put in charge to lead us to Messiah that we might be justified by faith" (Galatians 3:24). As for the Law's duration, Paul continued, "Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law" (Galatians 3:25). Here again, he merely echoed the teachings of Jesus: "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached..." (Luke 16:16). If we accept the Jewishness of Jesus' teachings - and most Jewish scholars do - then we must accept the Jewishness of the teachings of his disciple. The Jewish scholar Joseph Klausner writes, "There is nothing in the teaching of Paul - not even the most mystical elements in it - that did not come to him from authentic Judaism." (1) Many scholars acknowledge that the teachings of Jesus are distinctly Jewish. But what about Paul? We believe that a comparison of Tanach, the sayings of Jesus, and the letters of Paul reveal a distinct harmony. Consider what Paul, Jesus, and the Hebrew Scriptures have to say about.. I. The Law: a. Tanach - "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long." (Psalm 119:97) b. Jesus - "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17) c. Paul - "So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good." (Romans 7:12) II. The Law's Purpose: a. Tanach - "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." (Psalm 119:105) b. Jesus - "These are the Scriptures that testify about me..." (John 5:39) c. Paul - "So the law was put in charge to lead us to Messiah that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians 3:24) III. The Law's Duration: a. Tanach - "The time is coming," declares the Lord, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah... I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts." (Jeremiah 31:31,33) b. Jesus - The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it." (Luke 16:16) c. Paul - "Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law." (Galatians 3:25) In the second place, history reveals that the breach between Judaism and the Messianic movement had already taken place prior to Paul's new commitment of faith. Tensions with the local religious authorities had even culminated in the death of a Jewish believer named Stephen. Paul is implicated in the aftermath of the matter, but not as a disciple whose teachings fomented strife. Rather, he is depicted as the Messianic sect's most ardent adversary. Paul himself concedes as much in a letter to the congregation in Galatia, " intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it" (Galatians 1:13). To blame the schism on the teachings of Paul is to overlook the fact that the schism had already occurred. The actual reason for the schism did not center around any pagan innovations introduced by Paul, nor did it center around a lack of harmony between the teachings of the Nazarene and his apostle. The conflict centered around who Jesus claimed to be. He claimed to be the Messiah. Are the teachings of Jesus and of Paul in harmony with each other? We believe they are. Are these teachings inconsistent with the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures? We believe they are not. Is Jesus the Messiah? We believe he is. We invite you to consider the matter for yourself by examining the New Testament which records his teachings, his assertions, and the prophecies in the Tanach upon which he based his claims. ------------------------- (1) From Jesus to Paul, Joseph Klausner, Ph.D., The MacMillan Co., New York, 1943, p. 466. Written by Avi Snyder, copyright 1981 by Jews for Jesus, 60 Haight St., San Francisco, CA, 94102. Reprinted by permission. Anee M'Amin I Asked God to Show Me the Truth by Robyn Wilk ANEE M'AMIN is Hebrew for "I believe". Every month this column will feature the testimony of a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). ------------------------- I was raised in New York in a Conservative Jewish home, and I began to attend Hebrew school when I was seven. My family celebrated all the Jewish holidays, and I went to synagogue regularly. When I was twelve we moved to Kansas City, Kansas. The membership dues at the Temple were so expensive that my family decided not to attend services any more. We still celebrated Jewish holidays, but gradually their meaning began to dim. And I lost sight of who God was. I went through school not thinking or caring about God. I was Jewish, and that was all that mattered. My home life was unhappy, and I looked to alcohol and marijuana to satisfy my need to feel loved and wanted. I felt that I had no purpose in life. I even tried to commit suicide a few times, mainly to get someone to tell me that they cared whether I lived or died. In 1980 I went to college to pursue a bachelor's degree in music. To fill my emptiness I got involved with drinking and partying again. My flute teacher, a professor at the university, happened to be a Christian, and I noticed something different about her. She actually cared about me - something I did not expect. Then one day a girl in my dorm started to tell me about Jesus. I didn't let her say much before I jumped in with a few comments of my own. I said she didn't know what she was talking about. I was Jewish and that was all that mattered. Her next comment really made me angry. She said I would go to hell if I didn't believe in Jesus. What nerve! I stormed off to my room. How could she tell me that I was condemned? But then I started thinking about what she had said. I told God that I believed in Him and that I certainly did not want to go to hell. Then I wondered if what she had said was true. I had to find out, and there was only one way. I asked God to show me the truth, and I promised I would believe in whatever He showed me. All the while, however, I was hoping with all my heart that the truth would be Judaism or anything else, except Christianity! God answered my less-than-honest prayer. One day in English class we were all assigned topics for our term papers. My teacher handed me a slip of paper with the words "How we got the devil." I stared at it in disbelief. How could that be my subject? I knew God was up to something. Writing that paper forced me to read the Bible. When I looked for a Jewish Bible, I could not find one. I had to buy a complete Bible one with both covenants. I started to read it and found it fascinating. As I read more, I started to realize that I had a wrong idea of Jesus. In late April, Josh McDowell came to campus and spoke on Evidence That Demands a Verdict, and God started getting through to me. He really was going to answer my prayer! A few nights later, I talked to the girl who had witnessed to me and asked questions for about four hours. When I finally decided I wanted to accept Jesus, it took me another few hours to say His name. Finally I asked Him into my heart. I went back to my room, and a wonderful feeling kept going through me until I fell asleep. When I awoke, I felt different. I had a love inside me that had never been there before. I now knew God in a personal way. Three weeks later I had the unpleasant task of telling my Jewish parents. When my dad picked me up from college, I told him I had become a completed Jew, and that I believed Jesus was the Messiah prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures. When we got home I told my mother, and she literally fell back on the bed in shock. That summer my relationship with my parents was very tense. Then during Christmas vacation we all went to Florida to visit my grandparents. Coming back from a Christmas Eve service, I forgot to take off a Christian symbol I was wearing that I should have known would infuriate my Jewish parent. Seeing it, my family got very angry with me. I went out for a while. When I came back, my father was waiting for me. He physically dragged me down the street saying unmentionable things about what I believed. No one would talk to me, and I felt like I had ruined my family's life. A few days later as I swam in the ocean I got stung by a poisonous man-of-war. Someone called an ambulance and they pumped adrenaline into me. God used that incident to bring my parents around to talking to me again. As I lay there close to death, they realized that they would rather have me alive, even as a Christian. The next few years brought ups and downs in my relationship with my family Eventually my mother forbade me to read a Bible or pray in her house. Then in April of 1988 I announced to my parents that I felt God was calling me to be on staff with Jews for Jesus. My father asked me to go with him to a rabbi and discuss what I believed. I agreed because I loved him and I thought this would bring him to a point where he would see the truth. After two sessions, where the rabbi was convincing my parents that I was deceived and dishonoring them, I knew I never should have gone. After that second meeting my parents told me I was not Jewish anymore. They said I should stop reading the Bible and see that there was more to life than God. My mother wrote me out of her will and said I could not come to her house again as long as I was a Christian. She and my grandmother also sent me several letters saying I was disgrace to the family. Yet through it all I am confident that what I believe is true. Matthew 7:7 says "Ask, and it will be given to you: seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." God answered my prayer when I was seeking for the truth, and He promises the same to all who come to Him. Robyn is currently serving with the Liberated Wailing Wall. (From the JEWS FOR JESUS NEWSLETTER - Volume 2:5752) The Word for Today Amazing Grace... How Sweet The Sound by J.C. Trudel Scripture has much to tell us regarding how we should live on a day-to-day basis. The Bible always has a "Word for Today." But, the most important words are those that bring salvation to the sinner. Two words which must be understood to be able to accept God's gift are Grace and Repentance. In this, the first of two articles dealing with grace and repentance, God's grace will be examined. Next month, the need for Repentance will be explored. ------------------------- Each time I sing the hymn "Amazing Grace," I reflect much on the times when I did not know about God's amazing grace. Most of my life I believed what I was taught. I was saved by baptism, good works, trials, by participating in certain devotions and rituals. I was told that outside of my church (religion) there was no salvation. As a youth, I memorized all the answers of the catechism, without being sure as to what many answers meant. So many questions needed so much explanation. The explanations never came, for the teachers were the products of the same inadequate teaching I was receiving. I came to the United States after the death of my father. I went into the US Air Force for four years. I remember, while in Okinawa, an old M/Sgt tried tell me about salvation through God's grace and faith. I brushed him aside abruptly, feeling that my religion was doing it all for me. I even remember confessing to the priest that I had gone to a wedding in a protestant church. He severely reproved me, as this was consider sinful in those days. Many years went by. My religious experience was very monotonous. I never felt the assurance that my sins were forgiven and that I would go to heaven if I were to die. I feared death, dangers, thunderstorms, and many other things, because I never felt free from sin and the guilt of the past. I feared going to Hell, feeling totally unworthy of heaven. As many questions remained unanswered, I quietly searched and at the age of 37, the Lord gave me an interest in reading the Holy Bible. I read it for many years, and attended Bible studies where I worked. These were held during the Wednesday lunch hour. Slowly, but surely, God's Word began to open my eyes. Reading of Scriptures was forbidden in the church in which I grew up. I was amazed to read in Acts 17:11, "And they searched the scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was so." Then in Ephesians 2:8,9 I read, "For by grace you are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast." These verses awakened me to the reality that I could never do any works sufficient to bring salvation to me. I could never suffer enough, or be good enough to earn salvation. I had been visiting my wife's cousin at the hospital and the poor man was in horrible pain for months. One day, a nun came by and told his wife, "He sure earned his heaven with all that suffering." The wife asked me what I thought of that statement and I truthfully answered, "He could suffer many times what he has suffered and still not have earned his heaven." Deep-rooted in the human heart is the idea that we can make ourselves worthy of heaven. Some believe that we can earn our salvation, as if God can owe us anything for whatever we do. Great numbers refuse to accept God's gift of salvation because they do not understand what His saving grace is all about. When asking about the meaning of grace we get a variety of answers like: "I say grace before meals." Or, "A state of grace is being without sin." Others would answer, grace is the way one conducts himself, or the way one walks gracefully. Some describe grace as the strength God gives during times of trials. Able Bible teachers speak of "prevenient grace", the Divine influence which leads one to seek salvation. They describe effectual grace, that which produces conversion, if not resisted. Actual grace is that which enables one to live rightly, resist temptations, and to do one's duty. Habitual grace is described as the effect of the indwelling Spirit. This results in a life characterized by the fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. (Galatians 5:22,23). But when we speak of saving grace, what is meant is the kindly disposition in the mind of God, unmerited favor. I was born in sin, lived out that sin in my life, and therefore deserved eternal punishment. Yet, in His grace, God gave me the very best when I deserved the very worst. He gave me salvation through the shed blood of His only Son Jesus Christ. It was very hard for me to accept my salvation as a gift due to my earlier religious training. I had been taught to trust in works as the basis for my salvation. Grace is totally independent of man's works and activities, called the works of "the law" by the apostle Paul. In Romans 3:28 and Galatians 2:16, he makes it clear, "the law" and grace cannot both be instrumental in our salvation. It's one and not the other. It's grace. The law says: We have a work to do. Grace says, It's done. The law says: A price must be paid. Grace says, All is paid. The law condemns. Its purpose was to supply a standard of righteousness. Grace justifies. Receiving Jesus-Christ as our personal Lord and Savior changes our position from that of a condemned sinner to that of justified saint. We are acquitted and declared righteous in the eyes of God. Under the law, we are servants working for wages. Under grace, we are adopted sons enjoying an inheritance. (John 1:12,13 and Romans 8:15,16) Grace is the only way to salvation. Man has not a single thing with which he can purchase his justification. God cannot lower His standards to accept what we can offer. We can never measure up to what God demanded of us. Justification is an act of God's free grace by which He pardoned all our sins and accepted us as righteous in His sight. This can only occur when the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us and received by faith alone. If this amazing grace is to be received by faith alone (Ephesians 2:8,9), then we must have a clear understanding of what faith is. Most people, unfortunately, believe that faith means religion, a body of beliefs. Religion is not always based on God's word, but teachings which people accept as truths to direct their life by. The faith which is often described as the hand which receives God's gift of salvation is called "saving faith." This is to exclude it from the other erroneous definitions of the word faith which have nothing to do with salvation. Many good definitions of the true meaning of "saving faith" have been given. Here are a few: Faith in Christ is a saving grace, by which we receive and rest upon Him alone for salvation. It depends on accepting Him as He is presented in the gospel. Faith is "the act of the penitent only," aided by the Spirit, and resting upon Christ alone. It is that act, or habit of mind in the penitent, by which, under the influence of the Divine grace, he puts his trust in Christ as the only and sufficient Savior. Faith is a sure trust and confidence that Christ died for my sins, that He loved me, and gave Himself for me. It is to rely on the merits of Christ, that for His sake God is certainly willing to show mercy to us. It is the flight of the penitent sinner to the mercy of God in Christ. It is indeed difficult, in a world that sings "I did it my way," to accept that we can't be saved by our own efforts or works. Faith is opposed to works, when by works we mean good deeds upon which a person depends for salvation" (Galatians 3:11). However, living faith will produce works in the same way a living tree will produce fruit (James 2:26). People which have only intellectual faith can remain 18 inches from salvation. "Intellectual faith" can only acknowledge that the gospel facts are true. "Heart faith" means the willing dedication of one's life to the obligations that those facts entail (Romans 10:10). Some have presumed that James, in his epistle, was in disagreement with the apostle Paul's writings on grace. What James was denouncing was a dead formal faith which is merely an intellectual assent. Paul was rejecting dead works without faith. Paul is combating legalism or dependence upon works for salvation. James was combating antinomianism, the teaching that it does not matter so much how one lives, so long as he believes. Paul and James are not two soldiers of Christ opposed to each other; they are standing back to back, facing enemies coming from opposite directions. How often I thank God for His amazing grace, for saving a wretch like me, for washing away all my sins with the precious blood of His Son. Daily, I abide in the refreshing shadow of His wings. I know my name is written in the Book of Life, and engraved in the palm of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). His amazing grace brought the peace that only He can give. He took away all my fears and the guilt from my past of sin. The Christ that died for me became the Christ in me as he gave me a new life. Daily, he is changing me, drawing me closer and ever closer to Him. He causes me to long for His return, to see Him as He is, and to be like Him (1 John 3:2). The signs of the times tell me Christ is returning soon. He is coming to gather His own (1 Thessalonians 4:15- 18 and John 14) as He promised. He will do this, for He is faithful. Now you know more about how to be saved and be assured of eternal salvation. Are you willing to make the boldest step of your life in the direction of heaven? Jesus said: You must be born again. He did not say: Try it, you might like it, it's a good idea. He said, "You must be born again" (John 3:3). You must receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and trust in Him alone for your salvation. You must be willing to repent and to start a new life in Him. He will not fail you and the benefits are eternal. If you are serious about being sure of going to heaven when you die, you can go to a Bible believing and preaching church. There ask the pastor, a church elder or deacon, or a good, solid Christian to assist you in receiving Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Time is short, do not wait too long. Do not say: I'll wait until I am older as you may not get older, and Jesus said He would come as a thief in the night. If it is impossible for you to go to such a church, you must do certain things with all the sincerity of your heart. It is there where God will look to see if you really mean what you are saying to Him. 1. You must confess to God that you are a sinner. 2. You must express sincere repentance and ask God to forgive your sins. 3. Tell God that you want the gift of eternal life that Jesus died to make possible for you. 4. Tell Him that you receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and as the Master of your life. 5. Tell Him that you accept His gift of eternal life through Jesus. 6. Thank Him with all your heart for that gift and for the sufferings and death of His Son which made it possible. 7. Ask Him to send the Holy Spirit to help you in your new life and to lead you to new brothers and sisters in Christ. As you are now "born again," rejoice in the assurance of salvation in God's grace received by faith. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! Don't spend another moment without it. Get an eternity with God with it. J. Trudel Note: Much of this article comes from the Bible and the book "Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible" by the late Myer Pearlman, published by Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Missouri. It's a priceless book which I have been studying for a few years. Therefore I must humbly give him credit for his God-given wisdom and knowledge, and his labors in writing the book. SCUD Warnings SCUD Warnings by Jerry Johnson S piritual C ounterfeits U ndermining D octrine W A R N I N G S ------------------------- JANUARY 12, 1992 Church Bulletin for FIRST CHURCH OF THE GREAT I AM AND I AM GREAT Opening musical meditation Organist, Irving Ego "I DID IT MY WAY" Congregational Affirmations Hymn # 267 "GLORIOUS THINGS OF ME ARE SPOKEN" Chorus # 82 "I LOVE ME LORD" Offering/Offertory Soloist, Ima Best "MY NAME IS THE SWEETEST NAME I KNOW" Congregational Affirmations Chorus # 14 "GOD IS SO GOOD (AND SO AM I)" World's Best Choir "JOYFUL, JOYFUL, I ADORE ME" Sermon (Part 16 of a 28 part series) Pastor Feelgood EVEN MORE PEOPLE THAT YOU CANNOT LOVE UNTIL YOU LOVE YOURSELF Closing Chorus "FATHER (JESUS/SPIRIT/INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) I ADORE YOU" ------------------------- HALLELUJAH! PRAISE THE LORD! PASS THE MIRROR! I freely, readily and happily admit that the bulletin had all the subtlety of a Mack truck going downhill in fifth gear with no brakes. But to be frank, the new emphasis on "self esteem" in and out of the church is none too subtle: Everywhere you turn, there are self-esteem classes, books, and videos...and if I hear one more person say "you can't love anyone until you love yourself," I WILL SCREAM!!!!!! OK......I'm feeling better now. I promise I will try to discuss this in a calm and rational manner. Did I hear a snicker? So why am I so obviously opinionated about self-esteem? Am I of the old school that focuses on the utterly degenerate, worthless, wormlike state of man? No. Do I have such a damaged image of myself that I have to project it on others? No, and if you listen carefully you can hear my friends breaking into hysterical laughter. Am I blindly rejecting a concept simply because I have not examined it? No. So, what's my complaint? Well, in random order, let me share some observations and thoughts, and then you can draw your own conclusions. 1) If you watch the talk shows or watch almost any commercial on T.V., you'll notice that people are encouraged to base their self-esteem on their talents, abilities, looks, etc. There are a couple of basic problems with that approach. First, if you base your self-esteem on something that can be damaged or taken away in a car crash, you're building your self-esteem on sand, not a rock (see Matthew 7:24-27). Second, suppose you were the King of Engineering at your high school of 2000 fact, you're were so good that you got accepted at M.I.T. Now, you are at M.I.T. and suddenly, instead of being King of the Hill, you are in the middle, spelled a-v-e-r-a-g-e, of a group of geniuses. Then, what happens to your self-esteem when you are just one of the crowd? Your ability hasn't changed, just your peer group. No matter what your talents or abilities or how gifted you are in them, eventually someone will come along who is better. 2) Have you ever noticed that when people are asked to describe themselves, they usually begin by identifying what they do; accountant housewife, lion trainer, rather than describe their character or personality? Is it just because that's the easiest way to describe ourselves, or is it because we have been taught that what we do is who we are? Psalms 139:13-16 indicates that God formed us and knew us in the womb. Even then, before we could DO anything, He was relating to us in love. God loves us for who we are, not what we do! That idea is exciting! Scripture states that God made us for His pleasure (Revelations 4:11) and that he delights in His people (Psalms 149:4). Now, before we get too cocky, we also need to acknowledge that God didn't HAVE to love us. Let's be honest, we're not THAT irresistible. But he loves us, knowing us, because of who He is! What makes one painting a valuable masterpiece while another adorns motel rooms? Ultimately it is that someone decided that it was worth a lot of money to them to possess it. At one time in Europe's past, tulips were such a rage that a single bulb of a rare variety sold for $20,000. Try to sell a bulb for that much today and you'll get a wrap around dinner jacket and a bus trip to an asylum. The world is fickle and what is of value one day may be considered worthless the next and it is that same world that sets the (ever changing) standard for "self esteem." The Lord God Almighty chose to love us so much that he paid the price of His son's blood to redeem us. Our value, esteem, is based on Christ's price, not our virtues and because of that, our value will never depreciate. God's market is incredibly stable! 3) Believe it or not, this is the fourth time I've tried to write this part. I was having great difficulty in explaining this point without rambling to a far greater extent than normal. Then my family and I attended a local Filipino Social Club Christmas party. As part of the event there were both adults and children doing both modern and traditional dances and there was singing and playing of instruments. That is when I noticed it. There were some people who were a delight to watch...some were good, some were not so good, but they put out a great effort and were fun to watch. Then there were others, some quite able, who were obviously very concerned about how they looked as they did their thing. The trouble was, somehow it was very obvious that they were aware of themselves, and, somehow, that was a distraction. It was as if we were no longer able to enjoy the talent displayed, but had to take the feelings of the participant into account. That's one of the extremely problematic side effects of the self- esteem teaching. Self-esteem tends to lead to self-consciousness which leads to various levels of self-obsession. Growing up, I was taught a very simple, but profoundly wise, song in Sunday School. The first line went like this: "Jesus, and Others and You, what a wonderful way to spell joy." The order was the focus of that song, and it is the Biblical focus. The people that are described as being self-confident in an ability usually are NOT focused on how they think they look while doing the activity...they are too concerned on doing what needs to be done for the activity to be done well. It's a lot like trying to walk a straight line in the snow; if you lock your focus on something in the distance and not get distracted, the line will be straight but if you are constantly looking behind to see how you are doing, the line will look like it was walked by someone with a blood alcohol level of 2.3. 4) Mark 12:30 and 31. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. The second is this; love your neighbor as yourself." This verse, and its parallels, have been grabbed and now the self-esteem theology supporters have used it to create a new commandment: "you can't love others UNTIL you love yourself." The trouble is, to the best of my knowledge, this is the only generation that has ever interpreted the verse this way. Why now? Simple, because that concept did not come from the Bible of the ages, but from the book "The Art of Loving" by Erich Fromm which was used in the fifties by pastors as a marriage manual because there were none written with a Christian focus and belief structure. What was espoused in pastors' chambers 40 years ago has slowly become part of the mythos of the 20th century and we have Christians that are believing it today. So what's the big deal? First of all, the most basic rule of Biblical interpretation is: if a verse states something very clearly, don't look for inferred or hidden meanings. If you take the verse at face value, you are to love God, period. Then, love your neighbor AS (you love) yourself. The self-love is assumed as a reality, not instructed as a commandment. Simple behavioral science clearly indicates that we all do what we do because, for whatever reason, desire or need, we WANT to. Due to our sin nature, we often choose inappropriate ways to try to fulfill our needs...but we still, at some level inside ourselves, do what we want. "But what about can that be self love?" Say you are watching a group of kids playing a pick-up game of street football. One team is losing and suddenly one child grabs the football saying, "I don't like the way you are playing. I'm taking my ball and going home!" Most of us would consider that child a poor sport and spoiled. That is basically what someone does when they commit suicide. They don't like the way the world is treating them so they take their ball (their life) and go home. Incidentally, most people commit suicide in such a way that the person they want to make feel the worst will find them. Sorry...that may be sad and sick, but it is the way it is and it IS self love, in the most sinful sense. 5) So what's wrong with loving yourself? Let's take a slight trip to the Biblical side of all this: II Timothy 3:1 "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. PEOPLE WILL BE LOVERS OF THEMSELVES..." This list goes on to include being abusive, brutal and slanderous. This verse defines the self-love as a sign of terrible times, not good times. In the Greek, the word "lovers" is philautos, which is being fond of yourself - the very definition of self esteem! So, are we to hate ourselves? Get real! We were bought with the blood of Christ! What we need to do is do just as the verse says and love God first and completely, and pour out our lives into others. "Those who would be greatest should be the servant of all." The person who said they knew what it was like, and look how He turned out! Next time: "Make the buck stop here" - a look at the Prosperity Gospel. Prayer Guidelines Prayer and Humility by Michael Wilkinson Humility - Too often humility is perceived as an attitude of false subservience. The image of Uriah Heep, from the novel DAVID COPPERFIELD, springs to mind. Heep was the individual who constantly bragged of his humility. Humility is the virtue that when rewarded is lost. The attribute of humility, from a Scriptural perspective, requires having an accurate self-image. Humility lacks a good self-image (see this issue's SCUD column). An accurate self-image means knowing who one is before God. If a believer is to pray to the Lord in a meaningful way, then there must be humility, the presence of an accurate self image. In this first of a new series on prayer, the relationship between humility and prayer is considered. ------------------------- "And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner'" (Luke 18:13). Today, Jesus is seen more as a friend and ally than a master. As a result, the strong pleading and affirmation of lowliness, made by the tax collector, appears strange to some believers. It might be called outlandish or phony by the scornful. Yet Jesus said that this man went away justified. When we pray, we must come to the Lord with humility. This is true whether our prayer is one of repentance, praise, petition or thanksgiving. This is not to say that we should come in trepidation. The scriptures say we may "...come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16). The key to our boldness is the knowledge that God is for us, as we come to receive grace, acknowledging our need. The humble man or woman freely acknowledges NEED. We must never forget that we need God. We can offer Him only repentance, necessary for forgiveness and fellowship. We can give worship, owed to Him by all creatures. We praise God and hold Him in awe, for His love bridges the great chasm between God and man. Humility is simply the recognition of how vast the separation between God and us was. It is accepting we did nothing to bring Him down to us. It is He who has reached down to us in love and still does. "'For all those things my hand has made, And all those things exist,' says the Lord. 'But on this one thing I will look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at my word'" (Isaiah 66:2). Humility is an attitude, a lifestyle, we must practice. Never pray that God would humble you. That would be contrary to the admonition of scripture which is "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord..." (James 4:10). Also, you would not want God to humble you. He humbled the Israelites during the time of the Judges by giving them into the hands of their enemies (Judges 2:13-23). He humbled Nebuchadnezzar, making him insane for a time (Daniel 4:33-34). He humbled Zechariah by taking away his speech (Luke 1:18-20). He humbled Saul of Tarsus by taking away his sight (Acts 9:3-9). Later Paul was given the mysterious thorn in the flesh "...lest I be exalted above measure" (2 Cor. 12:7). Now God is understanding and would probably not visit such terrible things upon someone in simple answer to a foolish and ignorant prayer. Yet, prayer, communication with the almighty, is a serious matter. God does not want to have to humble people. He wants to bless us. As servants and children of God, we want to please Him. Praying for others is an important part of humility in prayer, especially if we put the needs of others first. The scriptures teach us " humility, consider others before yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others" (Phil. 2:3-4). This is not to say that prayers for oneself are invalid or less important to God. Yet prayers for others are a ministry that is pleasing to God. Much praying of this type needs to be done. "And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:18). If we are to pray, we must know to Whom we pray. If we pray, we must recognize our need. Prayer then requires humility, and accurate self- image. Let us pray for ourselves and others considering who God is, His love of us and our need of Him. Keep the faith and keep on praying. Christian Life Department People Profile People Profile - Peter and Hanneke Jacobs Morning Star Senior Editor, Teresa Giordanengo, conducted this interview with Peter and Hanneke Jacobs from Irvine, California. Peter and Hanneke are the founders and directors of Nitelite Ministries. Two of the hymns they have written are featured in this month's Music Column, and Nitelite Ministries is featured in the Ministry Profile section. Peter attended Azusa Pacific University until he went into full time Christian Ministry and Hanneke has her BA degree in English from the University of California. Teresa: Peter and Hanneke, I am inspired by your music and want to share it with the whole world. God never makes a mistake, so when He brought the two of you together, He definitely had a purpose in mind. Peter, when did you turn your life over to The Lord? Peter: In 1969, I gave my life to the Lord, and Hanneke followed in 1971. Almost immediately, the Lord put us into one of the first contemporary Christian groups coming out of the early seventies Jesus Movement, "Children of the Day." We were only nineteen years old, and had been Christians for less than a year. But, as we found out, God loves to use young people, (Jeremiah was only twelve), and that is the basic premises of our ministry today. Teresa: One can readily see that God wasted no time in getting you both involved in His work. Hanneke, as a busy mother, what do you remember about those first days in the Lord's work? Hanneke: In 197l, Peter was ordained into the ministry, and we were married in 1972. Our oldest daughter, Christi, was born in 1973, to be followed by her brother Tim in 1975. In 1981, the Lord brought us a beautiful three-year-old Korean girl named Aimee, who made our family complete. We both taught music at Calvary Chapel's school (K - 8) for seven years, where we realized the calling on our lives: to use our musical gifts to teach scriptural truths and lead children into a deeper relationship with the Lord. We are so thankful for that time of getting to know children. Teresa: Being around children every day, I am sure you could see the need for good Christian based music especially in today's society. When did you begin to write your own musicals Peter? Peter: In 1984, we began to write and record musicals. During this time our first children's character, COLBY THE COMPUTER, was "born". We wanted to teach children, in a creative way, about the reality of walking with the Lord; topics like: what is our purpose here?, the importance of love, and prayer, God uses kids, be doers and not hearers only, and the relevance of the Bible in children's lives today. Through COLBY and other characters such as CHARLIE CHERUB, STARVIN' MARVIN AND NANNYBIRD, we have tried to make learning about God both fun and natural, showing children that the Bible is relevant in their own lives today! It never occurred to us that God would take these characters all over the world! Teresa: Now that these characters are all over the world, when did your Nitelite Ministries begin Hanneke? Hanneke: Approximately two years ago, the Lord led us to begin our own ministry. Armed with the prayers of many who joined with us, we opened a small office in our home, incorporated as a religious, non-profit organization, and began Nitelite Ministries. What a blessing this has been! Sometimes it is difficult to believe what the Lord has done in such a short time! Teresa: Peter I know you play the part of COLBY THE COMPUTER in full costume. Tell us a little about that. Peter: COLBY has had many new opportunities and has appeared at many churches and conventions across the country, from Anchorage, Alaska, to South Carolina. After the children of each area study the program, I, as COLBY, go in and perform with these children, and it is a real blessing. In response to a strong call to expand our ministry to teens, we started a performing ministry group called HEARTSONG. This group ministers through song, choreography and personal testimonies year-'round. In addition, it is our desire to help launch young Christian artists who have a calling to the ministry. As some of the very talented and committed HEARTSONG teens grow into their own ministries, we want to be able to use our own resources to help and support these young people in their early beginnings. Teresa: I have attended two of the HEARTSONG performances, and I can't thank God enough for those beautiful, talented, young people, who are willing to go all out for the Lord. Hanneke tell us more about this part of your ministry. Hanneke: One of the most life-changing journeys the Lord has ever guided us into was developing a ministry for and by teenagers. Never in a million years could we have imagined what would be in store for us! Many of the young people who sang on the Colby and Kids' Praise children's tapes and videos had grown into their teens in 1989, with a desire to minister to their own age group. The Lord had also strongly put this desire into our hearts. Beginning with twenty-five talented and committed teens, no budget, and a church who opened their doors to allow us to rehearse in their facilities, we gave this project entirely over to the Lord. But where God guides, He ALWAYS provides! Teresa: Where do these young people perform Hanneke? Hanneke: Within three months, Heartsong was born, and began singing and sharing their testimonies at churches, camps for abused children, shopping malls, juvenile halls, and just about anywhere that people would listen. Heartsong is a combination of contemporary, mostly original Christian music, honest testimonies and exciting, high-energy choreography. The group ministers in our local Southern California area weekly and goes on approximately one-month tours each July. Teresa: What is the main focus of Heartsong Peter? Peter: The main focus is to challenge young people as well as adults to turn their lives over completely to Jesus, and to trust Him for the outcome, no matter what the obstacles may be! These young people share some of the obstacles they've overcome in their own lives, such as: taking a stand for the Lord in the public high schools, working through family divorce difficulties with God's help, deliverance from drugs and alcohol, depression and suicide attempts, and recovering from sexual abuse. Sometimes, as adults, we think that because young people aren't faced with the overwhelming responsibilities of adult life, they have it easy. But nothing could be further from the truth! Teen suicide is one of the largest killers of our youth today; drug and alcohol abuse is rampant in even Christian schools, and there is incredible sexual pressure being placed on our children today by Hollywood, Madison Avenue and their own peers! Yet we are finding that teens can minister to other teens in a way adults cannot. Teresa: Peter, I noticed after each performance that many people of all ages went forward to talk to the group. Why? Peter: The group is eager to talk to others about salvation and not only has Heartsong changed the lives of the teens who are in the group, but many people of all ages have committed their lives to the Lord as a result. Thanks to many prayers and support, Heartsong was able to tour the Pacific Northwest as well as several East Coast appearances, including a guest spot on the 700 Club. Teresa: Television plays a very important part in our children's lives today. What type of programs are they watching Hanneke? Hanneke: As many of you are aware, secular Saturday morning children's programs offer very little in the ways of morality or Biblical values; instead, many of these programs are poorly-cloaked advertisements for New Age, humanistic and occultic practices. Perhaps Christian children who grow up in families where parental guidelines do not allow them to view these programs can distinguish the difference between Biblical values and worldly values, but children who do not attend church cannot. It is so necessary for children to be introduced to high-quality Christian programs which teach Biblical principles! We believe there is a great mission field ready and waiting for those children who sit weekly in front of the television on Saturday mornings! Teresa: Why are there almost no Christian children's programs Peter? Peter: Secular television is funded by the commercials advertised throughout the program. And the big advertising companies will not put advertising dollars into a "religiously-biased" children's show. Consequently, it is up to Christian broadcasters to do this. However, Christian stations are funded through donations, and children do not donate. Herein lies the problem; In order to create a high-quality program which will effectively compete with the secular alternatives, we need funding. It must be understood that secular children's programs are produced on budgets of $200,000.00 or more per episode! But by using Christians in the television industry who have a heart for children, and joining together with Christian production and broadcasting companies, we are able to cut the cost down to approximately $300,000.00 for all thirteen episodes! And yet, in these difficult times, even that amount seems almost impossible. However, we know that God is faithful, and that it is He who has shown us and many others this need! Teresa: Is there a final thought you would like to leave with our readers, Hanneke? Hanneke: The time has come to stand united, not only to protest the secular television influences, but also to provide an alternative for our children. We need to use the media for God's Kingdom! Teresa: Peter, is there a last point that you would like to leave with our readers? Peter: I would like to ask all Christians to pray with us about sponsoring a Biblically-based children's television show and to pray with us about the timing of this show. The production and the broadcast opportunities are already opening up through God's intervention. We need to educate, evangelize and help today's children find relevance in God's Word ... We need to invest today in the future of tomorrow's church!  Education Moms In Touch International "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them." -Matthew 18:20 Moms In Touch International is a unique ministry consisting of small, informal prayer groups (sometimes consisting of only two), who meet for one hour each week to pray for their children, schools, teachers and administrators, from preschool through college. This group is made up of mothers, grandmothers or anyone who is willing to pray for a specific child and school. The purpose of Moms In Touch is to intercede for our children through prayer, and to pray that our schools may be guided by biblical values and high moral standards. Their desire is for God to raise up Moms to intercede for every school across the United States and around the world. These women refuse to tolerate gossip, and are Bible-reading, born-again Christians who are not afraid to confess their Lord and their faith in Him. They are often drawn from several churches in the area. It is not a lobbying group, regardless of how worthy the cause. Participation in outside political or social issues must be done solely on an individual basis. Moms In Touch are women who believe that "prayer makes a difference"! The following is a portion of a letter received by the editors of Morning Star from John Sipple of Eagle Point, Oregon. We are publishing it because it is a testimony to the value of the efforts of Moms in Touch: "A special group of women, Moms In Touch International, has made a big difference at our school. It isn't easy for Moms In Touch. They spend a lot of time in prayer for the kids and us teachers. They come to our school and confess their Christianity in front of some very skeptical people. They prepare food for us, a latter-day form of footwashing. They fear for their children but step out in faith. Every day, all Christians are faced with the decision to be Paul the Apostle or Paul the Tent Merchant. We don't need to have Paul's legendary strength in faith if we rely on the Body of Christ to help us. Moms In Touch may be a source of shelter and strength for you. God knows, it is for me!" - John Sipple Fern Nichols, founder of Moms In Touch, tells about how it all began: In the fall of 1984, while living in Abbotsford, British Columbia, I found myself with two boys entering junior high school, and my heart heavy and burdened with concern for the new world they would be entering. They would be facing their greatest test in resisting immoral values, vulgar language and peer pressure. My heart cried out to the Lord, asking Him to protect them, and enable them to see clearly the difference between right and wrong, and to make good decisions. The burden to intercede for my boys was so overwhelming that I knew I could not bear it alone. I asked God to give me another mom who felt the same burden, and who would be willing to pray with me concerning our children and their schools. God heard the cry of my heart and led me to phone another mom, Linda Driedeger, who voiced her agreement as I shared my burden. We also thought of a few other moms we believed would want to pray. We called them, and began meeting the following week for prayer. This was the beginning of what is now known as Moms In Touch International--moms in touch with God, their children, their school and one another through prayer. As moms began sharing what God has been doing in their lives, and in the lives of their children because of prayer, other groups began to spring up all over British Columbia. There were groups formed from the elementary through the high school levels. What a thrill to see God's plan unfold! The summer of 1985 brought a change to our family as we moved from Abbotsford to Poway, California. I soon discovered that God had given me still greater opportunities for carrying on the work that began in Canada. I prayed that God would raise up moms who are willing to "stand in the gap" for their children. God has been faithful to send moms who would pray. There are now Moms In Touch International groups across America as well as in other countries. Let me challenge you to be involved in your child's life through prayer. See what God can do for your children and their school when you are faithful to pray on a regular basis. (The above article is from Moms In Touch International, Copyright 1987 by Fern Nichols. Used with permission from Moms In Touch International) Contact: MOMS IN TOUCH INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 1120 Poway, CA 92074-1120 (619) 486-4065 Ministry Profile Ministry Profile - Nitelite Ministries Peter and Hanneke Jacobs began their ministry in 1970, at the age of 19, by writing, producing and singing with the pioneer Christian music group, "Children of the Day". Together with several other group members, Peter and Hanneke recorded five albums and toured extensively both nationally and internationally. In 1978, the Jacobs felt God calling them out of this group and they began to teach music in a large Christian school. Together, they taught grades kindergarten through eighth, and worked with approximately 1200 children. They began a large instrumental band program which won national acclaim, as well as a 100-voice children's choir which performed regionally and recorded for various Christian music labels. It was during 1984 that Peter and Hanneke began to write and record children's records and tapes. Initially creating the popular character of "Colby, the computer", the Jacobs went on to weave many relevant issues facing children into their musicals. To date, the Colby series consists of six tapes and two full-length television videos which are distributed all over the world. The Jacobs also created the "Nannybird" series which ministers to pre-school aged children. Many of the Colby and Nannybird products have been endorsed and featured in Dr. James Dobson's "Focus on the Family" magazine. As the kids from the Kids' Praise and the Colby series, (as well as their own children) became teens, Peter and Hanneke began to see a need for teen performing outreach groups. It was as a response to this need, the Jacobs began the non-profit organization Nitelite Ministries, and the group Heartsong was born. This group of talented teens ministers both locally and nationally, presenting their message in music, testimony and dance. Training this group of teens became much more than working on music and choreography; the Jacobs began and are continuing this work by discipling through Bible studies and ministry training. The Jacobs are currently continuing their work of writing and recording Christian children's audio tapes, and the funding of the "Colby's Place" television series, as well as continuing their ministry with the group Heartsong. They also travel throughout the United States, speaking at various conferences and music conventions. Beginning in 1990, Heartsong released their first album and CD entitled "Heartsong", as well as a one-hour video which has been broadcast many times on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. In 1991 the group's second album, "Stand Up For God!", was released. This is a fresh combination of a variety of musical styles: from pop-rock to rap, from hip-hop to sensitive ballads and even a stirring patriotic number; this is a great sequel to the original Heartsong album. Their third album is due to be released in April of 1992. The primary purpose of Nitelite Ministries is to build the faith of children, youth and their families through the gospel of Jesus Christ, using music, drama, recordings and the media. Their goal is to help children and teens understand the relevance of God's Word for today and to teach them the principles of Christ-centered living. This ministry, a Christian organization and nondenominational in content and application, believes the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and faith in Jesus Christ to be the only road to salvation. Nitelite Ministries works closely with many main-line denominations in the area of children's and youth ministry, and consequently does not subscribe to any one particular creed. In order to accomplish its goals, Nitelite Ministries seeks contributions, grants and offerings from individuals, churches and corporations. This will be accomplished through direct mailings, love offerings, foundational grants, and other special fund-raising events. For more information, contact: NITELITE MINISTRIES Peter and Hanneke Jacobs 16 Crockett Street Irvine, California 92720 (714) 559-0894 Testimony Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. by Dr. Charles Wootten On 27 September 1980 I found Jesus Christ, not only as my Lord and Saviour, but also as my Healer. You see, God had been trying to get my attention ever since I left Him when I joined the Navy. He was able to reach me by literally shaking my life. I was stuck, in a manner of speaking, at a far corner of the world. Even if I wanted to do so, I could not leave Izmir, Turkey, once known as Smyrna. When the first quake came, I was with my wife. Neither of us had ever experienced one. We thought it was a big rig carrying goods through town at high speed. When the lights blinked out and we started rocking, then we knew. The second came a week or so later. I had been under great stress because of my second daughter being born three months early at just over two pounds. My first daughter died of complications from spinal meningitis years earlier. God had found my switch and He hit it with all of His power. The quake that hit a week later destroyed many villages round about Izmir and put me into the psychiatrist's office. He put me on drugs and counseling. All the while I was wondering why nothing was doing any good. Why I was not able to sleep at night and would literally jump at the sound of a creaking floor were unanswered questions. We all thought that I was having reactions to the two tours in Vietnam. The truth of the matter is that God was trying to get my attention. The wondering why nothing was affecting me was His Hand shielding me from everything but what He wanted. After several months, I was transferred to the hospital in Naples, Italy. My wife and daughter were also "stuck" with me. God had arranged affairs in such a way as not to allow her a way out of a difficult period, but instead strengthened her prayer life and her trust in Him. He had allowed them to be in Weisbaden, Germany, when He got me. About a year later, on 27 September 1980, I wound up at a Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International meeting in Naples, Italy. Bill Pyatt was the speaker and after he gave the invitation (at least five times) I stepped back into the Kingdom. I will tell anyone that then I saw the face of Jesus. From that very instant I knew I was no longer reliant on medication and visits to the psychiatrist. I knew that God had me where He wanted me. Bill later wrote about this in his book, His Banqueting Table. Incidentally, the doctors were miffed that I immediately stopped the medication and cancelled all appointments. I have not been back to a doctor for counseling since then. He had healed all of my afflictions. I accepted the baptism in the Holy Spirit ten days later. By 1981 I was enrolled in the Ft. Wayne Bible College. I was with them a year and transferred to the Rock Church Bible Institute, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Simultaneously I was completing a B.S. in Liberal Arts with the University of the State of New York with the help of the U.S. Navy. I later was able to become a certified teacher in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Association of Christian Schools International. The International Seminary (Plymouth, Florida) allowed me to complete my ministerial studies with a Master of Ministry degree, Summa Cum Laude, and a Doctor of Theology degree (education and administration) also Summa Cum Laude. Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc., was being formed. At the Christian Broadcasting Network I learned how to apply Biblical principles to counseling. Yet, counseling was not to be the main focus of the ministry, despite the title. I had conducted formal services, ecumenical and denominational, in Europe, Africa, the high seas, and in the United States. I had lived and worked on every major land mass in the world, and have visited many countries. The chaplain in Naples gave me a certificate saying that I assisted in establishing a church there. My wife and I went on to learn how to evangelize, theoretically and out on the streets in some wicked parts of several cities. We directed Sunday School and taught in the training classes. I became a church training director at a Baptist church, and established home meeting groups to help the church grow. At the time I was principal of a Christian school and really thought I had it made. God was not about to let me rest on my laurels. On 30 June 1986 Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc., was established under the law, and in 1991 was granted 501(c)3 status with the IRS as a private foundation. The ministry has had radio programs on international and local stations within the United States. The lack of supporting funds after two years caused us to cancel although the stations write occasionally saying they miss us. I signed on as an Adjunct Chaplain at the Sentara Medical Center Hospitals in Norfolk, Virginia. There the ministry experience increased a hundredfold during the stay of over two years. Prison Fellowship Ministries rounded out this phase of learning after we moved near Petersburg, Virginia, where I accepted a teaching position in an inner city middle school. As president of Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc., I felt a release to start writing. By this time I had published almost 300 articles in journals and newspapers around the world on shortwave listening and other topics, including education. The PASE Literary Society allowed publication of my first book, now somewhere in obscurity. But, it was an encouragement to continue writing. Writing is now the focus of Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. With the acquiring of a computer in August 1990, the door was wide open. Within a year I applied for and became a WORDPERFECT 5.1 instructor and have done very well. Currently two churches are using our services for newsletters and other materials. In the works is a major newsletter project to involve all the churches in the local area. With humility, my wife and I make a good teaching team--a good ministry together. We have taught groups at church and in home meetings. We have instructed others in church building, personal relationships, child rearing, pastoral emergency counseling, and many other areas of God's counsel too much to be mentioned here. Therefore, Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc., our authority is found in Isaiah 14: 24-27. "The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand: That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?" In the Hebrew, the word "purpose" also can be translated as advice or counsel, as in giving advice or giving counsel. When God got our attention, walked us through the refiner's fire, we knew the raison d'etre of Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. We are to declare His whole counsel, all of His advice, to raise those who have fallen or have begun to bow under the weight of whatever circumstance they have found themselves. Our guide is the Manufacturer's Handbook. Whatever it says about a situation or problem, then that is the whole counsel of the matter. No one can turn back the hand of God, but we sure can live in the palm of it with confidence. Dr. Charles A. Wootten Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. 6113 River Road Matoaca, VA 23803-8047 America Online contact: "Listener1" CompuServe contact: 76476,1556 Young Adults Teen Challenge Training Center, Inc. TEEN CHALLENGE TRAINING CENTER, INC. "Providing the total cure for the whole man" Following is a true account of a young man who received help and is experiencing a full life today with the help of the Lord! JOSE My name is Jose. I was born in Bronx, New York, but for the past four years I lived in Puerto Rico. God has delivered me from twelve years of drug addiction. Praise the Lord! I was going in and out of jails and finally I had given up hope. After serving a few years in jail I was to be sentenced, but my wife's friend and pastor told me that I wasn't going to stay in jail because they were praying for me. That was when I first heard about Teen Challenge. At first I did not want to go to Teen Challenge, but something just kept bothering me. Finally, I told the pastor that I would try. The very first purpose why I came here was to have Jesus as my Lord and Savior and "only" God. Because of the Grace of God, I am now in my sixth month at Teen Challenge and will be graduating in two months. I want to thank all those wonderful people who prayed for me and for that special pastor who cared enough to keep after me, until I accepted the Lord. It is only God who can perform such a miracle. I am grateful for Teen Challenge and above all, God's Grace! (Used with permission from Teen Challenge) We are happy to hear of how Teen Challenge has helped this next young man become a new creature in Christ! BARNEY Hi, my name is Barney. I was born and raised in a Christian home and I have known of God all my life. I attended church on a regular basis and participated in a lot of activities. By the time I turned sixteen I thought I knew everything. I was an honor student and was considered one of the youth in the community headed in the right direction. It was then that the devil tricked me into thinking I could have the best of both worlds. I began drinking a few beers and smoking marijuana, but it wasn't long until that wasn't enough. By the time I was eighteen I had moved into my own place and was drinking hard liquor and taking acid. Soon after I began using cocaine. By the age of twenty-six every dime I could spare I was buying drugs. Soon after this I lost my place, lost my car, and practically everything I owned. I was living anywhere that I could over the next four years and doing whatever was necessary to support my habit. I did it all. Then one day my mother sat me down and told me that she still and will always love me and so does someone else. She told me that Jesus loved me just as I was. She helped me realize that as long as I am doing things my way, I will always be missing something. It was at that moment that I decided to rededicate my life to the Lord and follow Christ. I have made many decisions in my life but none has been as important as that. I thank God for Teen Challenge and I just thank God for accepting me back into His arms. I will never stray away again! (Used with permission from Teen Challenge) Read about Teen Challenge Training Center Inc. in the features section of this issue of Morning Star. CFI Reports CFI Reports "THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY 'COME'" SHAVUOT (Pentecost) IN JERUSALEM, ISRAEL JUNE 1-4 1992 (A conference for believers in preparation for the coming of the Lord) VENUE: JERUSALEM HILTON HOTEL BALLROOM The feast of Shavuot, more commonly known to believers as Pentecost, is one of three main Jewish pilgrimage festivals. Many Jewish men, women and children travelled to Jerusalem for this feast to worship the God of Israel and they still do today. We are keenly aware of the dramatic moving of God's Hand in today's world events, especially as we see the Jewish people "coming home". We also know that the Lord is preparing a people from among the nations to be the Bride of Messiah. The Holy Spirit is beckoning those who are thirsty to come and take the water of life freely, for the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Crucial to the believer's end-time blessing is a life of holiness as we return to our foundation acknowledging the debt owed to the Jewish people, while recognizing the Jewishness of the Gospel and the Messiah of Israel. Shavuot is a message of identification with the Nation and People of Israel, a time of gathering together in Jerusalem to seek the Lord. It is a time of praise, worship, prayer and intercession while receiving in-depth teaching from international Bible Teachers, Pastors and local Christian leaders living in Israel. Is God Calling You To Come To Jerusalem? CONFERENCE SPEAKERS: Johannes Facius - Lance Lambert - Derek Prince - Local Pastors & Leaders from Jerusalem (both Jew and Gentile) - Special Speakers from Overseas. PRAISE AND WORSHIP TEAM: A special treat for our oversees participants will be the Praise and Worship Team from the King of Kings Assembly in Jerusalem. Mrs. Ann I Hilsden, wife of Pastor Wayne Hilsden is Choir Director and Coordinator. The Choir ministers year round to many Christian visitors from among the nations as well as members of the local congregation in Jerusalem. Members of the choir come from a variety of nationalities and are involved in a wide scope of ministries in Jerusalem. DAILY TEACHING SESSIONS: We invite and encourage your attendance at the daily teaching sessions designed to enlarge your understanding of God's end-time plans and purposes for Israel. Many of our speakers are residents in Israel and leaders of congregations. TENTATIVE SESSION TOPICS TO BE PRESENTED: PREPARING FOR MESSIAH'S COMING: LIFT UP YOUR HEADS (Rev. 1:7) THE FEAR OF THE LORD: THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM (Prov. 1:7) JUDGMENT: BEGINNING AT THE LORD'S HOUSE (I Peter 4:17) THE DAY OF THE LORD: WILL YOU BE ABLE TO STAND? (Rev. 3:3) FAITH: WILL IT BE FOUND WHEN HE COMES? (Luke 18:8) THE DESTINY OF ISRAEL AND THE CHURCH (Romans 11:18) THE INGATHERING OF ISRAEL: HER FINAL REDEMPTION (Zech. 13:9) A GLORIOUS BRIDE: HOLY AND WITHOUT WRINKLE (Eph. 5:27) THE EARTHLY JERUSALEM: FADING INTO THE ETERNAL (Psalm 46:4) YESHUA: RABBI, REDEEMER AND LORD (Isa. 47:4) SPECIAL AFTERNOON SESSION TOPICS: THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH: ARE YOU READY? (Matt. 25:10) SHOW ME THY GLORY: A PERSONAL ENCOUNTER WITH GOD (Exodus 33:18) LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY (Luke 11:1) JERUSALEM PRAYER WATCH: The Thursday afternoon session will be a time of teaching on prayer and intercession followed by a trip to selected strategic locations around Jerusalem for specific prayer. It is vitally important for Christians to understand how to effectively pray for the many needs in the Land of Israel today. This session will focus on crucial issues of vital concern for all believers. WALL OF PRAYER FOR ISRAEL: During the Conference you will have an opportunity to sign up to be linked with a city, town, village, kibbutz or moshav in Israel for which to pray. SPECIAL SHAVUOT DINNER: For all fully registered conference participants, there will be a special Israeli Shavuot dinner on Thursday evening. COMMUNION SERVICE: During Shavuot we shall partake of breaking of bread together on the closing evening. Local believers will join us. SPONSORSHIP: The Conference is being presented by Christian Friends of Israel. The Coordinators are Ray and Sharon Sanders, of the CFI Jerusalem Office. CFI's Israel Executive Council, which consists of Pastors from local congregations and Leaders in Israel, serve to give the overall Conference leadership and direction. PROVISIONAL PROGRAM: MONDAY JUNE 1 3:00-5:00 PM - Pre registration at the Jerusalem Hilton Hotel 7:30 PM - Opening Evening of Conference TUESDAY JUNE 2 9:00-10:30 AM - Session 1 11:00-12:30 PM - Session 2 2:00-4:00 PM - Special Session 7:30 PM Evening Service WEDNESDAY JUNE 3 9:00-10:30 AM - Session 3 11:00-12:30 PM - Session 4 2:00-4:00 PM - Special Healing Session 7:30 PM - Evening Service THURSDAY JUNE 4 9:00-10:30 AM - Session 5 11:00-12:30 PM - Session 6 2:00-3:00 PM - Prayer and Intercession 3:30-5:00 PM - Prayer Watch 6:00 PM - Shavuot Dinner and Communion Service WE IN JERUSALEM, INVITE YOU TO BE WITH US! ------------------------- REGISTRATION FORM "THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY, 'COME'" A CELEBRATION OF SHAVUOT (PENTECOST) Jerusalem Hilton Hotel Ballroom JERUSALEM, ISRAEL June 1-4 1992 PLEASE PRINT: Names(s): (Circle where appropriate) Rev./Mr./Mrs./Miss ___________________________________ Rev./Mr./Mrs./Miss ___________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Country: ______________________ Post Code: ___________ The Overseas Registration Fee for those NOT staying at the Jerusalem Hilton Hotel is $120 US per person or Foreign Currency Equivalent and includes the following: Full conference participation of four evenings and three days. Three morning coffee breaks during the conference. Closing evening Israeli Shavuot dinner with Communion Service. Special afternoon sessions including Jerusalem Prayer Watch. Complete conference program with maps and information on Israel. Translation facilities for languages other than English. Special Conference Package: For those conference participants staying at the Jerusalem Hilton Hotel the price is $300 (U.S.) per person or Foreign Currency Equivalent. This includes all of the above plus four evenings at the Hilton at Half Board. Audio cassette tapes of the evening programs and daily sessions will be available for sale during the conference. I enclose the full Registration Fee of $_________ U.S. (or F.C.E) per person made payable to Christian Friends of Israel. Total enclosed: _________ Signed: _____________________________ Please send this form with your registration fee to the appropriate CFI Branch Office or to: Christian Friends of Israel P.O. Box 1813 Jerusalem, 91015 ISRAEL WATCHMAN'S PRAYER LETTER January 1992 "I will take my sword to watch & station myself on the tower" (Habakkuk 2:1) Intercession is like someone running in between God and a person, city or place. The praying people of the Bible were intercessors. Abraham pleaded for Sodom and Gomorrah. Samuel prayed all night for Saul. David entreated for his people. Paul was an example of his own exhortation "that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men". The Lord Jesus prayed for His disciples. God's delivering mercy depends upon intercessors, who will put their shoulder under the burdens of others. Israel and the Jewish people need us, now more than ever, to help carry the many burdens of the hour. Russian and Soviet Presidents have decided that the Soviet Union will formally cease to exist by January 1, 1992, and will be replaced by a new Commonwealth of Independent States. The red flag will be lowered. However, there is much concern that the armed forces, increasingly tired of the political chaos gripping the country, could take control in a bid to restore order. EARNESTLY PRAY that Russian Jewry discern the right to leave Russia. The gates of brass will one day likely hard. Ask God to lead them with His glorious arm, in the way they should return and that they might know the road to take to get home." That led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm, dividing the water before them ..." (Isaiah 63:12). "Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take. Return, O Virgin Israel, return to your towns ..." (Jeremiah 31:21,22). PRAY that the Soviet Jews will not trust in a new interstate structure nor any arm of flesh to protect and save them from harm but in Almighty God alone. "Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them." (Psalm 24:4). CLAIM THE PROMISES that when the Lord says "Come forth and flee" that Russian Jewry will have ears to hear and recognize the Lord's voice. "Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north saith the Lord ..." (Zechariah 2:6). REVERENTLY AFFIRM GOD'S PROMISES of the hope He has promised to the children of Israel that they come again to their own borders and that He would the increase to them afterwards. "And there is hope thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall again to their own border." (Jeremiah 31:17). "The shall increase you more and more, you and your children." (Psalm 115 :14) . PREVAIL WITH GOD that His Mighty Hand will bring His people back. "And bring you out from the people ... with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out ..." (Ezekiel 20: 34) . PLEAD for safety and protection for the "ships of Tarshish" which the Christians the nations are sponsoring to bring Israel's sons from afar. (Isaiah 60:9) Recently Sephardi Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliahu called on all diaspora Jews to make aliya as he kindled the Hanukka lights in Jerusalem. "... I will save my people from the east country and from the west country." ( Zechariah 8:7 ) INTERCEDE for the call of God to reach the ears of all Jews outside of Israel that are destined to come home to Israel. "I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; will surely gather the remnant of Israel ... they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men." (Micah 2:1) "Yea, though they have hired among the nations, now will I gather them ..." (Hosea 8:10). DECLARE that the powers of darkness will not impede the great aliyah yet to come which heralds the coming of Messiah. Pray the arrows of the Lord's deliverance strike at any attempt to stop the return of the Jewish people. Signs of a growing feeling that the time has come to leave Yugoslavia, now a war-torn land, brought sixty Yugoslav Jews to Israel last month. Eighteen percent of the Yugoslav population is currently unemployed and the economy on the verge of collapse. An economic crisis will affect the Jews in the country. BESEECH GOD to set His eyes upon the Jewish people for good and praise Him for those who have already come home. "For I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land ..." (Jeremiah 24: 6). Chief of Staff Lt.-General Ehud Barak recently reported: "Syria has a larger chemical capacity than Iraq and it is showing increased interest in nuclear capability. Iraq still has hundreds of Scud missiles, and if Saddam Hussein remains in power, the countdown for production of a nuclear bomb will begin again." FERVENTLY INTERCEDE for the Lord to make bare His Holy Arm and that he be exalted above the nations who oppress and hate Israel. Trust in the Lord that He is able to break the strength of the wicked. "Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings, from the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about." (Psalm 18: 34). "Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, for they intended evil against thee ..." (Psalm 21:9,11). PRAY that the Lord will cause Israeli soldiers hands to be girded with strength to face the coming challenges ahead of them. "He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms." (Psalm 18:34). "For thou has girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me." (Psalm 18:39). LAY HOLD of God's Promises to Israel that even if combined thousands in Arab countries set themselves against Israel, that they need not fear. "I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about" (Psalm 3:6). "And He shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the Lord our God shall cut them off." (Psalm 94:23). Recently rain was recorded as the highest on record in Israel for 50 years. The coastal plain was hardest hit by the recent storms. In some areas more than 200 mm. of rain was reported in seven days and in some the figure approached - or even exceeded 300 mm. GIVE THANKS for the abundance of rain the Lord has already sent. "Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God: who covered the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth ..." "Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain: so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give the showers of rain ..." Psalm 147:8; Zechariah 10:1). BESEECH GOD to rain righteousness upon the Land. The plowing of unrighteous has caused moral decay. Pray for a cleansing and restoration throughout the Land." Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy ; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you. Ye have plowed iniquity ..." (Hosea 10:12,13). You that are the Lord's remembrancers, take no rest and give Him no rest until He establish Jerusalem as a Praise in the earth. Sharon Sanders CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Street Address: 1 Rechov Natan Hanavi P.O. BOX 1813, JERUSALEM, 91015 ISRAEL TEL: 972-2-894172, 894187; FAX: 972-2-894955 Praise and Prayers Praise and Prayers PRAISE REPORTS: K.A. from California thanks the Lord for supplying abundantly for her family. Daryl gives thanks for the salvation of his uncle who is in prison. (Please see the Letters section in this issue) PRAYER REQUESTS: Al from Texas asks for prayer for some of his family members. Two armed men entered the house of his aunt and began shooting. One cousin was killed and another injured. His Aunt Myra is in critical condition having been shot in the head. Pray for their salvation also. Continue praying for Thelma from Tennessee for her heart condition. Pray for Wayne and family from New Jersey whose wife went on to be with the Lord. Pray for Dave who was shot in the head close range with a blank from an M-16. He is also looking into a new job in the spring, and wants God's guidance on it and on all the other things going on in his life. Pray for Mike whose wife needs victory over drugs and alcohol. Pray for Bob who is currently unemployed, having left a position as a Church Administrator in October, and who is now attempting to reenter the non-ministry sector and serve Jesus in the work force. He needs the Lord's direction and guidance as to the Job and location that He would have for him. Pray for Rose whose family is having financial problems. Pray also that the family is brought closer together as they are having difficulties. Pray for our sister "B" and her step daughter. She and her husband have not seen the girl in 6 years due to legal problems with the mother who is also an alcoholic. Pray for this woman too that Jesus delivers her from that bondage and gives her a change of heart. Pray that Harry from Indiana gets this job in New York. Pray for Ron in Florida who has financial needs and a job. Pray for Rob from Pennsylvania who wants to spend more time with his family. He also needs prayer concerning a sensitive situation at work involving an employee who is having problems. Rob's grandfather from Massachusetts needs prayer due to a gallbladder condition and also has been diagnosed as having multiple myeloma, a leukemia-like condition. Pray for his salvation also. Pray for Peg from Pennsylvania who needs to be set free of fear. Pray for Dan in Alabama who is going through a series of tests at the hospital. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! Robert from Louisiana needs prayer in making a decision concerning his job. Fran from Illinois asks for prayer for a broken arm and also for her marriage. Tom from New Jersey needs prayer for his confusion in doctrine he has been taught. Pray for Joe from Pennsylvania for salvation. Pray that the Lord will give Wayne from Pennsylvania the desires of his heart. A friend of CC in Texas needs a clarification of The Word and possibly her pastor needs to learn the truth. Steve from New Hampshire for direction in his life for a job. Pray for Jack from Georgia who is in physical therapy in California. Pray for Mae in Florida who is very ill. Pray for Lesa from Maryland who was in an auto accident three months ago and is still not faring well. Pray for healing for S.B. in Ohio. After years of testing, it has been determined that she has Multiple Sclerosis. She is believing God for complete restoration. Pray for healing for C.B. in Pennsylvania, who has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Pray for T.K. from Yuma Arizona who is putting a new Christian radio station on the air. They need financial support badly to get on the air by Feb 1st. Pray that the necessary funds will come in. Music Music The hymns for this month are only two of many hymns written by Peter and Hanneke Jacobs. Read more about the Jacobs' ministry work in this month's People Profile section. REACH OUT By Peter and Hanneke Jacobs Sometimes I get so involved in myself, That I'm out of touch with everyone else. I come down so low, thinking how bad I feel, And my own confusion is all that seems real. But if I'll just let God, He will open my eyes, To see pain in others that's much worse than mine. I want to reach out in Jesus name, To touch someone's heart and heal someone's pain. I want to reach out, and as I do Then God will heal my heart too! Sometimes it seems like nobody cares, And when I call out, it's like God isn't there. But deep down inside, I know I'm looking within, When I should look up and focus on Him So when all the doubts come, I'll turn a deaf ear, 'Cause God has a reason why I am here. I want to reach out in Jesus name, To touch someone's heart and heal someone's pain. I want to reach out, and as I do Then God will heal my heart too! Oh, Lord give me eyes to see The work that you have for me! (1990 Joyful Heart Music ASCAP. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. International Copyright Secured) As a result of the following testimony of Micki Folmar, Peter and Hanneke Jacobs wrote the lyrics to the song, "Reach Out" from Heartsong's Stand Up For God album. We hope it will minister to you as well! A CURE FOR LONELINESS By Micki Folmar (Editor's note: Micki is a sophomore at the University of California at Irvine and one of the original members of the Heartsong musical group. God has really used Micki to minister to young people and we are happy to share her testimony with you today. Micki's testimony is from the newsletter of Nitelite Ministries based in Irvine, California. Peter and Hanneke Jacobs are the Directors.) "I want to tell you about a lesson that I learned in my life, especially over the last year or so, about reaching out to others. It's not that I was a selfish person or that I just didn't feel like doing anything nice for anybody, but I was really, really lonely. I was a Christian, and I always knew that God was there for me, but sometimes, I felt like it wasn't enough. It seemed that none of the people around me really cared, so why should God care? I didn't have good family relationships, and I wouldn't let myself get close to my friends. And it's just ... a terrible feeling! Probably a lot of you have felt the same way, like when you sit in your room and think to yourself, "Why am I here?" or "I wish somebody would call me; somebody please call me!" But the phone never rang. And so I'd go downstairs to my family, but they just didn't understand. That was a sick, sick feeling! It's just like saying, "I am so alone. Why am I here?" But I'm here to tell you: I found the solution to that emptiness... Recently at my church, our pastor was saying that "every single life counts. Every single life has a purpose." And, he showed us a little clip about someone who felt like his life had no purpose. And I thought, "That's exactly how it is when you feel so alone." You think you don't have a reason to exist. Well, chances are, if you're sitting in your room feeling sorry for yourself, you're not gonna find out. I felt like the Lord was telling me: "If you want to count, why don't you make yourself count?" So I decided I was going to focus on reaching out. If I feel lonely, other people must be feeling that way too, so I'm going to try to make them feel better! You know, they say that the more love you give, the more love you get, and it is so true. God fills you up with His love, then you give that back to the people around you, and they give it back to you; then it starts all over again! I've been trying to help other people out of the position I was in, and God has blessed me so much with that. He has given me a sensitivity to the needs of others around me. I'm no longer sitting in my room ... my phone rings now, (when I'm not calling others) and I'm amazed! Last week, someone came up to me and said, "You know I'm really glad that you're always there to talk to me." And I thought back on how things used to be, and I thought, "God is using ME! I DO have a purpose!" "GIVE, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU..." LUKE 6:3 HOW EXCELLENT YOUR NAME from Psalm 8 Chorus: Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent Your name is, How excellent Your name in all the earth, Your glory fills the heavens, Beyond the farthest star, How excellent Your name in all the earth. When I think about the heavens, The moon and all the stars, I wonder what you ever saw in me, But you took me, and you loved me, And you've given me a crown, And now I'll praise Your name eternally. The words and music to "How Excellent Your Name" were written by Peter Jacobs. Peter, as "Colby the Computer" on recordings, sings this song with the children. One can readily sense that this music is God-inspired and comes straight from the heart. When sung by Peter and the children, we can't help but feel as Luke 10:27; Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. Information on Nitelite Ministries is the Ministry Profile of this issue of Morning Star. For further information contact: Nitelite Ministries 16 Crockett Street Irvine, California 92720 (714) 559-0894 Chef's Corner Chef's Corner The following recipes were submitted by men who like to cook. They are very fine cooks too! BASIC TOMATO SAUCE 2 large cans Italian plum tomatoes (2 pound cans) 2 small cans of tomato paste 1 cup water 2 large peeled thinly sliced onions 5 cloves finely minced garlic or 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon sweet basil 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon sugar 1/3 cup olive oil Run tomatoes through food processor or chop in blender for a few seconds and reserve. In a large saucepan, saute onions and garlic in olive oil until soft. Add salt, pepper, oregano, basil, and stir. Add tomato paste and water. Bring to a simmer for 10 minutes. Add milled or blended peeled tomatoes and sugar. Bring to a slow boil, then simmer over low heat for 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally. This sauce may be used for any pasta or rice dish that calls for tomato sauce. VARIATIONS: You may add browned sausage, meatballs, chunks of beef, chicken pieces or pork chunks in any combinations for the last hour of cooking in sauce. These meats are served along with the pasta for a complete hearty meal. From Dr. Charles A. Wootten Whole Counsel Ministries Inc. Matoaca, Virginia ------------------------- SALSA PIZZAIOLA This recipe for this distinctive sauce is Neapolitan in origin, and may be used to make pizza, steak pizzaiola, or spaghetti. 2 cloves garlic, peeled 1 pound ripe tomatoes (or 1 pound can peeled tomatoes) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon oregano 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Crush the garlic and peel the tomatoes. Put the oil and crushed garlic into a sauce pan and cook over a low heat for several minutes. Chop peeled tomatoes into fairly large pieces and add to pan with salt and pepper. Cook briskly for 5 minutes, until the ingredients have softened. Stir in oregano and parsley and use as desired. From Dr. Charles A. Wootten Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. Matoaca, Virginia ------------------------- POLENTA (made in a microwave oven) Delicious topped with Dr. Wootten's tomato sauce! Mix the following in a round or glass bread dish: Mix well: 1 cup corn meal, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup cold water Add 2 cups boiling water and stir well. Cover and microwave for 5 minutes. Remove and stir until all lumps are gone. Cover and microwave for 5 more minutes and remove and stir well again. Cover and microwave 5 minutes. Remove and it is ready to eat. For variation: Top with tomato sauce and grated Parmesan or Romano cheese, or melt your favorite cheese on top, or just add butter and it is ready to eat, or slice it down and brown in butter, or add bits of warm ham or sausage. Yield: 2 servings. From Joshua Marmo Washington, Pennsylvania ------------------------- BAKED BARBECUE CHICKEN A fast and easy way to get that grilled-all-day barbecue flavor. 1 can (10 3/4 ounces) condensed french onion soup 1/2 cup ketchup 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Dash hot pepper sauce 3 pounds chicken parts In small bowl, combine all ingredients except chicken; stir to dissolve sugar. In lightly oiled 2-quart baking dish (12 x 18 inches) arrange chicken skin side down. Bake chicken at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes. Spoon half the sauce over chicken; bake additional 15 minutes.. Turn chicken; spoon remaining sauce over chicken. continue baking 15 minutes more. Serve with remaining sauce. Yield: 6 servings. From Bob Hughes Houston, Pennsylvania ------------------------- BUNDT PAN BISCUITS Simple but so good! 3 tubes of biscuits (10 in each) 8 tablespoons (1 stick) melted butter in bundt pan Sprinkle poppy or sesame seed in butter; put in the biscuits one at a time, standing each of them up and slushing them up next to the other to get the butter in between until all biscuits are in the pan in one layer. ( If they are too close, move them apart a little.) Bake as directed on package, adding a few minutes due to quantity. Invert onto a plate and pull apart to eat. For variety, use brown sugar and nuts instead of the seeds. Yield: 30 biscuits. From Ross Worstell Canonsburg, Pennsylvania ------------------------- EASY APPLE BUTTER Mix together into a crock pot : 7 cups of apple sauce 2 cups of apple cider (not juice, but cider) 1-1/2 cups honey 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground cloves 1/2 tsp ground allspice Cook on low heat for 14 - 15 hours. Yield: about 3 pints, perfect for canning! from Steve Paulovich Derry, New Hampshire ------------------------- EASY FUDGE (microwave) Sweet tooth anyone! 3 - 6 oz. packages semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 can Eagle brand condensed milk dash of salt Heat in heavy pan until chocolate chips are melted. (stirring constantly) OR microwave (covered) about 4 minutes. Add: 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2 1/2 cups nuts Spread into buttered 8x8 pan and chill (about 2 hours) Cut as desired and store in airtight container at room temperature. From Pete Mastrangelo Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Potpourri Potpourri CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP "God's People Using God-given Resources to Accomplish God-given Goals" In the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25, three men are entrusted with varying degrees of money. Two of them work hard in their master's absence and double their master's money. Upon his return, they are commended for their stewardship and given increased responsibilities. A third man does nothing with the money entrusted to him. At his master's return, he is called wicked and lazy. The money given him is taken away and he is punished. This passage highlights two basic principles of Christian stewardship: God is the true owner of a Christian's time, talent and resources. * As owner, He exercises the rights of ownership: a steward only fulfills the responsibilities of management. * The goal of our stewardship is to hear God say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." * The amount of our stewardship is not important; what was important in the passage was not "how much," but "how well." Christians ought to be committed to managing these resources in such a way as to please God and further His work. * Someone has defined Christian Stewardship as, "God's people using God-given resources to accomplish God-given goals." WE ARE IN A GROWTH PROCESS As servants (literally "household managers") of God, we are continually learning how to be better stewards of the resources He has given us. In this growth process, God uses our stewardship of money in three ways: * God uses money as a tool to teach us to be content in whatever circumstances we find ourselves (see Phil. 4:11-12). * God uses money as a test to help us see how faithful we are (see Luke 16:10-12). * God uses money as a testimony. The way we handle money can be an eloquent statement to a non-Christian world of His grace in our lives (see Matt. 5:13-16). All of us need to recognize that we are simply "resource managers," working together with God for the advancement of His kingdom. As we develop such a mindset, the specific financial decisions we make on a daily basis will become more and more a reflection of God's will. In that way, we will all "grow up into Him who is the Head." By Andy Neillie Southwest Stewardship Planners (From JEWISH VOICE Prophetic Magazine) ------------------------- GOD'S BEAUTY IN A DAY The dawning of a morning, The dewdrop on a rose, There the sunbeams come to rest Such beauty they compose. The birds they go from branch to branch They sing the sweetest song. The sun is now but overhead The day is passing on. We look into the water There's a picture of the sky. Oh, what marvelous beauty! As the clouds go passing by. But now the sun is in the west The day is but goin' by. Then we look into the heavens The stars are in the sky. The moon in all it's brightness Sends forth a silvery light. As we walk along the valley The day has turned to night. Oh, what marvelous beauty! We can see it in a day If we take our Savior with us He will lead us all the way. By John (Jockie) Smith COURAGE TO STAND ALONE In the day and age we are living we need true believers in Christ who: * have God-given courage and strength * will dare to be different and make their lives count * will not compromise and conform, even in the face of extreme pressure and persecution * will dare to stand alone, if need be * will not deny their faith in the Lord or compromise His Word, but will totally live for the Lord! Used with permission. From Bill Rudge Ministries WHAT IS A COP? Cops are human (believe it or not) just like the rest of us. They come in both sexes but mostly male. They also come in various sizes. This sometimes depends on whether you are looking for one or trying to hide something. However, they are mostly big. Cops are found everywhere-on land, on the sea, in the air, on horses, in cars, sometimes in your hair. In spite of the fact that "you can't find one when you want one," they are usually there when it counts most. The best way to get one is to pick up the phone. Cops deliver lectures, babies, and bad news. They are required to have the wisdom of Solomon, the disposition of a lamb and muscles of steel and are often accused of having a heart to match. He's the one who rings the doorbell, swallows hard and announces the passing of a loved one; then spends the rest of the day wondering why he ever took such a "crummy" job. On TV, a cop is an oaf who couldn't find a bull fiddle in a telephone booth. In real life he's expected to find a little blond boy "about so high" in a crowd of a half million people. In fiction, he gets help from private eyes, reporters and "who-dun-it-fans". In real life, mostly all he gets from the public is "I didn't see nuttin'." When he serves a summons, he's a monster. If he lets you go, he's a doll. To little kids, he's either a friend or a bogeyman, depending on how the parents feel about it. He works "around the clock," split shifts, Sundays and holidays, and it always kills him when a joker says, "Hey, tomorrow is Election Day. I'm off, let's go fishing" (that's the day he works 20 hours.) A cop is like the little girl, who when she was good, was very, very good, but, when she was bad, was horrid. When a cop is good, "he's getting paid for it." When he makes a mistake, "he's a grafter, and that goes for the rest of them too." When he shoots a stick-up man he's a hero, except when the stick-up man is "only a kid, anybody coulda seen that." Lots of them have homes, some of them covered with ivy, but most of them covered with mortgages. If he drives a big car, he's a chiseler; a little car, "who's he kidding?" His credit is good; this is very helpful, because his salary isn't. Cops raise lots of kids, most of them belong to other people. A cop sees more misery, bloodshed, trouble, and sunrises than the average person. Like the postman, cops must also be out in all kinds of weather. His uniform changes with the climate, but his outlook on life remains about the same: mostly a blank, but hoping for a better world. Cops like days off, vacations, and coffee. They don't like auto horns, family fights, and anonymous letter writers. They have unions, but they can't strike. They must be impartial, courteous, and always remember the slogan "At your service." This is sometimes hard, especially when a character reminds him, "I'm a taxpayer, I pay your salary." Cops get medals for saving lives, stopping runaway horses, and shooting it out with bandits (once in a while his widow gets the medal). But sometimes, the most rewarding moment comes when, after some small kindness to an older person , he feels the warm hand clasp, looks into grateful eyes and hears, "Thank you and God bless you, son." Conrad S. Jensen With permission from The Christian Peace Officer A Publication of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers, USA Vol. 2 No. 4 - Fall 1990 ------------------------- QUIPS AND QUOTES Once you've looked back, You are ready to move forward. To take fear out of living, Put your faith in the Living God. The witness of those on the road to Heaven, Is a warning to those on the road to Hell. The trials of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. We may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving. When troubles call on you, call on God. To every desert of calamity, God has an oasis of comfort. God's forgiveness changes a sinner into a saint. L'Chaim - To Life! How Can Exercise Improve My Health? by Dr. Carmine D. D'Amico L'CHAIM ("TO LIFE") is our new column dedicated to wholesome living. Our very first article, from Dr. Carmine D. D'Amico, is about exercising for our good health. HOW CAN EXERCISE IMPROVE MY HEALTH? Carmine D. D'Amico D.O. Deborah Heart and Lung Center Brownsmills, New Jersey Regular exercise offers many potential health benefits. However, before listing these benefits, what is meant by "regular exercise" will be discussed first. Regular exercise means almost any repetitious physical activity which temporarily raises the heart rate and respiratory rate, and is performed continuously for twenty to thirty minutes at least three times a week. Traditionally, the intensity of exercise required to provide cardiovascular conditioning has been determined by heart rate. Studies have shown that in order to obtain significant cardiovascular benefit from exercise, the heart rate should be maintained between sixty percent and seventy-five percent of the maximum predicted heart rate for twenty to thirty minutes (maximum predicted heart rate equals two hundred twenty minus age in years). However, since certain medications and medical conditions may alter or impair the heart rate response to exercise, a general rule of thumb is to exercise to a level of moderate fatigue, not full exhaustion. As mentioned previously, there are many potential health benefits from regular exercise. Exercise improves the efficiency of the heart by increasing the amount of blood that it pumps per beat. It also improves the body's ability to use oxygen. In addition, regular exercise has been shown to raise the blood level of HDL (high density lipoprotein), which is the type of cholesterol carrying substance that increases the body's ability to remove cholesterol from the bloodstream by delivering it to the liver for proper "disposal". Furthermore, regular exercise promotes weight loss, reduces stress, and improves one's sense of well-being. Clearly, there are ample reasons why almost everyone should incorporate regular exercise into their schedules. However, it is wise for anyone who plans to begin exercising routinely to see their family physician prior to beginning a program of routine exercise in order to insure the highest level of benefit and safety. Carmine D. D'Amico D.O. has a B.A. in Biology from the Washington & Jefferson College. He is a doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, completing his internal medicine residency in Erie, Pennsylvania. Resource Area Book Reviews Book Reviews UNLEASHING THE CHURCH by Frank R. Tillapaugh Regal Books, Ventura California, 1982 The theme of this issue of Morning Star is ministries. The front line of Christian ministry must be the local church. This means that the primary responsibility of ministry must be carried out by every believer. The role of the church is to prepare the believer to minister. Frequently, the major problem found within today's church is a self-centered focus. The local church is typically concerned with only meeting its internal needs. Somewhere along the line the call to make disciples has been lost. This call of Scripture isn't limited to bring people to salvation. Making disciples requires helping believers grow in their relationship to the Lord. Unquestionably to make disciples means people must receive and accept the Gospel message, but this is just the first step. Frank Tillapaugh's concern is the need for believers to advance the kingdom into the community. "Unleashing the Church" speaks to both the concern for outreach and some of the ways this need has been met at Bear Valley Baptist Church in Denver. The focus of this book is on the leaders of the local church, who should be creating a climate in which the church is simply a "base of operations." From this base, the individual believer serves the Lord in the community, as directed by the Holy Spirit. Every believer must serve the Lord consistent with the opportunity and gifts He has provided. Tillapaugh isn't saying Christians are to serve the community with a hidden agenda of making converts. Instead, believers are to work with the purpose of living out the reality of the Love of God. This is done by caring for those around them. As might be expected, where agape is truly lived, souls will be saved. This book is highly recommended. Christians must develop the aggressive mentality of ambassadors for Christ in a fallen world. This book will give some clear direction in fulfilling the "Great Commission." "Unleashing the Church" should be read by both clergy and laity. CLASSIC BOOK REVIEWS Once in a while, it is a good idea to look at the past. There are classic works of the Christian church that have been overlooked in recent years. The book review column will occasionally touch on these works as opportunities present themselves. The most read Christian book of all times, after the Bible of course, is PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. It is appropriate therefore to comment on this outstanding work for the first Classic Book Review. PILGRIM'S PROGRESS by John Bunyan. The message of Scripture is the Gospel of Salvation and the call to the saved to walk worthy of Christ. This is also the message of Pilgrim's Progress. The author recounts the process of salvation and sanctification in Christian, the hero of the work. Actually, the book is a two-part account, the first part being Christian's story, and the second being that of his wife, Christiana. For those who haven't had the pleasure of reading this book, it is an allegory on salvation and the Christian walk. Pilgrim's Progress follows the adventures of Christian and his friend Faithful on their journey to the Celestial City. Along the way, Christian meets those who would turn him back from the narrow gate. These include individuals with such strange names as Obstinate and Pliable. Others who would undermine his walk with the Lord include Simple, Sloth and Presumption. The second half of the book is an account of Christiana and her children as they follow in the footsteps of Christian. Her story is also one of spiritual growth in an attempt to go to the Celestial City. Charles M. Sheldon, in his introduction to the out of print Christian Herald edition of Pilgrim's Progress, says, "This reality of the allegory has been an abiding one, and it is safe to say that this is one of the characteristics of the story which make it immortal. The characters, the incidents, the outcome are real in the story because they are real in actual life. Based, as it is, on Bible teaching and human experience together, Pilgrim's Progress is immortal, as indeed all things are immortal which are true." There are numerous editions of the book available. There are classic editions with illustrative plates and sometimes even notes to help in understanding the material. There are audio and video editions, as well as adaptations for children. The book has been reworked with contemporary language for the modern reader. The purist, however should read it in its original form. This will be worth the work involved, for the book is best enjoyed as the author wrote it. Parents may want to try something different with this book. This would be an excellent opportunity to sit down as a family and to read to the children. Pilgrim's Progress is a novel that is both fun and instructive. Reading the book as a family could be the start of a new tradition - family communication. Take the opportunity to read Pilgrim's Progress, one of the true classics of Christian literature. Newsdesk Newsdesk FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA The nation's murder rate inched upwards in 1991 to its highest level in a decade as the number of killings reached 24,200 for the first time, government figures indicate. The total reflects a hike not only in the number of slayings but also in the chance of becoming a homicide victim. That's because the number of killings increased faster than the population according to Census Bureau figures. (AP-Washington) REVIVING THE OLD EMPIRE European Community leaders took an historic step towards unifying their once-warring nations by agreeing to sweeping new treaties on political, economic and monetary union. The monetary union treaty will create a single currency by 1999 while the political union treaty will give the 12-nation community a more coherent voice in foreign policy. The new treaty, which must be approved by parliaments of the 12 member countries, also institutes a common policy on defense and security matters, gives added powers to the European Parliament, and extends the Community's jurisdiction in areas including police, justice and immigration. The accord on monetary union will also set up a European central bank to manage the new currency, called the ECU. (From UPI) PERSIAN PURCHASES The Los Angeles Times reports that Iran is conducting a multi-billion dollar arms buildup via secret deals with Russia, North Korea and other nations and shortly will become the dominant power in the Persian Gulf. Iran's purchases include Soviet SU-24 fighter bombers, MiG-29 fighter planes, tanks, missiles and other sophisticated weapons. A Bush administration source stated that "nuclear research" was also being purchased by Iran. The buildup has given Iran parity with Iraq, long the region's leading power, the newspaper quoted intelligence sources as saying. Cash-strapped Russia is selling Iran arms from the Red Army's inventory, the Times said. The newspaper said rumors in Washington intelligence circles are that multi-million dollar T-72 tanks have been sold for as little as $50,000. (AP-Los Angeles) THE CUP OF TREMBLING The United States appears to have backed out of a plan to build a new embassy in Jerusalem. According to KOL HA'IR (9/6/91) the Americans asked to change the definition of a building they planned to construct in a southern suburb of Jerusalem from an "embassy" to a "diplomatic facility". The term "ambassador's home" has been changed to "the home of a senior diplomat." (NEAR EAST REPORT) ALL NATIONS SHALL GATHER AGAINST HER Arab nations are returning to Washington to resume Mideast peace talks now that the United Nations Security Council has condemned Israel's planned deportation of 12 Palestinians. The 15-member Security Council voted unanimously against the expulsion orders and asked Israel to halt all deportations and allow expelled people to return. The United States pointedly refused to use its veto power to shield Israel. (AP-Jordan) THE NEWEST PLO PEACE STRATEGY PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, while attending the annual Islamic nations summit in Senegal Africa this December demanded that the term "jihad" (holy war) be inserted in a resolution condemning Israel. "Shall I tell the Moslem martyrs who lost their lives in the struggle to liberate Jerusalem that you have eliminated jihad from the islamic dictionary?" Arafat asked the delegates. The PLO leader was apparently trying to show the powerful Palestinian Moslem fundamentalist movement that holding peace talks with Israel does not mean that the holy war against the Jewish "infidels" will be abandoned. Arafat also renewed his call for the violent Palestinian uprising, now in its fifth year, to continue, despite the ongoing peace talks. Palestinians are now firing guns against Israelis more frequently, leaving five Israelis dead and over a dozen wounded since late October. The army reports that well over 100 armed attacks have taken place since the Gulf War ended, a sharp increase from last year. (ISRAEL NEWS DIGEST -1/92) Ministry & Product Information Ministry & Product Information The MINISTRY AND PRODUCT INFORMATION area is for the benefit of all believers. MORNING STAR does not charge for these advertisements. ============ MINISTRIES: AMMI MINISTRY P.O. Box 27576 Philadelphia PA. 19118 (215) 843-7964 CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL 30012 Ivy Glenn Dr., Suite 200 Laguna Niguel CA 92677 Tel. (714) 495-7383, Fax (714) 495-0760 CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES Inc. 1300 Cross Beam Drive Charlotte, NC 28217-2834 (704) 357-9000 CANADA: Box 4400, Sta. D Hamilton, Ont. L8V4L8 (416) 545-9066 CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL P.O. Box 1813 Jerusalem 91015 Israel tel & fax 972-2-384406 NOTE: The Editor in Chief of MORNING STAR is a U.S. distributor of material for CFI. Write to MORNING STAR P.O. Box 7755, Nashua N.H. 03060-7755, for more information. CHRISTIAN TAPES FOR THE DISABLED (Write for catalog of cassettes and information) BOX 455 Buffalo, NY 14209 (716) 885-0307 EXODUS INTERNATIONAL PO Box 2121 San Rafael, CA 94912 (415) 454-1017. FRIENDS OF ISRAEL GOSPEL MINISTRY (Publishers of "Israel My Glory" magazine - $8 per year. Sponsor of the Institute of Biblical Studies.) PO BOX 908 Bellmawr, NJ 08099 1-800-257-7843 INTERNATIONAL BIBLE SOCIETY PO BOX 62970 Colorado Springs CO 80962-2970 (719) 488-9200 THE JESUS FILM PROJECT Arrowhead Springs 2700 Little Mountain Dr. San Bernardino CA 92424-9989 JESUS PEOPLE USA 4707 N. Malden Chicago, IL 60640 Editorial office: (312) 989-2080 (An excellent resource for tips and techniques on witnessing and ministering to specific groups of people.) JEWISH VOICE BROADCASTS INC. P.O. Box 6 Phoenix, Arizona 85001 Publishers of "Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine". (Annual cost $20, published monthly) Also, producers of JEWISH VOICE television program seen on cable networks CBN, LBN, and PTL as well as many regular stations. JEWS FOR JESUS 60 Haight St. San Francisco CA. 94102-5895 Publishers of "The Jews for Jesus Newsletter" (no charge) Canadian Office: P.O Box 487, Station Z, Toronto, ON M5N2Z6 JOHN ANKERBERG MINISTRY P.O. BOX 8977 CHATTANOOGA TN 37441 DICK AND KATHY JOHNSON (Wycliffe Bible Translators) Summer Institute of Linguistics P.O. Box 2270 C.P.O. 1099 Manila, Philippines LEDERER MESSIANIC MINISTRIES 6204 Park Heights Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 (Messianic Jewish publications including the "Jewish New Testament" by David Stern) MESSIANIC JEWISH ALLIANCE OF AMERICA (MJAA) P.O. Box 417 Wynnewood, PA 19096 (215) 896-5812 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EVANGELICALS (NAE) P.O. Box 28 Wheaton, IL 60189-0028 Personal Membership $ 30 per year Subscription to Washington Insight included with membership or $ 15 per year. 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