*2.09 1993-06 MORNING STAR magazine Vol.2.09 - June 1993 - DOS Edition An International Christian Magazine. In this issue we present a number of excellent articles dealing with the theme of "prophecy". We hope that our readers find the material we present on this important topic both informative and balanced. *3.2 1993-11 MORNING STAR MAGAZINE v3.2 MORNING STAR MAGAZINE volume 3.2 is now available! This is the 26th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our Features area this month is dedicated to the theme of "The Feasts of Israel." *3.4 1994-01 MORNING STAR VOLUME 3.4 is now available! This is the 28th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our Features area this month is dedicated to the special theme of "Victimization". The editors encourage everyone to make good use of the material we have assembled in this month's issue. Some of our regular columns this month include: NEW TESTAMENT STUDY - GOOD IS FROM GOD (3 John 9-14) by Pastor Geoffrey Kragen NEW IN CHRIST - THE MEASURE OF TRUTH (Part 2 of a 3-part series on the Bible) by Toby Trudel SPECIAL STUDIES - SECRETS OF THE SCROLLS/New Revelations From the Dead Sea Scrolls (Part 1 of a 3-part series from Zola Levitt) MESSIANIC STUDIES - THE CHURCH AND ISRAEL, An Explanation of Replacement Theology. Part 3 of a 3-part article by Wayne Hilsden PEOPLE PROFILES - Pastoral Counselor Geoffrey Kragen replies to questions on the topic of victimization. MINISTRY FOCUS - Editor Norb Novocin highlites five ministries dealing with different forms of victimization. EDUCATION - SEVEN VALUES FOR PARENTS TO LIVE BY by Dr. Paul A. Kienel, Executive Director, Association of Christian Schools International PRISON MINISTRY - THE CHRISTIAN'S RESPONSE TO SEX OFFENDERS by Tim Slevin from "Inside Journal", a publication of "Prison Fellowship" MISSION FIELD - CHINA - IN THE HEART OF REVIVAL from NEWS BRIEF, a publication of OPEN DOORS MINISTRY All this plus; Jewish and Gentile Testimonies, Music, Commentary, Praise & Prayer, CFI Reports, Chef's Corner, the Bookworm, Newsdesk, an updated Ministry Guide and more! Each month MORNING STAR is published in three computer formats. There is a Macintosh edition done in Hypercard 1.2.5, a Windows edition for the PC, and a DOS edition which all DOS computers can access as it comes with its own reader application. All 28 monthly issues are available in the Ethics and Religion area Publications library. There is also a professional hard copy edition available. Send name and address to davidsmm@aol.com - Donations are welcome and needed. MORNING STAR is available on the AOL, GENIE, COMPUSERVE, DELPHI and NATIONAL VIDEOTEX networks, the INTERNET global network and BBS across the USA and around the world. There are now 27 states and 17 countries that receive Morning Star. Feel free to pass this magazine along to friends or upload it to a BBS in your area. If you do upload to a BBS, please drop us a note and let us know the name, number and location of the BBS, so we may add it to our list. Letters to the Editor as well as articles, stories and testimonies are welcome and needed! MORNING STAR P.O. Box 7755 Nashua, N.H. 03060 Tel: 603-883-4624 Fax: 603-883-0466 Internet email: mstarmac@aol.com * 3.6 1994-03 Morning Star Volume 3.6 This is the 30th issue of our international online Christian Magazine. Our Features area is dedicated to the theme of "Prison Ministry." As this magazine goes out to prison chaplains and inmates across the country, join with us in prayer that it blesses many people. * 3.7 1994-04 Morning Star Volume 3.7 is now available ! This is the 31st issue of our international pnline Christian magazine. Our Feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of "Help for the Homosexual." This issue has a record total of 17 theme-related stories, articles and advertisements. We hope it is a great help to many people. * 3.8 1994-05 Morning Star Volume 3.8 is now available ! This is the 32nd issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of "Women in the Bible." Our feature area has articles on famous women of the Bible such as Ruth, Esther and Mary as well as women of the Bible such as Corrie ten Boom, Lillian Trasher, Mary Hicks and Gewn Johnson. *3.9 1994-06 The 33rd issue of Morning Star Christian Magazine. Our feature area this month is dedicated to our annual Prophecy theme. *3.10 1994-07 Morning Star Volume 3.10 is now available. This is the 34th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our Feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of Witnessing. *3.11 1994-08 Morning Star Volume 3.11 This is the 35th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Out Feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of BIBLE STUDY. *3.12 1994-09 Morning Star volume 3.12 is now available ! This is the 36th issue of our international online Christina magazine. Our Feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of "Praise, Prayer, and Worship." *4.1 1994-10 Morning Star Volume 4.1 is now available ! This is the 37th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our Feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of Abberant Doctrine within the church.1994-10 *4.2 1994-12 Morning Star Volume 4.2 is now available. This is the 38th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of "Walking the Christian Walk." *4.3 1995-01 Morning Star volume 4.3 is now available. This is the 39th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of Missons and Missionaries. * 4.4 1995-02 MORNING STAR volume 4.4 is now available ! This is the 40th issue of our international online Christian magazine. Our Feature area this month is dedicated to the theme of Christian Music.