Staff List & Mailing Address Staff List & Mailing Address Staff List & Mailing Address MORNING STAR is produced and published monthly, by a staff of born again believers in Jesus, located across the United States of America. Correspondence to MORNING STAR may be sent via the U.S. Postal Service or one of several computer networks. POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 7755 Nashua, NH 03060-7755 ELECTRONIC MAIL LINKS: America Online E-Mail (DOS Files): MStarDOS America Online E-Mail (MAC Files): MStarMAC GENIE Network E-Mail: M.Wilkinson1 COMPUSERVE Network E-Mail: 74270;1265 DELPHI Network E-Mail: Derr1ck (Note on Delphi name: It is a number "1" between the "r" and "c") ===================================================================== MORNING STAR STAFF: EDITOR IN CHIEF Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH SENIOR EDITOR - Biblical Department Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA SENIOR EDITOR - Christian Life Department Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, PA SENIOR LITERARY EDITOR Al Murillo III - El Paso, TX WRITING STAFF Jerry Johnson - Modesto, CA J.C. Trudel - Naples Park, FL Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA SENIOR PUBLISHER - DOS Version Steve Paulovich - Derry, NH DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (AMERICA ONLINE and COMPUSERVE Networks) Jerry White - Germantown, MD DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (GENIE Network) Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (DELPHI Network) Derrick Shipman - Greenville, SC DIRECTOR OF BBS DISTRIBUTION - USA Walter H. Bauer Jr. - Sugar Land, TX BBS DISTRIBUTION MANAGERS - USA Bruce Derouen - Beaumont TX Danny O. Dennis - Opelika, AL Jack Lavallet III - Alpharetta, GA INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION Sharon Sanders - Jerusalem, Israel Lars Storstrand - Minde, Norway OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Patrick Auriemma - Nashua, N.H. Letters Letter From the Editor Letter From the Editor FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Welcome to the December issue of MORNING STAR. Last month it gave me great pleasure to announce that the magazine had made it from coast to coast on various computer networks and bulletin board systems (BBS). This time around, the news is even more amazing. MORNING STAR has made its way to the computer networks in a number of countries overseas. The DOS version of the magazine can now be found in these locations: "DASAN" (National computer network in Norway) "Lion of Zion" BBS - Norway "Nazareth" BBS - Finland "Barnabas" BBS - England The hard copy version of Morning Star is being handed out on a regular basis in Jerusalem, Israel, at the international office of Christian Friends of Israel. People from all around the world visit the CFI office and are taking MORNING STAR back to their countries. A personal friend of mine recently went on a four-week trip to Uganda, Africa. He took disk copies of both the DOS and Macintosh versions with him. Neither of us knew what would come of this. The disks are now in the hands of a born again believer named Solomon Kubuye. Mr. Kubuye is a United Nations diplomat to Kenya. He is now looking into how best to distribute the magazine. Another brother in the Lord just flew to Saudi Arabia on military duty, taking with him both computer editions on disks. He hopes to be able to distribute these on the military BBS in the Middle East. Please keep this in prayer! It would seem that God is being His usual faithful self. It is quite something see a miracle like this happening before our eyes. If anyone wishes to assist in BBS distribution please contact us by way of either our Post Office box or any of our electronic mail links on the major networks. (Refer to the Staff List and Mail Link area elsewhere in this issue.) We are still looking into making a BBS link with mainland Europe and the Soviet Union. Perhaps by the next issue there will be good news from these areas. It is our hope that MORNING STAR will become a truly international magazine. NOTE: There has been a change in the location of MORNING STAR on the Compuserve network: Location = go religion go to libraries go to christianity go to INSIDE THIS ISSUE This third issue is the first of what we hope to be a series of "Changed Lives" editions. Our current plan is to publish two of these per year. This premiere Changed Lives issue features testimonies from individuals who were delivered by God out of a homosexual lifestyle. The staff felt strongly that there was a real need for such an issue. The falsehood that homosexuals cannot ever change is being repeated with alarming frequency in magazine articles, over computer networks and on television. Recent broadcasts of "ABC's Nightline" and the "Ron Reagan Show" featured both homosexual spokesmen as well as "experts" who proclaimed this total lie to be truth to national audiences. The real fact is that thousands of men and women have been set free of this lifestyle, but it was not done by psychology, therapy or drugs. Only the living God, the saving God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can help a person out of this and make them a new creature, living the life that He intends for us. It is our hope that the testimonies and articles in this issue will be helpful to those who want to live for God. Our prayer is that they will listen to His Word, not the fables of teachers that God's Word expressly warned would come in these latter days to mislead them. FUTURE ISSUES: If you are interested in submitting an original article, story or poem for Morning Star, here is a list of upcoming themes. Don't feel limited to these topics however! January - EDUCATION (Christian schools, Christians in public schools, home schooling - deadline November 16). February - MINISTRIES (International and local ministry profiles - deadline December 21) March - RELATIONSHIPS (Marriages, family members, friends, occupational - deadline January 18) April - CHANGED LIVES #2 - (Prison inmates - deadline February 15) May - ISRAEL (44th anniversary issue - deadline March 21) Remember, we cannot use copyrighted material without prior written consent from the writer or publisher. SEND IN YOUR LETTERS! We love hearing from our brothers and sisters across the USA and around the world! Please send in a post card or contact us via one of the E-mail links. Your comments, questions and suggestions are wanted and welcome. AND OF COURSE... MORNING STAR accepts literary contributions from believers wherever they may live. It is our policy to publish testimonies as they are originally submitted with minimal alteration of the text. Opinions stated in these testimonies do not necessarily reflect those of the MORNING STAR staff. The content of MORNING STAR does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any computer network. In service to Jesus the Messiah, Toby Trudel Editor in Chief MORNING STAR Your Letters Your Letters "I just finished reading the articles about the two Vietnam Vets in Morning Star (Vol 1.1). I'm very happy to see that they both got their lives together. I was able to identify with much, if not all, that they had to say. I also thoroughly enjoyed Joanne's poems." Jerry Bailin - Baltimore, Maryland "I can't tell you how surprised I was when I looked at your HyperCard stack, Morning Star (Vol 1.2). I never dreamed it would be so exhaustive. Wow! I think I even found the kitchen sink in there near the recipe section. Very well done. Very Bible based and such a variety. I have uploaded it to my BBS, Maclectic BBS in Whittier, CA. There is an extensive religious section there. Continue the good work! I'm on my way to download the first volume so I can get part one to all my part twos." Rev. Bob Rockhill Christian Family Fellowship - Whittier, California "I am really blessed by the Morning Star. Keep up the good work and God Bless you all." Sibia Hopper - Okeana, Ohio "I loved reading the first issue of Morning Star, I haven't yet downloaded issue two, but I am going to soon ..." Katherine Taglauer - Bowling Green, Kentucky " ... I have just down loaded your most recent issue ... It is great to see christians moving with the technological innovations of the 1990's ... I feel that most communication innovation can be greatly used for the spreading of the work of God." Joel P.K. - Chico, California "Morning Star is one of the most encouraging things I've witnessed because it uses space age technology to promote the greatest message on earth; that Jesus saves to the uttermost!" Ann Varnum - Dothan, Alabama "... I am glad to hear that it is going so well. I will keep the people doing the work for the magazine in my prayers!" Leroy Newman - Pasadena, TX "Thanks for answering my letter. Looking forward to helping upload Morning Star to BBS's across America. May God Bless You." Tim Maines - Lexington, North Carolina "Excellent publication. A must read for all believers and non- believers alike. Terrific format and anointed. Keep up the good work." Christiana Weintraub - Houston, Texas Commentary Commentary TO GOD BE THE GLORY This issue of Morning Star is a celebration of the love and mercy of God. It presents a testimony of the fact that when the gift of salvation is received we become new creations. We are no longer slaves to the sin which had held us in bondage all our lives. In the pages that follow, you will be given the opportunity to read how God has freed people from the burden of sin and how He has provided others who are willing to help in that process. We will be providing testimony issues a couple of times a year to encourage each of us to remember just how much we have to be grateful for. We will be reminded of all that God has provided for us and the blessings that come to us as Christians, not necessarily material, but primarily spiritual blessings that come to us because God loves us and is concerned about our spiritual growth. The message of this issue isn't "instant maturity," but a process by which we develop and more like the model which God has provided for us in Christ. "Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4). The process of maturing is our hope, the hope of becoming the person God intends us to be. And therefore, we can praise the Lord for the truth found in Scripture: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). What does it mean to be a new creation? As previously noted, it means that we are no longer slaves to sin. "Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey - whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness" (Romans 6:16-18). Isn't this wonderful? We are no longer slaves to sin! This doesn't mean we never sin, but it does mean we no longer have to sin. And this freedom is from all sin, from every kind of sin. Paul taught: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Notice that this passage is a listing of the sins of individuals who have now become believers. Praise the Lord. No matter what you have struggled with, alcoholism, drug addiction, being a workaholic, sexual immorality; be it adultery, sexual relations outside marriage, homosexuality, God can give you the strength to overcome. It may be difficult. It may be very painful and frightening. It may take time, but again, we are new creations, we are no longer slaves to sin, and no matter what the specific sin, there are other believers who have struggled with and overcome them all. The message of Scripture is freedom, the freedom from sin. Paul even said of himself: "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life" (1 Timothy 1:15- 16). Do you still think that whatever sin you are struggling with is so bad that you can't be free, or can't be forgiven? Then go back and reread the previous verses. Paul said he was the worst of sinners. He was responsible for killing believers. He was the enemy of God. But Paul was forgiven when he accepted Jesus Christ as Lord. God loves you and will free you, if you will allow Him the authority over your life. You have to decide what is more important to you; maintaining your sinful practices, or becoming the person God wants you to be. The message of Scripture, and the testimony of this issue of Morning Star, is that God provides the way out of a sinful life to all who desire it. There is not one sin or lifestyle rejected by God that has not been practiced by a person who today is a follower of Christ and free from that practice. In this issue, you will read of how God has freed individuals from the specific sin of homosexuality, and some of the resources He has provided to help in this struggle. But the message of this issue is more than just freedom from a specific sin, it is the hope and comfort that regardless of whatever sin we struggle with, God loves us and will be there for us as we strive to be obedient to Him and leave our sin behind. The call of Scripture is the acceptance of the forgiveness that God wants to give to us, and then a willingness to allow His Spirit to work in our lives to bring about maturity and conformity to the example that our Lord Jesus Christ has provided for us. Finally, within this issue is also a message for the church; for us as believers. We must not fall into the trap of defining one specific sin, the "sin of the week." Remember Paul teaches that no matter how heinous the sin, "such were some of you." The responsibility of the church is to make disciples. This means we are to help people recognize their sin and to provide the necessary support for them to assist them in leaving their sin behind. Christ died for the sinner, and though it may have become a trite saying, the church is to be a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints. SO WHEN DO WE GET OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND BACK INTO THE WAR ALREADY? While we are to stand firm against sin, we must reach out with the hand of love to those found in sin, who truly desire release. We must never fall into the trap of saying, "Your sin is so bad that you will never be free. You are bound for Hell and there is nothing that can change it." Too often instead of helping the fallen to mature, we condemn them, making them feel hated and therefore provide them with the excuse to remain in their sin. The message of the testimonies you will read here is that God not only forgives sin, but He provides a way out of a sinful life. And this is a process, sometimes a very slow process. As long as individuals are striving to grow, are struggling to be what God wants them to be, He is satisfied. How can we expect anymore from them? Christians, open the doors of your hearts, and of your church to those suffering the pain of sin in their lives, showing them God loves them and wants to free them. There is risk in doing this, and often people will reject us, will fall back into sin, and we'll want to quit reaching out. We will be involved with people and situations that stretch us beyond what we desire. But the message of Scripture is to love even the unlovable. "A new command I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35). We are all forgiven sinners, and our responsibility is to make the same mercy and love we received available to others. If we truly desire to serve God, then the Christian life entails risk. But the message of this magazine is that the risk is worth it. Just as we expect the new believer to grow and to leave sin behind, so we must be willing to do what Christ commanded of all of us, "to go and make disciples." We each need to ask ourselves: "Am I willing to be used by the Lord to reach out to whoever He puts in my way, even if the experience is threatening?" I pray that we are, for as we reach out, we will be blessed by being obedient to the Lord, and because sometimes He lets us have the joy of seeing Him change the lives of those around us. Let us desire to one day stand before the Lord and hear Him say: "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (Matthew 25:21). Therefore, let us rejoice as we read the accounts of the love and mercy in the lives of others, and praise God that this same love and mercy is available to us. Let us prayerfully consider how we need to allow the Lord to move in our lives to root out the sin that we still need to deal with. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:23-24). And let us be open to the leading of the Spirit, directing us to come along side those in pain, who need the healing touch of the Master. The message of Christianity is forgiveness for sin, and freedom from sin. The message of Scripture is one of hope, of comfort, in the midst of pain, It tells us of a loving Father God, who desires that which will bring us to a closer relationship with Him and conformity to the model of Christ. The message of the Gospel is the promise of righteousness, and an eternity with God for all who would come to Him no matter what type of sin may have been in their lives. Our hope is that you will be blessed as you read of real life accounts of these truths worked out in the lives of real people. If you are a Christian, rejoice with us in the miracles of the Lord. And if you do not yet have a relationship with our loving God, may you come to understand the words of John 3:16 and make them a part of your life: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." We at Morning Star are here to help you find that eternal relationship with the God who created you. If you would like help, you can reach us through the email or post office addresses listed elsewhere in the magazine. May the Lord bless you. Features The Way Out The Way Out by Phil Hobizal THE WAY OUT By Phil Hobizal As far as I knew, I was the only one around dealing with homosexuality. I had no one to confide in; my psychiatrist told me to accept it. I didn't want to be gay, but there seemed no other choice. I was raised in a small town outside of Portland, Oregon. Although our family was religious, I had no personal knowledge of God. Dad was always working to support our family of five children. Unfortunately, his constant worries about money left him short-tempered and critical. He had little time to spend with us and ,as I grew older, I began to resent him. My mother, on the other hand, was loving and supportive. Because I rejected my father, she became my role model. I enjoyed the same things she did: art, music and cooking. When I was seven, my brother's friend spent the night. He introduced me to sexual experimentation, and we kissed and hugged for hours. Because of my own need for love and acceptance, it felt good to be close and share this kind of intimacy. Years went on. I didn't like the competition of sports, and always felt different from the other boys. Music became an escape, a way of proving myself. I enjoyed learning the piano and guitar. Junior high school brought on a whole new set of pressures. I switched from a private to a public school. I didn't know anybody. My body began to change and I was viewed by the other students as a sissy. I was very frightened and thoughts of suicide became more frequent. I had it all planned: a bottle of pills, the easy way out. But one day my science teacher made the remark, "Anyone who kills himself is a sissy." Oh no, not that. I thought. That would be the worst thing people could think of me. My only way of escape wasn't an option after all. In my town, there were two types of students: the jocks and stoners. Not being sports-minded, I wasn't much of a jock. So being a stoner was my option, which meant being part of the drug scene. There was no limit to what I'd try. I became totally rebellious. Inside I resented my mother, blaming her for the way I was. And I hated my Dad for his neglect. Drugs became my escape from the pain inside. My first sexual encounter occurred with my best friend in high school. We were drunk and I took advantage of him. Although he allowed it, there was little reciprocation on his part. He wasn't homosexual and there was no mention of the incident afterwards. This began a pattern for me with other guys. I would make sexual advances to them; later, they would say nothing. Fantasy and masturbation were also a frequent release for my sexual tension, but it was all very unfulfilling. To others I appeared to be a normal kid. I played in the local rock band and was senior class president. Outwardly I was friendly and happy, but inwardly I was wasting away. As far as I knew, I was the only one around dealing with homosexuality. I had no one to talk to about it. I didn't want to be gay but there seemed to be no other choice. After graduation, I moved out of my parents' home. The rock group kept me involved in wild parties and drugs. But I was careful not to "come out of the closet" as a homosexual. I was so dependent on what others thought of me that I couldn't risk their rejection. While my friends were having heterosexual experiences, I was abstaining. Inside I was consumed with homosexual lust. The tension was tearing me apart, and I began to wonder how long I could keep my sanity. I finally broke down in tears and told my parents the dark secret that had plagued my life for so many years. It came as no surprise. They had suspected for some time, but didn't know what to do about it. "Why don't you become a priest?" was my dad's response. I realized that was no answer, merely another escape. My parents agreed to pay for counseling, but I only went twice. The psychiatrist wanted me to accept my situation, and recommended group therapy. That wasn't the solution I needed. My personal search for other answers began. But the more psychology books I read, the more confused I got. I knew that I was too undisciplined and insecure to change myself, so I began to study other possibilities, such as Eastern religions and hypnosis. Still no answers. Maybe there's no way out, I thought. I'll just have to accept it. About this time I started a new job, and one of the guys at work became my friend. There was something different about Jim; he had a peace in his life that I wanted. He always talked about Jesus. Because I also had a religious background, we'd talk about God. But it soon became apparent that I didn't know Him the way Jim did. To me, God was distant and harsh, not a loving Father. At the same time, the pull to dive headlong into the gay lifestyle was getting intense. A homosexual man I'd met through work was coming on to me. I had to make a choice: to follow my feelings, or to try this "Jesus" about whom I was hearing so many good things. One night in October, 1978, I prayed desperately: "God, if You're real, please reveal yourself to me." As I slept, He spoke to me in a vivid dream, letting me know that He had a place for me to eat at His table [Rev. 3:20]. The next day I woke up with such a peace and joy that I wept. Somehow, I knew God was real, that He was the answer for which I'd been searching so long. I knew God could change my sexual orientation, but little did I know the pain and upheaval still ahead. Satan wasn't letting go of me that easy. Jim and his friends gave me much-needed love and attention. At first, they knew nothing of my homosexual struggles. I wanted so much to be accepted that I wouldn't risk being vulnerable with them. Jim suggested that I try out a church he'd heard about, which had many young people out of the same hippie background from which I had come. I was afraid, but went and sat at the back of the church by myself. When the service was over, I quickly left. The people were very friendly, and gradually I began hanging around after church a little longer. The leadership eventually asked me to be an usher, and I became active in different aspects of the church life. This kept me busy and helped me avoid too much focus on my homosexual feelings. I destroyed anything in my house related to homosexuality, and devoted myself to prayer and reading God's Word. I didn't hang around with my old friends. To them, I had become a "Jesus freak." I prayed for new friends and as I became more involved in church life, I began to establish lasting friendships. The key was being willing to be vulnerable, to feel awkward at times, but still persevere. Within months of my conversion, my father developed a problem that required a serious operation. We were told he had a 50/50 chance of living. For the first time, I began to experience feelings of love toward my dad, and I wept at the thought of losing him. I forgave him for all he had done to me. The healing process had begun. After about a year, I knew I needed the support of my church to gain more victory over my past. Then came an anonymous phone call one night from someone threatening to beat me up because I was a "queer." I went and told my pastor about my background. He was very supportive, and asked me to share my testimony the next Sunday in church! I was scared to death, but God gave me the courage to get it out. If I'm really going to be a part of this church, I thought, they need to know me for who I am. The church responded very positively; their acceptance helped me to forgive myself. God's healing was continuing. The Lord did many other things in the years to come. He helped me to overcome fantasy and masturbation problems. The habit of masturbation was difficult. Although it provided momentary pleasure, afterward I'd fall into depression, with Satan telling me what a rotten Christian I was. I remember many nights of weeping in defeat. James 4:7 was helpful: "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." I would acknowledge my weakness to God and tell Him of my love and deep desire to please Him. As I resisted in God's strength, I got increasing victory. The Lord also helped me to forgive men and women who had hurt me in my life. I was being changed emotionally and spiritually. Freedom from homosexuality was becoming a reality. But two years into my Christian walk, I fell into homosexuality again. I'd secretly been holding onto desires for some homosexual activities I'd never experienced. I began to isolate myself and then a gay neighbor invited me over for dinner. After some wine, my pent-up desires came rushing to the surface. But the experience was totally unfulfilling; I had a sense of God's presence that could not be denied. I ended up repenting on the spot. I apologized to the guy and left. I was able to confess to a dear friend and he helped in restoring me. I knew I had opened the door to much spiritual attack, but I also learned more about the grace and mercy of the Lord. I have never fallen since that day. About five years after coming out of homosexuality, I joined an ex-gay support group here in Portland. Since the beginning of my journey, I had been in touch with Love In Action and they let me know of the group. I found out at the first meeting how valuable my testimony was. I could encourage others because of what God had taken me through. It felt good to help them take a stand in their lives and experience God's love and healing. God was also faithful to provide a lovely woman to be my wife, and we now have four children. I first met Patty when we were both working on a Christian musical. Our relationship began as friends with a common goal. We soon grew close and it became evident to everyone that God was bringing us together in marriage. Our courtship was one of the happiest times of my life. The restoration of the years of despair have been great and I feel I've received far more than I deserve. But that's just how God is. He's loving and kind, a Father to model your life after. He's shown me real love. For years, I looked for an escape from my unhappiness and sexual struggles. But I've found the way out. His Name is Jesus. Phil Hobizal is director of "The Portland Fellowship," an outreach to those overcoming homosexuality in Portland, Oregon. Longing for Love Longing for Love by Beth Romanowski LONGING FOR LOVE By Beth Romanowski After an evening of angry words with my parents, I lay in my bedroom, staring into the darkness. Finally they knew I was gay. Where could I turn now? Everyone hated me. Worst of all, I hated myself. January's cold air was crisp and brutal. My boots crunched against the snow as I followed my father to his black Cadillac. "So, what are you?" He clipped the words short as he slammed the door and we headed home. "Are you the queen, or is she?" I tried to make myself small against the cold door, keeping my eyes glued to the floorboard. My father had just found out I was gay. I was born on January 25, 1963, the second daughter of an alcoholic father and an emotionally hurt mother. The doctors were concerned about my health before I was born because my mother was hooked on prescription uppers and downers. At the time of my birth, my mother was in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Shortly after I arrived, my father came home one evening to hear my mother's screams as she battered her head against the wall. My mother, now a beautiful Christian, understands that her problems stemmed from a traumatic childhood. Her father was an alcoholic and my mother became his emotional wife when her parents separated. Recently, she has also become aware of being molested as a child. While I was growing up, my father provided most of my physical bonding needs. Mother was always there when I needed her, but she was not demonstrative in her feelings of love. Consequently I began to lean heavily on my father. My mother and I were not close, and I began to shut her out of my emotional life. I recall terrible lonely feelings in the pit of my stomach during grade school days. I was afraid of going to school and leaving my mother, fearful she wouldn't be there when I returned. I invented illness symptoms for years to avoid facing reality at school. My insecurities multiplied when I entered Junior High because I felt different. I fluctuated between 130 and 170 pounds and despised every inch of my body. Young teen-agers aren't known for being sensitive and kids at school gave me the nickname, "Fatty." Too often, I was also asked the humiliating question, "Are you pregnant?" How I longed to feel loved and special to someone. I usually had only one special friend during my years of school, which only intensified my feelings of loneliness and served to catapult me into one very demanding friendship. My father became the pastor of our church when I was 15. As he spent more and more time praying and fasting in his study, I turned to a friend named Judy to fulfill the void inside me. Along with my father's change of position, he seemed to become more demanding in areas of morality and displayed critical disapproval of me. I had no one left now with whom I could feel secure. Both of my parents were objects of my bitterness and resentment; I shut out their love and gravitated to Judy's declaration that I was her best friend. During tenth grade, Judy became my lover. I found ways to get out of my house on week nights by perfecting the art of telling lies. My conscience pricked me terribly, but the love and acceptance I felt from Judy were worth it to me. I depended on Judy for every emotional need. I would have died to please her, my need for security was so great. After two years with Judy, I began to wonder if I was what society called "gay." I didn't come to a conclusion until that dark night in January. Looking back now, I realize that over the years I had interests in other girls. Although short-lived, I also had a few friends that I "loved" very early in life. But I never confronted my homosexuality until my world came crashing down, encompassing me with guilt and shame. That same evening in January, my father found a letter from Judy expressing her love for me. I was at Judy's house with her cousin, Dick. At one point in the evening Dick came crashing into the bedroom, laughing. Judy threw me from her and yelled in a disgusted tone, "Get away from me, you're sick!" I can still feel the hurt of realizing her love for me was false. She would rather save her honor than declare her love for me. Then the door bell rang, announcing my father's arrival. That night, for the first time, I realized I was gay. After an evening of accusations from my parents and many angry words, I lay in my bedroom, staring into the darkness. What have I done? I thought. Where can I turn now? I hated myself and I felt like everyone else hated me too. I knew that my parents had every right to ostracize me, and I felt that they would also be justified in their hatred of me. Guilt clung to me like a heavy blanket. For three days I stumbled through the motions of life in a stupor. On the evening of the third day, I cried out to God in despair. "Please help me." That's all I could say. I felt so low that there was nothing to offer Him. But slowly, through the darkness, like a flower blooming, I felt God speaking to me. "Give me your life, your family and yourself. I will give them back to you one hundredfold." God's cleansing peace washed over my wounds as I yielded everything to Him. I would like to say my surrender to God was the end of my struggles, but in reality I had only taken the first step toward freedom as I began the slow process of coming out of homosexuality. During the ensuing months, I experienced untold guilt and shame. I withdrew into a shell of condemnation. I had one friend who somehow loved me in spite of my past. Sue belonged to our church, so I saw a lot of her in the following year of high school. Her friendship was the first I experienced as a Christian with a female outside of homosexuality. Sue's vivacious nature helped me find joy in my Christianity and, at the same time, provided a vent for my frequent periods of weeping. I had a lot of suppressed emotions pertaining to my parents. Sue was such a lighthearted person that my depression didn't seem to affect her. I know now that God sent Sue to me at a time of great need. I entered a stage of denial, blocking from my mind any thoughts of my past relationship with Judy. After I asked God for help, I did not have a struggle with sexual feelings for other women - nor did I have sexual feelings for men. You might say that I was neutral. When I turned eighteen, I married the most wonderful man I have ever known. Tom had joined our church right after my relationship with Judy broke apart. He lived next door, so I saw a lot of him. After we'd known each other for about a year, he asked me to marry him. I accepted immediately and we were married ten months later. Tom was tall, ruggedly handsome, lighthearted and protective. I married him because I loved the secure feelings he gave me. In becoming Tom's wife, I was looking for a father figure. He knew about my past but didn't judge me. I realize now that although God had taken away my homosexual tendencies, I still had unresolved bitterness and resentment toward my father and mother. These feelings caused my insecurities because I wouldn't allow myself to be loved by my parents. It would be many years until I could honestly deal with this problem. Tom loved me through our first years with an unfailing passion. But no matter how much he tried to reassure me of his love, I doubted it. I loved my husband with all my heart, but only like a child loves a father. After the birth of our first child, Jessica, it became painfully apparent that I had an old problem hanging around. I had no desire for the intimacies of married life. I was cold, constantly pushing away Tom's affection. I had no desire for intimate relationships with friends, much less with my husband. By 1987, Tom and I had been married six years and had three children. But all was not well. I was frequently depressed and my weight was up to 200 pounds. We decided to join a counseling group at our church. Tom needed to vent his feelings of being abandoned by me. My marriage to Tom had become a heavy cross on my back. It took two years of counseling before I could see the bitterness I held toward my parents. I saw how I had shut out their love. Finally I started dealing with the hurts and feelings I had locked away. For months, I worked through these emotions. My first step was to share with Tom some of the most painful periods of my gay past. With these secrets out in the open, buried feelings from years before poured out of me. I leaned on Tom in full trust as I vented my emotions: Anger toward Judy and my parents. Shame for my sinful actions. Embarrassment for being the gay daughter of a pastor. All these feelings I labeled and cried through, worked on and dealt with over a period of months. Much of the time I struggled to remain open to my female friends and not operate in a shell of self-preservation. As I worked through these emotions, I began to notice a marked change in my relationship with Tom. When he showed me affection that in the past had triggered repulsion, now I felt a new response as a woman. At times these last few years have been very difficult. Only through the grace of Christ and His long-suffering love have I been able to come through this time. A few months ago I dealt with the bitterness toward my parents. I took a big step and wrote my mother, explaining my painful memories, my anger and hurt feelings toward her, and my desire to become close as mother and daughter. The Lord is healing the breech and this is something for which I'm very grateful. My father and I are also growing close again. I am no longer bound by homosexual feelings and I am now a complete woman, very comfortable with heterosexuality. I no longer deny or hide my past, but see God turning my weaknesses into His strengths. Glory be to the Most High and All-powerful God! Beth is a homemaker living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She and her husband, Tom, have four children and attend Charity Faith Church. Someone to Love Me Someone to Love Me by Kevin Oshiro SOMEONE TO LOVE ME By Kevin Oshiro I always sought one special friend, someone who could really love me. But the more I pursued the gay lifestyle, the more disillusioned I became. When I was four years old, I started having sex with a male friend. This behavior continued into our adolescence. Some people might consider that type of behavior as "just a normal phase," but I know it impacted my life deeply. My sexual encounters started to include other schoolmates in third grade. Even at that early age, I remember the physical sensations as pleasurable, coupled with an excitement of doing something instinctively forbidden. Somewhere in grade school, I started feeling "different" from other boys. I'd previously been friendly and outgoing; now I became a loner. During high school, I began drinking to fit in with the crowd. I always looked for one special friend, someone who would love me and never leave me. But I only found a string of emotionally dependent friendships with other boys. And now I was too scared to approach other guys for sex. That behavior now had an ugly named attached to it: "homosexuality." By the time I graduated from college, I think I knew what my problem was, but I couldn't face it. And I was certainly not going for help. There was no way on earth I was going to confide in anyone about... well, that problem. After college, I moved to Los Angeles. One evening, I got drunk at an office party, went to an adult bookstore and had a homosexual encounter. I went home disgusted with what I'd done, and shocked at my lack of self-control. "Oh God," I moaned. "What did I do?" The fact that I was excited by the whole experience horrified me most of all. I fought with my sexual desires for another year, then finally confided in my only friend at the time - a lesbian drinking buddy. She enthusiastically introduced me to the gay subculture in Los Angeles. It was January, 1982. The homosexual lifestyle seemed exciting at first. Now I can really be myself, I thought. But the continual round of parties, bars, dancing and drinking kept me from seeing what homosexuality was doing to my life. Besides, I thought there was no other alternative, so I determined to make homosexuality "work." However, I never found the gay world to be genuinely warm, welcoming or affirming. The more I pursued intimacy, the lonelier I became. I despaired ever finding that one special person to make me feel secure and wanted. I became addicted to the excitement of the bars, bookstores and bath houses. Sex provided a warped sense of adventure. I consciously avoided learning anything about AIDS. Something was missing from my life, something I couldn't identify. I toyed with looking for a church, but left the idea on the "maybe someday" list. Late in 1984, I was miserable enough to try praying. There was no recognition of Jesus in my mind; I thought a new job would solve all my problems. God, in His mercy, was drawing me to Himself. He began by bringing some new friends into my life. I soon discovered they were Christians. Weird! I thought. Isn't Christianity only for messed-up people who need a crutch? And yet these folks didn't seem to have lives of desperation. Instead, they had something I hadn't seen before: peace. Four months later, I was so unhappy that I finally gave up: "OK, God, I've tried running my life and it's not working. Let's try it Your way now." The next month I asked Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of my life. Rather than experiencing the joy of my salvation, I was miserably convicted about my homosexuality. For the next six months, I persisted in attending church, often falling asleep because of my sexual escapades the previous night. During this period, I was confused about homosexuality. "Lord," I prayed, "Your Word says it's wrong, but my feelings are so strong. Please show me what's right, and I'll obey You." A few days later, I went to a Wednesday evening service. A young man named Martin testified how God had delivered him from a life of male prostitution. I was impressed with his courage, and spoke with him afterwards. "I'm gay," I confessed. "But God accepts me anyway. I think I was born this way." Martin showed me some Scriptures about homosexuality. "And such were some of you," he read from I Cor. 6:11. "Are you familiar with the Apostle Paul's conversion?" he asked. "If God can change someone as messed up as Paul, don't you think He can do something in your life?" I knew God was answering my prayer for direction. "This isn't the answer I hoped for, I thought. But, Lord, I'm going to obey You." The next month was awful. Despite my resolution to stay away from the adult bookstores, I gave in to my cravings most of the time. Finally I snarled at God in frustration. "I can't stand this. What am I supposed to do? I'm trying to change, but I just can't do it!" "That's exactly right," He said quietly. "Oh. Uh - would You help me, maybe?" God's promise to complete the work He'd begun in my life (Phil. 1:6) started to sink in. Soon after, I discovered Pat Boone's book, "Coming Out", in a Christian bookstore. I found the name of an ex-gay ministry in the back, and they encouraged me to attend group meetings at another ministry, "Desert Stream." A few days later, I attended my first meeting. Afterwards, one of the guys invited me out for coffee. His kindness led to a strong friendship which still continues today. The meetings provided a sanctuary, a place to begin relating "normally." God used the other men to provide a sense of security and belonging. The healing had begun. After a month of celibacy, although I continued to attend my own church's Sunday services and Bible studies, I convinced myself that Desert Stream's help was no longer needed. Then, a month later, I fell flat on my face. After repeatedly falling back into sexual sin, I soon limped back to Desert Stream and joined their 20-week program, "Living Waters." God used the program in a way that went beyond everything I'd prayed or even hoped for, as He began healing the relational problems that formed the core of my homosexuality. I started to see where my parents had failed - but also where I was holding unfair expectations and bitterness against them. Forgiveness laid the foundation for a restoration in our relationship. God also reminded me of a childhood vow - "I'll never be like Dad" - that had contributed to insecurity in my masculinity. I became aware of how damaging the years of childhood sexual activities had been. I renounced these past sins, and began experiencing God in a new way, as a loving Father. I was also able to give and receive genuine warmth and caring through my small group at "Living Waters." As I started believing that people cared about me and that God truly loved me, I received the strength to stop having sex. There were several close calls that year, but I no longer considered sexual encounters to be an option. One day I expressed my fear of again falling into sexual sin to my group leader. "Who are you going to put your trust in - your sin, or Jesus?" he asked me. That comment really freed me; I realized that I was no longer a slave to my impulses. A lot of hidden hurts came to the light that year. But the pain was cleansing. Much of the hurt came from facing reality, knowing I had to abandon all the sinful ways I'd used to gain love and acceptance from others. During 1987, I became a group leader for the "Living Waters" program. I moved to Santa Monica and became roommates with Mike, the same guy who'd greeted me during my first meeting at Desert Stream. His friendship and support were a great blessing in my life. In August, I knew it was time to face the AIDS test. It turned out negative. "God was merciful," I told the counselor. I sang the entire drive home. For the first time in my life, I actually felt clean. In October, the ministry director told me Love In Action was looking for staff for their live-in program. The whole thing sounded like an adventure. In November, I flew up to visit the ministry and to interview with LIA's director, Frank Worthen. During our conversation, I noticed he wasn't asking me any questions. "It sounds like you've already made a decision," I told him. Frank smiled. They had already prayed and felt God wanted me on staff. Somehow, I wasn't surprised. God had shown me two years before that He was eventually leading me into ministry. I knew joining Love In Action was the next step. I went home and prepared for my move to San Rafael in December, 1987. In ministering here, there's a deep fulfillment in seeing God change lives, a thrill much more satisfying that the erratic "high" of the gay lifestyle. Although I may momentarily miss elements about the old life, I've never regretted the decision to give control of my life to the Lord. Temptations still occur, but without the frequency and intensity as before. Homosexuality no longer dominates my life. And best of all, I'm experiencing security, purpose and genuine love through Jesus Christ. He's the one true friend I looked for but never found - in the gay lifestyle. Me? A "Real" Woman? Me? A "Real" Woman? by Jeanete Howard ME? A "REAL" WOMAN? By Jeanete Howard Growing up, I felt strangely alienated from other girls. But I couldn't identify with boys either. I didn't seem to belong anywhere. Who was I, anyway? "Jeanette, stand in front of the mirror every morning and thank God that He's made you a woman." This challenge came from a teacher at the Bible school I attended as a young Christian. What a ridiculous task! I thought, but reluctantly agreed. The next morning I got up and struggled to look at myself in the mirror. Try as I would, I could not acknowledge myself as female. Day after day I persevered. For the first week I struggled to hold my gaze at the mirror, unable to utter a word. After about ten days, I was able to look at myself full face. But when it came to saying anything, I just cried. I couldn't speak, too frightened to acknowledge who I was. Only after several weeks could I stand in front of the mirror and say, "Thank you, Father, for making me a woman." No sentence has ever been as hard to say as that one. For years, I'd felt detached from my femininity. "You should have been a boy," my mother told me numerous times when I was little, and I had mentally agreed with her. I'm stronger than most girls my age. I can play soccer with the best of the boys. And I hate dolls. All good reasons not to be a girl, I concluded. My father encouraged my masculine pursuits, and I constantly sought his approval. I was never close to my mother. We had so little in common that I'd sometimes wonder, "Am I really her daughter?" When I was ten, I began attending an all-girls' school. I struggled academically, but I did excel at sports, and was able to achieve some semblance of self-esteem through that subject. Early adolescence wasn't too bad. All the girls had crushes on each other. We would practice getting married to each other at recess, and pledge undying friendships for the rest of our lives. But, one by one, my friends passed onto the next stage: almost overnight, they became obsessed with boys. I waited for my interests to change, but my same-sex desires only deepened. By the age of 13, I knew that I wanted a woman to fill the empty places I felt inside. I didn't tell anyone of my struggles. Who could possibly understand? There's only one way to stay close to my girlfriends, I reasoned. I'll look like the men they admire. I had my hair cut like their favorite pop star, and wore the clothes they liked on the men. My plan didn't work. The girls soon ignored me, and I was left feeling like a third sex. I didn't belong - either as one of the boys or one of the girls. At 18 I entered university and majored in physical education. My doubts and fears about being gay were confirmed when I was seduced by the senior female teacher. That was the beginning of a torrid relationship which lasted four years. The fact that my teacher had four children - the eldest being only four years younger than I - added to my stress level. To deaden my confusion, I drank heavily and dabbled in drugs. After university, I became a teacher and house parent at a girls' boarding school. I dearly loved the children, and teaching provided stability in my life. But, after several years, I sensed the need for a complete change. Not being good at confrontation and feeling unable to break off my current lesbian relationship, I took a job in Australia. With such a grand gesture, I figured my partner would get the hint! I moved to New South Wales in January 1983, and began working in an all-girls' Christian school. It was a perfect set-up for God to begin working in my life. The majority of the teachers were "born again." The town was small and I was 500 miles from the nearest gay bar. My co-workers dubbed me the "happy heathen." When a few of them tried to witness, I'd quickly change the subject. Conversely, I was attracted to those who never spoke about the Gospel, but who had a quality of life that intrigued me. There was something different about their lives, but I wasn't sure exactly what. Nine months later I became brave enough to borrow a Christian book from another teacher. "I'll read it on one condition," I told her. "Don't you dare tell anyone else about this!" I even hid the book from my roommate, Sue, and only read at night in bed under the covers! Satan was fighting a battle for my soul. Unfortunately, as my interest in God increased, so did my interest in Sue. We soon became lovers. The following weeks were euphoric; my senses were awakened, both physically and spiritually. I wanted to be a Christian and remain gay, yet I knew that homosexuality was contrary to God's plan. I left Australia soon after Christmas, 1984. In my mind I was leaving behind the one person I loved: Sue. It also felt like I was abandoning my search for God. Landing back in England on New Year's Eve, I immediately went to the local gay club. What a shock! Even though there was lots of laughter, all around me I saw lonely, hurting people. It was a startling contrast to my Christian co-workers of the previous year. "I've found something better," I told people for the rest of the evening. "I don't know what it is, but I know that it's better than this!" I began avoiding the clubs, and spent the next month teaching by day and feverishly reading my Bible at night. I missed Sue enormously and ran up a colossal telephone bill telling her so, but our physical separation was just what I needed to get my life on track with God. At 2:30 am on the night of January 23, 1985, I read John 15:16 "You did not choose me, but I chose and appointed you to go out and bear fruit ..." I finally understood. I'm not to choose God, just simply accept what He's offering me. Instinctively I knew this meant turning away from lesbianism. I began attending the local Baptist Church, and soon warmed to the people's love and acceptance. But I found it hard to associate with families at church. Up to now, my life up had consisted of single career women. The only men I'd ever known were rather weak and ineffective. They seemed totally irrelevant. All a man could do was father a child - and I was in no mood for children! Another aspect of church was hard to accept: men seemed to be running the whole show. Fortunately, God healed me quickly in this area. He showed me that the male leadership was not "lording" it over the women, but truly serving the congregation as a whole. The Lord also showed me the important roles held by many of the women, including the role of deaconess. This awareness helped me submit to my church leadership very quickly. Five months after my conversion, I felt God calling me into full- time Christian work. I had no idea of the specifics, but my pastor and the church membership confirmed the call. I told one couple in the church about my lesbian struggles, and they began to disciple me in order that I might know more of God's love. Then, in January of 1987, my church sent me to a small Bible school in North Wales, mainly to seek the Lord for my future. Within three days, I felt led to tell the school's leaders about my past. "We know," said David, one of the directors. "God has already told us about you." I was disgusted with God. "Isn't anything sacred?" I asked Him. Obviously not, I decided, and soon afterward my lesbian problems really surfaced. I became involved in a dependent relationship and felt increasingly separated from God. Then another issue came to the surface: unacceptance of my feminine identity. I never considered myself to be a Christian woman, only a Christian person. A visiting teacher challenged me to thank God that I was a woman. I struggled for several weeks in front of a mirror to say the words. When God showed me that I was to confess my homosexual struggles to my home church back in Battle, I panicked. "Surely they will reject me", I thought. But upon my return home, I confessed my homosexual past and my present struggles at a Sunday morning service. Anticipating complete rejection, I had already prepared myself to move on to another church. To my astonishment, the whole congregation gave me a standing ovation. They pledged to help me in any way they could. In January 1988, with my church's full financial backing, I moved to San Rafael to begin Love In Action's year-long program for women. God began some intense healing. One of my most traumatic times of the whole year occurred during a "make-over session" organized by the ministry leaders. All the women tried on different kinds of make-up, selected to complement our skin, eyes and hair coloring. I felt like a performing monkey throughout the afternoon, and immediately removed all traces of make-up soon after the teacher had left. But, with the encouragement of other women in the program, I persevered. Wearing make-up proved easier than receiving recognition for wearing it. At first, when people noticed and commented on how "pretty" and "feminine" I looked, I would rush straight to the bathroom and wipe it off. Gradually I learned to say "thank you" and smile. Internally, however, I was still reeling. My outer appearance was not reflecting my old identity. Then came a breakthrough during a retreat in February 1989. "You have believed a lie," God told me, "But I'm going to change your name." From now on, He showed me, I was to be called "woman." This was God's intention for me from my conception. In faith I received my new name. Almost immediately I felt a weight fall away from me. In amazement, I looked around at the other women. No longer did I feel distanced from them; we were united by a common bond in Jesus Christ. That day, the wall I had erected as a child came tumbling down. I entered into my rightful role as a woman of Christ. I felt as though I belonged - at long last. As I have entered into my identity as a woman, God is healing my views on men. Now I see them as having a major role in my life. We complement each other, and I realize now that my life has been enriched because of them. Just the other day, in the middle of a conversation, I sensed God smiling at me. There I was, sitting with a group of straight, married women discussing colors, make-up and hairstyles! The work God is doing isn't finished yet. But He's promised to complete the good work He's begun in my life (see Phil. 1:6). God has been faithful to me and I can face the future with confidence. I'm secure in His love. After all, He knows me by name. Jeanette Howard is a women's counselor for Love In Action. She also teaches "Inroads," her church's weekly discipleship program for women. Originally from Battle, England, Jeanette has lived in San Rafael since January 1988. My Secret Past My Secret Past by Lenny Luzzi MY SECRET PAST Lenny Luzzi For 12 years, no one except my wife knew about my homosexual background. Then came an unexpected opportunity. It was early February in 1988. We had just celebrated our oldest son's fifth birthday when the phone rang. It was my aunt Josephine calling from San Francisco. "Your father has been hospitalized. It doesn't look good." Dad died about 36 hours later. I arrived from Seattle an hour before his death, but he never even knew that I was there. My mother had died three years before and so, at age 35, I was thrown into the responsibility of being executor of my father's estate. A week after Dad's funeral, my wife, Patty, and I flew home to Seattle. The next day, we found ourselves sitting across from a friendly young man at a bank where we were opening up an estate-related account. His name was Nathan, and I remarked to Patty afterward that I'd like to have lunch with him some day. The opportunity came about a month later. Eventually we had lunch together several times. One day, acting subdued and nervous, Nathan told me that he was gay, had a lover of seven years, and they had just built a home together. "Will you still be my friend?" Nathan asked. I didn't answer his question directly, only responding, "Next time we get together, I have a story to tell you." Patty and I flew to San Francisco to prepare Dad's house for sale. I agonized aloud and in prayer whether I should tell Nathan that I used to be gay myself, and that, l5 years before, I had given my life to Jesus Christ. I honestly feared rejection, as I had never shared my story with anyone other than my wife. I decided with God's help, I would tell Nathan everything, regardless of the outcome. The next week, we met for lunch, but all we had was a soda. Sitting in my car for about an hour, I shared my whole story. I was 11 years old, and I had been caught again. After placing my hand on a Bible, Mom made me swear to God never to do "it" again. This had been the third time since I was eight years old that I had been caught with my older cousin playing with our private parts. Mom sent me to my room where I waited for Dad to get home. He was going to give me a spanking, Mom warned, and also tell me about "the birds and the bees." I waited in dread silence for Dad to come home and enter my room. Now Dad is going to know our secret, I thought. It seemed like I waited a whole year, listening for his heavy footsteps to approach my bedroom door. It got dark outside and finally I fell asleep. My fears were in vain. Dad never came in, he never spanked me - and he never told me about sex. Years later in high school, the only friends I had were a group of Christians. I was raised Catholic and didn't really understand their talk about a "personal relationship" with God. I knew about Christ, and so figured that I was a Christian, too. In spite of my ignorance, they invited me to every Bible study, youth rally, church camp and service. I gladly went as I loved spending time with my friends. For several years I heard that God loved me and had a plan for my life. But did that "wonderful plan" include me being gay? No one ever talked about homosexuality, and I wouldn't dare tell anyone about my sexual desires for other men for fear of certain rejection. I debated whether to share my secret with my best friend, Dave, but I finally decided that he would never know. He was the one whose rejection I feared the most. Dave joined the Coast Guard about a year after high school. He was my closest link to Christianity, and now he was going away. He gave me his own Bible the day we said goodbye, then asked me to look up a scripture he had marked after he was gone. I practically ran back to my car, anxious to see what Dave wanted me to read. The bookmark opened to 1 Corinthians 6, and the verses highlighted were 9, 10 and 11. "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals ... shall inherit the kingdom of God ..." I sat there stunned. Dave knew that I was a homosexual! But it hadn't stopped him from loving me and being my friend. If Dave can love me, I thought, then maybe God can, too. But there was still one problem. According to the scripture, I was condemned. There was no room in God's kingdom for a homosexual. How can God be fair? I wondered. First He made me this way and now He condemns me! I shut the Bible, put it aside, and soon began to pursue my secret lifestyle with abandon. Several years later, my lover and I found an apartment in the Haight District of San Francisco. He dropped me off at home so I could tell my folks that I was moving in with a "roommate" the following week. I walked into the house and thought that no one was home. Then I heard Mom's voice calling from downstairs. She was standing in the middle of the play room with my diary in her hands. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Lenny, are you a homosexual?" I couldn't lie. "Yes." My secret was finally out. In her disgust and hurt, my mother called me "the scum of the earth." My mind flashed back to the time 11 years before when she had made me swear on the Bible. With determined resolve, I vowed inside to stop being gay in order to heal my mother's deep hurt and shame. I still moved out of the house, but lived alone in an apartment. My homosexual feelings, however, continued as strong as ever. Guilt and hopelessness pushed me toward suicide. The Bible which my high school friend had given me went with me to my new apartment, and at times I was compelled to read it. God opened the pages to the most pertinent passages. Jesus was powerfully knocking at the door to my heart. One day I flipped open to the familiar passage in 1 Corinthians 6. My eyes were drawn to a solitary word in verse 11 which I had previously missed. "And such WERE some of you." Were, I thought, noting the past tense. "WERE." I pondered the implications of that little word. God must be fair, I reasoned. He wouldn't 't just condemn me for being gay without making a way for me to be straight. He must be fair! A flicker of hope began stirring. There was no one I could talk to, no one else I knew who had changed, and no books to read on the subject. All I had was a single word from God: "were." On my knees, I prayed alone in my apartment. "OK, Jesus, I'm giving You a chance. I'll take You at Your word, and trust You to change me from this moment on." The following six months, I determined that I was no longer gay, despite inner feelings to the contrary. With God's grace and increasing hunger for Him, I began the process of severing my gay relationships, choosing not to make anonymous contacts, and avoiding bathhouses. I filled my time with Bible study, church and Christian friends, none of whom knew my struggle. I was tempted - and even fell into occasional homosexual acts. But still I believed that I was no longer gay. Jesus had said "were" - and that included me. My desire for more spiritual growth eventually led me to quit my job and join an evangelistic ministry called "Youth With A Mission." Five days after arriving in Hawaii, I was baptized in the Pacific Ocean. I came out of the water feeling clean and joyful. That night at a healing service, I felt compelled to confess my secret sin publicly to about 60 other young people. The very thing I feared the most - confession - released the power of God's Spirit in me, and my guilt from the past finally vanished. I was a new man, thanks to Jesus, my new love. God was faithful to me and true to His Word. A new heterosexual identity began to come forth in my life as I walked in obedience to Him. I was not satisfied with receiving salvation, yet remaining gay. That was not my idea of God's promise, "and such were some of you." I expected Jesus to give me complete victory over my past, and I wanted that to include a wife and family. Then I met Patty. She and I worked together on an evangelism team for about six months. She became a great friend, and over time we discovered many compatibilities. She was an attractive, cheerful, and popular woman who loved God and was accustomed to the attention of other men. Is she God's choice for me? I wondered. Several events confirmed that our relationship was in God's will, which gave me the courage to suggest marriage to Patty. Boy, did that change everything! Suddenly we were no longer "just friends." Later, I proposed to Patty at a ski lodge in Montana. "Why do you want to marry me?" she asked. "Because God told me to," I responded, much to her initial disappointment! (Of course, she was hoping to hear the romantic reply, "Because I love you.") Then, waves of fear and panic washed over me. I sensed the time had come to tell Patty the truth about my past. As I poured out my story, she sat with her arms around me, drying my tears. "Lenny, it doesn't matter to me who you were," she said softly. "I know who you are now - in Christ." At that moment, I still lacked much depth of emotional feelings for Patty, but I knew our relationship was right. In the following months, my feelings of love grew slowly, as I contemplated the commitment we would make together in marriage. "Patty and I have now been happily married for 12 years," I concluded. "God has added two wonderful sons to our family, and we're enjoying His life for us." I looked over at Nathan, sitting quietly in the front seat of my car. He had been quiet the whole time. I asked him if he would like to get together again. I was surprised at his response. Yes, he wanted to hear more about God and the possibility of change. Over the next few months, my continued witness paid off. Nathan received the Lord, attended church and began the difficult process of leaving his lover. He eventually joined a missionary training organization overseas. Through witnessing to Nathan, I discovered a powerful lesson. God could use my past to win others to Himself. I determined to be more open about my homosexual background. Since that time, I've had many other opportunities to share God's work in my life. My past is no longer a secret. I'm changed - and I can't keep it to myself any longer. EPILOGUE: Several months after Nathan's conversion, Lenny felt strongly compelled during prayer to witness to Nathan's ex-lover, Randy. Lenny and Randy met the next week at a Seattle restaurant. After hearing Lenny's testimony, Randy also accepted Christ and left homosexuality. Today, two years later, Randy works alongside Lenny and his wife in ex-gay ministry in the Seattle area. Out of Prison Out of Prison by Dawn Killion OUT OF PRISON by Dawn Killion "I don't want to go to hell," I thought. "But I was born gay, so there's no way to change." After that I drank even more to numb the pain and guilt inside. I looked around the crowded courtroom. I knew I was guilty of a pretty serious crime. Six months before, two other women and myself had set fire to a naval building in Jacksonville, Florida. The structure was totally destroyed. Now the case was over, and I was about to be sentenced. I held my breath as the judge looked down at me. "Young lady, you are guilty of willful destruction of federal property. I sentence you to seven years in prison." I suddenly felt winded, like someone had punched me in the stomach. Seven years in prison! I couldn't believe it. How had I gotten myself into such a mess? Actually, it wasn't much of a surprise to anyone that my life had come to this. I was only 23, but I'd been going down the wrong path for years. All my life I felt different from other girls. I believed God had made a mistake - I should have been born a boy. "God, please change me into a boy," I used to pray. "Then people will like me and accept me." Being a "tomboy," people said that I looked and acted more like a boy than a girl. Those comments hurt deep inside. I felt rejected; I didn't like being a girl. As I entered the sixth grade, I became aware of my sexuality. Physically I still looked more like a boy and the other kids made fun of me. One day I heard someone use the word, "homo." I asked someone what it meant. As soon as they told me, I knew I was one. But I kept my discovery to myself. My parents were good people and they did their best to love me, but I was emotionally troubled. They could not reach me. My mom and I fought all the time. We disagreed about almost everything. My two younger sisters were very feminine, and I couldn't relate to them. They thought I was weird. My older brother and I did not relate either. I felt like the "black sheep" of the family. I just didn't fit in. I became increasingly rebellious. I refused to obey anyone, and I was always in trouble. In junior high I began to use cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. Soon I was failing in school. At age 13 I developed a serious crush on my P.E. teacher. She was my idol. Though I was failing everywhere else, I excelled in athletics. My mother noticed my preoccupation with this woman and even asked me if I thought I might be a lesbian. Of course I denied it, but I knew it was true. I started running away from home just to get the attention and sympathy of my girlfriends. I would lie, telling them stories of how badly my parents treated me. My friends would feel sorry for me. I used self-pity as a way to get love and approval. I was desperate for acceptance. I dropped out of school at the age of 15. I fell into a deep depression and would sleep for l5-16 hours a day, then stay up during the night watching old movies on television. Finally, at 16, I left home for good. I met a girl who introduced me to the world of sex, LSD and rock 'n' roll. I became sexually promiscuous with men. I was looking for love but only found more pain. On my 17th birthday, I almost died from an overdose of drugs. I was miserable. At age l8, I joined the army. I'd heard they had a lot of lesbians. "That's what I am, so it's time to start living like one," I told myself. I began basic training and soon had my first female lover. However, my army days lasted a grand total of eight months. I was more interested in my new lifestyle than in pursuing a military career. I had fallen in love with the bar life: drinking, dancing and spending as much time as possible with other gay women. When my lover left me for another woman, it was devastating. I began going from one relationship to another, looking for the perfect lover to spend the rest of my life with. None of the relationships lasted very long. Although I'd believed in Jesus since I was a little girl, I didn't know much about the Bible, except for stories I'd heard in Sunday School. But I tried to live by those stories, being kind, forgiving and generous. I'd heard it was wrong to be gay. I even read it once in the Bible and it scared me. "I don't want to go to hell," I thought. But I was born gay, so there's no way to change. I drank even more to numb the guilt inside. Then I joined the navy when I was 21 and ended up in Jacksonville, Florida, working on a tug boat. Drinking took over my life. I went through several alcohol rehabilitation programs. Finally the navy diagnosed me as a "hopeless, chronic alcoholic." In September 1979, I was discharged. Because of my work record, I received an honorable discharge, despite my problems with alcohol. Just after getting out of the navy, I found a new lover. She helped me to stop drinking and get my life back together. I got more interested in gay rights. My lover and I travelled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the first National Gay and Lesbian March in October 1979. Homosexuals from all over the world gathered near the Washington Monument to hold a three-day protest for gay rights. I was charged up as never before in my life. I felt my calling was to fight for the rights of my people" and to become politically active. Two weeks later, a close friend in the navy tried to kill herself. She was being discharged for being gay. When her lover came over at 3 a.m., I had been drinking and dropping acid. In my drug-induced state, I decided to retaliate against the navy by throwing a Moletov cocktail at the NIS (Naval Investigative Service) building on base. I put some kerosene in a bottle filled with rags and two friends went with me over to the NIS building. The fire we started was a lot bigger than we expected. The whole building burned down and we were eventually caught and sentenced. In prison, I began to sober up. I couldn't drink as much as before, and I began seeking God. I knew He'd been watching over me because I was still alive. God must have a purpose for my life, I thought. I wanted to know what it was. My little sister and her husband were praying for me, and had asked their whole church to also pray. When I talked to them, I could sense God's love for me. I had also noticed a group of Christian women inmates who frequently prayed together inside the prison. I knew one of them - she had recently become a Christian and had given up being gay. "Dawn, can we pray for your knee?" she asked me one day. She knew I was going in for surgery, due to an injury. "I believe God can heal you." I agreed. Besides asking the Lord to heal my knee, some of them quietly began rebuking evil spirits in my life. As they prayed, I felt increasingly light and joyful, like a thousand pounds were being lifted from my shoulders. A couple of weeks later, I picked up a book about the Bible that my sister and her husband had sent me. As I looked at it, the thought struck me: Maybe the Bible is true. I got my Bible and opened it up. As I began reading, the words pierced my heart. I knew it was true and that homosexuality was not God's will for me. I knelt down beside my bed and asked Jesus to take over my life. "Jesus, I'm sorry for my sins," I prayed. "I know it's wrong to be gay. I'm willing to give that up to You. Please help me to change." I said that prayer nine years ago, and God heard my heart's cry. I was released from prison after two-and-a-half years. I got involved in a good church, leading Bible studies and doing prison evangelism. All I wanted to do was tell others about Christ and serve Him in whatever way I could. I had been a Christian for almost four years when I began to experience homosexual temptations again. I had met two gay women on the job. I tried to witness to them, but before long. I was being wrongly influenced by them. I had left my church because of some false teaching, and I had no church body to help me. My friends tried to help but they didn't know how, and I became more and more isolated. After several months of extreme loneliness, I gave in to the desire to drink. On several occasions, I drank and then found myself going to a women's gay bar. I felt desperate for relief from my loneliness and isolation. After a few times of doing this, I felt totally devastated. How could I do this to the Lord after all He had done for me? Broken-hearted, I cried out to Him for help. Then a woman at Bible study heard about my background. "There's a ministry in San Rafael, California," she told me. "It's for people coming out of homosexuality. You should phone them." Satan tried to tell me it was hopeless, but I finally called Love In Action and talked to Anita Worthen. She invited me to one of the Friday night open meetings for women. During the meeting, I was so excited. Here were other women just like me, who loved the Lord with all their hearts but who also struggled with homosexual feelings. Shortly after that, Anita invited me to move into one of the live-in houses and I jumped at the chance. That was three years ago, and the Lord has done much healing in me since then. I feel like a totally different person. The program helped me understand what led me into lesbianism in the first place. Gradually, I have learned how to gain victory over the emotions that took me astray. The program wasn't easy. Many times I wanted to run, but the LIA leaders stuck with me, loving me and offering encouragement that God was doing a deep work of healing in my life. The program also provided me with a safe and nurturing environment, a sense of family and support that I really needed. Today, I know that my involvement in the lesbian lifestyle for almost eight years was just the outward manifestation of a deeply-wounded little girl who never felt loved. But the Lord has done a tremendous work, exposing and pulling up the different "root" causes of my choice to go into homosexuality. He has also healed my relationship with my parents - especially my mother. He has given us back the love that Satan tried to destroy. Ironically, my true freedom began while I was still incarcerated. Though I was surrounded by prison walls, Jesus gave me a liberty I'd never known before. Now I know that freedom isn't a matter of location; it's a matter of the heart. I'm out of prison for good. (Dawn has been involved with prison ministry periodically for the past nine years. She is now a member of the jail ministry team at Church of the Open Door (San Rafael, California) and the spiritual coordinator for the church's singles ministry. She graduated from Love In Action's 1988 live-in program.) Biblical Department Witnessing Column (Part 1) Witnessing Column (Part 1) WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE IS GAY By Sy Rogers CASE 1: Susan and Carol had been friends for years. Because of their close relationship, it was no secret that Carol and her husband were having marital problems. One day, while having lunch together, Carol admitted she had something to confess something important. Susan sensed the apprehension in Carol's voice: "A divorce, Susan thought, she's getting a divorce!" Taking a deep breath, Carol began: "It's so scary for me to tell you this but I have to. I can't keep on pretending. I just don't want it to affect our friendship, you're like a sister to me!" Susan reached across the table, taking Carol's hand. "What is it, Carol - is it your marriage? Whatever it is, you can tell me ..." Tears began to well up in Carol's eyes. "Susan, it's not the marriage - that would make this easier I think. It's me. I ...I'm gay. I'm a lesbian." CASE 2: As she passed her son's room, she noticed the white piece of paper taped to the middle of the door. A note from Mark. She knew something was wrong. She took the note into the kitchen, sat down and began to read: "Dear Mom and Dad, Since you both know about me being gay, I have decided it would be best for all of us if I moved out. I know how you feel, and I don't want to make things worse. I'll be staying with some friends for a while. I guess this means putting college on hold too, but please try not to worry about me. I'll make it. I'm really sorry I've let you down. I'm sorry for the big fight the other night. I didn't want you to find out that way, but I guess it's just as well you know. Most of all, I'm sorry you don't understand about me. I'll be in touch - Love, Mark" She laid the note aside. "Is this really happening," she thought. "It seems so strange, only a few days ago everything was normal. Then I had to be the one to find his 'dirty' magazines ... and those letters! I had to be the one to confront him, and push him into telling me the truth. Why did I ever tell his father? And now, she asked herself, will anything ever be normal for us again?" UNPREPARED ... An event most people are totally unprepared for is the discovery that someone close to them is gay. Whether the confession of gayness comes from a son or daughter, husband, wife or close friend, the reaction is often the same: "What do I say to them now?", "How can I help?", and sometimes, "Could I be partly to blame for this situation?" The impact of learning someone close to you is gay can be as great as if that person had died. Suddenly, your expectations and hopes for his future may never be realized. Often, a variety of emotions common to the grieving process surface. First comes the shock, denial and disbelief, followed by a rush of shame, anger and tears. Depression, even physical symptoms of distress may result. Almost always there are tremendous feelings of guilt ("Where did I go wrong?"), especially true with parents and the spouses of gays. Anger and resentment may grow into bitterness ("How could you do this to me!"), if un-forgiveness is harbored. The grieving process will pass in its intensity, especially as you yield your hurt and struggle to God, trusting Him to help. The purpose of this tract is to help the friends and families of gays deal with their own reactions to homosexuality, and to help them respond to homosexuals in a positive, Christian way. THERE IS HOPE ... First, there is HOPE for YOU! Apart from the need of your gay loved one, God desires to help you deal with this situation. God does not want to see you overcome with frustration and despair. We have the promises of God. Apply them to your situation. God tells us that as we humble ourselves and seek to obey Him, regardless of what we face, He will supply us with the power to do what is right. He promises to give us wisdom if we ask. He promises to comfort and strengthen us in time of need. He promises that His grace will keep us from being overwhelmed by our circumstances. His grace also supplies us with the faith we need to trust our loved one into His capable care. He can give us the patience to wait on Him to work in his life. He can supply us with the ability to forgive and demonstrate love toward those who have hurt and shamed us. God can teach us to see circumstances from HIS perspective and then we see that all things ARE possible with God. "ALL things" includes freedom from homosexuality! Then we see that there IS hope! This is the second point: Not only is there hope for you, there IS hope for the homosexual. There lS a way out of homosexuality for those who want it! Although homosexual behavior is consistently condemned throughout Scripture as is all sin, there is also Biblical record of people being set free from homosexuality (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Remember, where God requires us to change to obey His standards, He has the power to make that change possible in our lives. This is true for the homosexual, just as it is true for the prostitute, the addict and all who need Jesus! Though your friend or loved one is involved in homosexuality that doesn't mean he always will be. Many men and women around the world have been (and are being) set free from homosexuality. God doesn't play favorites. Your loved one can be free too but it may not happen overnight. God's Spirit must be the One to draw him. Therefore, your only hope is in the power of an unlimited God! STEPS YOU CAN TAKE: 1. GET A HOLD OF YOUR EMOTIONS. After the bomb has been dropped in your lap, it may be difficult to gain control of your emotional reaction (especially true in a confrontation). While emotional reactions are part of being human, try not to let your feelings get out of control. In your anger sin not. Try to limit your immediate reaction to lessen the strain on your relationship with the gay person. If you've already had a 'blow up,' you can always work toward reconciliation. 2. FORGIVE. Release your anger, hurt and shame through forgiveness. This prevents bitterness from setting in and speeds healing to you and your relationship with the gay person. In addition to forgiving those who have hurt you, ask God to forgive you for anything in your past that may have contributed to this situation. With God's forgiveness, you need not remain a prisoner to GUILT and condemnation. Once you've received His forgiveness for any failure on your part, mark the date on your calendar. Remind yourself and the devil that on that date you know God forgave you for your past mistakes. 3. GET GOD'S PERSPECTIVE. Get your attitude in line with God's Word. Having a gay loved one is not the end of the world. Homosexuality is sin. It is not the worst sin. It is not 'incurable.' God doesn't hate homosexuals either. As a matter of fact, He loves them and wants to redeem them. He sees their need for love, acceptance and identity, and longs to meet these needs. Jesus did not condemn the prostitute, traitor, adulteress, thief or murderer. Instead He offered them another chance at life. Jesus showed them a way to become pleasing to God. He offers this same new I life to the homosexual. As mentioned earlier, 'all things' are possible with God, including freedom from homosexuality. There is Biblical record of homosexuals being changed by God's power. Share this hope with your gay friend or loved one. 4. KEEP LINES OF COMMUNICATION OPEN. Use good judgment in sharing with the gay person. Our words can either build up or tear down. Don't make every visit or conservation a sermon on sin. Avoid arguing, be a listener. The gay person needs to know that he can at least talk to you, especially when he is hurting. Pray for wisdom in communicating God's standard. Encourage the gay person to see Jesus in a positive light, as a person who loves, cares and wants to help. 5. DEMONSTRATE LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE. Sometimes our love must be firm. The Christian cannot compromise God's standards or condone sin. However, it is vital that the gay friend or loved one understand that your disapproval of his sinful behavior is NOT a rejection of him. Maintaining God's standards often puts us in the place of drawing the line on a person because of sin. This can be painful and necessary in some instances. But we can still demonstrate love and concern for the gay person in many practical ways. Be willing to talk and listen. Don't be afraid to hug or touch. Don't exclude the gay person from your life and activities. The gay person may resent your stand on sin, and may isolate or withdraw himself from you. Yet you need not be the one to turn your back on him. You may be an important link between that individual and God, if not now, perhaps later. So guard your witness. Maintain God's standards, but love the gay person too. 6. LET GO. One of the most difficult of all these steps, is having to trust your loved one into the care of God. Let him go. You can't save that person. You can't stop him from pursuing the gay life. You're not in control, God is! You must learn to trust God to draw your loved one by His Spirit. Trust Him to protect your loved one. God's desire is to set him free from sin and deception. Remember, He loves the one you love even more than you! 7. PRAY, FAST AND WAIT. You can pray! You can fast! Prayer combined with fasting is a powerful spiritual weapon. Like it or not, it's going to take much prayer and fasting, but for the sake of a friend or loved one, isn't the sacrifice worth it? Jesus knew prayer and fasting got results. He practiced it, as did His disciples. Throughout the Bible, when men and women faced difficult circumstances, they prayed and fasted. God often responded in miraculous ways. Read and study ISAIAH chapter 58, the chapter on the purpose and power of fasting. Though God does answer our prayers, He rarely answers them when or how we want. We want to see our loved one free now! But God's timing is perfect. His methods are perfect. So in addition to everything else, wait on Him to work in the life of your loved one. Use the waiting period as an opportunity to strengthen your faith and trust in the Lord. He hears you. He WILL help you! FINALLY ... IF YOU are having a difficult time dealing with any person because of his homosexuality, then you need to take a look at your attitude - and get it right. Being squeamish about homosexuality is one thing. But having a reaction of revulsion, hostility or violence toward the gay person is sin. It is called 'Homophobia,' an irrational fear or hostility toward homosexuals. Homophobia is a defensive reaction, often masking insecurity or fears about one's own sexual identity. Needless to say, Homophobia hinders the effectiveness of your witness. Fortunately, the Lord can set you free from this sinful attitude, and deliver you from any fears or insecurities too! IF YOU suspect that a loved one is involved in homosexuality (or any other form of immorality), try not to panic or lose your temper. Rather, in firm love and honesty, confront the person with what you suspect. Don't accuse!! Be prepared for lies and covering up, defiant admission that it's all true, or a brokenhearted confession of guilt. Also remember, the person may truly by innocent of any wrong doing. When the situation reaches this point, or is headed in this direction, seek Christ centered counseling for yourself, and if possible, for your loved one. Remember to see Christ as your hope, knowing "That all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28. SCRIPTURE: HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR: Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:20-32, 1st Corinthians 6:9-11, 1st Timothy 1:9-10. SEXUAL IMMORALITY: 1 Corinthians 6:13-20, Romans 6:12-13, Galatians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:5-6, 1st Thessalonians 4:3-8. ENCOURAGING SCRIPTURES: Romans 7:14-24, 8:1-3, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 2nd Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:1-10, Hebrews 12:5-17, 2nd Peter 1:3-11, 1st John 1:9, 2nd Timothy 4:18 and Jude 17-25. Portions of this article contain information made available through EXODUS INTERNATIONAL and its affiliates. COPYRIGHT 1984 Reprinted with permission from ELEUTH EROS 1298 Minnesota Ave., Suite D - Winter Park, FL 32789 Witnessing Column (Part 2) Witnessing Column (Part 2) MY FRIEND IS STRUGGLING WITH HOMOSEXUALITY: HOW DO I RELATE? Provide by LOVE IN ACTION, P.O. BOX 2655, San Rafael, CA 94912 For the most part, relating to a friend with homosexual problems is the same as relating to any friend! But there are some special ways a person from a non-gay background can minister to a close friend who struggles with gayness. Through correspondence, counseling and experience, we've noted that there are some differences in our responses depending on whether the friend is of the same or the opposite sex. Here are some things to be aware of in four specific situations: If you are the FEMALE friend of a GUY struggling with gayness: -------------------------------------------------------------- Special Opportunities ... You can be someone he can share with openly. Many former gays say their first attempt at sharing about their homosexual struggles happened with female friends. You can offer affirmation and encouragement. You can pray for your friend and be a godly influence in his life, sharing Christ and presenting the hope of change. You can direct him to ministries or counselors skilled in helping people come out of homosexuality. Special Cautions ... Be careful of falling in love with your friend and "waiting" for God to change him. Many ex-gays do marry, but most have left their sin and received much of their healing before they become involved with the woman they marry. Try not to "mother" your friend and take care of him out of pity. You might be cushioning him from the effects of his sin. Try to maintain other healthy, committed friendships with other Christians, both men and women. You need the balance in perspective! If you are the FEMALE friend of a WOMAN struggling with gayness: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Special Opportunities ... You can be a channel of God's healing to your friend through your love and acceptance. You can provide and example of what a godly, non-sexual friendship is like. You can help your friend break old patterns by; not giving in to manipulation (self-pity, subtle emotional demands, etc.), remaining constant and faithful and holding her accountable for her end of the relationship, developing mutuality rather than dependency. Special Cautions ... Don't assume you won't be tempted sexually or emotionally even if you've never had homosexual temptations before. This is especially true if you are emotionally needy or have a "need to be needed." Watch out for jealousy and possessiveness. Maintain other close friendships, too. Realize you are one of many people God wants to use in your friend's life to minister to her. Don't play God! If you are the MALE Friend of a GUY struggling with gayness: ------------------------------------------------------------ Special Opportunities ... You can help build confidence in your friend's life through your acceptance of him as another man. You can help dispel his homosexual identity by being honest about your own life, sharing your weaknesses and fears as well as strengths. This helps him overcome the thinking, "I'm like this because I'm gay" You can offer to be prayer partners, providing mutual support and encouragement in times of stress and temptation. You can be challenged to examine your own commitment to Christ in the area of your sexuality. If you've surrendered this area to Christ and are living in freedom from sexual sin, you'll be able to minister to your friend. Special Cautions ... Try not to focus on your friend's homosexual problems. The root problems behind gayness (envy, loneliness, fears of 'not being masculine') are things you may have struggled with. Build on the similarities in your lives, not the differences. Don't allow your friend to become too dependent on you or put you on a pedestal. This might be evident through excessive emotional or time demands, continual praise of you while putting himself down. If this happens, confront him gently. Don't put off confronting your friend for fear of "blowing him away." We all need tough love at times. Your friend can take it. Don't pressure your friend to date girls or brag about your heterosexual interests. If your attitudes toward the opposite sex are healthy and appreciative, that will speak for itself. If you are the MALE friend of a WOMAN struggling with gayness: -------------------------------------------------------------- Special opportunities ... You can bring healing to your friend's life by being a friend and brother to her, relating to her as a woman as well as a person. You can help each other grow by having fun together, encouraging each other in your faith in Christ. You can help her overcome fears and wrong images of men by respecting her and allowing her to get to know you without putting romantic or sexual expectations on the friendship. Special Cautions ... Don't be afraid to share your weaknesses and struggles with her. Avoid presenting a "macho" attitude. Don't allow yourself to be dominated or controlled by the friendship. Express yourself! Though she may have many of the same interests and ideas you do, avoid treating her totally as a "buddy." Remind her from time to time that you are aware of her female gender. Express appreciation of her in gentle, non-pressure ways. Used by permission. CrossOver P.0. Box 23744, Lexington, KY 40523-3744 (606) 277-4941 New In Christ New In Christ "New in Christ" is a regular MORNING STAR column written primarily for people who wish to learn more about the basic teachings of Biblical Christianity. In this issue we begin a series on the Bible itself - the "Measure of Truth" that God gave us to live by. The editorial staff of MORNING STAR encourages all readers to freely use this information to help new Christians grow in their walk with the Lord. ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE MEASURE OF TRUTH Even if you believe God exists, there is one very important thing you should do each time before you start reading the Bible. Always ask God to help you understand the truth in what you are about to read. Don't think that just because you're a good reader or smart that it should all make perfect sense to you. Many "wise" people don't comprehend the Bible, as they approach it from an intellectual point of view. It doesn't work that way (Luke 10:21, 1 Corinthians 1:20,21; 1:26-32; 2:4,5). The Bible is a book of God's spiritual thoughts put into words. To truly understand His word requires spiritual understanding (Luke 24:45) which you only get by asking God for it (1 Corinthians 2:10-16). If you read the Bible like an ordinary book, not sincerely asking God's help in studying it, you won't fully understand all of its truths (Colossians 1:9,10, Ephesians 1:17). Or if you read it with inflexible religious or cult beliefs, and not with an open mind and heart, you'll also miss the boat. Anyone who says that there is no way to correctly interpret the Word of God should make it a point to read 1 Corinthians 2:10-16. It says that if someone doesn't comprehend the truths of the Bible, it's because they don't have the correct type of understanding, which is spiritual understanding. It's not the material (the Bible) that can't be understood, it's the student that must learn how to understand it. If you were a child and came home and told your folks that you had flunked a test because the material didn't make sense, wouldn't they say that it didn't make sense to you? They certainly wouldn't run down to the school to have the textbook removed because it was unlearnable. Rather, they would find out what you weren't doing right in studying and correct it. So if you trust a mere schoolboard to provide material that has truth in it and can be learned, there's all the more reason to trust that God has provided us with His "textbook" which also can be learned. The key to knowing the truth of God's word is to accept Christ (become born again) and thereby receive the guiding help of the Holy Spirit. He is the actual author that inspired the human authors as to what to write (1 Peter 1:10-12; 2 Peter 1:20-21) and illuminates believers to proper spiritual understanding. Some people say they aren't sure that God really gave us His Word in a written form to live by. They claim to believe in God, but apparently feel He dumped us on this planet to figure everything out on our own, without telling us what is right from wrong, or how to run our lives and get to heaven to be with Him one day. This is not a definition of a creative God by any stretch of the imagination. You might as well believe in the "Big Bang" theory or some other human concoction. There are also those who say that only certain parts of the Bible are God's word while other are not. I ask, which parts? How about the part that says that all of the Bible is God's word (2 Timothy 3:16)? To reject even the smallest part of the Bible is to void the worth of the entire book. Who would feel comfortable not knowing if the verses they depended on for their salvation were the "right ones"? Who would get the job of telling the rest of us which passages are from God and which aren't? Finally, the argument that the true meaning could have been lost through translation into English, doesn't hold water either. The original Greek and Hebrew texts are still available for comparison, and all top Bible scholars agree that today's English versions are as precisely translated as possible and quite accurate. To those who don't know why they should accept the Bible as God's word compared to all the other "holy" books of other religions, here is something to consider. No other book on Earth has made any of the scientific, historical and (especially) prophetical statements that the Bible has. Other books are full of philosophy and mythology, but none dare to make claims concerning the hidden things of the past (that might be discovered one day) or predict events of the future. Only the Bible does this. Year after year, many historical and scientific claims of the Bible are being proved correct through geological excavations and advances in science. Here are a few examples of the Bible and science. For the most part, people didn't believe the Earth was round until the fifteenth century, though the Bible spoke of the circle of the Earth in the Old Testament seven centuries before Christ (Isaiah 40:22). The Bible even states in the book of Job, written around 1500 B.C., that the earth was suspended in space (Job 26:7). Sir Isaac Newton was the first to confirm this over three thousand years later in 1687 A.D. The Bible also told of the innumerable number of the stars (Genesis 15:5; Jeremiah 33:22; Hebrews 11:12), existence of canyons and mountains on the ocean floor (2 Samuel 22:16; Jonah 2:6) springs and fountains in the sea (Genesis 7:11, 8:2; Proverbs 8:28), and ocean currents (Psalms 8:8). These, and other scientific claims, were written hundreds of years before Christ, and only discovered in the last couple of centuries. Here's an interesting fact: Jesus, speaking of a single future event at His second coming, said some people would be fast asleep at night, others making the morning meal and still others out working in the fields when it happened (Luke 17:34-36). Night, morning and afternoon at the same time around the world. Jesus was talking in terms of time zones long before any man thought of it! The greatest evidence the Bible presents, however, deals with prophecy. There are been many predictions in the Bible dealing with nations, cities, individuals (especially Jesus) events and time periods, which have come true. Not one has failed to occur. Of course there are some, dealing with Christ's second coming, which won't be fulfilled until His return. Actually, some of these have already been fulfilled or are in the process thereof, such as the re-creation of the nation of Israel, as forecast in Ezekiel, chapters 36 and 37. You can search through the "holy" books of every religion on earth and you won't find a single piece of fulfilled prophecy. Not one. Space is too limited here to record all there is on this matter, but there are a number of Christian books dealing with this subject if you want to learn more about it. Another remarkable fact about the Bible is that it wasn't written by one person over a period of one lifetime. It was written by 40 different people, in different parts of the known world, over a time frame of around 1600 years. Yet all the books are part of the same specific message concerning man's relationship with God and how Christ fits into the equation. How this can be simply can't be explained, until you realize that there is really only one author to the whole Bible, God Himself. He inspired people (through the Holy Spirit) to record His words so that we would have them in writing with us through history. And despite numerous all out attempts by religious and pagan groups to destroy the Bible throughout the centuries, it has survived and flourished. That in itself is a miracle when you consider how other great philosophical writings which men have never persecuted, and in fact tried to preserve over the centuries, have often partially or totally vanished. "Do you have to read the Bible to be a Christian?" A couple of good replies might be "Why wouldn't you want to?" Or, "Could you call yourself an engineer without reading and knowing your job manual?" But the best answer (as always) is found in God's word. Many people would not have found the truth about what it means to be a real Christian, had they not read John 3:3 and other related passages. The Bible states that true faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). Jesus had a lot to say in the Gospels concerning studying the Bible: 1. We are to live our lives by it. (Matthew 4:4) 2. We can only avoid being in error by knowing it. (Mark 12:24) 3. We are blessed when we hear it and keep it. (Luke 11:28) 4. If we know and keep it, we will never die. (John 8:51) 5. If we are truly his followers we will know and follow it. (John 8:31) 6. Our lives are made clean by it. (John 15:3) There are even more reasons given to us in the New Testament letters concerning why we were to know God's word: 1. We find out what God wants us to do by it. (Ephesians 5:17) 2. It makes us wise and able to teach others. (Colossians 3:16) 3. We are to feed on it, like a baby does with milk. (1 Peter 2:2) If you belong to a particular religion (whether you practice all of its teachings or not) ask yourself this: How do I know if the spiritual beliefs which my religion teaches are the right ones? Do you answer: Because they say they are? Because I think they are? Because my folks told we they are? If you think about it, are those really legitimate answers? Jesus warned about following religious teachings that were based on anything but the word of God (Matthew 15:9). The only measure of truth you have to test what people tell you is right is God's word. There is nothing else in the world that is infallible. When the apostles first went out to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they gave a lot of credit to those people who didn't just take their word as truth, but checked their scriptures (Old Testament predictions about Jesus) to see if what they were preaching was true (Acts 17:11). When we study the Bible we not only prevent ourselves from being deceived, but also gain God's approval by showing ourselves to be His workmen, always seeking His instruction (2 Timothy 2:15). If you consider yourself to be a Christian, ask yourself this: Would you be ready and able to correctly answer the questions of someone who wanted to know about certain things the Bible says? Or what God says it means to be a Christian? Or what God would say about certain things in their life? The Lord says that his people should be ready to answer those who have questions with His word, at all times (1 Peter 3:15). Knowledge of the Bible is the only way to answer the questions of non-Christians, teach God's will to new Christians and correct the error of false Christians (2 Timothy 3:15-17). No matter how long you've been born again or how strong you think your faith is, you should always continue studying God's word. The apostle Paul (in many Christians' opinions, the most dedicated Christian that ever lived) when approaching his death, asked for some of his personal belonging to be brought to him. What did he want more than anything else in his final days? The parchments upon which God's word was written so he could continue to study until his death. (2 Timothy 4:13). This should serve as a lesson to all Christians. Perhaps the most enjoyable reason to study the Bible (though it takes the most work) is to read what the future has in store for us. Remember, the Bible is a prophecy book and its predictions concerning the fate of this planet and return of Christ have not occurred yet! There are many people who think that just because a little over 1900 years have elapsed since the last fulfilled prophecy that those concerning the "last days" are not going to occur. Actually they're wrong on one major count already. The nation of Israel was founded in 1948, after being nonexistent since A.D. 70. The Bible predicted that Israel would become a nation again before the Lord's return. There are many things going on in the world today which are leading to the fulfillment of those final prophecies. Many Christians feel we are fast approaching the day of Christ's return. (Though no one knows exactly when that will be.) Should we be scared? No way! After all, when you know how a book or movie ends, it's easy to get through all the turmoil in between. God's word (again!) tells us that we can rest easy, relying on the sure word of Bible prophecy to get us through these trying times (1 Peter 1:19). If you are a true Christian, according to Christ's definition (born again), then your life is dedicated to doing the Lord's will. There should be no question, upon examining all the Bible passages above, as to what His will is in regard to studying His word. If reading the Bible is something you simply don't care to do, then it's time to re-examine your supposed commitment. If you are really a Christian then you possess the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit does not contradict Himself. He doesn't have one man follow God's will and another not do so. It may be time for you to have a long talk with the Lord and make a real born again commitment to Him. If you need help, you should find a Bible preaching Christian church and make an appointment with a pastor, or some other elder, knowledgeable in God's word. Remember to be careful where you worship. It's not the name of the church, but what they preach that counts! When you finally do become born again, you'll notice the difference His Spirit makes within you. The hunger for His word never ceases. Bible Study Bible Study This issue features the first of a four-part series on the book of Jonah. Future studies will include individual Psalms and books from both the Old and New Covenants. ------------------------------------------------------------------ JONAH "A Story Of God's Love" Chapter 1 "The First Call of Jonah" God sometimes calls believers to serve Him in ways that may not appeal to them. For example, maybe God has placed you in a job where you are surrounded by unbelievers, a situation which may feel uncomfortable at times. Christians may hesitate to serve because they don't want to be inconvenienced, or because they have concerns that seem valid. As part of the maturing process, God will call you to serve Him in ways contrary to your desires. This series is based on the adventures of an individual who, although he was a God-fearing man, expressed reluctance to accept God's mission. Here is Jonah, as seen by his psychologist in a biblical drama written by William Backus: "...'Mr. Jonah?' His rough, homespun clothes and the greeting he grunted at me as he rose from his chair told me he was from the country -- the backwoods of the empire, more likely. And, as I turned to lead him back into the consulting room, I noticed his skin: covered with white, flaky blotches! My first impression was of more white blotches. They covered his face, arms and hands. What had caused them? I had never seen the like. Behind the blotches was sunburn, from the bald patch on top of his head down to the massive calves showing beneath his long tunic. But more than his badly abused skin, I noticed at once what counselors call 'the paranoid headlights' - the bulging eyes, open so wide that the whites show all around the pupils." * The previous account is the psychologist's initial impression of Jonah during his first visit. During future sessions, he will recognize that Jonah, as a follower of Yahweh, knows God's will, but lives in direct rebellion against it. As you see God work in Jonah's life, you will recognize and appreciate God's love and mercy. You will see how His love will bless you as you deal with those you come in contact with, especially people who seem unlovable. Just in passing, it should be noted that some critics use the book of Jonah to attack the Bible, calling this account a myth or a fairy tale. They totally reject the reality of the great fish. In doing so, they avoid the fact that God, and not the fish, is the focus of this book. However, there is one authority Who eliminates any question as to its authenticity. As Messiah said, "For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so shall the Son of Man be to this generation." (Luke 11:30) Because Jesus accepted the authenticity of Jonah, we must do likewise. As inferred by His words, the book of Jonah contains the only Old Testament picture of the Savior in the tomb. The first question to ask is, "What was behind Jonah's rebellion against God?" HALLEY'S BIBLE HANDBOOK points out what seems to be his principle motive: "Nineveh was capital of the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrian Empire was a World-Empire for about 300 years (900-607 BC). It began its rise to world power about the time of the Division of the Hebrew Kingdom at the close of Solomon's reign. It gradually absorbed and destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel." "Thus Jonah was called of God to prolong the life of the enemy nation which was already in the process of exterminating his own nation. No wonder he fled in the opposite direction, in patriotic dread of a brutal and relentless military machine which was closing in on God's people." ** Or as Jonah says in Backus' novel, "...I didn't want to come to Nineveh to begin with. Assyria deserves to be --must be-- wiped out! If you could only see what her armies have done in conquest and I fear will do to my country. Why should I, a Jew, be forced to aid in the rescue of such an instrument of evil? Yet I was forced to come. Forced. I had to speak in the streets. My last hope was that they would close their ears and die. Why did I come? He left me no choice." *** JONAH'S CALL: Jonah 1:1-2 As the account opens, the Lord calls His prophet Jonah with a commission. Scripture teaches a prophet to be someone who tells forth the word of God. This may include a message of things to come, but does not have to. In this case, the message Jonah was to bring was God's cry against the great wickedness of Nineveh. Jonah realized if he brought God's word regarding imminent judgment, there was the possibility the people would repent. This is seen from his words in Chapter 4:2; "... I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity." He would have been willing for God to judge the nation, but he didn't want God to save it. By the way, this seems illogical, for if the Ninevites were following Yahweh (God), then what would the Hebrews have to fear? 1:3 So what was Jonah's response? He headed off in the opposite direction, booking passage on a ship bound for Tarshish. Can you imagine being a follower of the Lord, knowing His will and directly acting against it? 1:4-5a This passage tells of the first supernatural intervention of the Lord in Jonah's life. God sent a great storm. It was so fierce that it threatened to destroy the ship; so overwhelming, a group of hardened sailors panicked. They called out to their numerous and sundry gods to save them. Pragmatically, they also lightened the load by throwing the cargo overboard. 1:5b And where was Jonah? Asleep in the bottom of the ship. Obviously, a person out of God's will is not always disturbed by a bad conscience. Jonah, secure in his assumption that he was out of God's reach, experienced the sleep of a relieved man. 1:6-7 The captain, however, wanted Jonah awake and praying to his deity. These sailors, being a superstitious lot, decided there was a reason for the storm. They assumed someone on board must have angered the gods, so they cast lots to identify the offender. And of course the lot fell to Jonah. 1:8 With a curiosity born of fear, the men asked: "Who is this person bringing the wrath of the gods down on us?" They needed to know so they could placate the gods and end the storm. 1:9-10 Jonah told them he was a Hebrew, a follower of Yahweh, the Creator. In addition, he told them he was fleeing God. This confirmed to the sailors that the storm had arisen because of Jonah's actions. 1:12-13 At this point the storm became more violent. Jonah told the sailors to throw him into the sea. Their response was to row towards shore, striving to save themselves, the ship and Jonah. But God was having none of this, for the sea became even stormier. 1:14 The sailors, having realized they couldn't make it to shore, came to the conclusion they must cast Jonah overboard. But first, they prayed to the one true God to forgive them. They recognized Yahweh was responsible for the storm and did not want Him to punish them for their actions. Because of Jonah's presence, they accepted the reality of the Lord God. 1:15-16 After they heaved Jonah overboard, the storm was stilled. They offered up a sacrifice and made vows to the Lord. There is no reason to question the sincerity of their offering or vows. It may be that the sin of Jonah was used by the Lord to save this boatload of sailors. 1:17 This next passage records the second supernatural intervention in Jonah's life. God prepared a great fish, not a whale, but a special creation that had one purpose: to swallow Jonah. (What occurs in the fish's belly will be covered in the second article of this series.) OUR CALL: How do you respond to the call of God when He asks you to undertake a task that goes against your better judgment? Jonah thought he had good reasons for disobeying God. His rebellion was a product of his comprehension of God's nature. The problem was, he believed his view of the situation to be more important than God's perspective. The question you must ask yourselves is: "Do I trust God implicitly?" Are you willing to exercise a faith that says you will trust God without having any understanding of His motives? If you are to walk as God expects, you must trust Him totally -- without any reservations. Even if you find yourself in a painful situation, you can be assured God is in charge. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Rom 8:28) As your trust in the Lord grows, you will live more consistently within His will and mature in your relationship with Him. You can choose to live this way if you depend on the Holy Spirit to empower you... or you can choose to be a Jonah. Jonah's situation, as it impacted the men on the boat, illustrates that rebellion against the Lord can affect not only the sinner, but others around him. You are a witness to those around you, whether families, friends, or neighbors. Families are destroyed by the actions of believers involved in immorality, dishonesty, etc. Christians live in a world where the quality of their walk not only affects their relationship with God, but with others as well. And because of this, God may chose to discipline believers for the sake of others, as He did with Jonah. Christians are either positive or negative witnesses for the Lord. Which will you be? A true follower of God cannot remain a "couch potato". God blesses every Christian with opportunities to serve Him in unique ministry situations. Pray to be open to His leading. "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if any one is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he does." James 1: 22-25 * THE PARANOID PROPHET, William Backus, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1986, p. 15. ** HALLEY'S BIBLE HANDBOOK, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1965, p. 363. *** Backus, pp. 42,43. Special Studies Special Studies SPECIAL STUDIES The Bible is an account of God's relationship to man, a covenant relationship. We find this from the day of creation to the eternal relationship we can have with the Messiah. This is the first of a series of articles detailing the individual covenants found within Scripture. ------------------------------------------------------------------ A COVENANT God's relationship with humanity has been spelled out through a number of individual covenants. His relationship with us today is covenant. To understand what He wants of us, we have to understand the parts, or constitution, of these covenants. This continuing series on the covenants will follow the basic format found in this introductory discussion. The first item in any covenant is the wording. Since God's Word is always truth and perfect, who better to draw up the language of the covenant than Himself. In any man-made covenant (contract) at least two of the signatories must agree on the meaning of the vocabulary. God's wording is such that there is no question as to what it means. The wording of the covenant shows blessings, i.e., those results that are positive. It also shows cursings, i.e., those consequences of not keeping the covenant. And it shows how long the covenant will last. This revelation of God demonstrates that He lacks a hidden agenda, that He is the Revealed Truth. His conditions are clear. He will not change them to meet the changing whims of man. Second, many of God's covenants have a pledge attached. The purpose of the pledge is to confirm the conditions of the covenant. This pledge is a solemn affirmation with an appeal to God for its truth. We make so many promises in our lifetime, and have had so many disappointments in people not keeping their word, that we need to hear God tell us that He will not break His promises. God has bound Himself to the fulfillment of these promises. This makes the covenant irrevocable. God is revealed as unable to break a promise. Third, there is the blood of the covenant. All covenants are viewed as life and death commitments. A validation of the covenant always involved bloodshed. We shall see this demonstrated in the specific covenants. The sacrificial blood, used to make the covenant official, represented the life commitment of those entering the covenant. And finally there is the seal of the covenant. A seal is an ongoing tangible witness to the sincerity, the veracity, of the covenant. The seal serves as a reminder of the authenticity of the covenant promises and terms. Within any covenant that has been declared by God, there is found one or more blessings. His creation hears, in His intention in fulfilling His covenants, those aspects of His goodness and benevolence. God is always on the side of Man, concerned for his well-being. HE IS REVEALED IN HIS FIRST COVENANT When JEHOVAH-ELOHIM decided to make Man in a resemblance of His image the first direct covenant was made. This covenant is identifiable as the Edenic Covenant. (Gen. 1:26). "And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. They shall rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the cattle, the whole earth, and all the creeping things that creep on earth.' And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and God said to them, 'Be fertile and increase, fill the earth and master it; and rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and all the living things that creep on earth.' God said, 'See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food. And to all the animals on land, to all the birds of the sky, and to everything that creeps on earth, in which there is the breath of life, [I give] all the green plants for food.'" Genesis 1: 26-30 The basic premise of the covenant was the involvement of the creation of Man in God's image. By his obedience and faithfulness Man holds a guarantee of dominion of all that he surveys. "Covenant," according to Strong's Concordance, holds its definition from the Hebrew word "Beriyth" as a "compact." The idea behind compact is from the early custom of passing between pieces of flesh, thus the implication of the thought of "cutting a covenant." Gesenius additionally defines this word "as covenant, pact, or compact" between men or between God and man. What is important to recognize is that the covenant between God and man is as a Divine ordinance complete with signs and pledges. God proves to be the initiator when instituting a covenant. Any time a covenant was needed between God and man He made the presentation. Seeking Man's obedience to His will, God came to Man declaring what He wanted. Man did not come to God in this fashion. Man cannot change the contract of the covenant of God's will, although he is free to accept or reject it. In actuality, the idea of joint obligation is neither present nor stated. God declares His obligation by His covenant(s) so "that the promise might be sure." In the Edenic Covenant we find the unique fact that man was the recipient but not its originator of the covenant. This further illustrates God's desire and purpose that Man should be in covenant relationship with Himself. There can be no relationship with God apart from covenant. God was revealing Himself in the creation of Man while simultaneously declaring His covenant purpose over Man. In the Edenic Covenant God is first revealed in His declaration of purpose in the creation of Man. JEHOVAH-ELOHIM created Man in His image to show that the life of God is in the activity of His thought, His feeling, and His will in the inward movement of His being to execute His purposes. The moment "Our image ... Our likeness" was created revealed the physical manifestation of the Spiritual in the execution of His purpose. In Genesis 3 is found the history of The Test. God is shown here is His office of Judge. Since He is the author of the covenant, since He is the One who outlines its conditions, then He has the right to "judge His people" (Deut. 32:36). Until this point God walked and talked with Man (Gen. 3:8). God sustained a continuous personal relationship to His creation. Life in all its aspects was God's gift to His creatures. His personality was, and is, revealed in His Fatherhood. Walking and chatting with Man in the cool of the day shows the Fatherhood of God in an infinite and eternal relationship. Fathers care about what their children have done, are doing, and will be doing. The most often asked question is, "What have you learned today?" God allowed Man to name all the animals that He created. This reveals God's wisdom in allowing His children not to be mere robots, but living, breathing, thinking individuals. As His children they would have run to meet Him with a welcome of humble joy to His gracious visits. When Adam and Eve sinned God came in His righteous anger to judge them. He did not break the Edenic Covenant. The stage was then set for the revelation of the Adamic Covenant where God came in grace to fallen Man seeking to restore him back to covenant relationship. The Edenic Covenant promised dominion of man based on the condition of obedience. Man broke the seal of this covenant, the Tree. This seal was symbolic of obedience. The blood sacrifice of the Edenic Covenant was sinless blood. This sinless blood was shed when Adam was put into the deep sleep from which God built his bride. This sinless blood is a type of the foreshadowing of the coming of the Messiah who shed His blood that we all might live. Here, blood was shed for the same reason; but Man tainted it, unlike that of the Messiah. It was now up to God to bring a cleansing and restoration through His love. HE IS REVEALED IN HIS SECOND COVENANT The Adamic Covenant was the beginning of the Covenants of Redemption. Upon the foundation of the Edenic Covenant the Adamic Covenant forms the most comprehensive prophecy that God has ever given to Man. It encompasses all successive covenants of redemption. It is a "seed" covenant to the others that follow. Close reading of this covenant will immediately evidence that the word "covenant" is not used at all in God's relationship to Adam. However, in Hosea 6:7 (NIV) we find, "Like Adam, they have broken the covenant - they were unfaithful to Me there." In that the original covenant was made with Adam, this covenant also can be considered universally with all mankind because Adam was the first of our kind. God is revealed in the Adamic Covenant by His declaring His purpose in Man's redemption and the judgment of Satan. God said, to the serpent, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; they shall strike at your head, and you shall strike at their heel." (Gen. 3:15). These are the promises of blessing that involved the chosen seed of Israel, the virgin birth of Christ, His ministry, the Church, and the eternal judgment of Satan and his kingdom (Josh. 10:24; Ps. 60:12; Luke 10:19; Rom. 16:20). "And when the kings were brought out to Joshua, Joshua summoned all the men of Israel and ordered the army officers who had accompanied him, 'Come forward and place your feet on the necks of these kings.' They came forward and placed their feet on their necks. Joshua said to them, 'Do not be frightened or dismayed; be firm and resolute. For this is what the Lord is going to do to all enemies with whom you are at war.'" (Joshua 10:24). "Grant us Your aid against the foe, for the help of man is worthless. With God we shall triumph; He will trample our foes." (Psalm 60:12). Jesus said, "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:19). "And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly." (Romans 16:20). This seed promise reveals God in the consummation of Christ and the Church. "Then the Lord God said to the serpent, 'Because you did this, more cursed shall you be than all cattle and all the wild beasts: on your belly shall you crawl and dirt shall you eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; they shall strike at your head, and you shall strike at their heel.' And to the woman He said, 'I will make most severe your pangs in childbearing; in pain shall you bear children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.' To Adam He said, 'Because you did as your wife said and ate of the tree about which I commanded you, "You shall not eat of it," cursed be the ground because of you; by toil shall you eat of it all the days of your life: thorns and thistles shall it sprout for you. But your food shall be the grasses of the field; by the sweat of your brow shall you get bread to eat until you return to the ground -- for from it you were taken. For dust you are, and to dust you shall return.'" (Genesis 3). From the revelation of the mercy of God there is also the judgment of God. God will not allow His ordinances to be broken. Thus, the promises of cursing: on the devil, the judgment on the woman, judgment on the man, and the curse on the earth. "And the Lord God formed out of the earth all the wild beasts and all the birds of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that would be its name. And the man gave names to all the cattle and to the birds of the sky and to all the wild beasts." (Gen. 2:19-20a). "For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs until now." (Rom. 8:20-22). The promises of cursing continued, then, in the judgment of sin by death (Gen. 2:17; 3:19), and ultimately, "so the Lord God banished him from the garden of Eden, to till the soil from which he was taken. He drove man out..." This was judgment by expulsion (Gen. 3:23,24). God is revealed in all these acts of judgment as partial and fair. Man could not partake of the tree of life and live forever in an unredeemable state. The blood sacrifice of this covenant was made from the skin of an animal who had to die to cover their sin. God considered their act of self-righteousness to be insufficient (Gen. 3:7). "You have hidden Your face from us, and made us melt because of our iniquities." God now had to move in grace to deal with Man's sin and provide an acceptable covering. The breaking of the Adamic Covenant was deserving of death. God's immutability does not allow Him to lie (Heb. 6:18). So, death had to take place to cover the sin. God introduced, for the first time, a substitutionary sacrificial death so as to cover Man's sinfulness. "And the Lord God made garments of skins for Adam and his wife, and clothed them" (Gen. 3:21). JEHOVAH-ELOHIM had to have killed an innocent animal to provide the necessary blood for the new covenant. This was an example that Adam was able to teach his sons in later years that was passed on from generation to generation until written in the Law by Moses. This covenant sacrifice pointed to the New Covenant sacrifice that is the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:29, 36; Hebrews 10:1-12). The seal of the Adamic Covenant is the skins with which they were covered. We wear clothing today to cover our bodies in remembrance of this seal of the covering of our sin. It is this one covenant's ideal that we see from Genesis to Revelation: the covenant of life. No matter what Man does, or will do, God, in His infinite mercy, will keep us alive until that day. Rev. Dr. Charles A. Wootten Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. Matoaca, Virginia Bible Quiz Bible Quiz BIBLE QUIZ Match the people to the correct statement concerning how their lives went in another direction because of their relationship with God. To check your answers, look up the scripture given after each name. 1. Joseph (Genesis 37:28 39:4) 2. Moses (Exodus 3:9-10) 3. Aaron (Exodus 4:14, 7:2) 4. David (1 Samuel 16:11-13) 5. Paul (Acts 9:1-6) 6. Peter (Mark 14:71, Acts 2:14) 7. Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5-8) 8. Lazarus (Luke 16:20-22) 9. Thomas (John 20:25-27) 10. Onesimus (Philemon 11) a) from denier to preacher b) from doubter to believer c) from beggar to honoree d) from fugitive to leader e) from persecutor to persecuted f) from slave to brother g) from tax collector to benefactor h) from slave to ruler i) from obscurity to spokesman j) from shepherd to king Messianic Studies Messianic Studies The Messianic Studies column explores the world of the Messianic Believer. Like the church at large, Messianic Judaism contains much diversity. It is made up of numerous views as to what it means to be a Messianic Jew, who we are, what we call ourselves and what we believe. This column will be used to explore this variety, giving the reader a broader perspective of Messianic Judaism than found elsewhere, exposing those of us who are Messianic Believers to the wide spectrum of practice found within the movement. Hopefully we will succeed in helping our Jewish brothers and sisters to understand why we follow Yeshua as our savior. We also hope that what is provided here will give our gentile readers both a better understanding of their Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as the Jewish roots of their own faith. MESSIAH IN THE TORAH The idea that the Messiah can be found in the first five books of the Holy Scriptures is outrageous to most Orthodox Jews. Nevertheless, He is there! Even believers in Yeshua (Jesus) sometimes have a hard time seeing Him in the Torah (the five books of Moses, or the Pentateuch), but once He is seen, He is understood in a deeper way. The Torah leads us to Messiah with signs all along the way. In the Torah, He is a stranger veiled from us, yet He is there. We feel His presence and we yearn for Him. These veils of Messiah's appearing take many forms such as direct prophecy, symbols of things, symbols of events and actions, symbols of offices, types, implications, and others. 1. The Messiah in Beresheet (Genesis) There are Messianic themes in the first book of the Torah that continue throughout the entire Bible. Some of these are: 1. Man has fallen, but salvation and blessings will come. 2. Salvation will come through sacrifice. 3. The sacrifice will be linked to a son. 4. The power of the serpent will be crushed. 5. Hope will come through the child of a woman. 6. Salvation will come through Abraham. 7. New life will come through death. We can see Yeshua in Joseph, the beloved of his father, who suffered and was rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery, but was later resurrected from this slavery and exalted to a place of great power and glory. We can see Yeshua in Joseph, when he takes a gentile bride and when he welcomes home the same brothers who rejected him. Since the link between Joseph and the Messiah is rabbinical as well as evangelical (the Jewish theory of two Messiahs, 'Messiah ben Yosef' and 'Messiah ben David' [that is, Messiah the son of Joseph and Messiah the son of David]), this particular shadow is one of the deepest and most beautiful shadows in the Torah. Yeshua can also be seen in the account of Yaakov's (Jacob's) ladder in Beresheet 28. We read that a ladder comes down from Heaven, touches the earth, and angels move up and down on it. Consider when Yeshua said: "Yes indeed! I tell you that you will see heaven opened and the angels of God going up and coming down on the Son of Man!" John 1:51 Messiah is our ladder! He came from heaven to bridge the gap between heaven and earth. He is the One who brings Israel to God, and God to Israel. In Him we climb up the ladder! The Akeedah (binding of Isaac) in Beresheet (Genesis) 22 is perhaps the clearest reference to the Messiah in this book. God asks Abraham to take his only son, whom he loves, and go to Mt. Moriah to offer him up as a sacrifice. This is the first time that the word 'love' appears in the Bible. We see Isaac, the son, bearing the sacrificial wood, and think of Yeshua, carrying a wooden cross, Abraham tells Isaac in verse 8 of chapter 22 that "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering," and indeed He did 2000 years later. God and Abraham were in covenant, and in a covenant whatever one does the other has to be willing to do. God did! He took His only son on a donkey into Jerusalem, up to the mount, and bound Him there. God spared Abraham's son, but He let His own Son suffer death, as the final atonement for our sin. *That* is *love*! (John 3:16) 2. The Messiah in Shemot (Exodus) The most obvious appearance of the Messiah in Shemot is in the Passover where a people enslaved in a foreign land cry out and God sends a Redeemer to them. They are saved by applying the blood of a lamb on their doors, and they follow the Redeemer through the wilderness and into the promised land. We who believe in Yeshua have been saved by the blood of God's Lamb. Picture the Jewish homes with the blood on the lintel and two side door posts, forming a triangle pointing to Heaven. Now picture another piece of wood with three more spots of blood, this time forming a triangle pointing to earth. Put them together and you have a star of David - the star of Messiah- who reaches down to men in the bondage of slavery to sin and says: "Follow me!" The wilderness itself is a shadow of Messiah. It speaks of a people who are redeemed from a land of bondage but not yet in the Promised Land. Their Redeemer leads them through, His presence dwells with them. In the day, He is the Cloud that guides them. In the night, He is the pillar of Fire. He gives them a new food to eat - Manna - not from earth, but from heaven. This is to teach God's people that true life does not come from the wilderness but from heaven. Messiah said: "Yes indeed! I tell you, whoever trusts has eternal life. I am the bread which is life. Your fathers ate the manna in the desert: they died. But the bread that comes down from heaven is such that a person may eat it and not die. I am the living bread that has come down from heaven: if anyone eats this bread, he will live forever. Furthermore, the bread that I will give is my own flesh, and I will give it for the life of the world." John 6:47-51 The tabernacle or tent of meeting ('Mishkan' in Hebrew) described in the book of Shemot is a beautiful portrayal of God meeting with man through the Messiah. The Mishkan, plain on the outside, but rich in treasure and meaning on the inside is like our Lord who "had no beauty that we should desire Him" (Isaiah 53:2). On the inside of the Tabernacle there was bread that sustained life, wine that gave joy, light from a golden menorah, sweet smelling fragrance, the blending of heaven and earth's colors, and so much more! Truly, we see the One who John called THE WORD, who became flesh and tabernacled, or pitched his tent, among us! 3. The Messiah in VaYikra (Leviticus) The message of the third book of the Torah is that salvation will come through sacrifice of a sinless life dying for a sinful one. The guilty one must identify with the one who is dying, and as they become one, there is salvation. One of the most powerful verses in the Torah appears in VaYikra: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul." VaYikra 17:11 There's been no blood sacrifice in traditional Judaism since the Temple was destroyed almost 2,000 years ago, and yet, blood sacrifices are *central* to Biblical Judaism. Some of you may not know that in the collection of Jewish writings called the Talmud, there is a place (Yoma 39b) which explains about a scarlet thread in the Temple that would supernaturally turn white each year to show that God had accepted the Day of Atonement sacrifices. This stopped happening about 40 years before the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. (Just around the time of Yeshua's death.) Refer as well to Isaiah 53, which decodes the book of VaYikra (Leviticus). In this chapter we find the One who suffered outside the camp, who "sprinkles" many nations and whose "soul should become an 'Asham' (guilt offering)." (If you are led to study this, please share it with us. It would make a good article!) 4. The Messiah in BeMidbar (Numbers) Yeshua is the Star (Zohar) that came forth out of Yaakov/Jacob (BeMidbar 24). One rabbinical writing ways the following: "In the week that Messiah will be born there will be a bright star - in the east the 'Star of Messiah'." This did happen when Yeshua was born! And now *He* is the star that lights up our lives. In BeMidbar 21, we see Messiah in the bronze serpent. The children of Israel had sinned, and God sent serpents among the people, and they bit them. Many of the people repented, and asked Moshe (Moses) to intercede for them. The Lord told Moshe to make a serpent of bronze (a symbol of judgement) and put it on a pole. When those who had been bitten looked upon the serpent (a symbol of sin/evil) they would live. Picture Yeshua - who became sin for us - and was lifted up on a cross. In beholding His suffering, there is healing for us. The New Covenant says it this way: "Just as Moshe lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up: so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life." (John 3:14-15) 5. The Messiah in Devareem (Deuteronomy) One last insight on the Messiah from the last book of the Torah. Most of you know that Moshe, the law giver, died at the edge of the Promised Land. He never made it in. The Law speaks to us of a Promised Land where God wants to bring us, but it can't enter in. You can't enter into Messiah by the Law. Moshe's successor, Yehoshua (Joshua, another type of Yeshua) took the people into the Promised Land. As the Torah ends, Yehoshua (full of the Holy Spirit) is ready to lead God's people onward to all He has for them. Yeshua wants to take *you* into the Promised Land the same way! As a postscript, the Jewish calendar began this year on September 9th. In every synagogue, the Torah is read completely through each year in a prescribed order. You can read the same portions as the Jewish people do each week, but especially on these weeks, pray for the God's chosen people as they read these portions during the year, that the Messiah of Israel would be revealed to them through the Scriptures. The Akeedah (Genesis 22) -- Oct. 26, 1991 Blood upon the door posts (Exodus 12) -- Jan. 11, 1992 Atonement through blood (Leviticus 17) -- May 2, 1992 The bronze serpent (Numbers 21) -- July 11, 1992 Moshe's death (Deuteronomy 32) -- Oct. 10, 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------ All Old Covenant passages are from The Jerusalem Bible, Koren Publishers, Jerusalem, Israel, 1983. All New Covenant passages are from The Jewish New Testament, Jewish New Testament Publications, Jerusalem, Israel, 1989. Anee M'amin Anee M'amin ANEE M'AMIN is Hebrew for "I believe". Every month this column will feature the testimony of a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). FROM TRAGEDY TO TRIUMPH by Eliezer Urbach With nothing else to look at but the filthy walls of my prison cell, I reflected on my life and the circumstances that had brought me here. I was born in 1921, in Skoczow, Poland, and received a traditional education by attending Talmud Torah classes. At the age of 13, I was Bar Mitzvah at the local synagogue where my father presided, but by the time I reached 16, I stopped saying prayers and attending synagogue. I found radical socialist ideas much more satisfying than Judaism. At the outbreak of World War II, the Nazis captured my hometown the first day of Blitzkrieg in Poland. My family operated an inn where we had already been suffering persecution and humiliation at the hands of those who came to our place of business. Then, in a single day, our family business was gone, taken over by the Nazis. As an 18-year-old, my Jewishness didn't mean much to me. Communism seemed to offer me a more respectable identity. However, the war now made survival my primary concern, so with two Gentile friends I fled for my life. But our escape was aborted. We returned home to find the Nazis had stripped my family of everything. The Jews of Skoczow were now destitute and had to work at hard labor without pay. My father told me to get out while I could. He gave me his blessing and I was off. I never saw him again. Thus began a long, perilous journey full of hardships, persecutions, hunger, imprisonments, and escapes, which ended in Russia. There, my younger brother and I were arrested and sent to a labor camp at Asino. The two of us were crammed into a railroad car with other Jewish refugees for the 24-day-long trip. Many died enroute. Six weeks later we were moved to another labor camp in Siberia. Privation, sickness, and extreme cold took a terrible toll of lives. My brother and I tried to escape, but we were caught and given a two-year prison sentence. While serving my sentence, I heard that my brother had died. Conditions in the prison were so bad, I began to pray that I too wouldn't die. Now alone in the world, sick, desperate, and demoralized, I had no one else to turn to but God. My prayer was answered through a doctor who put me to work in the prison pharmacy. My health started to improve, and I was released after serving 18 months of my sentence. But freedom only meant wandering, hiding, hunger, and a constant battle for survival. Once again I began to look for God's leading and became conscious of His providential care. Somehow, His hand seemed to be on my life. I enlisted in the Russian army and was sent to the front lines. Eighty percent of the soldiers in my division were killed in the first battle, and I thanked God for sparing my life once again. Upon leaving the Russian army, I returned to Poland... only to find that my entire family had been killed by the Nazis. Total despair led me into activities which again resulted in imprisonment, beatings, and threats to my life. But it was the Lord's gracious will to deliver me. Palestine became the land of my hope. Arriving in Haifa in 1946, I walked into the midst of riots, bombings, and curfews as the State of Israel was about to be born. Here I met and married Sarah. Once again I found myself in military service, this time in the Israeli army. By 1954, tired of shooting, fighting, and killing--and in search of personal peace--we and our two children went to Brazil. Life in Brazil proved intolerably hard for us, but it was in Brazil that the Lord revealed Himself to me. A friend gave me a Bible and took me to his church. There I met people who were believers in Yeshua the Messiah. Oh, yes, I thought I had known Christians before. I thought the Nazis and Russians and others who had robbed me of everything in my life were Christians. But when I met true believers, I saw that the others weren't Christians at all, they were Gentiles with hearts of hate. True followers of Christ knew the One who gave them peace. What's more, I saw that these Brazilian believers had a love which could only be the love of God. They told me that this love came from the Jewish God who lived through Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah. Everything from which I was running suddenly lay behind me. In front of me was the truth and fulfillment of God Himself. It was then that I acknowledged and accepted Jesus, Yeshua, and my Lord and Savior. When we returned to Israel in 1956, I was quite ill with malaria. The Lord pulled me through this time, and it was in Israel where my love for Him became very strong, as I saw Him working in my life and the lives of others who shared my faith in the Messiah. Later, I went to Canada and then to America. It has been years now since those early days of hate, but the Lord I serve said, "Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you" (Luke 6:27). Indeed, It took this kind of unconditional love to free me from the despair and hate that had been ruining my life. I thank God that through Jesus I have a heart that can finally know true freedom and peace. Are you ready for a personal relationship with the God of Israel? If so, Jesus the Jewish Messiah is only a prayer away. You can come to Him right now through a simple prayer such as the following: "Messiah Jesus, I admit that I have sinned. I believe that you have died for me so I can have a personal relationship with God. I receive You as my personal Savior. Thank You for forgiving my sins and coming into my life." Eliezer Urbach 1175 Jasmine Street Denver, Colorado 80202 The WORD for Today The WORD for Today The first two parts of this series considered aspects of the Church's responsibility to protect and aid the Jewish people. A number of ways of meeting this obligation were identified, including: fighting anti-Semitism in its various forms, speaking out against false doctrine that degrades Israel and its position in God's prophetic program, physical, spiritual, and political support, where appropriate, for the State of Israel and the Jewish people; etc. In this concluding article, the question is considered: how can the Christian and the church be the best blessing possible to Israel and the Jewish people? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Having explored areas in which the believer can take action to prevent anti-Semitism and erroneous teachings within the church related to both the Jewish people and Israel, it is now appropriate to consider what things can be done to encourage the Jewish people. This needs to be done in a positive way striving to bring them back to a Biblical relationship with the Lord. Remember that the promise of God made to Avram is still just as valid today as when He gave it. "I will make of you agreat nation, And I will bless you, and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing: and I will bless those who bless you, And curse him that curses you; And in you shall all the families of the earth be blessed." Genesis 12:2-3 To minister to the Jew is to be blessed of God. Believers need to understand this responsibility to the Jewish people is a positive one. This is the obligation: to continue to strive with them for God; to help them come back to Him; and to bring them to an understanding that the Messiah has come with salvation for both Jew and non-Jew to establish His kingdom in their hearts. As Rabbi Sha'ul (Paul) said to gentile believers; "For, brothers, I want you to understand this truth which God formerly concealed but has now revealed, so that you won't imagine you know more than you actually do. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Israel, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness; and that it is in this way that all Israel will be saved. As the Tanakh says, "Out of Tziyon will come the Redeemer; he will turn away ungodliness from Ya'akov and this will be my covenant with them,... when I take away their sins." Romans 11:25-27 Some believers deeply love the Jewish people and are meeting this responsibility. As a result, many Jewish individuals are coming to a relationship with God through their Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). But evangelism isn't the responsibility of a few. It is a charge given to the body of Messiah at large and can be met both directly and indirectly. Believers can tell the good news of the Gospel to their Jewish neighbors and they can support the work of Jewish missions. Unfortunately, believing that outreach to the Jew is part of the evangelistic call of Scripture is a position not without controversy. There are those within both the Jewish and Christian communities who try to prevent the giving of the message of salvation to the Jewish people. They hold the theory that Israel is still under the Old Covenant and therefore doesn't need Messiah for a relationship with God. God Himself however, through the prophet told of the day when there would be a New Covenant. "Behold, days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Yisra'el and the house of Yehuda" Jeremiah 31:31 The entire Tanakh points out to the coming of the Messiah as the final sacrifice for the sins of the people. Now, holding the Two Covenant position may be understandable in the Jewish community, for it is consistent with the historic rejection of Messiah. However, within the Christian community it reflects a rejection of the teaching of Scripture and a refusal to meet the God-given responsibility to give out the gospel to all. Yeshua Himself is the one who instructed the believer to give out the message of salvation to all people, starting with the Jew: "But you will receive power when the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) comes on you; you will be my witnesses both in Yerushalayim and in all Yehudah and Shomron, indeed to the ends of the earth!" Acts 1:8 "For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God's powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile." Romans 1:16 Yeshua was the one who said, "...I AM the Way -- and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 He didn't say that He was the Way only for Gentiles and that the Old Covenant was the way to God for the Jew. He said that NO ONE comes to the Father, except through Him. To deny the gospel to the Jew is to deny the opportunity for salvation, for an eternity with God. What an unspeakable tragedy. Let those in the church who teach that believers are not to give out the gospel to the Jew beware. One day they will stand before Messiah and be held accountable for their disobedience. They will be without excuse for Scripture is clear that there is but one way to God, one way for all, and that is through the shed blood of the Messiah. "In fact, according to the Torah, almost everything is purified with blood; indeed, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins."; "For what one earns from sin is death; but eternal life is what one receives as a free gift from God, in union with the Messiah Yeshua, our Lord. Hebrews 9:22; Romans 6:23 We should desire the opportunity to give out the message of salvation to God's chosen children. Messiah did not come to provide a way to God for just the gentile, believing that the Jew is saved by the Old Covenant. The question isn't, should the Jew be part of the body of Messiah. Remember that at the founding of the church the question wasn't whether or not the Jewish people needed the salvation offered by the Messiah. Yeshua, the disciples, and all of Yeshua's early followers were Jewish. The real question then was whether or not gentiles must first convert to Judaism before they could become followers of the Messiah and members of His fellowship. The early church didn't ask whether the gospel of salvation should go to the Jew, the Jews who made up the church asked whether it should go to the Gentile. "The emissaries and the brothers throughout Yehudah heard that the Gentiles had received the Word of God... Kefa [Peter] began explaining in detail what had actually happened... On hearing these things, they... began to praise God, saying, "This means that God has enabled the Gentiles as well as to do t'shuvah [repent] and have life!" Acts 11:1,4,18 It isn't enough to say eschew anti-Semitism, or refuse to teach or believe that God has rejected Israel. These are all good and proper things, but the most important thing to ask is: What am I doing to help get the gospel out, not only the Gentile, but to the Jew as well? Have you told the Jews with whom the Lord has put you in contact about the message of salvation? Are you spiritually, and if possible, financially supporting Jewish missions thorough the work of the many outstanding Messianic Jewish organizations who do a wonderful job of reaching Jewishpeople for Yeshua? These are things that every believer can accomplish. Finally, another thing which all believers can and must do is to pray for the Jewish people, for Israel, and for Jerusalem. As this is being written, there is a middle east peace conference going on. It is the hope of many that peace will be found. Christians must pray for this peace. This is the command of the Lord. "Pray for the peace of Yerushalayim; they who love you shall prosper. Peace be within your walls, and prosperity within your palaces." Psalm 122:6 & 7 But as all believers pray for the peace of Jerusalem, it must be remembered that in the final analysis this means to pray for the coming of the Prince of Peace - for it is only with the second coming of Yeshua that true peace will come to the middle east, and to the world. But until His coming, believers have a responsibility to strive to help bring about that peace, through prayer, through loving and thought out support for the people of Israel, and most importantly by bringing the message of peace. And this peace with God only comes through the accepting of the final sacrifice for sins, the sacrifice of Yeshua, the perfect payment for all mankind's sin. As believers everywhere pray for peace, pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit, directing each to their responsibility to the Jewish people and remember the words of Rabbi Sha'ul, who said, "Brothers, my heart's deepest desire and my prayer to God for Israel is for their salvation." Romans 10:1 _________________________________________________________________ All Old Covenant passages are from The Jerusalem Bible, Koren Publishers, Jerusalem, Israel, 1983. All New Covenant passages are from The Jewish New Testament, Jewish New Testament Publications, Jerusalem, Israel, 1989. SCUD Warning SCUD Warning Spiritual Counterfeits Undermining Doctrine W A R N I N G S WANTED: Christians to join a new religious movement in which women dress like Lassie and men wear diapers and suck on pacifiers, to give homage to cantaloupes. If interested please call 555-1234 - the cult of the Melon Collie Babies. What? No takers? (And, no, a pitiful pun is NOT a capital offense.) It really wasn't likely that anyone would want to join such a totally ludicrous group. It is just TOOOO strange. Yet there are a lot of people out there, including some Christians, who have come to believe some pretty extreme piece at a time and that's how most people get into deception. One small step at a time. This is the final part of what is probably the longest introduction to a short column you'll ever find. SCUD Warnings' purpose is to point out areas of deception or error that are being accepted by an increasing number of believers, often because they haven't taken the time to analyze what they've heard and come to accept - much like the story of Life cereal's Mikey who supposedly died either by being hit by a car or eating too many "pop rocks" (depending on which version you heard)... it just ain't so. So why is this so important to warrant a monthly column? Check out I Timothy 4:1, "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons", Matthew 24:24, "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect - if that were possible", II Timothy 4:3, "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit there own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." Simple reality is...there is going to be an increasing amount of ear tickling theology out there and a concurrent lack of time, energy and Bible study necessary to keep a lot of people on the straight, narrow and well defined road of doctrinal sanity. And, believe me, I'm not just talking theory. You see, about twenty years ago, when I was in my late teens, I wandered well off that straight, narrow and well defined be frank, I spent time in the doctrinal Twilight Zone. I honestly believed I was a last day prophet of God who would have twelve disciples (we would be communing via astral projection), one of whom would rebel and become the Antichrist. Interesting movie script, but it made a lousy reality. As background, I am the fourth generation of believers in my family, I was raised in a mainline, evangelical church with fundamentally sound doctrine and had a caring family that had and has a strong faith in Christ and commitment to the Word. So, how did I get so loony tunes???? One step at a time, over the course of nearly a year and a half. You see, no one in their right minds would join a church that gives homage to a cantaloupe, yet there are people who believe they are god (when they can't even balance their checkbook), there are people who believe that a person knows the exact date of the end of the world (strange how that date keeps getting moved back) and there are people in mainline churches who believe they can create reality by merely saying something out loud, or that if they don't sin they won't die, or that God can personally reveal something to them that clearly contradicts the scripture and its O.K. No offense, but take it from someone who's been there...that stuff's not fundamentally different from where I was - believing something that just isn't true. Now, to track and examine the mechanics of deception, we really don't have to go far into the Bible. In fact, we only have to go into it about three chapters; Genesis 3. At that point, Satan encountered (or shall we say "networked" with) man and woman and came up with a recipe for deceiving them that works as well today as when he used it way back then (Let's face it, Satan is basically lazy and will do the minimum required to mess us up...the trouble is, usually, that's all it takes, the minimum.) Now let's examine his recipe: One measure of God's Word, slightly, but significantly altered. Genesis 3:1 Satan asked if it was true that they could not eat from any tree in the garden. He knew better, but by altering what God had said (not sticking to the revealed Word of God), he set up the next ingredient: One measure of people redefining the Word of God according to their particular liking or preconception. Genesis 3:2. Eve erroneously stated that God had told them to not TOUCH the tree...and He had said no such thing. We don't know why Eve altered reality that way. Maybe it was an over-definition to help her to not fail, if so, it clearly didn't work. Maybe she really hadn't paid attention (to the ONLY rule they had? Doesn't seem to likely) Whatever her motivation...she had altered the revealed Word to suit some need or desire or whatever, and thereby had already set the precedent of accepting a "reality" other than had been clearly defined by God, preparing her for the next ingredient: A double dose of "You can do it, it won't really hurt (or matter, or have consequences, or mess up your mind or life)" Genesis 3:4. Here Satan sells a BIGGIE; one that much of the world still buys today: No consequences for wrong behavior, You won't die! (you'll reincarnate, or you'll become one with the cosmos or you'll evolve based on your Karma). Blow it now, never pay later. Mix this ingredient thoroughly with: A solid measure of "You'll be like God" Genesis 3:5. Ah yes! The philosophy of modern man in a nutshell: You are, can be, will be, might as well act as if you are God. Actually, that's a pretty concise way to explain all religions, cults and doctrinally off concepts that exist: they do not wish to accept God for who He is. They either have to be him, earn their way up to him, or have so much of him in them, that they don't actually have to submit to the revealed Word, They have a tough time accepting the fact that He sent His son to die so that we could gain relationship with Him, something we could never earn. The concept that He gave us love we do not, nor will we ever, merit and that we are dependent on an All-Sufficient God is extremely tough on the part of our ego that wants to declare "I am, am just a small version of, will be, should be, God". Simple reality is...we are NO WHERE in the vague vicinity of His league. True, we were created in His image. But rather than a clone or a childish version becoming an adult version, it's more like having a drawing or picture of someone; we can see the image, but lack the incredible depth of the original. This recipe lead to the world as we know it now. I got into my hare-brained heresy by first of all joining a respected prayer group in a Christian college. However, the group did not try the spirits or use the Word for correction, reproof and rebuke. I received a false confirmation for a false idea I had developed and I was on my way. The first step was small, but off. All you have to do is follow that small error consistently and you end up in lala land. To give a very plain illustration to what I'm talking about let's say you are sailing from San Francisco to Tokyo. If, when you left San Francisco, your compass was off by two degrees, it may make no significant difference for the first day or so, but if you don't alter your course, you may end up saying "G'day Mate" rather than "Pass the sushi". People don't set out to get deceived, but far too often they set out to find a "truth" that is palatable, satisfying to the image they want to hold of themselves, and comes at a cost they find convenient or self-gratifying. Not quite the image you get when Paul says that if Christ's resurrection is not true, if only for this life we have hope in Christ (and the lifestyle it requires), we are to be pitied more than all men. (I Corinthians 15:19) As was stated in the last column, any belief that compromises the preeminence of Christ, doctrinally or functionally in your life, puts the compass off by a couple of degrees...the farther you go in that direction, the farther you are from the destination of a relationship with the Biblically revealed Christ. God is just too incredible to pass up for a weak imitation...and that's all you'll ever get when you depart from the Word. Next time we'll talk about what is probably the greatest failing of the modern evangelical church. The title of the next column? "John Wayne in the Pew" Prayer Guidelines Prayer Guidelines SPIRITUAL WARFARE - REBUKING THE ADVERSARY There are certain questions which it is helpful to ask concerning the matter of "rebuking the adversary" which has become part and parcel of "spiritual warfare". 1. Are there any limits to our authority in spiritual warfare? 2. Does the Bible direct us to rebuke Satan directly, and if so in what circumstances and on what conditions? 3. Is it correct to assert that if we rather say, "The Lord rebuke you Satan", we have abrogated our position of authority in Christ which in fact should enable us to say, "I rebuke you Satan"? (see Jude 9; Ephesians 1:19-23; 2:6) In order to answer these points we be must be clear to whom we refer when we use the term "Satan", that is the Devil himself, Prince of Darkness; a ruling prince of darkness; or one of Satan's evil spirits sent to trouble individual members of the human race. 1. There is a hierarchy of demonic intelligences from the lowest (evil spirits); through principalities over nations ("rulers of this world's darkness"); to Satan himself. It is one thing to effectively cast out an evil spirit, and another to deal with a demonic prince at a national level. The Bible does not give us warrant for dealing with Satan directly, but only with his servants, i.e. evil spirits or other demonic powers. 2. We must learn to pray within the scope of our authority. Thus the head of a house, by virtue of his position, has been given authority over the activity of Satan as it immediately affects his family, but not necessarily for wider issues as for instance in the local neighborhood or the local church. 3. In every area, and particularly for bigger issues, we must pray and wait upon God for Him to give us permission to move - a specific authorization to act. In other words we must wait for the Holy Spirit to endorse our stand of authority. For example, a policeman has, in principle, authority to stop traffic, but can only do so (especially in a major situation), when he receives specific directions from his supervisor to act at a given time. (John 14:10 (NASB). There seem to be three major levels of satanic activity calling for spiritual warfare. 1. Evil Spirits. The New Testament teaching on authority over demons and casting them out is concerned with local demons in possession or oppression of individuals. In this area we can take authority, and speak a word of rebuke "in the Name of Jesus". 2. Principalities and Powers. When dealing with principalities and powers, the New Testament describes the exercise of prevailing prayer, not a casting out or rebuking or commanding. Passages such as Ephesians 6:12,18 and Revelation 12:7-9, seem to show that the battle against principalities and powers is engaged not by our words of rebuke etc., but by God's mighty angels moving in response to prayer (Rev 12:7-9); Dan 10:2,13,20,21; Jude 9:9,10). Moreover, the effective binding of such principalities and powers seems to be the work of a body of intercessors rather than that of an individual. "It is the body of Christ in a collective form who exercise this ministry of dethroning satanic world rulers ...". 3. Satan. When dealing directly with Satan, the Lord reserves to Himself the right to rebuke him - Zechariah 3:1 -2. When Jesus resisted Satan (and this sort of direct encounter must be very unusual in Christian experience), though He was the Son of God, yet because He was at the same time living in complete submission to the Father, He deferred to the higher authority of the Father in resisting the adversary, saying: "It is written." (Derek White - CFI) Christian Life People Profile People Profile VICTORY OVER HOMOSEXUALITY AND AIDS "I found God in a personal way through Jesus Christ" (Jim Cobb, on the Phil Donahue Show, 5/14/91 Five years ago, Jim Cobb was HlV-positive and trusting God for his future. Today, he is married, expecting his first child--and specialized tests cannot detect the HIV virus in his body. "I believe that I am healed," said Cobb, who has been on staff since 1986 with Worthy Creations in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. "All of my HIV cultures for the past two-and-a-half years have shown no sign of the virus." Richard Culbertson, director of Worthy Creations and an experienced worker in AIDS ministry, confirmed Cobb's statements. "I'd call it a miracle," he said. Culbertson explained that, although Cobb is positive for HIV antibodies (which initially form in response to the HIV virus), his antigen tests are negative for the actual HIV virus. In early 1989, Cobb participated in an experimental medical treatment for HIV outside of the U.S. Since that time, he has been tested four times for the HIV virus, including the P24 antigen test and the Havagen test. The latter test, according to the National AIDS Information Clearinghouse, is used "primarily to confirm ELISA and retest Western Blot inconclusives, or when there is a strong suspicion of a previous false negative or false positive." Richard Culbertson gave a simpler interpretation: "[These results] mean the AIDS virus is no longer replicating in his body. Cobb became a Christian twelve years ago. But after four years, he drifted back to the gay lifestyle. Three years later, he recommited his life to Christ in July 1986. The day before his return to the Lord, Cobb was tested for the AIDS antibodies. The result was positive. Two subsequent antibody tests were also positive. In a 1987 interview with The Standard, Cobb said that God had told him he'd someday be healed of HIV. "He's given me promises to stand on, and told me to wait," he said, citing Psalm 118:17, "I shall not die, but live, and tell of the works of the Lord." "I'm not afraid," Cobb said in 1987. "Whatever happens, God is fully in control now. I've given it to Him." Later, when he began dating Anna, Cobb shared his whole medical past with her. They eventually married on May 27, 1990. Their first child is due October 8 (Anna has also been tested; she is HlV-negative). Despite his own medical history, Cobb does not believe that God will work in the same way with everybody infected with the HIV virus. "He has a different plan for every person. I don't believe in manipulating Him to do something just because He did it for somebody else." On May 14, Jim and Anna were part of a panel of guests on the national TV show, "Donahue," where Jim shared his testimony of becoming a Christian and overcoming homosexuality. "I found God in a personal way through Jesus Christ," he told Donahue. Five years ago, Jim Cobb surrendered his future to God. Today, he and his wife are looking forward to everything the Lord has in mind for them. "Anna and I have just celebrated our first year of marital adjustment," Cobb said this summer, "and we are very happy." Reprinted with permission from THE EXODUS STANDARD Volume 8 No. 2 Ministry Profile Ministry Profile EXODUS INTERNATIONAL 1. Exodus International is a Christian organization founded in 1976. Our purpose is to proclaim that freedom from homosexuality is possible through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We believe such freedom is increasingly experienced as the former homosexual matures through ongoing submission to the Lordship of Christ and His Church. 2. Exodus seeks to unify and equip all Christians to effectively minister to the homosexual. We offer an annual week-long training conference, with classes taught by staff of leading Exodus agencies around the world. We also publish materials on ex-gay ministry, such as: "How to Start A Ministry" (manual), "Telephone Counseling Manual" and "The Exodus Standard (our newsletter). Monthly newsletters, ex-gay testimonies, audio tapes, videotapes and other resources are available through many of the individual ministries in the Exodus coalition. 3. Exodus International includes three related coalitions: a) Exodus International - North America - 71 U.S. ministries in 29 different states; one Canadian ministry b) Exodus Europe - 10 ministries in 7 different countries c) Exodus South Pacific - 7 ministries in Australia; 3 in New Zealand 4. Exodus maintains a current referral list of ex-gay ministries which have met our qualifying criteria, as established by the board of directors. Our office also maintains computer listings of other agencies and churches which, although not official members of Exodus, can offer support to local Christians. 5. Exodus is funded almost solely by private donations from individuals who share our vision. Finances to run our office are also provided by fees from our annual training conference, and by voluntary tithes from Exodus agencies. Financial statements for the past two years are available upon request. 6. Most Exodus agencies are staffed by lay ministers and counseling staff who have overcome a homosexual past. All agencies are overseen by a local church staff and/or a ministry board of directors. 7. Exodus is used as a referral by many major Christian ministries around the country, such as Focus on the Family, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and The 700 Club. Staff from Exodus ministries have been interviewed on dozens of television and radio shows during the past 15 years, plus they have been featured in a multitude of newspaper and magazine articles. 8. Our current board of directors: Joe Dallas, president. Director of Genesis Counseling Services, 307 E. Chapman, Orange, CA 92666; 714/744-3326 (Los Angeles area). A former homosexual and gay activist, Joe left the gay lifestyle in 1984. He is currently studying for his master's degree in counseling psychology. He has been featured in numerous interviews, including the "Joan Rivers Show" (3/1/91). Pat Allan, vice president. Director of New Direction Ministries, Box 1078, Stn. F, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 2T7; 416/921-6557. Out of the lesbian lifestyle since 1980, Pat is a graduate of Ontario Bible College (1985) and is now working on her master's degree at Ontario Theological Seminary. John Smid, secretary-treasurer. John is director of "Love In Action" in San Rafael, California, one of the oldest ex-gay ministries in the world (founded in 1973). John came out of the gay lifestyle in January 1984. He has appeared on "Larry King Live" and numerous other radio and television programs. Starla Allen. Since overcoming lesbianism ten years ago, Starla has served on staff of two leading ex-gay ministries. She presently serves as Director of Women's Ministry at Desert Stream, 12488 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066; 213/572-0140. Starla is a graduate of Biola University (La Mirada, Calif.) and is a member of the Whittier Area Baptist Fellowship (Conservative Baptist). Frank Courtney. Frank is director of Imago Dei, an outreach of Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, N.C. He and his wife, Jeanne, have spoken at numerous conferences on the subject of overcoming homosexuality. (Imago Dei, c/o Myrtle Grove Presbyterian Church, 800 Piner Road, Wilmington, NC 28403; 919/791-6179.) Tom Nelson. Tom is director of Nikon (PO Box 19631, Birmingham, AL 35219; 205/942-0769), a ministry to the sexually-broken, including homosexuals. He and his wife, Dotti, are the parents of one son. Tom has overcome homosexuality in his own life, and has been in ex-gay ministry since 1985. Bob Davies. On staff with Love In Action (San Rafael, Calif.) since 1979, Bob is also current Executive Director of Exodus International - North America. Bob edits the "Exodus Standard" newsletter, and has written free-lance articles related to the ex-gay movement for such national religious periodicals as Focus on the Family, Moody, The Pentecostal Evangel and Charisma & Christian Life. He is also a contributing author to the book, "The Crisis of Homosexuality" (Victor Books, 1990). EXODUS INTERNATIONAL, PO Box 2121, San Rafael, CA 94912; (415) 454-1017. Special Article Special Article AIDS AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a communicable disease caused by a virus known as HIV-III (or just as HIV). It causes major defects in the body's ability to protect itself. This causes infections by common pathogens to be unusually severe and difficult to treat and allows organisms that usually cannot cause disease to do so. It also prevents the body from recognizing and eliminating those of its own cells which have gone awry, allowing for an increase in certain kinds of cancers. The HIV virus is transmitted in bodily fluids, and is most commonly transmitted either through sexual relations or through blood products or contamination by blood products. It is not transmitted through the air or through ordinary physical contact. People who are infected with the HIV virus do not all get AIDS. Approximately 7% of those who are HIV infected and without AIDS develop the full-blown syndrome each year. So far, this seems to indicate that about one half of the people infected with HIV will have developed AIDS after 5 years. It is still unclear whether (or how much of) the remaining half will develop AIDS in the future. HIV can be transmitted by any person infected with the virus, not just those with the AIDS syndrome. Because of its transmission pattern, AIDS tends to effect certain segments of the population more than others. People who have sexual relations with more than one person are at increased risk of running across someone who is infected, and the risk goes up with increasing degrees of promiscuity. People who use IV drugs tend to share needles, exposing one another to any blood-borne infections. Also many drug addicts, particularly in inner cities, support themselves and their drug habits by prostitution - exposing themselves in both of the above manners. Other high risk groups are those who receive regular transfusions, such as hemophiliacs (although this is a much lower risk today than a few years ago), and the unborn children of HIV infected women, since the virus can cross the placenta. These same people are also at risk for a variety of other diseases that are transmitted in the same ways. This includes the "traditional" venereal diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia), cancer of the cervix (which many physicians believe is at least partly caused by a different virus, and may also be related to promiscuous behavior), and various types of hepatitis. In certain parts of the country it is not unusual to have more than one of these diseases at the same time. AIDS is a particularly difficult disease to deal with because it is often fatal and very difficult to treat. The currently available medications are not as effective as one would like them to be, and can cause significant side effects. Patients die of overwhelming infections, the cancers that AIDS patients can develop, or other manifestations of the HIV infection itself (such as direct HIV infection of the brain). Because the populations currently at the greatest risk for acquiring AIDS (IV drug abusers, prostitutes, and the sexually promiscuous of any orientation) maintain a lifestyle that is obviously in direct rebellion against God's desires for human conduct, it is tempting to see AIDS as a curse visited by God on these individuals. This is not true. God simply doesn't work that way, as any reading of the Scriptures will bear out. There are indeed instances in the Old Testament of God punishing individuals and whole groups of people with disease, but those episodes are punishment for specific acts of apostasy, not lifestyle choices such as we are talking about here. AIDS is simply another manifestation of the fact that the entirety of Creation is twisted and unclean because of sin. However, right and wrong ARE to some extent "hard-wired" into Creation. While AIDS, or any other sexually transmitted disease, is not a specific curse for the transgressor, it is true that one can avoid these diseases by leading an upright lifestyle, which includes sexual monogamy or abstinence and avoiding other sinful behaviors which put one at increased risk. However, even this cannot completely eliminate a person's chances of contracting HIV infection - because transmission sources such as blood transfusions cannot be entirely avoided in some cases. Not everyone with AIDS gets the disease from a source of exposure that is connected with a sinful act or lifestyle. Health care workers are often exposed to bodily fluids and sharp objects at the same time. People who need regular transfusions or dialysis can also be at increased risk. There are cases of people being exposed to HIV by infected health professionals caring for them. Both the rights of the infected person - to treatment, to privacy, and to personal dignity - and of those at risk - to minimize the risk of infection - need to be balanced. The current health care regulations seem to be much more weighted towards protecting those infected with HIV or suffering from AIDS from persecution or publicity than towards protecting the uninfected populace from exposure. This is a source of problems, particularly in the health care field. When confronting the issue of HIV/AIDS in our society, we need to remember that while actions and lifestyles may be sinful and may contribute to a person's suffering, each individual - regardless of his or her behavior - is a cherished creation of God. People rebel against Him but His hand is outstretched to everyone. As followers of Jesus the Messiah, we need to reach out to ALL people with the message of God's Love and Salvation. Jesus healed lepers in his day - who were looked on as suffering because of some sin - and we have to offer healing to those who would be treated as leprous in our own day. Education Education MANAGEMENT PLAN USES TEACHER INPUT By Dr. Charles Wootten Public education is big business and, like all successful businesses, it needs to be operated with good management skills. In many inner city school systems, the superintendents are trying to chart a new course. They are taking a bearing from the Total Quality Management System. The TQMS is a management philosophy developed in the 1950s by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a world renowned management consultant. By focusing on this new management system, the real educators - teachers, principals, and other school personnel--are being given more responsibilities and opportunities to improve students education. These superintendents have thought that Dr. Deming's philosophy, embodied in fourteen points, boils down to good common sense. Most school systems have been traditionally operated by a single, centralized administrator. Between the 1920s and the 1950s, school systems did not pay much attention to the individual needs of employees. The teachers were brought in to do a job under specifically defined tasks. Often there were no opportunities for questions, ideas, or creativity because the administrator had all the answers. During the 1960's, teachers and the general public became more aware of their right to offer input into decisions affecting public education. School administrators often fought against this right. Meanwhile, about the same time, Dr. Deming initially presented his management philosophy that makes workers more accountable for their work and more involved in making decisions. But American business dismissed his philosophy at that time. Japanese industry and education welcomed him and his philosophy and implemented it in their society. That is one reason Japanese children are academically ahead of American children today. The root of this philosophy is simple: The people on the assembly line are the ones who should share suggestions and ideas that will improve efficiency. It differs little in education. The biggest perception of the central office was, in some cases, that it should conceive, develop, and implement all learning material to be used in the classroom. In classrooms, teachers are in the best position to identify and monitor the needs and progress of the children. Such individuals ought to have significant roles in the instructional planning and delivery. People simply do not feel as much responsibility for the outcome of something unless they have some degree of ownership. This is a means for teachers and principals to take more responsibility for what happens in their building. Perhaps Dr. Deming may not agree on my interpretation of his fourteen point plan. But without God, what do we really have? The fourteen point plan is this: 1. Establish constancy of purpose. The constancy here refers to a type of continuity to causal events in the workplace. Yet another meaning, faithfulness, surfaces upon closer inspection. Faithfulness is a virtue stressed throughout the Scriptures as a religious and moral necessity. It is an adherence to an absolute law, and to persons and causes in terms of that absolute law and the sovereign God of that law. In today's society, the person counts less than the institution, which results in degeneracy. When faithfulness is towards another, this godly attribute results in stability, strength, and character. Those who exhibit this strength and character are often propelled into leadership. "Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?" (Proverbs 20:6). 2. Adopt a new philosophy. Philosophies of men come and go. Many are nothing more than rehashed versions of those that have failed. Yet it is necessary for the organization to have some central focus, some lofty vision, that all can aspire towards. Goal setting is a necessary life function. In order to set a new goal, a new vision, the old one must die. During that process the anticipation and expectation of God to work out His will in the life of an educator is practically incredulous. It is during this time, however, that character building takes place. Patience, faith, yielding of personal rights, self-control, and many other facets of character building are honed. When the new ideals, new goals, new philosophy are actually in the handbook to be followed, then the difficult transition has made the understanding clear. 3. Cease dependence on mass inspection. The advantage to mass inspection is that sloppy output can slip by unnoticed. More often than not, the supervisor, whether principal or team leader, is too busy to adequately notice the teaching of the classroom instructor. A casual stop or two in the classroom over the course of a three- month period accomplishes little. Those who are faithful in little will be rewarded with much-often much work and other responsibilities. Reliance on the faithful is not always the solution to mass inspections. 4. Stop awarding business solely on the basis of price. The individual chosen for a new position more often than not is selected strictly through the number of courses taken in an area that is under consideration. In many cases the one who has been laboring in the field has more experiential qualifications. Standard coursework is not always the answer. Paramount in any selection process in education is the ideal that the child is the most important. Moses' father-in-law noted that the current system of governing needed some serious overhaul. He suggested that skilled administrators be chosen to handle the routine tasks. These, in turn, trained others in cleaning the routines of the day. Quite often there is a glut of people causing, perhaps unwittingly, a blockage in the vision toward progress. Perhaps the system itself is blocking progress through outdated books, teaching methods, and many other factors. As the myth of spring cleaning remains in the national consciousness, a reality of looking hard at current practices is a necessity. 6. Institute training on the job. All great leaders practice this powerful technique. On-the-job training, or OJT, as it is better known, provides an immediate conduit of dialogue between the leadership and the worker. The organization's goals or vision is made much clearer, although more work for the leadership is required. Every leader who is used by God in any capacity must first be prepared to function in that capacity. Proper preparation is the only guarantee of a leader functioning effectively for God. Many leaders greatly desire to function, but far fewer are willing to pay the price of being made ready for the task. Most every leader in the Bible was prepared by God through OJT. Some of them had to stay in OJT longer than others, but their results were no less powerful. 7. Institute leadership. A leader must realize that it is only as God prepares a way for the ministry of leadership will it ever produce results. A leader, through his training (including OJT) and his confidence in God, will receive the necessary confirmation. The leader's own qualities and abilities will be recognized and respected by other leaders. A leader must realize that sometimes people will insist on returning to their old ways of doing things. They may not accept the counsel of new leadership. In such cases, the new leader should give his own spiritual judgment and, if it is of God, wait for it to come to pass as he declared. A leader must have a servant's heart to the extent of being able to do menial tasks for his teachers as well as for others. 8. Drive out fear. People dislike change. Learning to meet needs of people that comes before customs or traditions is learned only in the doing. Leaders who accomplish the driving out of fear, do so through teaching and example. A personal touch, a little wise counsel, goes a long way to alleviate wrong perceptions. The distance between fear and confidence is the blink of an eye. Only strong assurance will drive out fear. 9. Break down barriers between departments. Isolation raises barriers that lead to selfishness and petty, internecine, tribal warfare. When the necessity for divisions arise within the system, particular care is needed to maintain every worker's focus on the goal, the vision. Internal workings of newsletters, full faculty meetings, cross-teaming, can all work to eliminate the blinders that naturally arise in conditions similar to that of an assembly line. 10. Abandon slogans. Slogans have a tendency to become overwhelming when used often in the workplace. Constant repetition of already trite formulas further diminish the very thing they are trying to accomplish. Slogans used in advertising are a good example. Triteness seems to be the watchword in order to help prospective customers remember the product. When the same system is used within the workplace, more often than not, ire is aroused instead of enthusiasm. 11. Eliminate numerical goals and quotas. Numerical goals and quotas are fine on the assembly line but not within the educational environment. True educators quickly learn that children are individuals, not merely automatons to move this way and that at will. Test scores cannot be mandated by any authority no matter how lofty the sentiments. Inner city public school children do not have the support needed at home (help with homework, encouragement to read, etc.) as do some of the wealthier public school systems. Inner city children will always be at the bottom of the scale until their parents find the hope in Jesus Christ that will motivate them to love their children, rather than throwing them to the wolves. 12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride in workmanship. The greatest barrier that robs people of pride in workmanship is lack of effective feedback from the boss. Once the leadership realizes that people need to be wanted for other talents than just doing the assigned task, the greater the output and the greater the pride in the organization. 13. Promote education and self-improvement. The "Cult of Self- Esteem" is still alive and well within the public school movement. The necessity to make people "feel good about themselves," especially teachers, is to allow them the freedom to take those courses that directly impact on the motivational gifts given to them by God. Educators who need to be reminded to improve themselves are most unprofessional. Since there are many, and this was not intended to be a negative paragraph, the promotion of education and self- improvement in the workplace has become almost commonplace. 14. Structure management to accomplish the transformation. Whatever the goal, the vision, the workplace has the greater need for those middle managers to understand their purpose in the scheme. Management, at any level, needs to fully support the direction of the workplace. If not, then a reassignment is necessary. Being empowered to make decisions affecting student education by those who best understand the problems to be solved greatly affects morale. This lends consistency and some support to those individuals who share in the decision-making process. No matter the educational philosophy the world dreams up, when there is no room for God it will fail. Dr. Charles A. Wootten Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. Matoaca, Virginia CFI Reports CFI Reports CFI REPORTS is our monthly column dedicated to the ministries of Christian Friends of Israel in Jerusalem. In this issue, we feature reports on the recent massive immigration of Jews from both the Soviet Union as well as Ethiopia - last days events foretold by God in His Word long ago. A CHRISTIAN VOICE FOR SOVIET JEWRY A Quarterly Report from Jerusalem - THIRD QUARTER, 1991 Nearly 300,000 have arrived. Another 1.5 million have applied to come. The mass immigration from Israel's north, foretold 2,600 years ago in Jeremiah 16:14-15, is happening before our eyes. But the summer of 1991 has brought a lag in the momentum. By June the arrival rate had plummeted from 1000 a day to only 200. Israelis are asking themselves why. Some think there may be a lingering effect from the Gulf War. Changes brought about by the new Soviet emigration law may also be causing some delay. But the prime factor discouraging would-be immigrants is the news being sent back to the Soviet Union by those already here. Their letters tell of housing shortages, cutbacks in government aid, and most importantly, widespread unemployment. Many of the immigrants are highly trained professionals, arriving in a small country which has neither the capacity to use them nor a language they understand. A former department head at a major Soviet medical center now cleans homes, when she can find the work from a sympathetic family. A prominent professor did find a position at an Israeli university as a part-time library guard. These are the enterprising ones. Others sit at home, depressed. An electrical engineer, who helped develop Soviet aircraft, now paces his government-issued mobile home in the sweltering countryside chain-smoking and frustrated. In August a former teacher was arrested as he tried to sneak into Egypt. He said he preferred to live there "or in any other democratic Arab country" rather than face the hardships in Israel. COMFORT, YES, COMFORT MY PEOPLE Each day at CFI's Jerusalem Distribution Center the Lord is giving the opportunity to step into the gap for His people, to help ease the transition, to let them know there is a purpose and a future to their life in Israel. In the past year more than 11,000 visits to the Center have been recorded. Those whose luggage has been stolen in transit through Hungary, Romania, and Poland find clothing sent in by believers in the nations. Those moving into bare apartments receive furniture; one newly-arrived couple possessed only a lone folding lawnchair to offer as a seat to visitors. Those forced to live in hotels for as long as a year are given utensils for cooking and eating in their crowded communal kitchens. The elderly who are unable to eat after a lifetime of inferior dental care are sent to finally receive the treatment they deserve. And often more important than anything material is a simple word of encouragement or act of friendship. The openness and often joy with which they receive help is amazing - so far removed from the distrust which has plagued Jewish-Gentile relations for centuries. Even veteran Israelis stop in off the street to say thanks for the work that's being done, and often to donate something themselves. In their hearts they sense that God is at work in this historic exodus. "We know now that the Messiah is coming soon," remarked one elderly woman, watching the crowd waiting outside the Center. Even secular Israelis find themselves pressed into using the unfamiliar word "miracle." Concedes Ariel Sharon, the hardbitten former defense minister now marshalling the government's absorption effort: "It's impossible not to remember what the prophets said when you see everything that is happening." God has upheld His ancient word in bringing His people out of the Soviet Union and directing them to Israel. Now the challenge facing the tiny nation is great. For Israel to receive a million plus newcomers is comparable to America absorbing all of France! "Your people who were born in exile will one day say to you, this land is too small...we need more room to live in!" (Isaiah 49:20). We, the generation privileged to see this immigration finally come to pass, are also the ones through whom God is able to meet their needs. Who else is there to hear His voice and respond? We are the hands and feet of the Messiah to Israel at this crucial hour. "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers," Jesus said - laborers like Pekka, Paivi, and their four little ones, who visited the Center in July to bring a gift from their fellowship in Finland. Pekka and other believers travel regularly to Leningrad to encourage the Jewish people there to step out in faith to the promised land. Working together we can be here to help them when they arrive and to point the way to the glorious future that lies ahead. PROJECT OPEN GATES A Ministry of Practical Support and Giving to Soviet Jews Coming from Russia "HOW TO" FACT SHEET FOR COORDINATORS AND INDIVIDUALS DESIRING TO SEND PACKAGES AND PARCELS TO ISRAEL FOR SOVIET JEWRY: Instructions: (1) Send clothing that is nearly new or in very good condition only. Clothing of all sizes is needed. (2) When including toiletries or medical supplies, intersperse them between clothing. (3) Use only strong boxes and seal well. (4) Properly address the boxes and send to either address below: Christian Friends of Israel P.O. Box 02768 Mevasseret Zion 90805 ISRAEL Christian Friends of Israel P.O. Box 4616 Jerusalem 92223 ISRAEL (5) Be sure to mark each box with a black marking pencil in large letters this way: "FOR THE NEEDY SOVIET JEWS IN ISRAEL" or "FOR SOVIET JEWRY NEEDS". (6) Include your name and address in each parcel so that the office of CFI will be able to acknowledge the arrival of your gift to Israel and be able to write a personal thank you. (7) Please send all parcels by surface mail only. Do NOT send containers! We bless you in the Name of the Lord Jesus for your care and concern at this time for the needs of the Jewish people arriving from Russia. You play a very important part in this ingathering of God's ancient covenant People to their homeland. Rauni Kaukonen Soviet Jewry Coordinator CFI Jerusalem Coordinating Office Funds for Soviet Jewry may be deposited in Christian Friends of Israel's Bank Account: ISRAEL DISCOUNT BANK Acct. No. 772-658 11 Ben Yehuda Street Jerusalem, Israel ------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT TOGETHER AGAIN A Ministry of Christian Friends of Israel Practically Assisting the Incoming Ethiopian Jews. THE JEWS OF ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Jews refer to themselves as Beta Israel (House of Israel), and are often referred to by others as "Falashas" (which means stranger or wanderer). However, Falasha is hardly an appropriate term today, for those who have wandered or been a stranger in another land but now have come home to the Land of Israel. Many believe that the Ethiopian Jews are the descendants of Manelik, the son of the Queen of Sheba and King of Solomon or the Jewish nobles who returned with her (I Kings 10: 1, 13). There are several theories of the origin of this group of black Jews, living in Gondar province around Lake Tana and under the shadow of the magnificent Semien Mountains of Ethiopia. Shortly after the foundation of the State of Israel until the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie, Israel gave much help to Ethiopia. Persecution of Ethiopian Jews took place with the massacre of whole villages in 1972, 1977 and 1979 and many Jews were sold into slavery. Drought hit Ethiopia, especially in Tigre and Wollo provinces, but also in Gondar. The Ethiopian Jews suffered greatly from the ensuing famine. Attempts were made during the late 70's and early 80's to rescue Beta Israel and bring them to the home they so longed for. It was realised that strong measures had to be taken if many were to survive. During "Operation Moses" some 8,000 Ethiopian Jews joined the 7,000 brought out over the previous few years to Israel. With only light summer clothing which they were wearing, emaciated and disease ridden from their stay in refugee camps, they came "home" at last to the land which had been the focus of their aspirations for so many centuries. Those left behind, creating separated families, would remain and long for the time when they would be reunited with their loved ones ... the next time in the Land of Israel. COMING HOME We expect a great immigration soon to Israel of the remaining Ethiopian Jews. Those who have come during "Operation Moses," once more will be united with their families and be "together again". We believe it is God's will that all of His People "come home" in the restoration and regathering process. "For l will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all the countries, and will bring you to your own land" (Ezekiel 36:24). Upon their arrival, it is certain they will need help and assistance to begin life in a new environment. This is where YOU, as a Christian friend of Israel, can help the returning Ethiopian Jews during their adjustment period of absorbing into Israeli life. Your help at this time will be greatly appreciated and we need your response! Your help will be greatly appreciated either practically or financially. C.F.I. will be working with local Jewish Agencies to help meet the many needs. Please seek the Lord as to what your part will be. "I will bless those who bless my people" (Gen. 12:3). HOW CAN YOU HELP? As Project "Together Again" seeks to provide practical aid and support for Ethiopian Jews as they return to their homeland, their needs are the same as for other returning immigrants who arrive. How can we best help them now? * Pray for their return and safe arrival in Israel. * Pray for authorities in Israel to be better equipped to meet the many needs. * Make a financial contribution, as the Lord leads, to Christian Friends of Israel designated for "Project Together Again". This enables us to give vouchers to purchase household items such as furniture, bedding and kitchen cutlery and dishes. * Send good used items to the address on this brochure, i.e., warm clothing of all sizes especially baby and children's clothing, toys and games. Shoes, particularly tennis shoes, are needed along with toiletries. * First aid supplies, medical items, and vitamins are also needed. PLEASE HELP US TO HELP THEM Without your active participation we have little to offer because the need is so great. Yeshua said, "Inasmuch as you did it to the least of "my brethren", you did it to me." (Matthew 25:40). In helping the Ethiopian Jews to settle in their homeland, we are playing a part in God's promises to His people. "I will bring back my exiled people Israel; they will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them." (Amos 9:14-15) PLEASE SEND PARCELS MARKED "FOR ETHIOPIAN JEWS" TO: Christian Friends of Israel Project "Together Again" P.O. Box 02768 Jerusalem 90805 ISRAEL Tel. & Fax. 972-2-384406 Prayer & Praise Prayer & Praise PRAISE REPORT: Tory from New York said that his wife and baby son are in good health and he thanks everyone for their prayers and is thanking God for His mercy and guidance. PRAYER NEEDS: That our online magazine continues to be blessed. We are even working on making it available in the USSR. Much prayer needed here! Father of online brother Joe in Florida, who may have some liver problems. "A.N." who is struggling with deliverance from a sinful lifestyle into one serving Jesus. Liza in Oregon who still may be facing surgery for a tumor. Carrie, a 13-year old girl from Texas, suffering with severe depression. New online brother "S" from Kentucky who is getting married soon. Brothers, "T.C." and his friends, "M", and "S", who all need help with school in Kentucky. Charlie , from Texas, who fell 15 feet and is in the hospital with injury to his back and is paralyzed. A person "S.L.", who found us online and is searching. Pray for his salvation. Pray for those brothers and sisters online who get to talk to him that they may have wisdom and discernment. Pray for the parents and friends of Brandon, a young boy shot and killed in a horrible accident. Sister "S.T." who needs a healing in her spiritual heart. Jamie, the wife of brother Patrick, who is suffering with Lyme disease. Marion, a friend who has a tumor and cyst. Roger from California, who is dying of AIDS. Pray for his salvation. Jack from Georgia who needs physical as well as spiritual strength. Betsy from New Jersey has been suffering from leukemia and was in remission. But now things have reversed. We need to be in prayer for the husband Wayne and two daughters. Pray that the Lord might still intervene, but more importantly pray for His hand of faith on this family. The families who were affected by the huge fire in the Oakland California area. "S.T." from Connecticut, who is taking gold injections for arthritis. Pray for those involved in the Middle East peace conference. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Jamie, only a few months old from Texas, has a heart murmur and also a major problem around the esophagus which causes his milk to come out of his nose causing problems in breathing. We are praying for a miracle. Garret from Virginia for his health and for his schooling and finances for spring semester. For the terrible smoke concentration from forest fires in West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee. Norma from Florida for her project of providing clothing for battered women and children. Jean from Pennsylvania for gall bladder surgery. For Lil's Christian family discord in Alabama. For "J.W." in Maryland for support in the upcoming busy season in the retail business. Salvation for Konrad in Alabama and recovery of hip replacement without pain. Salvation for IM's friends in Kentucky. Danny in Texas who has not been feeling very well. Salvation for "M.A.'s" dad in Hawaii. John from Tennessee asks for prayer for the church youth program. For protection and the Spirit of peace for David and family from Illinois. His two small children and friends are going through healing process from Satanic abuse. Lesa from Maryland in intensive care from car accident. Dominic from California asks for prayer for himself and family. "D.L." from North Carolina asks for prayer for his family. Music Music COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS JOHNSON OATMAN JR. 1856-1922 When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings-name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done. Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings -ev'ry doubt will fly, And you will be singing as the days go by. When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold; Count your many blessings-money cannot buy your reward in heaven nor your home on high. So amid the conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings-Angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey's end. CHORUS: Count your blessings-name them one by one; Count your blessings-see what God hath done. Count your blessings-name them one by one; count your many blessings see what God hath done. "Count Your Blessings" was written by Johnson Oatman Jr., who was a gospel song writer of the past century. Besides writing about 5,000 hymns, he was also a Methodist lay preacher and a successful business man. He was in the shipping business and in his later years, he was an administrator for a large insurance company in New Jersey. How many of us are truly thankful for what God has done for us? Many times our attitude does not show our gratitude toward our Heavenly Father. If we would take note of the first two stanzas of this hymn, we would see that counting our blessings serves as an antidote for discouragements and helps us to live a victorious Christian life. The third stanza tells us that counting our blessings helps us put material possessions in proper perspective compared to the inheritance awaiting for the believer someday. Finally, God's constant help that is at our disposal while we are here on earth, is one of the greatest blessings. All we have to do is ask, and He is ready to give us all that we need. If we would only stay close by His side, we could be spared so much inner tension and despair. Start now, and make a list of God's blessings and share them with your family or friends. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him. (Psalms 28:7) ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH Traditional French Carol of the 18th century Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o'er the plains, And the mountains, in reply, echoing their joyous strains. Shepherds, why this jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong? What the gladsome tidings be which inspire your heav'nly song? Come to Bethlehem and see Him whose birth the angels sing; Come, adore on bended knee Christ the Lord, the new-born King. See Him in a manger laid, Jesus, Lord of heav'n and earth; Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, with us sing our Savior's birth. REFRAIN: Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo! Little is known about the origin of this inspiring 18th century French carol. Nevertheless, it has become a universal favorite. Can you imagine what it was like in the silent field near Bethlehem on that special night when vast numbers of angels descended toward earth from the sky above? They hovered over the humble shepherds, whom God had chosen to receive the angels' message. The beautiful angelic chorus filled the air as the shepherds gazed in amazement. They were terrified. And the Angel of the Lord said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord." There was such brilliance all around them that they had to cover their face, but the music and singing was the most beautiful that the shepherds had ever heard, praising God for the gift of His Son. Immediately they rushed to see the Savior with their own eyes. The Bible tells us that the angels are the ministering servants of God and that they are continually being sent to help and protect us, the heirs of salvation. But there could have been nothing more joyous than the momentous occasion announcing Christ's arrival on earth! I am positive that this experience changed the lives of these shepherds forever. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:14). Chef's Corner Chef's Corner THESE HOLIDAY RECIPES WILL BE WONDERFUL WITH YOUR FAVORITE FOWL OR PORK DINNER PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH POTATO DRESSING 2 cups mashed potatoes; 1 egg, beaten; 1 qt. stale bread, cubed; 2 tbsp. butter; 1 onion, minced; 1/2 cup celery, diced; 1 tbsp. minced parsley; Salt to taste; Pinch of pepper Put beaten egg into mashed potatoes and mix well. Melt the butter in a large skillet and saute the onion and celery. Stir bread cubes into onion and celery and toast for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Add all the remaining ingredients and the potato mixture and mix thoroughly. Turn into a greased casserole and bake at 300 degrees for 1/2 hour. Can be used as a side dish or as a turkey stuffing. BUTTERNUT SQUASH-APPLE BAKE By Joyce Lunn, Washington, Pennsylvania 2 lb. butternut squash; 2 red delicious apples (optional: with peel for color); 1/2 cup brown sugar (packed); 1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted; 1 tbsp. flour; 1 tsp. salt (optional); Quarter and peel the squash, removing seeds, and cut into 1/2 inch slices. Put into ungreased baking dish. Core and slice the apples in 1/2-inch slices and add to the squash. Mix remaining ingredients and spread on top of the apples. Cover and bake for 60 minutes 350 degrees. Serves 6-8. FROZEN CRANBERRY SALADS 1 cup whipping cream; 1/4 cup sugar; Dash of salt; 2 tbsp. mayonnaise; 1 1-lb. can cranberry sauce, diced; 1 cup chopped pecans; 1/3 cup frozen orange juice; Lettuce Combine whipping cream, sugar and salt; beat until soft peaks form. Blend in mayonnaise; fold in cranberry sauce, pecans and orange juice. Spoon into paper cupcake liners placed in muffin tins. Freeze until firm. Let stand in refrigerator for 15 minutes before serving. Remove paper liners; serve on bed of lettuce. Yield: 8 servings. SWEET POTATO CUPS By Sibia Hopper, Okeana, Ohio 2 lb. sweet potatoes; 2 tbsp. butter or margarine; 2 tsp. grated orange peel; Pinch of salt; Orange juice or milk; 1/2 cup dark or golden raisins; 6 large oranges Marshmallows Cook sweet potatoes in small amount of boiling salted water for about 20 minutes or until tender. Cool slightly; peel and mash. Add utter, orange peel and salt. Beat until fluffy, adding small amount orange juice if potatoes seem dry. Stir in raisins. Cut slice off top oranges. Cut and scoop out pulp with grapefruit knife. Heat potato mixture into orange shells. Top with marshmallows. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Yield: 6 servings. CAULIFLOWER-CARROT CASSEROLE 1 head cauliflower; 5 or 6 carrots, sliced; 2 tbsp. butter; 2 tbsp. flour; 1/4 tsp. dry mustard; Salt to taste; 1/8 tsp. pepper 1 cup milk 1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese; Buttered bread crumbs. Cook cauliflower and carrots separately in salted water until just tender. Drain well. Melt butter in saucepan over low heat; blend in flour and seasoning. Cook until bubbly. Stir in milk gradually; cook until thickened and smooth, stirring constantly. Stir in cheese until melted. Arrange cauliflower in casserole; cover with half the cheese sauce. Add layer of carrots; cover with remaining cheese sauce. Top with bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. Yield: 8 servings. JEWEL SALAD 1/2 cup crushed pineapple; 1 pkg. pineapple gelatin; 1 cup hot water Pinch of salt; 1 cup chopped cranberries; 1/2 cup diced celery; 1/2 cup chopped walnuts Drain pineapple; reserve juice. Add enough water to reserved juice to make 1 cup liquid. Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add salt and reserved pineapple juice mixture. Chill until slightly thickened. Fold in remaining ingredients. Turn into 1-quart mold. Chill until firm. Unmold onto bed of crisp lettuce. Garnish with walnut halves. HEAVENLY BROCCOLI 1 fresh bunch broccoli (or 1 frozen package); 1 cup margarine; Dash of pepper (salt only if unsalted crackers are used); Garlic powder to taste; 3 to 4 oz. saltine crackers. Cut broccoli spears and cook until done. Pour off the water and add 1/4 cup margarine, pepper and garlic powder. Put into serving dish. In a frying pan, melt the remaining 3/4 cup margarine. Break crackers into the margarine stirring constantly until toasted. Pour over broccoli and serve. HOT OLIVE-CHEESE BALLS Stuffed olives; 1/2 cup butter or margarine; 2 cups grated sharp cheese; 1 cup sifted flour; Dash of cayenne pepper; Dash of garlic salt Drain olives; wipe dry with paper towels. Soften butter; blend in cheese. Add flour and seasonings; mix well. Mold dough around olives; place on cookie sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Balls may be placed in plastic bag and frozen before baking. GRANDMA'S WHITE FRUIT CAKE By John R. Rodd, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 1 cup butter; 2 cups powdered sugar; 3 cups flour; 3/4 cup water; 2 tsp. vanilla; 8 egg whites; 3 tsp baking powder; 1/2 pound citron (1 cup); 1/2 cup blanched almonds; 1 cup coconut 4 pineapple slices, cut; 3/4 cup candied cherries; 2 halves lemon peel Cream butter and sugar. Add water. Blend in flour and baking powder. Fold in fruits floured with a 1/4 cup flour; add flavoring and coconut. Last, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Decorate top to suit with thin slices of pineapple rings, cherries and nuts. (1/4 cup of flour for fruit is part of the 3 cups.) Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour or until toothpick is dry after testing. A moist cake baked a day or two before Christmas. Angel food cake pan or a 4x4x13 loaf pan greased and floured will do. CHRISTMAS PUNCH 3/4 to 1 cup sugar; 1 cup water; 4 cups cranberry juice cocktail; 1 1/2 cup lemon juice; 2 cups orange juice; 2 cups unsweetened pineapple juice; Pinch of salt; 2 24 oz. bottles ginger ale Combine sugar and water in saucepan; bring to a boil, stirring. Reduce heat; cover. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Stir in juices and salt. Chill. Pour over block of ice in punch bowl; add ginger ale. Lemon-lime carbonated drink or club soda may replace ginger ale. Yield: 25 servings. CHURCH WINDOWS By Joyce Lunn, Washington, Pennsylvania Mix and melt together: 12 oz. milk or dark chocolate chips; 1/4 lb. margarine Allow to cool. Add to the above mixture: 1 small package miniature colored marshmallows 1 cup chopped nuts Mix thoroughly. Pour onto wax paper (make 2 or 3 rolls), rolling paper over the mixture to form a roll. Refrigerate for 1/2 hour. Transfer to fresh wax paper and keep wrapped in refrigerator until served. Slice in 1/4 inch slices as needed. SHAKER SUGAR COOKIES By Janet Paulovich, Derry, New Hampshire FOR 3 DOZEN SMALL COOKIES 1/2 cup unsalted butter; 3/4 cup powdered sugar; 1 egg; 1 tsp. vanilla extract; 1/2 tsp. lemon extract or lemon peel; 1/8 tsp. nutmeg; 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour; 1/4 tsp. baking soda; 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar; 1/4 tsp. salt; Sugar for sprinkling (optional). Preparation: 1. Beat butter until creamy and light. A mixer will easily cream; by hand it will take longer. 2. Beat in sugar until mixture is creamed. Add egg and beat. Add vanilla and lemon extracts and nutmeg. 3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt. Add flour mixture to creamed mixture. Mix until blended. 4. Chill, covered, in freezer for 30 minutes or in refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours. 5. Roll out a portion of dough carefully on a floured surface to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut into shapes. 6. Place on greased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with sugar, if used. 7. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 minutes. Cool for a few minutes. 8. Remove to rack to cool completely. Store in tin. Tips: When making rolled cookies, the dough needs to be chilled for easier handling. Use as little flour as possible when rolling out the dough. Divide dough in half. After a few gentle rolling strokes (from center toward the edges), check to see if the dough is sticking. If so, sprinkle a little more flour under and on top of the dough. Continue to roll, lift and turn dough. Sprinkle with flour as needed. Cut dough with cookie cutters. MOM'S PINEAPPLE CHEESE PIE Cook together until thick: 1 small can crushed pineapple; 2 tbsp. cornstarch; 1/4 cup sugar; Cool, then pour into unbaked pie shell. Mix together until liquid-like: 1 egg; 1/2 cup sugar; 1/4 cup milk; 1 tsp vanilla; 1 8 oz. pkg softened Philadelphia cream cheese Pour cheese mixture over the pineapple mixture. Bake 400 degrees for 50-60 minutes until golden brown. Potpourri Potpourri POTPOURRI THE PRICELESS GIFT From "At Christmas The Heart Goes Home" A Holiday Treasury by Marjorie Holmes Published by Doubleday Give me true generosity at Christmas, Lord. A generosity that doesn't get confused with pride or extravagance. May this family's cards, our tree, our parties, our decorations, be all in the spirit of loving celebration of a glorious event, rather than the desire to impress. Let me give with the zeal of my own children who will labor half the night to make something for somebody they love. Or who will spend every long-saved or hard-earned penny, not to show off, but because it is a glorious thing to give ungrudgingly, even at personal sacrifice. Help me, above all, to remember that the family we honor and worship at Christmas were poor. Very poor. They couldn't have afforded a fine hotel had there been room. They were happy to take shelter in a hillside cave. They did not demand the best crib, the finest toys and garments for the child you sent. They were grateful to wrap Him in swaddling clothes and place Him in a manager. God, fill me, too, with that same shining sense of gratefulness. So that it is not the price-tag-ridden emotions that dominate at Christmas, but joy in your priceless gift. Grant me true generosity at Christmas, Lord. A generosity of spirit that is rooted in thankfulness. THE COMPLIMENT From "I've Got To Talk To Somebody, God" by Marjorie Holmes Published by Doubleday I want to suggest a new Beatitude: "Blessed are the sincere who pay compliments." For I have just had a compliment, and it has changed my day. I was irritated. Tired. Discouraged. Nothing seemed much use. Now suddenly all this is changed. I feel a spurt of enthusiasm, of energy and joy. I am filled with hope. I like the whole world better, and myself, and even you. Lord, bless the person who did this for me. He probably hasn't the faintest idea how his few words affected me. But wherever he is, whatever he's doing, bless him. Let him too feel this sense of fulfillment, this recharge of fire and faith and joy. Thank you, God, for this simple miracle so available to all of us. And that we don't have to be saints to employ its power. Remind me to use it more often to heal and lift and fortify other lives: a compliment! JESUS - By Liz Kidder, Canonsburg, PA Borne on the wings of love, Tended by angels from above, Anointed by His Father's touch, To this earth He gave so much. Born of lowly humble birth, Raised in tiny Nazareth, He was wise and quite profound, Mighty men He did confound. Born that men need never die, His life extended for you and I, He hung upon a cruel cross, So we might not suffer loss. LET GOD - by Leland Bertrand St. Thomas, Virgin Islands As children bring their broken toys With tears for us to mend, I brought my broken dreams to God Because He was my Friend. But then instead of leaving Him In peace to work alone, I stayed around and tried to help Through ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and cried, "How can You be so slow?" "My child," He said, "what could I do? You never did let go" THE TENDER TRAP Many waters cannot quench love, Neither can the floods drown it. (Song of Solomon 8:7) TEN THINGS YOU WILL NEVER REGRET 1. Showing kindness to an aged person. 2. Destroying a letter written in anger. 3. Offering an apology that will save a friendship. 4. Stopping a scandal that was ruining a reputation. 5. Helping a boy or girl find themselves. 6. Taking time to show consideration to parents, friends, brothers and sisters. 7. Refraining from gossip when others around you delight in it. 8. Refusing to do a thing which is wrong, although others do it. 9. Living according to your convictions. 10. Accepting the judgement of God on any question. (From Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine) QUOTES AND QUIPS "The opinion of man, is no substitute for the Word of God!" "Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, and faith looks up" "A church is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners" "Christian homes just don't happen - they are built" Resource Area Book Reviews Book Reviews COUNSELING AND HOMOSEXUALITY by Earl d. Wilson, Ph.D., Word Books, 1988 - Vol 15 in the Resources for Christian Counseling Series, General Editor Gary R. Collins, Ph.D. THE CRISIS OF HOMOSEXUALITY, edited by J. Isamu Yamamoto, Victor Books, 1990 - Christianity Today Series There is an ongoing movement within the Christian community to reach out and furnish care for those within society who are suffering from the results of abuse, the stresses of our culture, and lifestyles which are contrary to the teachings of Scripture. When people in need come to the church, its responsibility is to give aid. Fortunately, there is ever-increasing commitment to supplying this aid in obedience to the great command: "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). The Christian community must be willing to demonstrate the love of God and His desire to provide spiritual healing to those who recognize their sin and are willing to accept God's intervention. As a result of the desire among Christians to minister to those in need, numerous books have been written to assist in both understanding and treating individual types of emotional/psychological problems. One area in which people are seeking help is in recovery from the emotional ravages of particular sins. The two books reviewed here deal specifically with issues related to homosexuality; the condition, the practice, its causes, and its treatment from a Biblical foundation. COUNSELING AND HOMOSEXUALITY is written specifically for the professional care provider, psychologist, clerical counselor, or other individuals in the counseling profession. "The Crisis of "Homosexuality" is written to a broader audience, and, in addition to being of benefit to the previously mentioned group, it will also assist anyone interested in developing a better understanding of homosexual issues. COUNSELING AND HOMOSEXUALITY, the fifteenth volume in the outstanding "Resources for Christian Counseling" series, is an excellent resource for the counselor who may be dealing with homosexual clients. The author is willing to focus on the controversies that are inherent in the study of homosexuality. These encompass not only the lack of a clear stand within Christendom regarding the sin aspects of the practice of homosexuality, but the mixed messages within the psychiatric and psychological communities as to whether or not homosexuality is a legitimate alternate lifestyle or a sexual/emotional personality disorder. Wilson takes the time to make clear the Scriptural position related to both the issue of homosexuality as sin, and the hope for freedom and recovery from that sin. He also warns the counselor about the dangers of involvement in treating the homosexuality related to both the values and prejudices of the counselor. The book provides an analysis of both the causes of and counseling models for dealing with the homosexual client. It also makes the distinction between male homosexuality and lesbianism, identifying both the unique differences in causes and approaches to treatment. Wilson also gives information beyond specific counseling issues, such as dealing with AIDS, resources that are available to help the AIDS client, and a call to the church to be involved with helping homosexuals find freedom from their sin through the work of Christ. This book is not for the general reader, but is highly recommended for the Christian counselor and clergy involved with churches where there is a counseling ministry or a desire for one. Pastors, if your church is located in a community with a homosexual population, and this is true of most communities, you should read "Counseling and Homosexuality". Everyone who is touched even marginally by individuals involved with the sin of homosexuality should read "The Crisis of Homosexuality". Too often, those within the Christian community not only condemn the sin, which is appropriate, but also condemn the sinner, which isn't. Instead, believers must reach out to them with the love of God, giving them the message of the Gospel, including the hope of freedom from sin, in this case freedom from the sin of homosexuality. Frequently, reactions to the homosexual are a product of fear and ignorance. This book should go a long way to helping the reader become more informed, helping in dealing with the homosexual as someone in need of God. As with Wilson's work, "The Crisis of Homosexuality" gives a Biblical analysis of the issue of homosexuality as sin. Ronald Springett writes two essays on the subject, one focusing on Old Testament teaching, and one on New. Detailed in the book are a number of testimonies of individuals who have struggled with homosexuality and lesbianism. Also included is an essay by Bob Davis describing the birth and development of Exodus International, a leading ministry to the homosexual. (See the Ministry Profile column elsewhere in the magazine for more information on this group.) The accounts of the different ministries to the homosexual are very evenhanded, describing the problems and dangers in ministering to this group, as well as the blessings and successes that come from reaching out with the love and mercy of God. THE CRISIS OF HOMOSEXUALITY also discusses the subject of medical issues. This essay is very specific and graphic and will make most readers very uncomfortable, but gives a much better understanding of the serious physical dangers to the sexually active homosexual, and therefore greater understanding of just how contrary to God's creative intent these practices are. While this book is not comfortable to read, it is enlightening, and will hopefully move the reader in understanding how vital it is for individuals bound by homosexuality to find Christ and be cared for, that is, helped to overcome the bondage of sin. "Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey - whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness" (Romans 6:16- 18). The message of both these books is that through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, there is not only forgiveness of sin; but through the work of the Holy Spirit, and the help of the Christian community, there is also freedom from homosexuality and the opportunity to become the whole person that God desires all to be. Newsdesk Newsdesk MESSIAH IN THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS The execution of a Messiah-like leader is mentioned in newly released text from the Dead Sea Scrolls indicating the Christian concept was shared by ancient Jews who wrote the documents, scholars say. The fragmentary, five-line text has "far reaching significance" because the scrolls' authors "had the same Messianic ideas that are familiar in early Christian teachings," said Robert Eisenman, chairman of religious studies at California State University, Long Beach. Eisenman said he found the text among 3,000 photographs of the scrolls open to scholarly study last month by the Huntington Library in San Marino. The text describes a "leader of the community" being "put to death" and mentions "piercings" or "wounds". It also uses Messiah-related terms such as "the staff", "the Branch of David" and the "Root of Jesse". (ASSOCIATED PRESS) GLOBAL POLITICAL MERGERS The twelve countries of the European Community (EC) and the seven nations of the European Free Trade Area (Efta) concluded an accord establishing a free trade zone of nineteen nations stretching from Iceland to the Mediterranean in 1993. The new European Economic Area (EEA) is now the world's largest trading power, including 380 million consumers and accounting for nearly half of overall world trade (47.2 per cent of exports and 46.4 per cent of imports). NEW PLANS TOWARD MONETARY UNION A major obstacle to agreement on the EC treaty on monetary union will be removed if a proposal by the Dutch presidency to allow member states to decide when to join the single currency is accepted. The Dutch plan, which forms part of the draft treaty on monetary union, includes a new proposal to give member states six months from the setting of the date for the establishment of a single currency in which to decide whether or not to join. Even if a government decides not to adopt the single currency at that stage, it would not mean permanent exclusion from a one-money Community. This will permit the countries with the strongest currencies, headed by France and Germany, to establish a single currency at an early stage and allow other countries to apply later when they felt economic conditions were appropriate. NEW EUROPEAN JOINT ARMY PLANS Plans were unveiled this week by France and Germany to create a joint 50,000-strong European army. The proposal, announced in Paris and Bonn, was attacked by Britain, which favours a European defence force linked to Nato. But France, which is masterminding the plan, gained backing from Belgium and Spain. THE NINE NATIONS OF THE WEU President Mitterrand and Chancellor Kohl said that the proposed army would be open to members of the nine-nation Western European Union (WEU), and would foreshadow a European army. The French and Germans propose that the new force would be a model for multinational forces in Europe. They add that the existing 4,200 strong Franco-German brigade based near Baden Baden is evidence that their military co-operation already works. Belgian Foreign Minister Mark Eyskens said: "Belgium supports the idea to let the WEU be absorbed by the EC. Next to the existing national armies, we must also gradually build a European army." AND THE U.S. MAKES TEN Any new defence agreement must maintain Europe's present close link with the United States. Nato has provided a highly effective transatlantic alliance. It should not be jettisoned until there is a new structure which keeps the United States involved in keeping the peace in Europe. The European force must have the authority to act outside the continent. With the end of the Cold War, it is virtually impossible to predict threats to peace. This will involve a change in the German constitution. But this is vital if the force is to have any credibility. Provided these conditions are met, a common defence and foreign policy will keep the peace in Europe for generations to come, building on Nato's success in the past 40 years. Narrow national interests must not stop Europe achieving this goal. (From The EUROPEAN - 11/7/91) SYRIA'S DESIRE FOR PEACE After receiving almost $3 billion for joining the anti-Saddam coalition, Syria has gone on a military arms spending spree. This month, the Syrians signed a $2 billion contract with the Soviet Union for the purchase of their latest war jets and 300 T72 tanks. Another 300 tanks were also bought from Czechoslovakia. Syria now surpasses Israel in total numbers of tanks and warplanes. The Syrians have also acquired a Soviet ground-to-air missile system similar to the Patriot system. Vast quantities of captured Iraqi military equipment have also joined their arsenal. North Korea has sent highly accurate Scud C missiles and China has been selling the Syrians biological warfare agents. According to the WASHINGTON POST, China "has been transferring nuclear technology to enable Damascus to build a bomb." (From the JERUSALEM POST - 10/31/91) QUOTE OF THE WEEK "The Syrian spirit is particularly galling. They have made no pretenses about their utter lack of interest in a genuine peace with Israel. The foreign minister has proudly refused to shake his Israeli counterpart's hand. It would have been hard to do anyway, as his hand is always in James Baker's." (From the NEW REPUBLIC - 11/11/91) Ministry & Product Information Ministry & Product Information The MINISTRY AND PRODUCT INFORMATION area is for the benefit of all believers. MORNING STAR does not charge for these advertisements. ================================================================ MINISTRIES: AMMI MINISTRY P.O. 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