Youth Education Desktop Software Youth Education Desktop Software Software for youths (11-14 years) which can be used in educational enviroments on client site. Education Applications for education users This Project contains several packages which might be interesting for educational use. openSUSE:Slowroll Slowroll = a derivative codestream of openSUSE:Factory that uses automated rules to limit the rate of change to the codebase Release manager: bmwiedemann openSUSE:Slowroll:Base base snapshot from Tumbleweed This provides an easy-to-use redirect for both sources and binaries in openSUSE:Slowroll:Base:N, switching every cycle (every month) openSUSE:Slowroll:Base:1 staging area for new Base snapshot from Tumbleweed Before a version bump, I collect i586 and bootstrap binaries here. These are missing in released Tumbleweed snapshots, but are needed for building packages. Also binaries required for DVD builds, because product-builder cannot use those from download-on-demand (dod) openSUSE:Tumbleweed Tumbleweed Tumbleweed is the openSUSE Rolling Release This OBS Project represents the content of the currently published snapshot. The newer repository for next publish can be found in openSUSE:Factory standard repository. pattern:Education The pattern:Education package The pattern:Education package. pattern:x11 The pattern:x11 package The pattern:x11 package. LabPlot The LabPlot package The LabPlot package. TuxMathScrabble Add, subtract and multiply TuxMathScrabble is a math version of the classic word game "Scrabble" (Trademark of Hasbro,Inc) which challenges kids to construct compound equations and to consider multiple abstract possibilities. There are four skill levels for practice, from basic addition with small numbers, through multiplication and division with larger numbers. The game can be played by 0, 1 or 2 human players. Player submissions are made by dragging tiles to the gameboard and pressing the "okay" button when ready to be validated. Invalid submissions are thrown-back to the user's tray. Several new features have recently been added, such as the ability to shuffle player tiles in-place, the programatic creation of tiles on-the-fly (as opposed to using images), configurable tile transparency, the ability to use a background image, and the option of configuring the "None" character for either/both players. TuxWordSmith Scrabble like game for young children TuxWordSmith is similar to the classic word game "Scrabble", but with unicode support for multiple languages and character sets. The game is currently distributed with forty-two (42) dictionary resources for playing Language[i]-Language[j] "Scrabble". For example, if configured to use the French-German dictionary, then the distribution of available tiles will be computed based on frequency of occurance of each character of Language[i] (French), and for each submission the corresponding definition will be given in Language[j] (German). The latest release includes support for the Greek and Cyrillic (Russian, Ukranian) character sets, thus making it possible to play Scrabble in Greek, Russian and Ukranian, as well as a host of other languages which use latin characters. VirtualLab The VirtualLab package The VirtualLab package. XaraLX The XaraLX package The XaraLX package. atomix The atomix package The atomix package. audacity The audacity package The audacity package. avogadro A Molecular design tool Avogadro is an advanced molecular editor designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. It offers flexible rendering and a powerful plugin architecture. batik The batik package The batik package. blender The blender package The blender package. blender-doc The blender-doc package The blender-doc package. bluefish A feature-Rich HTML Editor Bluefish is a HTML editor designed for the experienced Web designer (supports HTML, PHP, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, C, Pascal and more). It is based on Gtk+. bluefish-doc The bluefish-doc package The bluefish-doc package. bluej The bluej package The bluej package. canorus Free cross-platform music score editor Canorus is a free music score editor. It supports note writing, scripting support, import/export of various file formats, MIDI input and output and more! Note that Canorus is still in early stage of development and not nearly all the features are implemented yet! celestia The celestia package The celestia package. chemtool The chemtool package The chemtool package. clisp The clisp package The clisp package. dia The dia package The dia package. ding The ding package The ding package. dosbox The dosbox package The dosbox package. dosutils The dosutils package The dosutils package. drgeo Interactive Geometry Program An interactive geometry program that allows the construction of interactive geometric figures. It is oriented towards education. exelearning The exelearning package The exelearning package. fbreader E-book reader A multi-platform ebook reader which supports popular ebook formats: ePub, fb2, mobi, rtf, html, plain text, and a lot of other formats. It provides access to popular network libraries that contain a large set of ebooks. Download books for free or for a fee. Add your own catalog. Highly customizable. Choose colors, fonts, page turning animations, dictionaries, bookmarks, etc. to make reading as convenient as you want. freqtweak The freqtweak package The freqtweak package. fritzing The fritzing package The fritzing package. gbrainy A brain teaser game and trainer gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your brain trained. It provides the following types of games: * Logic puzzles. Games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills. * Mental calculation. Games based on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills. * Memory trainers. Games designed to challenge your short term memory. * Verbal analogies. Games that challenge your verbal aptitude. gcompris The gcompris package The gcompris package. geogebra The geogebra package The geogebra package. geonext A tool for creating geometric constructions Geonext acts as a tool for creating geometric constructions with a various number of construction tools. Compared to paper based constructions constructions can be changed and varied dynamically afterwards. gimp The gimp package The gimp package. gimp-help The gimp-help package The gimp-help package. gnuchess GNU Chess Program A worthy chess opponent that runs in text mode. Find an X11 interface in the xboard package. gramofile Digitize Audio Records Gramofile is a program to digitize audio records. Through the application of several filters, it is possible to accomplish a significant reduction of disturbances like ticks and scratches. Data is saved in WAV format, making it easy to record on CD with programs like cdrecord or xcdroast. grass The grass package The grass package. hydrogen A Real-Time Drum Machine and Sequencer Hydrogen is a software synthesizer which can be used alone, emulating a drum machine based on patterns, or via an external MIDI keyboard/sequencer software. It features a modular and graphical interface based on QT5, has a sample-based stereo audio engine, with import of sound samples in PCM formats. Furthermore, a pattern-based sequencer with the ability to chain patterns into a song. Up to 64 ticks per pattern with individual level per event and variable pattern length are possible. 32 instrument tracks with volume, mute, solo, pan capabilities are provided, and there is multi-layer support for instruments (up to 16 samples for each instrument). Human velocity, human time, pitch and swing functions are implemented as well. inkscape The inkscape package The inkscape package. krecipes The krecipes package The krecipes package. lincity-ng The lincity-ng package The lincity-ng package. littlewizard Development Environment for Children Little Wizard is created especially for primary school children. It allows to learn using main elements of present computer languages, including: variables, expressions, loops, conditions, logical blocks. Every element of language is represented by an intuitive icon. It allows program Little Wizard without using keyboard, only mouse. maxima Symbolic Computation Program/Computer Algebra System Maxima is a full symbolic computation program. It is full featured doing symbolic manipulation of polynomials, matrices, rational functions, integration, Todd-coxeter, graphing, bigfloats. It has a symbolic debugger source level debugger for maxima code. Maxima is based on the original Macsyma developed at MIT in the 1970's. It is quite reliable, and has good garbage collection, and no memory leaks. It comes with hundreds of self tests. muse2 The muse2 package The muse2 package. noteedit The noteedit package The noteedit package. nvu The nvu package The nvu package. octave The octave package The octave package. pauker The pauker package The pauker package. pauker-lessons The pauker-lessons package The pauker-lessons package. planets The planets package The planets package. pythoncad The pythoncad package The pythoncad package. qcad The qcad package The qcad package. rasmol Molecular Graphics Visualization Tool RasMol is an X Window System tool intended for the visualization of proteins and nucleic acids. It reads Brookhaven Protein Database (PDB) files and interactively renders them in a variety of formats on either an 8-bit or 24/32-bit color display. Examples are in /usr/lib/rasmol. rekall The rekall package The rekall package. rekall-mysql The rekall-mysql package The rekall-mysql package. rekall-sqlite The rekall-sqlite package The rekall-sqlite package. rekall-unisql The rekall-unisql package The rekall-unisql package. rosegarden4 The rosegarden4 package The rosegarden4 package. scilab The scilab package The scilab package. score-reading-trainer The score-reading-trainer package The score-reading-trainer package. scratch The scratch package The scratch package. screem The screem package The screem package. scribus The scribus package The scribus package. skencil The skencil package The skencil package. solfege An ear training program Solfege is an eartraining program for X written in python, using the GTK+ and GNOME libraries. To use this software you need some basic knowledge about music theory. Using solfege you can learn to recognise melodic and harmonic intervals, compare interval sizes, sing the intervals the computer asks for, identify chords, sing chords, scales, dictation and remember rhythmic patterns. stardict A powerful cross-platform dictionary written in GTK+3 StarDict is a cross-platform and international dictionary written in GTK+3. It has features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word" and "Fuzzy query". stellarium The stellarium package The stellarium package. taskjuggler The taskjuggler package The taskjuggler package. timidity Software Synthesizer and MIDI Player TiMidity plays MIDI files without external MIDI instruments and converts MIDI files to WAV using GUS/patch and SoundFont for voice data. tipp10 The tipp10 package The tipp10 package. tkgate The tkgate package The tkgate package. tuxmath The tuxmath package The tuxmath package. tuxpaint Drawing Program for Young Children Tux Paint" is a drawing program for young children. It has a simple interface and fixed canvas size, and provides access to previous images using a thumbnail browser (it provides no access to the underlying filesystem). Unlike drawing programs such as "The GIMP", it has a very limited toolset. However, it provides a much simpler interface, and has entertaining, child-oriented additions such as sound effects. tuxpaint-config Configuration tool for Tux Paint Tux Paint has a rich set of configuration options, controllable via command-line options or configuration files. This configuration tool provides a point-and-click interface for administrators to tailor Tux Paint to suit the needs of their users. tuxtype Typing tutor for children Tux Typing is an educational typing tutor game starring Tux, the Linux penguin. It is designed to be entertaining for children, but can be used by all ages to improve typing skills. Tux Typing includes two video game-style activities that give practice typing individual characters and words. There is also a phrase typing activity that provides practice with phrases and sentences, with on-screen display of accuracy and typing speed. Tux Typing supports all commonly used desktop platforms, and is packaged with translation files and word lists for many (human) languages. The program is capable of displaying essentially the entire Unicode character set. Authors: -------- Current maintainer and programming lead: David Bruce <> Jesse Andrews <> Calvin Arndt <> Sam Hart <> --- Sam started it all with TuxType 1!!! Jacob Greig <> Sreyas Kurumanghat <> Sreerenj Balachandran <> Vimal Ravi <> Prince K. Antony <> Mobin Mohan <> vym Tool to generate and manipulate thought maps VYM (View Your Mind) is a tool to generate and manipulate maps which show thoughts. Such maps can help improve creativity and effectivity. They can be used for time management, to organize tasks, to get an overview over complex contexts, to sort ideas etc. wine The wine package The wine package. wine-doors The wine-doors package The wine-doors package. winetools The winetools package The winetools package. wxMaxima Graphical User Interface for the maxima Computer Algebra System wxMaxima is a GUI for the computer algebra system maxima based on wxWidgets. xaos Powerful fractal generator XaoS is a fast portable real-time interactive fractal zoomer. It displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time fractals) and allows you to zoom smoothly into the fractal. Various coloring modes are provided for both the points inside and outside the selected set. In addition, switching between Julia and Mandelbrot fractal types and displaying planes is provided. xdrawchem The xdrawchem package The xdrawchem package. xfig The xfig package The xfig package. xlogo The xlogo package The xlogo package. yacas The yacas package The yacas package. GNS3 The GNS3 package The GNS3 package. R The R package The R package. Squeak The Squeak package The Squeak package. bc The bc package The bc package. brainworkshop The brainworkshop package The brainworkshop package. bwbasic A Basic interpreter The Bywater BASIC Interpreter (bwBASIC) implements a large superset of the ANSI Standard for Minimal BASIC (X3.60-1978) and a significant subset of the ANSI Standard for Full BASIC (X3.113-1987) in C. It also offers shell programming facilities as an extension of BASIC. bwBASIC seeks to be as portable as possible. fet The fet package The fet package. fpc Free Pascal Compiler Freepascal is a free 32/64bit Pascal Compiler. It comes with a run-time library and is fully compatible with Turbo Pascal 7.0 and nearly Delphi compatible. Some extensions are added to the language, like function overloading and generics. Shared libraries can be linked. This package contains commandline compiler and utils. Provided units are the runtime library (RTL), free component library (FCL) and the base and extra packages. fpc-units The fpc-units package The fpc-units package. gambas3-ide The gambas3-ide package The gambas3-ide package. iTest The iTest package The iTest package. lazarus FreePascal RAD IDE and Component Library Lazarus is an IDE to create (graphical and console) applications with Free Pascal, the (L)GPLed Pascal and Object Pascal compiler that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and more. Lazarus is the missing part of the puzzle that will allow you to develop programs for all of the above platforms in a Delphi-like environment. The IDE is a RAD tool that includes a form designer. Unlike Java's "write once, run anywhere" motto, Lazarus and Free Pascal strive for "write once, compile anywhere". Since the exact same compiler is available on all of the above platforms you don't need to do any recoding to produce identical products for different platforms. In short, Lazarus is a free RAD tool for Free Pascal using its Lazarus Component Library (LCL). netbeans The netbeans package The netbeans package. selfhtml The selfhtml package The selfhtml package. selflinux The selflinux package The selflinux package. selfphp PHP reference and tutorial Every PHP instruction is explained with at least one example and its output in the web-browser. Useful for beginners and for anvanced PHP programmers. Available in german only. swi-prolog The swi-prolog package The swi-prolog package. xboard The xboard package The xboard package.