Kids Education Desktop Software Kids Education Desktop Software Software for small kids (4-10 years) which can be used in educational enviroments on client site. Education Applications for education users This Project contains several packages which might be interesting for educational use. openSUSE:Leap:15.6 openSUSE Leap borrows packages from SLE. The content of the build media is almost the same as the previous Leap, but the development is drastic different. It includes the binaries (instead of the sources) directly from SLE. openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP6 Backports project for SLE-15-SP6 Backports project for SLE-15-SP6 SUSE:SLE-15-SP6:GA SUSE:SLE-15-SP5:Update SLE 15 SP5 SLE 15 SP5 SUSE:SLE-15-SP5:GA SUSE:SLE-15-SP4:Update SLE 15 SP4 SLE 15 SP4 SUSE:SLE-15-SP4:GA SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:Update SLE 15 SP3 SLE 15 SP3 SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:GA SUSE:SLE-15-SP2:Update SLE 15 SP2 SLE 15 SP2 SUSE:SLE-15-SP2:GA SLE 15 SP2 SLE 15 SP2 SUSE:SLE-15-SP1:Update SLE 15 SP1 SLE 15 SP1 SUSE:SLE-15-SP1:GA SLE 15 SP1 SLE 15 SP1 SUSE:SLE-15:Update SLE 15 SLE 15 SUSE:SLE-15:GA SLE 15 SLE 15 pattern:Education The pattern:Education package The pattern:Education package. pattern:x11 The pattern:x11 package The pattern:x11 package. pattern:gnome-education-desktop The pattern:gnome-education-desktop package The pattern:gnome-education-desktop package. pattern:kde-education-desktop The pattern:kde-education-desktop package The pattern:kde-education-desktop package. gcompris The gcompris package The gcompris package. tuxmath Educational math game An educational math tutorial game starring Tux, the Linux Penguin. Based on the classic arcade game "Missile Command," Tux must defend his cities. In this case, though, he must do it by solving math problems. tuxpaint Drawing Program for Young Children Tux Paint" is a drawing program for young children. It has a simple interface and fixed canvas size, and provides access to previous images using a thumbnail browser (it provides no access to the underlying filesystem). Unlike drawing programs such as "The GIMP", it has a very limited toolset. However, it provides a much simpler interface, and has entertaining, child-oriented additions such as sound effects. tuxtype Typing tutor for children Tux Typing is an educational typing tutor game starring Tux, the Linux penguin. It is designed to be entertaining for children, but can be used by all ages to improve typing skills. Tux Typing includes two video game-style activities that give practice typing individual characters and words. There is also a phrase typing activity that provides practice with phrases and sentences, with on-screen display of accuracy and typing speed. Tux Typing supports all commonly used desktop platforms, and is packaged with translation files and word lists for many (human) languages. The program is capable of displaying essentially the entire Unicode character set. Authors: -------- Current maintainer and programming lead: David Bruce <> Jesse Andrews <> Calvin Arndt <> Sam Hart <> --- Sam started it all with TuxType 1!!! Jacob Greig <> Sreyas Kurumanghat <> Sreerenj Balachandran <> Vimal Ravi <> Prince K. Antony <> Mobin Mohan <> MultiplicationStation Add, subtract and multiply Multiplication Station will teach your child to add, subtract and multiply... Guaranteed! The new administrator GUI simplifies configuration of number ranges and operators. The built-in data recorder functionality allows teachers (or parents) to track student progress and perform quantitative performance assessment. The built-in countdown timer discourages laziness. The high-score display encourages friendly competition among students. Author: ------- Charles B. Cosse anagramarama The anagramarama package The anagramarama package. childsplay The childsplay package The childsplay package. childsplay_plugins The childsplay_plugins package The childsplay_plugins package. childsplay_plugins_lfc The childsplay_plugins_lfc package The childsplay_plugins_lfc package. enigma The enigma package The enigma package. littlewizard Development Environment for Children Little Wizard is created especially for primary school children. It allows to learn using main elements of present computer languages, including: variables, expressions, loops, conditions, logical blocks. Every element of language is represented by an intuitive icon. It allows program Little Wizard without using keyboard, only mouse. plutimikation The plutimikation package The plutimikation package. pysycache Educational point-and-click software for young children PySyCache is an educational software for the young children (4-7 years old) with target to learn them to move the mouse to click with mouse buttons PySyCache doesn't want some powerful computer, and it can be used at home with yours children in the schools. pysycache-cartoon The pysycache-cartoon package The pysycache-cartoon package. pysycache-photographies The pysycache-photographies package The pysycache-photographies package. pysycache-themes-click The pysycache-themes-click package The pysycache-themes-click package. pysycache-themes-move The pysycache-themes-move package The pysycache-themes-move package. python-visual The python-visual package The python-visual package.