.de bu .in +8 .en .de bb .sp 1 .ti -3 .en .de eb .sp 1 .in -8 .en .po 8 .he //DN660 Product Brief .fo /Final Copy/Page #/December 5, 1984 .ls 2 .sp 3 {_COVER:_} .sp 2 {_Title:_} DN660 Product Brief .sp 3 {_Graphic:_} .sp A photo of the DN660 .sp 2 {!DESCRIPTION!} .sp .fi .ju The DN660 offers the greatest computational and graphics performance of any workstation in the DOMAIN (R) Product Family. The DN660 combines a full 32-bit, bit-slice processor, with integral floating point hardware, and a dedicated graphics processor to provide true high-end supermini performance. Integrated high performance graphics include a high-resolution 1024 x 1024 screen with up to 256 simultaneous colors available from a palette of over 16 million. A virtual address space of 256M bytes and true 1 MIP performance, sets the DN660 apart from all microprocessor-based workstations. .sp The DN660 provides the computational and graphics performance to run advanced analysis applications such as solids modeling, finite element analysis, and circuit simulation, right at the technical professional's desk. A wide variety of popular third party software that was previously practical only on large timesharing superminis, is now available for the DN660. .ne 13 {_Features_} .ls 1 .sp .bu .bb o Integrated floating point hardware .bb o Pipelined architecture .bb o True 1 MIP bit-slice processor .bb o 256M byte virtual address space per process .bb o Up to 4M byte ECC RAM .bb o 80 or 167M byte Winchester disk .bb o Dedicated bit-slice graphics processor .bb o High resolution (1024 x 1024) 19 in. color display .bb o Optional MULTIBUS (TM) adaptor .eb .ne 8 .sp 3 {_Benefits_} .ls 1 .sp .bu .bb o Large address space for mainframe-scale applications .bb o A dedicated high-end supermini at the engineer's desk .bb o Higher throughput yields greater productivity .bb o Compatible with entire DOMAIN Product Family .bb o Wide range of third party application software .bb o Ability to run several large applications concurrently .bb o World-wide service and support .eb .ls 2 .sp .ju .fi .ne 5 .cu A TRUE SUPERMINI-CLASS PROCESSOR .sp The DN660 is built around a full 32 bit processor using fast bipolar bit-slice technology that allows Apollo to offer advanced processor features not found in microprocessor based systems. While most systems offer a 16M byte virtual address space, the DN660's 256M byte virtual address space lets it run many applications that are too large to run on ordinary workstations. .sp To provide the performance needed for large applications, the DN660 processor is implemented as a three-stage pipeline. Instruction pre-fetch, decode, and execution all overlap for maximum throughput. A 4K byte instruction cache and a 16K byte data cache increase processor performance. All data paths are 32 bits wide. Floating point hardware is built into the processor, and in-line code is generated by our compilers to take full advantage of this hardware. The DN660's instruction set is downloaded into writable control store at system boot, allowing subsequent releases of the operating system to update and improve the capabilities of the workstation. For example, commonly used vector routines have already been microcoded for maximum performance on analysis applications, and the compilers automatically take advantage of these vector routines. .ls 1 .nf .ne 30 _________________________________________________ | | | UP TO 4MB ECC MAIN MEMORY | | | |_________________________________________________| || /||\ || || ____\||/_____ _____||______ | INSTRUCTION | | DATA | | CACHE | | CACHE | | (4 KB) | | (16 KB) | |_____________| |_____________| || /||\ _____________ || || | WRITABLE | ____\||/_____ _____________ _____||______ /| CONTROL | | | | | | EXECUTION | / | STORE | | INSTRUCTION |==>| INSTRUCTION |==>| AND FLOATING| / |_____________| | PRE-FETCH | | DECODE | | POINT | |_UNIT________| |_UNIT________| |_UNIT________| .in 5 .fi .ce .bd PIPELINED PROCESSOR .sp The DN660's processor includes a three stage pipeline, data and instruction caches, and integral floating point hardware. The instruction set is downloaded to writable control store at boot-up, allowing future performance enhancements. .sp 3 .in 0 .ls 2 .fi .ne 5 .cu CHOICE OF OPERATING SYSTEMS .sp Apollo offers two operating environments, each specially designed to take advantage of the DOMAIN System's distributed architecture. AEGIS, the system kernel, provides a rich, multi-window, multi-tasking environment and a distributed file system that integrates individual files on each workstation into a single network-wide file structure. AUX, Apollo's network-based implementation of the UNIX (TM) operating system, combines all the benefits of UNIX with the distributed file and system capabilities of AEGIS. AEGIS and AUX applications can run simultaneously, in different windows. In addition, AUX supports both the Bourne and C shells. All Apollo system software runs under either operating system. .ce AEGIS AND AUX WORK TOGETHER .sp AEGIS and AUX can run simultaneously in different windows. Both operating systems share the same files and each has full access to the capabilities of the DOMAIN System. .ls 2 .in 0 .sp 3 .ne 5 .cu INTEGRATED, HIGH PERFORMANCE GRAPHICS .sp For fast graphics throughput, the DN660 includes a dedicated processor to handle display functions. This bit-slice, pipelined processor provides extremely fast vector generation, area fills, and bit block transfers. In addition to drawing operations, the DN660's display processor can handle transformations of 2-D data. Apollo's Graphics Metafile Resource (GMR) software takes advantage of this, providing throughput of over 10,000 transformed vectors per second. The DN660's combination of fast graphics hardware and advanced graphics software provides application developers with an unprecedented level of integrated system performance. .sp 3 .nf .ls 1 .ne 50 .po 12 ____________ / /| / / / | 4 planes / .................. /___________/ | optional / .|................ ' | | | / .|................ ' ' | | | .|................ ' ' ' | 512x512 | / / _|________________ ' ' ' ' | x8 | / 4 planes _|_______________ | ' ' ' ' | |/ standard_|________________ || ' ' ' ' |____________| / _|________________ ||| ' ' ' ' | |||| ' ' ' ' | |||| ' ' ' ' ____________ | |||| ' ' ' ' / /| | 1K x 1K |||| ' ' ' ' / / | | viewable |||| ' ' ' ' /___________/ | | |||| ' ' ' ' | | | | |||| ' ' ' ' | | | | |||| ' ' ' ' | 512x512 | / |__________________|||| ' ' ' ' | x8 | / | |||| ' ' ' ' | |/ | |||| ' ' ' |____________| ^ | |||| ' ' | | |||| | | |||| ____________ | | ||| / /| 2k | | || / / | | |__________________| /___________/ | | | | | |----- | | | 1k | 512x512 | / | x8 | / | |/ |____________| .fi .po 8 .in 5 .bd .ce FOLDABLE DISPLAY MEMORY .sp With the eight plane configuration, the DN660 can "fold" (one shown) the display memory to provide two 512 x 512 buffers, each with eight planes for red, green, and blue, thus allowing display of 16.7 million colors simultaneously. .sp This mode is excellent for viewing solid models rendered with advanced techniques, such as multiple light sources, secondary reflection, and surface texturing. .sp 3 .ls 2 .in 0 .ne 5 .cu GRAPHICS SOFTWARE SUPPORT .sp Apollo offers the developer the most comprehensive set of graphics tools in the industry today. .sp The DOMAIN Graphics Resources (DGR) is a set of graphics tools that ranges from comprehensive graphics primitives through high level 2-D and 3-D capabilities. .sp The Graphics Metafiles Resource (GMR) takes advantage of the high degree of integration offered by the DN660 workstation and provides local support for a segmented, world coordinate graphics database. GMR uses the transform and clipping capabilities of the DN660 display processor for maximum graphics throughput. .sp Other members of DGR include Apollo's Graphics Primitives Resource (GPR), a rich set of drawing and screen operations, DOMAIN CORE, a 2-D and 3-D package, and the DOMAIN 4014 emulator, which lets the DN660 emulate a Tektronix 4014 graphics terminal. .sp 3 .ne 5 .cu MULTIBUS ADAPTOR .sp An optional 5-slot IEEE 796 MULTIBUS (TM) card cage lets the DN660 take advantage of the wide range of hardware and peripheral interfaces available for the MULTIBUS standard. Typical applications include high speed parallel interfaces, array processors, and custom hardware. .sp 3 .cu MASS STORAGE OPTIONS .sp The DN660 is available with an integral 80M byte or 167M byte Winchester disk. For even greater on-line storage capacity, DN660 systems with the optional MULTIBUS card cage can interface to Apollo's 300M byte removable media disk drive, and two fixed media disk drives offering up to 1000M bytes of on-line storage. For file backup and data interchange, Apollo offers a 1600BPI tape drive. .sp 3 .ne 5 .cu TOKEN RING LOCAL AREA NETWORK .sp DOMAIN workstations are linked together on a unique, high-speed local area network. .sp The DOMAIN network uses a 12 megabit-per-second token passing ring implemented with inexpensive coaxial cable. Nodes can be separated by up to 1000 meters (over 1/2 mile). The token passing protocol insures that all workstations and servers on the network have guaranteed access to the network, and allows a large number of workstations to share a single network without the need for collision detection schemes. .sp Apollo's network at corporate headquarters, for example, currently includes over 600 nodes on a single ring, providing each user with transparent access to over 35 gigabytes of on-line disk storage. .sp .sp .ne 5 .cu DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEM .sp Most workstations have a file system for each workstation, and require users to share data via file transfer or disk allocation schemes. File transfers result in duplicate copies of the same data, while disk allocation schemes limit the amount of disk space allocated to each user. The DOMAIN System, by contrast, appears to all users as a single file structure, even though the actual data may be located on various system nodes. This eliminates the need for file transfer, and all disk resources on the network are available to all users. .sp .ne 5 .cu DEMAND PAGING ACROSS THE NETWORK .sp Most virtual memory systems allow local memory to extend only to local disk storage. With the DOMAIN System, virtual memory extends beyond the local disk and throughout the entire network. Any workstation or server can demand page from anywhere in the network. The token passing ring topology is especially suited to this task, since it allows thousands of network accesses each second. Demand paging across the network means that data is always left in place, and is only transferred, pages at a time, when needed. The combination of network-wide demand paging and a distributed file structure provide the DN660 and the DOMAIN system with the power of distributed processing, while maintaining the data sharing capabilities previously found only on large timesharing superminis and mainframes. .sp 3 .ne 5 .cu GATEWAYS TO OTHER SYSTEMS .sp The DN660 supports a wide range of communications software. Gateways provide access to other DOMAIN systems, to remote mainframes and supermini computers, and to public packet-switching (X.25) networks. .sp Communication with IBM (TM) systems is supported by gateway software that emulates several RJE subsystems: IBM's HASP and the standard 2780 and 3780 environments. An ETHERNET (R) gateway provides DOMAIN System users with shared access to ETHERNET transport facilities. The popular TCP/IP protocol provides easy access to DEC VAX (TM) and other systems. .sp The DOMAIN system also fully supports the X.25 protocol for public long haul packet switching networks. In addition, all nodes have RS-232C ports and provide VT100 (TM) terminal emulation. Other communication interconnect services are available through third party network builders. .sp 3 .ne 5 .cu SOFTWARE SUPPORT .sp As a member of the DOMAIN Product Family, the DN660 runs a wide range of mature system software, including a growing library of program development and professional productivity tools. .sp The DOMAIN software environment features the FORTRAN 77, ISO Pascal, C, and LISP programming languages. All four compilers share a common code generator, allowing the programmer to write different portions of large programs in the most appropriate language, then combine them into a single application. .bp .ne 5 .sp 3 .ls 1 DN660 HARDWARE FEATURES .bu .bb o 32 bit proprietary bit-slice processor .bb o Integral floating point unit .bb o 3 stage instruction pipelining .bb o 4kb instruction cache .bb o 16kb buffered write through data cache .bb o 32 bit data paths .bb o 1M byte ECC memory expandable to 4M bytes .bb o Integral 12M bit/sec network .bb o Three RS-232C ports (up to 19.2Kb) .bb o Keyboard with 96 user-definable keys .bb o Optional Mouse or Touchpad cursor locating devices .eb .ne 18 .sp DN660 COLOR DISPLAY FEATURES .bu .bb o 19 in., high resolution (1024 x 1024) raster display .bb o Dedicated bit-slice display processor .bb o Selection of colors from a palette of over 16 million colors .bb o Up to 2M bytes of dedicated dual ported display memory .bb o Software selectable color display modes .bb o 4 or 8 color planes in interactive mode .bb o 24 color planes in imaging mode for true color .bb o Hardware raster op's between any and all planes .bb o Draws vectors at a rate greater than one million pixels per second .bb o Zoom (1-16x) by pixel replication .bb o Area fills at a rate up to 40 million pixels per second .bb o Bit-block transfer (bit-blt) within display memory at a rate up to 20 million pixels per second .bb o Raster ops at up to 13.3 million pixels per second .bb o RS-343 RGB video output with composite sync on green .eb .sp HARDWARE OPTIONS .bu .bb o 80M byte, 167M byte integral disk drive .bb o 1.2M byte 8 in. diskette .bb o 300M byte, 500M byte, 1000M byte external disk drives .bb o MULTIBUS cardcage .bb o Multimode printer .bb o 1/2 in., 1600 bpi, magnetic tape drive .bb o Communications options .eb .sp .ne 13 THE DOMAIN NETWORK .bu .bb o Baseband 12M bit/sec local area network .bb o Uses inexpensive coaxial cable .bb o 1000m between nodes .bb o An unlimited number of nodes on the network .bb o Transparent access to data, programs and peripherals .bb o Gateway access to remote and foreign facilities/protocols .eb .bp .ls 1 {_DN660 SPECIFICATIONS_} .sp .nf .nj Physical Dimensions: CPU cabinet height 73.6 cm (29 in.) width 59 cm (23.25 in.) depth 80 cm (31.5 in.) Monitor height 48.5 cm (19 in.) width 51.8 cm (20.5 in.) depth 53 cm (21 in.) Weight: CPU cabinet Diskless: 95 kg (210 lbs) Disk: 118 kg (260 lbs) Monitor 52 kg (115 lbs) Power: Minimum: 120 VAC +- 10%, 20A at 60 Hz 625 watts, 2100 BTU/hr 220/240 VAC +- 5%, 10A at 50 Hz 625 watts, 2100 BTU/hr Maximum: 120 VAC +- 10%, 20A at 60 Hz 1195 watts, 4085 BTU/hr 220/240 VAC +- 5%, 10A at 50 Hz 1195 watts, 4085 BTU/hr Monitor: 120 VAC, 300 watts, 1026 BTU/hr 220/240 VAC, 300 watts, 1026 BTU/hr .ne 23 Operating environment: temperature: 15C to 32C (60F to 90F) humidity: 20% to 80% relative ceiling: 0-2.1 km (0-7000 ft) Regulatory: UL 478 Listed FCC Emmission and Regulated Class A Compliance .sp 2 APOLLO and DOMAIN are registered trademarks of Apollo Computer Inc. AEGIS is a trademark of Apollo Computer Inc. MULTIBUS is a trademark of Intel Corporation. UNIX is a trademark of Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. ETHERNET is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation DEC, VT100, and VAX are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. .sp .fi .ju Disclaimer: .sp The materials contained herein are summary in nature, subject to change, and intended for general information only. Details and specifications concerning the use and operation of Apollo equipment and software are available in the applicable technical manuals, available through local sales representatives.