From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V99 #352 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: archive/volume99/352 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 99 : Issue 352 Today's Topics: [B7L] Just a thought... Re: [B7L] Hello from Yugoslavia?! Zen, confirm... Re: [B7L] Hello from Yugoslavia?! Zen, confirm... [B7L] Re: blakes7-d Digest V99 #351 [B7L] French and Saunders [B7L] New Years' Resolutions...Not? (a bit long, it got away from me...) Re: [B7L] New Years' Resolutions...Not? (a bit long, it got away from me...) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 16:32:18 PST From: "Sally Manton" To: Subject: [B7L] Just a thought... Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed BTW...while putting together another little burble (New Year's Resolutions...tomorrow, just in case the world comes to an end at the stroke of...) I've re-discovered one of the main reasons I love these people, especially in 1st and 2nd season. When you look at them with a clear, cold, dispassionate eye...they're all bloody lunatics! ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 16:49:13 PST From: "Sally Manton" To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Hello from Yugoslavia?! Zen, confirm... Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed Hi Ivan - and my *deepest* sympathy for only getting one series!!! I'm afraid I can't help with making tapes (after 5 years with the VCR I am just getting the hang of the on-off switch), but I do have copies of 2 of the the BBC compiled tapes (there's an amount of cutting but they're still pretty still good) I no longer need, so if you or anyone else would like them, please let me know. One had Deliverance/Orac/Redemption on, the other had Aftermath/Powerplay/Sargophagus. I am slowly but determinedly buying my way through the series through Horizon (and from Australia too...) and am *just* coming up to Animals in the new year. Beraing in mind that it made top of the B7 ladder, I am expecting something fairly - ummm - oh, Una.... Sally (and when I've got it and *seen* it, I'll let you know). ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 01:12:49 -0000 From: "Una McCormack" To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Hello from Yugoslavia?! Zen, confirm... Message-ID: <014e01bf5262$ff95c020$0d01a8c0@hedge> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sally wrote: > I am slowly but determinedly buying my way through the series > through Horizon (and from Australia too...) and am *just* coming > up to Animals in the new year. Beraing in mind that it made top > of the B7 ladder, I am expecting something fairly - ummm - oh, > Una.... Well, a treat in store for the New Year for you, Sally. I imagine it will be rather the same as my experience of the last episode of DS9. > Sally (and when I've got it and *seen* it, I'll let you know). Hehehe - can't wait! ;) Una ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 13:31:46 -0500 (EST) From: (JENNIFER GREEN) To: Subject: [B7L] Re: blakes7-d Digest V99 #351 Message-ID: <> Content-Disposition: Inline Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit UNSCRIBE DONOT SEND ANYMORE MAIL ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 19:24:37 -0000 From: "Deborah Day" To: Subject: [B7L] French and Saunders Message-ID: <003e01bf52fb$841809a0$d596bc3e@oemcomputer> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; boundary="----------------------------"; charset="iso-8859-1" I was watching the French and Saunders Christmas special, with the wonderful take off of Star Wars the Phantom Menace (rather better than the original, especially with John Inman) and noticed that the background scenery for the spaceships resembled more than a little the corridors of the Liberator. The same old ex-sunbed tubes, arranged in a hexagonal pattern, indeed much of it seemed to be the same old dialogue and acting as well. Worth a look if they repeat it. Debbie Day. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 12:21:28 PST From: "Sally Manton" To:,,, Subject: [B7L] New Years' Resolutions...Not? (a bit long, it got away from me...) Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed At the beginning of the first year: Blake: I will bring down the Federation. I will put together a group as loyal, enthusiastic, dedicated-to-the-Cause, team- spirited and high-minded as any other rebel leader has. I will even make friends with this Avon (can't be *that* hard...) Avon: If I failed at being so rich and powerful no one could touch me, I will try being so arrogant and objectionable that no one will want to. Cally - I will have companions for my death. Jenna: I will have that cute curly-headed one in no time, just watch me. Gan: I will have to keep an eye on Vila. I will follow the idealist. I will be reasonable and fair and even-tempered at all times. I will try not to wonder why everyone prefers the unreasonable, unfair,about-as-even-tempered-as-a-warg- strangler-with-a-sore-paw one. Vila: I will stick with these people - they look nice and safe... ****************************************************** At the beginning of the second year: Blake: I will *not* strangle Avon. I will bring down the Federation. I will find some fancier outfits in the wardrobe room (and I will *not* tell Avon that green velvet isn't his style, he's been eyeing something even worse in red leather.) I will learn how to get useful information from Orac without threatening to boot it from here to the airlock. I will not even think about booting Avon from here to the airlock. I will find a nicer way to let Jenna down gently. I will think of a good reason why I have to let Jenna down at all. I will convince myself it is my Noble Streak. Oh, and I will not I will not strangle Avon. Vila: I will stick with Blake - he's not safe, but I like him. I will find a way to persuade Blake that liberating lots of bars and hotels and Federation Rest Centres is a Blow For Freedom. I will study up on some nice non-painful but bedrest-needing symptoms to develop when Blake wants something unlocked and blown up (not always in that order). I will not fall asleep again on teleport duty, or they'll give the job to Jenna and Cally and make me go down more often. I might even do something brave this year...nah. Gan: I will try and talk sense into Blake sometimes (someone has to, and I don't think Avon knows the meaning of the word). I will continue to be reasonable and fair and even-tempered if it kills me. Cally: I will not be Taken Over by Aliens. I will not wimp out. I will support Blake no matter how wild his ideas get, right to the end. I will work on my fashion sense (I will start by getting a hair-cut that will make people sit up and look). Jenna: I will win the who's-the-gaudiest-dresser contest with Avon, and I *will* ensure that my red leather and high heels are sexier than his. I will find a way to persuade Blake that liberating lots of extremely valuable space cargo is a Blow For Freedom. I will not wimp out. And I will find a way round his Noble Streak, just watch me... Avon: I will not shoot Blake. I will shoot anyone - like Travis - who tries (I will think of a good selfish reason, however). I will win the who's-the-gaudiest-dresser contest with Jenna, even if thigh-length boots are a pain to wear (and don't fit the macho image). One of these days, I *will not* end up doing what Blake says. And I will I will I will end up with this ship (but not the crew, please God not the crew). ****************************************************** At the beginning of the third year: Cally: I will not be Taken Over by Aliens more than twice a month. I will think about empathising with Avon about the dead ex-girlfriend (I only said I would think about it) and missing Fearless Leader. I will lock up medical supplies of adrenaline and soma better. I will not wimp out any further. Vila: I will stick with Avon, he's safer than Blake. I will see these new youngsters treat me with respect. I will see Orac treat me with respect. I will *win* a game against Avon. I will let Cally think her locks on the medical supplies work...oh, for at least three days. I will find a way to convince Tarrant that all good pirates need to stock lots of rum and gin and brandy (then I won't need so much of the medical adrenaline and soma). I might even do something brave *this* year...nah. Tarrant: I will not strangle Avon (but I will thump him occasionally.) I will try and talk sense into him sometimes (not that I'm too sure what that word means, but what the hell, neither is he). I will find even gaudier outfits in the wardrobe room than he wears, and not glare at Vila when he says that the Robin Hood bit looked better on *other* people (and I will refrain from pointing out that it's a *pirate* look). I will not will not will not strangle Avon. Dayna: Servalan. In pieces. Small ones. By next Christmas. Or else. Avon: I will find the bastard who killed Anna. I will kill the bastard who killed Anna. I will remember that getting hit over the head is Part of Being A Hero (I will try not to remember that Blake didn't get hit over the head nearly this often when he was The Hero). I *will* have some peace and quiet now there's no one interest - errr, I mean infuriating - to fight with. I will wear that red leather one more time, no matter how bloody awful they all think it is. And I will find that blasted s o b militant idealist (whom I will not admit I miss one little bit) if it costs me the ship... ****************************************************** At the beginning of the fourth year: Vila: I think I will get drunk for a year. And I will stick with Avon, though maybe if I do something brave for save his skin...nah. Never get the chance. Tarrant: I will not strangle Avon. I will not sulk because Dorian bought fancy black leather and studs for Avon and these boring grey duds for me. I will Get Some This Year (there must be somebody out there for me, even if she's, say, an assassin, a megalomaniac or a warlord-in-training...) I will not blame that damned Blake for not strangling Avon and saving me from temptation. I will learn to think before Charging In Heroically...nah, where's the fun in that? Soolin: I will work out why the hell I'm staying with this lot. I will make the galactic record for hair-changes within one space battle. Dayna: Servalan. In tiny pieces. By this time next year. No matter what. Avon: I'll kill the bitch. No, maybe I won't kill the bitch. Yes, I *will*... I will find a good leather-and-stud cleaner. I will stop borrowing Soolin's blow-dryer and get Vila to steal one of my own. I will be nicer to Vila. And strange women. And I *definitely* will find that blasted s o b militant idealist (whom I still will not admit I miss one little bit) if I have to get the base blown up, Scorpio crashed and *everyone* killed to do it... ****************************************************** Hope you all have a great New Year, and see you next millennium... ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 22:21:23 EST From: "Joanne MacQueen" To: Subject: Re: [B7L] New Years' Resolutions...Not? (a bit long, it got away from me...) Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed >From: "Sally Manton" >Subject: [B7L] New Years' Resolutions...Not? (a bit long, it got away from >me...) I'd ask what Sally has been eating and drinking of late to prompt this. Glad I'm reading it now - I'm being turned into a curmudgeon by revellers who want to celebrate New Year two hours or more early, and with a bang, too! Where did these people get fireworks from? And Happy New Year to New Zealand, seeing as it's passed midnight there (about an hour and a half to go in New South Wales and Victoria). Regards Joanne (contemplating work on Tuesday...argh!) ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V99 Issue #352 **************************************