This directory contains development snapshots of CVSup.  I produce
these snapshots from time to time in order to disseminate bug fixes
and new features without too much delay.

Snapshots have the same form as normal source releases, but they are
less polished.  For example, the documentation and release notes may
not be completely up-to-date.  There may be some new features that
are only partially implemented.  Also, snapshots are not tested as
thoroughly as releases.  Obviously I try not to make buggy snapshots,
but I don't spend as much time testing them as I do with releases.
The goal is to make improvements available with minimal effort on my
part.  That makes it possible for me to make improvements available

I distribute snapshots only in source form.  If you are not
comfortable building CVSup from source, you won't be able to use the

The version numbers of snapshots are constructed from the version
number of the previous actual release, plus a trailing letter.  Thus
the snapshots following release 16.1 will be 16.1a, 16.1b, 16.1c, etc.

I welcome bug reports for snapshots.  Please send them to

John Polstra