# CPM.cmake - CMake's missing package manager # =========================================== # See https://github.com/cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake for usage and update instructions. # # MIT License # ----------- #[[ Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Lars Melchior and contributors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14 FATAL_ERROR) # Initialize logging prefix if(NOT CPM_INDENT) set(CPM_INDENT "CPM:" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endif() if(NOT COMMAND cpm_message) function(cpm_message) message(${ARGV}) endfunction() endif() set(CURRENT_CPM_VERSION 0.40.2) get_filename_component(CPM_CURRENT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}" REALPATH) if(CPM_DIRECTORY) if(NOT CPM_DIRECTORY STREQUAL CPM_CURRENT_DIRECTORY) if(CPM_VERSION VERSION_LESS CURRENT_CPM_VERSION) message( AUTHOR_WARNING "${CPM_INDENT} \ A dependency is using a more recent CPM version (${CURRENT_CPM_VERSION}) than the current project (${CPM_VERSION}). \ It is recommended to upgrade CPM to the most recent version. \ See https://github.com/cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake for more information." ) endif() if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.17.0") include(FetchContent) endif() return() endif() get_property( CPM_INITIALIZED GLOBAL "" PROPERTY CPM_INITIALIZED SET ) if(CPM_INITIALIZED) return() endif() endif() if(CURRENT_CPM_VERSION MATCHES "development-version") message( WARNING "${CPM_INDENT} Your project is using an unstable development version of CPM.cmake. \ Please update to a recent release if possible. \ See https://github.com/cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake for details." ) endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY CPM_INITIALIZED true) macro(cpm_set_policies) # the policy allows us to change options without caching cmake_policy(SET CMP0077 NEW) set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0077 NEW) # the policy allows us to change set(CACHE) without caching if(POLICY CMP0126) cmake_policy(SET CMP0126 NEW) set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0126 NEW) endif() # The policy uses the download time for timestamp, instead of the timestamp in the archive. This # allows for proper rebuilds when a projects url changes if(POLICY CMP0135) cmake_policy(SET CMP0135 NEW) set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0135 NEW) endif() # treat relative git repository paths as being relative to the parent project's remote if(POLICY CMP0150) cmake_policy(SET CMP0150 NEW) set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0150 NEW) endif() endmacro() cpm_set_policies() option(CPM_USE_LOCAL_PACKAGES "Always try to use `find_package` to get dependencies" $ENV{CPM_USE_LOCAL_PACKAGES} ) option(CPM_LOCAL_PACKAGES_ONLY "Only use `find_package` to get dependencies" $ENV{CPM_LOCAL_PACKAGES_ONLY} ) option(CPM_DOWNLOAD_ALL "Always download dependencies from source" $ENV{CPM_DOWNLOAD_ALL}) option(CPM_DONT_UPDATE_MODULE_PATH "Don't update the module path to allow using find_package" $ENV{CPM_DONT_UPDATE_MODULE_PATH} ) option(CPM_DONT_CREATE_PACKAGE_LOCK "Don't create a package lock file in the binary path" $ENV{CPM_DONT_CREATE_PACKAGE_LOCK} ) option(CPM_INCLUDE_ALL_IN_PACKAGE_LOCK "Add all packages added through CPM.cmake to the package lock" $ENV{CPM_INCLUDE_ALL_IN_PACKAGE_LOCK} ) option(CPM_USE_NAMED_CACHE_DIRECTORIES "Use additional directory of package name in cache on the most nested level." $ENV{CPM_USE_NAMED_CACHE_DIRECTORIES} ) set(CPM_VERSION ${CURRENT_CPM_VERSION} CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set(CPM_DIRECTORY ${CPM_CURRENT_DIRECTORY} CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set(CPM_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set(CPM_PACKAGES "" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set(CPM_DRY_RUN OFF CACHE INTERNAL "Don't download or configure dependencies (for testing)" ) if(DEFINED ENV{CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}) set(CPM_SOURCE_CACHE_DEFAULT $ENV{CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}) else() set(CPM_SOURCE_CACHE_DEFAULT OFF) endif() set(CPM_SOURCE_CACHE ${CPM_SOURCE_CACHE_DEFAULT} CACHE PATH "Directory to download CPM dependencies" ) if(NOT CPM_DONT_UPDATE_MODULE_PATH) set(CPM_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CPM_modules" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) # remove old modules file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CPM_MODULE_PATH}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CPM_MODULE_PATH}) # locally added CPM modules should override global packages set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CPM_MODULE_PATH};${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") endif() if(NOT CPM_DONT_CREATE_PACKAGE_LOCK) set(CPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_FILE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cpm-package-lock.cmake" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) file(WRITE ${CPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_FILE} "# CPM Package Lock\n# This file should be committed to version control\n\n" ) endif() include(FetchContent) # Try to infer package name from git repository uri (path or url) function(cpm_package_name_from_git_uri URI RESULT) if("${URI}" MATCHES "([^/:]+)/?.git/?$") set(${RESULT} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} PARENT_SCOPE ) else() unset(${RESULT} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Try to infer package name and version from a url function(cpm_package_name_and_ver_from_url url outName outVer) if(url MATCHES "[/\\?]([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]+)\\.(tar|tar\\.gz|tar\\.bz2|zip|ZIP)(\\?|/|$)") # We matched an archive set(filename "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") if(filename MATCHES "([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]+)[_-]v?(([0-9]+\\.)*[0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*)") # We matched <name>-<version> (ie foo-1.2.3) set(${outName} "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" PARENT_SCOPE ) set(${outVer} "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}" PARENT_SCOPE ) elseif(filename MATCHES "(([0-9]+\\.)+[0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*)") # We couldn't find a name, but we found a version # # In many cases (which we don't handle here) the url would look something like # `irrelevant/ACTUAL_PACKAGE_NAME/irrelevant/1.2.3.zip`. In such a case we can't possibly # distinguish the package name from the irrelevant bits. Moreover if we try to match the # package name from the filename, we'd get bogus at best. unset(${outName} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${outVer} "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" PARENT_SCOPE ) else() # Boldly assume that the file name is the package name. # # Yes, something like `irrelevant/ACTUAL_NAME/irrelevant/download.zip` will ruin our day, but # such cases should be quite rare. No popular service does this... we think. set(${outName} "${filename}" PARENT_SCOPE ) unset(${outVer} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() # No ideas yet what to do with non-archives unset(${outName} PARENT_SCOPE) unset(${outVer} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(cpm_find_package NAME VERSION) string(REPLACE " " ";" EXTRA_ARGS "${ARGN}") find_package(${NAME} ${VERSION} ${EXTRA_ARGS} QUIET) if(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_FOUND) if(DEFINED ${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_VERSION) set(VERSION ${${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_VERSION}) endif() cpm_message(STATUS "${CPM_INDENT} Using local package ${CPM_ARGS_NAME}@${VERSION}") CPMRegisterPackage(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${VERSION}") set(CPM_PACKAGE_FOUND YES PARENT_SCOPE ) else() set(CPM_PACKAGE_FOUND NO PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endfunction() # Create a custom FindXXX.cmake module for a CPM package This prevents `find_package(NAME)` from # finding the system library function(cpm_create_module_file Name) if(NOT CPM_DONT_UPDATE_MODULE_PATH) # erase any previous modules file(WRITE ${CPM_MODULE_PATH}/Find${Name}.cmake "include(\"${CPM_FILE}\")\n${ARGN}\nset(${Name}_FOUND TRUE)" ) endif() endfunction() # Find a package locally or fallback to CPMAddPackage function(CPMFindPackage) set(oneValueArgs NAME VERSION GIT_TAG FIND_PACKAGE_ARGUMENTS) cmake_parse_arguments(CPM_ARGS "" "${oneValueArgs}" "" ${ARGN}) if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_VERSION) if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG) cpm_get_version_from_git_tag("${CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG}" CPM_ARGS_VERSION) endif() endif() set(downloadPackage ${CPM_DOWNLOAD_ALL}) if(DEFINED CPM_DOWNLOAD_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) set(downloadPackage ${CPM_DOWNLOAD_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}}) elseif(DEFINED ENV{CPM_DOWNLOAD_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}}) set(downloadPackage $ENV{CPM_DOWNLOAD_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}}) endif() if(downloadPackage) CPMAddPackage(${ARGN}) cpm_export_variables(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) return() endif() cpm_find_package(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}" ${CPM_ARGS_FIND_PACKAGE_ARGUMENTS}) if(NOT CPM_PACKAGE_FOUND) CPMAddPackage(${ARGN}) cpm_export_variables(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) endif() endfunction() # checks if a package has been added before function(cpm_check_if_package_already_added CPM_ARGS_NAME CPM_ARGS_VERSION) if("${CPM_ARGS_NAME}" IN_LIST CPM_PACKAGES) CPMGetPackageVersion(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} CPM_PACKAGE_VERSION) if("${CPM_PACKAGE_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}") message( WARNING "${CPM_INDENT} Requires a newer version of ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} (${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}) than currently included (${CPM_PACKAGE_VERSION})." ) endif() cpm_get_fetch_properties(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) set(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_ADDED NO) set(CPM_PACKAGE_ALREADY_ADDED YES PARENT_SCOPE ) cpm_export_variables(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) else() set(CPM_PACKAGE_ALREADY_ADDED NO PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endfunction() # Parse the argument of CPMAddPackage in case a single one was provided and convert it to a list of # arguments which can then be parsed idiomatically. For example gh:foo/bar@1.2.3 will be converted # to: GITHUB_REPOSITORY;foo/bar;VERSION;1.2.3 function(cpm_parse_add_package_single_arg arg outArgs) # Look for a scheme if("${arg}" MATCHES "^([a-zA-Z]+):(.+)$") string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" scheme) set(uri "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") # Check for CPM-specific schemes if(scheme STREQUAL "gh") set(out "GITHUB_REPOSITORY;${uri}") set(packageType "git") elseif(scheme STREQUAL "gl") set(out "GITLAB_REPOSITORY;${uri}") set(packageType "git") elseif(scheme STREQUAL "bb") set(out "BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY;${uri}") set(packageType "git") # A CPM-specific scheme was not found. Looks like this is a generic URL so try to determine # type elseif(arg MATCHES ".git/?(@|#|$)") set(out "GIT_REPOSITORY;${arg}") set(packageType "git") else() # Fall back to a URL set(out "URL;${arg}") set(packageType "archive") # We could also check for SVN since FetchContent supports it, but SVN is so rare these days. # We just won't bother with the additional complexity it will induce in this function. SVN is # done by multi-arg endif() else() if(arg MATCHES ".git/?(@|#|$)") set(out "GIT_REPOSITORY;${arg}") set(packageType "git") else() # Give up message(FATAL_ERROR "${CPM_INDENT} Can't determine package type of '${arg}'") endif() endif() # For all packages we interpret @... as version. Only replace the last occurrence. Thus URIs # containing '@' can be used string(REGEX REPLACE "@([^@]+)$" ";VERSION;\\1" out "${out}") # Parse the rest according to package type if(packageType STREQUAL "git") # For git repos we interpret #... as a tag or branch or commit hash string(REGEX REPLACE "#([^#]+)$" ";GIT_TAG;\\1" out "${out}") elseif(packageType STREQUAL "archive") # For archives we interpret #... as a URL hash. string(REGEX REPLACE "#([^#]+)$" ";URL_HASH;\\1" out "${out}") # We don't try to parse the version if it's not provided explicitly. cpm_get_version_from_url # should do this at a later point else() # We should never get here. This is an assertion and hitting it means there's a problem with the # code above. A packageType was set, but not handled by this if-else. message(FATAL_ERROR "${CPM_INDENT} Unsupported package type '${packageType}' of '${arg}'") endif() set(${outArgs} ${out} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() # Check that the working directory for a git repo is clean function(cpm_check_git_working_dir_is_clean repoPath gitTag isClean) find_package(Git REQUIRED) if(NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE) # No git executable, assume directory is clean set(${isClean} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE ) return() endif() # check for uncommitted changes execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} status --porcelain RESULT_VARIABLE resultGitStatus OUTPUT_VARIABLE repoStatus OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ERROR_QUIET WORKING_DIRECTORY ${repoPath} ) if(resultGitStatus) # not supposed to happen, assume clean anyway message(WARNING "${CPM_INDENT} Calling git status on folder ${repoPath} failed") set(${isClean} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE ) return() endif() if(NOT "${repoStatus}" STREQUAL "") set(${isClean} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE ) return() endif() # check for committed changes execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} diff -s --exit-code ${gitTag} RESULT_VARIABLE resultGitDiff OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_QUIET WORKING_DIRECTORY ${repoPath} ) if(${resultGitDiff} EQUAL 0) set(${isClean} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE ) else() set(${isClean} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endfunction() # Add PATCH_COMMAND to CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS. This method consumes a list of files in ARGN # then generates a `PATCH_COMMAND` appropriate for `ExternalProject_Add()`. This command is appended # to the parent scope's `CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS`. function(cpm_add_patches) # Return if no patch files are supplied. if(NOT ARGN) return() endif() # Find the patch program. find_program(PATCH_EXECUTABLE patch) if(WIN32 AND NOT PATCH_EXECUTABLE) # The Windows git executable is distributed with patch.exe. Find the path to the executable, if # it exists, then search `../usr/bin` and `../../usr/bin` for patch.exe. find_package(Git QUIET) if(GIT_EXECUTABLE) get_filename_component(extra_search_path ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(extra_search_path_1up ${extra_search_path} DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(extra_search_path_2up ${extra_search_path_1up} DIRECTORY) find_program( PATCH_EXECUTABLE patch HINTS "${extra_search_path_1up}/usr/bin" "${extra_search_path_2up}/usr/bin" ) endif() endif() if(NOT PATCH_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find `patch` executable to use with PATCHES keyword.") endif() # Create a temporary set(temp_list ${CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) # Ensure each file exists (or error out) and add it to the list. set(first_item True) foreach(PATCH_FILE ${ARGN}) # Make sure the patch file exists, if we can't find it, try again in the current directory. if(NOT EXISTS "${PATCH_FILE}") if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${PATCH_FILE}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Couldn't find patch file: '${PATCH_FILE}'") endif() set(PATCH_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${PATCH_FILE}") endif() # Convert to absolute path for use with patch file command. get_filename_component(PATCH_FILE "${PATCH_FILE}" ABSOLUTE) # The first patch entry must be preceded by "PATCH_COMMAND" while the following items are # preceded by "&&". if(first_item) set(first_item False) list(APPEND temp_list "PATCH_COMMAND") else() list(APPEND temp_list "&&") endif() # Add the patch command to the list list(APPEND temp_list "${PATCH_EXECUTABLE}" "-p1" "<" "${PATCH_FILE}") endforeach() # Move temp out into parent scope. set(CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS ${temp_list} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() # method to overwrite internal FetchContent properties, to allow using CPM.cmake to overload # FetchContent calls. As these are internal cmake properties, this method should be used carefully # and may need modification in future CMake versions. Source: # https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/dc3d0b5a0a7d26d43d6cfeb511e224533b5d188f/Modules/FetchContent.cmake#L1152 function(cpm_override_fetchcontent contentName) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "" "SOURCE_DIR;BINARY_DIR" "") if(NOT "${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "${CPM_INDENT} Unsupported arguments: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() string(TOLOWER ${contentName} contentNameLower) set(prefix "_FetchContent_${contentNameLower}") set(propertyName "${prefix}_sourceDir") define_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} BRIEF_DOCS "Internal implementation detail of FetchContent_Populate()" FULL_DOCS "Details used by FetchContent_Populate() for ${contentName}" ) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} "${arg_SOURCE_DIR}") set(propertyName "${prefix}_binaryDir") define_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} BRIEF_DOCS "Internal implementation detail of FetchContent_Populate()" FULL_DOCS "Details used by FetchContent_Populate() for ${contentName}" ) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} "${arg_BINARY_DIR}") set(propertyName "${prefix}_populated") define_property( GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} BRIEF_DOCS "Internal implementation detail of FetchContent_Populate()" FULL_DOCS "Details used by FetchContent_Populate() for ${contentName}" ) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${propertyName} TRUE) endfunction() # Download and add a package from source function(CPMAddPackage) cpm_set_policies() list(LENGTH ARGN argnLength) if(argnLength EQUAL 1) cpm_parse_add_package_single_arg("${ARGN}" ARGN) # The shorthand syntax implies EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL and SYSTEM set(ARGN "${ARGN};EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL;YES;SYSTEM;YES;") endif() set(oneValueArgs NAME FORCE VERSION GIT_TAG DOWNLOAD_ONLY GITHUB_REPOSITORY GITLAB_REPOSITORY BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY GIT_REPOSITORY SOURCE_DIR FIND_PACKAGE_ARGUMENTS NO_CACHE SYSTEM GIT_SHALLOW EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL SOURCE_SUBDIR CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY ) set(multiValueArgs URL OPTIONS DOWNLOAD_COMMAND PATCHES) cmake_parse_arguments(CPM_ARGS "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" "${ARGN}") # Set default values for arguments if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_VERSION) if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG) cpm_get_version_from_git_tag("${CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG}" CPM_ARGS_VERSION) endif() endif() if(CPM_ARGS_DOWNLOAD_ONLY) set(DOWNLOAD_ONLY ${CPM_ARGS_DOWNLOAD_ONLY}) else() set(DOWNLOAD_ONLY NO) endif() if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GITHUB_REPOSITORY) set(CPM_ARGS_GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/${CPM_ARGS_GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git") elseif(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GITLAB_REPOSITORY) set(CPM_ARGS_GIT_REPOSITORY "https://gitlab.com/${CPM_ARGS_GITLAB_REPOSITORY}.git") elseif(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY) set(CPM_ARGS_GIT_REPOSITORY "https://bitbucket.org/${CPM_ARGS_BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY}.git") endif() if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_REPOSITORY) list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS GIT_REPOSITORY ${CPM_ARGS_GIT_REPOSITORY}) if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG) set(CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG v${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}) endif() # If a name wasn't provided, try to infer it from the git repo if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_NAME) cpm_package_name_from_git_uri(${CPM_ARGS_GIT_REPOSITORY} CPM_ARGS_NAME) endif() endif() set(CPM_SKIP_FETCH FALSE) if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG) list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS GIT_TAG ${CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG}) # If GIT_SHALLOW is explicitly specified, honor the value. if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_SHALLOW) list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS GIT_SHALLOW ${CPM_ARGS_GIT_SHALLOW}) endif() endif() if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_URL) # If a name or version aren't provided, try to infer them from the URL list(GET CPM_ARGS_URL 0 firstUrl) cpm_package_name_and_ver_from_url(${firstUrl} nameFromUrl verFromUrl) # If we fail to obtain name and version from the first URL, we could try other URLs if any. # However multiple URLs are expected to be quite rare, so for now we won't bother. # If the caller provided their own name and version, they trump the inferred ones. if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_NAME) set(CPM_ARGS_NAME ${nameFromUrl}) endif() if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_VERSION) set(CPM_ARGS_VERSION ${verFromUrl}) endif() list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS URL "${CPM_ARGS_URL}") endif() # Check for required arguments if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_NAME) message( FATAL_ERROR "${CPM_INDENT} 'NAME' was not provided and couldn't be automatically inferred for package added with arguments: '${ARGN}'" ) endif() # Check if package has been added before cpm_check_if_package_already_added(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}") if(CPM_PACKAGE_ALREADY_ADDED) cpm_export_variables(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) return() endif() # Check for manual overrides if(NOT CPM_ARGS_FORCE AND NOT "${CPM_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_SOURCE}" STREQUAL "") set(PACKAGE_SOURCE ${CPM_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_SOURCE}) set(CPM_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_SOURCE "") CPMAddPackage( NAME "${CPM_ARGS_NAME}" SOURCE_DIR "${PACKAGE_SOURCE}" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL "${CPM_ARGS_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL}" SYSTEM "${CPM_ARGS_SYSTEM}" PATCHES "${CPM_ARGS_PATCHES}" OPTIONS "${CPM_ARGS_OPTIONS}" SOURCE_SUBDIR "${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_SUBDIR}" DOWNLOAD_ONLY "${DOWNLOAD_ONLY}" FORCE True ) cpm_export_variables(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) return() endif() # Check for available declaration if(NOT CPM_ARGS_FORCE AND NOT "${CPM_DECLARATION_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}}" STREQUAL "") set(declaration ${CPM_DECLARATION_${CPM_ARGS_NAME}}) set(CPM_DECLARATION_${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "") CPMAddPackage(${declaration}) cpm_export_variables(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) # checking again to ensure version and option compatibility cpm_check_if_package_already_added(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}") return() endif() if(NOT CPM_ARGS_FORCE) if(CPM_USE_LOCAL_PACKAGES OR CPM_LOCAL_PACKAGES_ONLY) cpm_find_package(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}" ${CPM_ARGS_FIND_PACKAGE_ARGUMENTS}) if(CPM_PACKAGE_FOUND) cpm_export_variables(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) return() endif() if(CPM_LOCAL_PACKAGES_ONLY) message( SEND_ERROR "${CPM_INDENT} ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} not found via find_package(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} ${CPM_ARGS_VERSION})" ) endif() endif() endif() CPMRegisterPackage("${CPM_ARGS_NAME}" "${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}") if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG) set(PACKAGE_INFO "${CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG}") elseif(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR) set(PACKAGE_INFO "${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR}") else() set(PACKAGE_INFO "${CPM_ARGS_VERSION}") endif() if(DEFINED FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR) # respect user's FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR if set set(CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR ${FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}) else() set(CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_deps) endif() cpm_add_patches(${CPM_ARGS_PATCHES}) if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND) list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS DOWNLOAD_COMMAND ${CPM_ARGS_DOWNLOAD_COMMAND}) elseif(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR) list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS SOURCE_DIR ${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR}) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR}) # Expand `CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR` relative path. This is important because EXISTS doesn't work # for relative paths. get_filename_component( source_directory ${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR} REALPATH BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) else() set(source_directory ${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${source_directory}) string(TOLOWER ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} lower_case_name) # remove timestamps so CMake will re-download the dependency file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${lower_case_name}-subbuild") endif() elseif(CPM_SOURCE_CACHE AND NOT CPM_ARGS_NO_CACHE) string(TOLOWER ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} lower_case_name) set(origin_parameters ${CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) list(SORT origin_parameters) if(CPM_ARGS_CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY) # Application set a custom unique directory name set(download_directory ${CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}/${lower_case_name}/${CPM_ARGS_CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY}) elseif(CPM_USE_NAMED_CACHE_DIRECTORIES) string(SHA1 origin_hash "${origin_parameters};NEW_CACHE_STRUCTURE_TAG") set(download_directory ${CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}/${lower_case_name}/${origin_hash}/${CPM_ARGS_NAME}) else() string(SHA1 origin_hash "${origin_parameters}") set(download_directory ${CPM_SOURCE_CACHE}/${lower_case_name}/${origin_hash}) endif() # Expand `download_directory` relative path. This is important because EXISTS doesn't work for # relative paths. get_filename_component(download_directory ${download_directory} ABSOLUTE) list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS SOURCE_DIR ${download_directory}) if(CPM_SOURCE_CACHE) file(LOCK ${download_directory}/../cmake.lock) endif() if(EXISTS ${download_directory}) if(CPM_SOURCE_CACHE) file(LOCK ${download_directory}/../cmake.lock RELEASE) endif() cpm_store_fetch_properties( ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${download_directory}" "${CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${lower_case_name}-build" ) cpm_get_fetch_properties("${CPM_ARGS_NAME}") if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG AND NOT (PATCH_COMMAND IN_LIST CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS)) # warn if cache has been changed since checkout cpm_check_git_working_dir_is_clean(${download_directory} ${CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG} IS_CLEAN) if(NOT ${IS_CLEAN}) message( WARNING "${CPM_INDENT} Cache for ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} (${download_directory}) is dirty" ) endif() endif() cpm_add_subdirectory( "${CPM_ARGS_NAME}" "${DOWNLOAD_ONLY}" "${${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_SUBDIR}" "${${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}" "${CPM_ARGS_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL}" "${CPM_ARGS_SYSTEM}" "${CPM_ARGS_OPTIONS}" ) set(PACKAGE_INFO "${PACKAGE_INFO} at ${download_directory}") # As the source dir is already cached/populated, we override the call to FetchContent. set(CPM_SKIP_FETCH TRUE) cpm_override_fetchcontent( "${lower_case_name}" SOURCE_DIR "${${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_SUBDIR}" BINARY_DIR "${${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}" ) else() # Enable shallow clone when GIT_TAG is not a commit hash. Our guess may not be accurate, but # it should guarantee no commit hash get mis-detected. if(NOT DEFINED CPM_ARGS_GIT_SHALLOW) cpm_is_git_tag_commit_hash("${CPM_ARGS_GIT_TAG}" IS_HASH) if(NOT ${IS_HASH}) list(APPEND CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS GIT_SHALLOW TRUE) endif() endif() # remove timestamps so CMake will re-download the dependency file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${lower_case_name}-subbuild) set(PACKAGE_INFO "${PACKAGE_INFO} to ${download_directory}") endif() endif() cpm_create_module_file(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "CPMAddPackage(\"${ARGN}\")") if(CPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_ENABLED) if((CPM_ARGS_VERSION AND NOT CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR) OR CPM_INCLUDE_ALL_IN_PACKAGE_LOCK) cpm_add_to_package_lock(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${ARGN}") elseif(CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_DIR) cpm_add_comment_to_package_lock(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "local directory") else() cpm_add_comment_to_package_lock(${CPM_ARGS_NAME} "${ARGN}") endif() endif() cpm_message( STATUS "${CPM_INDENT} Adding package ${CPM_ARGS_NAME}@${CPM_ARGS_VERSION} (${PACKAGE_INFO})" ) if(NOT CPM_SKIP_FETCH) # CMake 3.28 added EXCLUDE, SYSTEM (3.25), and SOURCE_SUBDIR (3.18) to FetchContent_Declare. # Calling FetchContent_MakeAvailable will then internally forward these options to # add_subdirectory. Up until these changes, we had to call FetchContent_Populate and # add_subdirectory separately, which is no longer necessary and has been deprecated as of 3.30. set(fetchContentDeclareExtraArgs "") if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.28.0") if(${CPM_ARGS_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL}) list(APPEND fetchContentDeclareExtraArgs EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() if(${CPM_ARGS_SYSTEM}) list(APPEND fetchContentDeclareExtraArgs SYSTEM) endif() if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_SUBDIR) list(APPEND fetchContentDeclareExtraArgs SOURCE_SUBDIR ${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_SUBDIR}) endif() # For CMake version <3.28 OPTIONS are parsed in cpm_add_subdirectory if(CPM_ARGS_OPTIONS AND NOT DOWNLOAD_ONLY) foreach(OPTION ${CPM_ARGS_OPTIONS}) cpm_parse_option("${OPTION}") set(${OPTION_KEY} "${OPTION_VALUE}") endforeach() endif() endif() cpm_declare_fetch( "${CPM_ARGS_NAME}" ${fetchContentDeclareExtraArgs} "${CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" ) cpm_fetch_package("${CPM_ARGS_NAME}" ${DOWNLOAD_ONLY} populated ${CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if(CPM_SOURCE_CACHE AND download_directory) file(LOCK ${download_directory}/../cmake.lock RELEASE) endif() if(${populated} AND ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.28.0") cpm_add_subdirectory( "${CPM_ARGS_NAME}" "${DOWNLOAD_ONLY}" "${${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}/${CPM_ARGS_SOURCE_SUBDIR}" "${${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}" "${CPM_ARGS_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL}" "${CPM_ARGS_SYSTEM}" "${CPM_ARGS_OPTIONS}" ) endif() cpm_get_fetch_properties("${CPM_ARGS_NAME}") endif() set(${CPM_ARGS_NAME}_ADDED YES) cpm_export_variables("${CPM_ARGS_NAME}") endfunction() # Fetch a previously declared package macro(CPMGetPackage Name) if(DEFINED "CPM_DECLARATION_${Name}") CPMAddPackage(NAME ${Name}) else() message(SEND_ERROR "${CPM_INDENT} Cannot retrieve package ${Name}: no declaration available") endif() endmacro() # export variables available to the caller to the parent scope expects ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} to be set macro(cpm_export_variables name) set(${name}_SOURCE_DIR "${${name}_SOURCE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE ) set(${name}_BINARY_DIR "${${name}_BINARY_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE ) set(${name}_ADDED "${${name}_ADDED}" PARENT_SCOPE ) set(CPM_LAST_PACKAGE_NAME "${name}" PARENT_SCOPE ) endmacro() # declares a package, so that any call to CPMAddPackage for the package name will use these # arguments instead. Previous declarations will not be overridden. macro(CPMDeclarePackage Name) if(NOT DEFINED "CPM_DECLARATION_${Name}") set("CPM_DECLARATION_${Name}" "${ARGN}") endif() endmacro() function(cpm_add_to_package_lock Name) if(NOT CPM_DONT_CREATE_PACKAGE_LOCK) cpm_prettify_package_arguments(PRETTY_ARGN false ${ARGN}) file(APPEND ${CPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_FILE} "# ${Name}\nCPMDeclarePackage(${Name}\n${PRETTY_ARGN})\n") endif() endfunction() function(cpm_add_comment_to_package_lock Name) if(NOT CPM_DONT_CREATE_PACKAGE_LOCK) cpm_prettify_package_arguments(PRETTY_ARGN true ${ARGN}) file(APPEND ${CPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_FILE} "# ${Name} (unversioned)\n# CPMDeclarePackage(${Name}\n${PRETTY_ARGN}#)\n" ) endif() endfunction() # includes the package lock file if it exists and creates a target `cpm-update-package-lock` to # update it macro(CPMUsePackageLock file) if(NOT CPM_DONT_CREATE_PACKAGE_LOCK) get_filename_component(CPM_ABSOLUTE_PACKAGE_LOCK_PATH ${file} ABSOLUTE) if(EXISTS ${CPM_ABSOLUTE_PACKAGE_LOCK_PATH}) include(${CPM_ABSOLUTE_PACKAGE_LOCK_PATH}) endif() if(NOT TARGET cpm-update-package-lock) add_custom_target( cpm-update-package-lock COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_FILE} ${CPM_ABSOLUTE_PACKAGE_LOCK_PATH} ) endif() set(CPM_PACKAGE_LOCK_ENABLED true) endif() endmacro() # registers a package that has been added to CPM function(CPMRegisterPackage PACKAGE VERSION) list(APPEND CPM_PACKAGES ${PACKAGE}) set(CPM_PACKAGES ${CPM_PACKAGES} CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set("CPM_PACKAGE_${PACKAGE}_VERSION" ${VERSION} CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endfunction() # retrieve the current version of the package to ${OUTPUT} function(CPMGetPackageVersion PACKAGE OUTPUT) set(${OUTPUT} "${CPM_PACKAGE_${PACKAGE}_VERSION}" PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() # declares a package in FetchContent_Declare function(cpm_declare_fetch PACKAGE) if(${CPM_DRY_RUN}) cpm_message(STATUS "${CPM_INDENT} Package not declared (dry run)") return() endif() FetchContent_Declare(${PACKAGE} ${ARGN}) endfunction() # returns properties for a package previously defined by cpm_declare_fetch function(cpm_get_fetch_properties PACKAGE) if(${CPM_DRY_RUN}) return() endif() set(${PACKAGE}_SOURCE_DIR "${CPM_PACKAGE_${PACKAGE}_SOURCE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE ) set(${PACKAGE}_BINARY_DIR "${CPM_PACKAGE_${PACKAGE}_BINARY_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() function(cpm_store_fetch_properties PACKAGE source_dir binary_dir) if(${CPM_DRY_RUN}) return() endif() set(CPM_PACKAGE_${PACKAGE}_SOURCE_DIR "${source_dir}" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) set(CPM_PACKAGE_${PACKAGE}_BINARY_DIR "${binary_dir}" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endfunction() # adds a package as a subdirectory if viable, according to provided options function( cpm_add_subdirectory PACKAGE DOWNLOAD_ONLY SOURCE_DIR BINARY_DIR EXCLUDE SYSTEM OPTIONS ) if(NOT DOWNLOAD_ONLY AND EXISTS ${SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt) set(addSubdirectoryExtraArgs "") if(EXCLUDE) list(APPEND addSubdirectoryExtraArgs EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() if("${SYSTEM}" AND "${CMAKE_VERSION}" VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.25") # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/prop_dir/SYSTEM.html#prop_dir:SYSTEM list(APPEND addSubdirectoryExtraArgs SYSTEM) endif() if(OPTIONS) foreach(OPTION ${OPTIONS}) cpm_parse_option("${OPTION}") set(${OPTION_KEY} "${OPTION_VALUE}") endforeach() endif() set(CPM_OLD_INDENT "${CPM_INDENT}") set(CPM_INDENT "${CPM_INDENT} ${PACKAGE}:") add_subdirectory(${SOURCE_DIR} ${BINARY_DIR} ${addSubdirectoryExtraArgs}) set(CPM_INDENT "${CPM_OLD_INDENT}") endif() endfunction() # downloads a previously declared package via FetchContent and exports the variables # `${PACKAGE}_SOURCE_DIR` and `${PACKAGE}_BINARY_DIR` to the parent scope function(cpm_fetch_package PACKAGE DOWNLOAD_ONLY populated) set(${populated} FALSE PARENT_SCOPE ) if(${CPM_DRY_RUN}) cpm_message(STATUS "${CPM_INDENT} Package ${PACKAGE} not fetched (dry run)") return() endif() FetchContent_GetProperties(${PACKAGE}) string(TOLOWER "${PACKAGE}" lower_case_name) if(NOT ${lower_case_name}_POPULATED) if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.28.0") if(DOWNLOAD_ONLY) # MakeAvailable will call add_subdirectory internally which is not what we want when # DOWNLOAD_ONLY is set. Populate will only download the dependency without adding it to the # build FetchContent_Populate( ${PACKAGE} SOURCE_DIR "${CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${lower_case_name}-src" BINARY_DIR "${CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${lower_case_name}-build" SUBBUILD_DIR "${CPM_FETCHCONTENT_BASE_DIR}/${lower_case_name}-subbuild" ${ARGN} ) else() FetchContent_MakeAvailable(${PACKAGE}) endif() else() FetchContent_Populate(${PACKAGE}) endif() set(${populated} TRUE PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() cpm_store_fetch_properties( ${CPM_ARGS_NAME} ${${lower_case_name}_SOURCE_DIR} ${${lower_case_name}_BINARY_DIR} ) set(${PACKAGE}_SOURCE_DIR ${${lower_case_name}_SOURCE_DIR} PARENT_SCOPE ) set(${PACKAGE}_BINARY_DIR ${${lower_case_name}_BINARY_DIR} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() # splits a package option function(cpm_parse_option OPTION) string(REGEX MATCH "^[^ ]+" OPTION_KEY "${OPTION}") string(LENGTH "${OPTION}" OPTION_LENGTH) string(LENGTH "${OPTION_KEY}" OPTION_KEY_LENGTH) if(OPTION_KEY_LENGTH STREQUAL OPTION_LENGTH) # no value for key provided, assume user wants to set option to "ON" set(OPTION_VALUE "ON") else() math(EXPR OPTION_KEY_LENGTH "${OPTION_KEY_LENGTH}+1") string(SUBSTRING "${OPTION}" "${OPTION_KEY_LENGTH}" "-1" OPTION_VALUE) endif() set(OPTION_KEY "${OPTION_KEY}" PARENT_SCOPE ) set(OPTION_VALUE "${OPTION_VALUE}" PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction() # guesses the package version from a git tag function(cpm_get_version_from_git_tag GIT_TAG RESULT) string(LENGTH ${GIT_TAG} length) if(length EQUAL 40) # GIT_TAG is probably a git hash set(${RESULT} 0 PARENT_SCOPE ) else() string(REGEX MATCH "v?([0123456789.]*).*" _ ${GIT_TAG}) set(${RESULT} ${CMAKE_MATCH_1} PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endfunction() # guesses if the git tag is a commit hash or an actual tag or a branch name. function(cpm_is_git_tag_commit_hash GIT_TAG RESULT) string(LENGTH "${GIT_TAG}" length) # full hash has 40 characters, and short hash has at least 7 characters. if(length LESS 7 OR length GREATER 40) set(${RESULT} 0 PARENT_SCOPE ) else() if(${GIT_TAG} MATCHES "^[a-fA-F0-9]+$") set(${RESULT} 1 PARENT_SCOPE ) else() set(${RESULT} 0 PARENT_SCOPE ) endif() endif() endfunction() function(cpm_prettify_package_arguments OUT_VAR IS_IN_COMMENT) set(oneValueArgs NAME FORCE VERSION GIT_TAG DOWNLOAD_ONLY GITHUB_REPOSITORY GITLAB_REPOSITORY BITBUCKET_REPOSITORY GIT_REPOSITORY SOURCE_DIR FIND_PACKAGE_ARGUMENTS NO_CACHE SYSTEM GIT_SHALLOW EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL SOURCE_SUBDIR ) set(multiValueArgs URL OPTIONS DOWNLOAD_COMMAND) cmake_parse_arguments(CPM_ARGS "" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) foreach(oneArgName ${oneValueArgs}) if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_${oneArgName}) if(${IS_IN_COMMENT}) string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR "#") endif() if(${oneArgName} STREQUAL "SOURCE_DIR") string(REPLACE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} "\${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" CPM_ARGS_${oneArgName} ${CPM_ARGS_${oneArgName}} ) endif() string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR " ${oneArgName} ${CPM_ARGS_${oneArgName}}\n") endif() endforeach() foreach(multiArgName ${multiValueArgs}) if(DEFINED CPM_ARGS_${multiArgName}) if(${IS_IN_COMMENT}) string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR "#") endif() string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR " ${multiArgName}\n") foreach(singleOption ${CPM_ARGS_${multiArgName}}) if(${IS_IN_COMMENT}) string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR "#") endif() string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR " \"${singleOption}\"\n") endforeach() endif() endforeach() if(NOT "${CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" STREQUAL "") if(${IS_IN_COMMENT}) string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR "#") endif() string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR " ") foreach(CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENT ${CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR " ${CPM_ARGS_UNPARSED_ARGUMENT}") endforeach() string(APPEND PRETTY_OUT_VAR "\n") endif() set(${OUT_VAR} ${PRETTY_OUT_VAR} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction()